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The things that i feel that this game is missing


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So, i think warframe is a fantastic game, it would even be a great pay to play game. As it is > It's free to play, which is even better!

However, i would like to see some pretty serious changes to the game and i believe that they're needed as well. The changes that i'm about to propose would be a game changer for this entire game. So listen up, people, and DE.


- There is no end-game. I feel that this is a massive flaw in the game design. There should be an end-game, whether that is the ability to farm frames or weapons, there is a definite lack of it. There is no end-game. Especially now that you have to do fissures, and i hate fissures. I'll tell you why as well: 


1: You don't get to choose the game mode, meaning; Voids were better in every aspect (My opinion, you're allowed to disagree).

2: It's inefficient when compared to back in the day voids, really, we should at the very least be allowed to choose game mode.

^Those are two massive issues that i'm having with the state of this game right now. I think the change is absolutely pointless and redundant. I do. The OLD system was better and an old way of doing things should never be better than the new way. 


Also, if you do think they're better than they were before then please tell my as to why you think so, i am interested. It's just that having to wait for the missions that you want to do is absolutely 100% redundant and straight up boring to me. Personal opinion though.




I think DE should make an actual end-game. The end-game right now is basically farming everything to max level, which doesnt take very long to do. Now i don't know why i have been de-leveled (Seriously, it's freaking stupid), but i have ben de-ranked - Hard. I went from MR 18 to 10. Why? Why have i been punished? I played this games since 2013, release. I was max MR for an eternity, i quit for ONE year and when i return i find that i've been DE-Ranked to hell. That does NOT make me want to give this game another shot, in fact - i think it's EXTREMELY STUPID. It literally made me want to quit the second i re-installed the game and logged on. 


Summary: Make an end-game, don't allow people to P2w Frames.


I'd also like to point out the fact that Destiny 2 is RIGHT AROUND the corner. One month. DE has to make some very MAJOR changes to this game so as to keep theirs players. Personally, after having been De-ranked to hell and having my favorite content removed; I will in fact quit, once again in favor of Destiny 2. 

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1. You must really be out of the loop about Plains of Eidolon


6 minutes ago, Jahakarr said:

Now i don't know why i have been de-leveled (Seriously, it's freaking stupid), but i have ben de-ranked - Hard. I went from MR 18 to 10.



6 minutes ago, Jahakarr said:

Why? Why have i been punished? I played this games since 2013, release. I was max MR for an eternity, i quit for ONE year and when i return i find that i've been DE-Ranked to hell. That does NOT make me want to give this game another shot, in fact - i think it's EXTREMELY STUPID. It literally made me want to quit the second i re-installed the game and logged on. 

Take off the tin foil, it looks dumb.

Edited by Kaotyke
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you do know that DE is currently EXTREMELY busy with the next update, right? if you look around the forums a bit, you'll see a ton of posts that mention PoE, which in this case means the Plains of Eidalon, its slated to be one of the single biggest updates in quite some time.


as for the void stuff, while i like the void, i hated the old void system, it had no variety and you got stuck in the same missions on the same tilesets all the time, not to mention that the non-endless missions were even worse for getting what you wanted than even running a pub fissure with all intact relics. its much easier now to actually get what you want

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1. Endgame wont be for a very long time. Safe to say DE are working towards an end-game, but this is more of the *Story evolves with every update and we'll eventually get to the end.* kind of game. That, or you could say Fashionframe is endgame. 

2. The Void needs a bit of work, but that will hardly fix it. I just want them to be as useful again. I don't see the point in making it so you get a mission wheel every-time you click on one. And what would be the unlocking mechanic for that? But if you mean the Void Relic system, well, we've got a new system now, and I'm sure DE has received that complaint before. I don't see it changing. 

3. MR doesn't mean much at all. A person, which the right tools, can reach MR 24 in 24 days. All MR does is dictate what MR locked items you can use. And the game has to be updated and balanced, so we're sorry you lost MR, but it really isn't that big a deal. 

Destiny 2: Honestly, you can play Warframe and Destiny all you'd like. They aren't rivals. The amount of people who would do that are very low. And besides. PoE. 


Edited by Spartan336
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I feel like the people who decide that they have to level everything in the game and win are really missing out on the game. They're going A to B and then get upset when they get to B.

I don't know why you got deranked but from my perspective you are very upset about something I would shrug off  so I can't really feel for you. Go have fun in Destiny 2 but you don't have to get so upset.

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I feel the game need more quests like The Second Dream and The War Within and more exploration (Plains of Eidolon is coming and that's great!).

The Second Dream and The War Within are amazing thanks to the story and the cutscenes. Doing these two quests give me the real sensation of being in the world of Warframe.


Also, I notice some planets reuse the same landscape. It would be nice having different kind of landscape for each planets.

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1 minute ago, Rixuel said:



Also, I notice some planets reuse the same landscape. It would be nice having different kind of landscape for each planets.

They've kinda done that already, but not to the fullest extent they can. You can expect more things like this over time.

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1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

Have you seen the footage of the game in Alpha? We only had the Corpus ship as a title set then.

I didn't. I'm a few months old with Warframe o.o but from what I heard and what people said, I believe DE did a very great job to keep this game fresh and up to date.

Adding more unique landscape for each planets won't hurt the game, but currently, I know it's not the top priority. So it's not an emergency. I can wait lol


Btw, how it looks like before with the corpus ship as a title set? o.o

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1 minute ago, Rixuel said:

Btw, how it looks like before with the corpus ship as a title set? o.o

Well, the atmosphere was darker, game had a slower pace... to give an idea, the roll distance... get in the game and take 4 steps forward, walking. All graphcis were updated compared to 2012-2013.

Take a look.




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PoE is gonna be having current end game content but due to spoilers can tell you what that might be so either wait or looking around for more content.

Tower keys were changed to relics to allow DE to instead of each time new primes came in an out having to change the drop tables for everything they isntead just stop certain relics from dropping an have new relics drop instead. This also done to make the game less grindy.

*looks at the many different mission types that are offered* um you sure you cant choose your own game mode as think your missing something.

there now general sense of progression in the game with the star chart an :D from what i been told the new star chart is pretty much revamp of a older version but with challenges stopping you from going to certain ones.

If your gonna complain about a game that is free an compare it to a game that you have to pay to play it then your not in the right place. Please either learn to stick with a game an stay updated on it instead of jumping head first an have a lil fit cause soo much has changed

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6 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

Well, the atmosphere was darker, game had a slower pace... to give an idea, the roll distance... get in the game and take 4 steps forward, walking. All graphcis were updated compared to 2012-2013.

Take a look.

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A lot has changed :o

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What's with the sneaky Destiny 2 advertisement lately? Warframe and Destiny 2 aren't even close to each other. Warframe is a third person horde slaughter game with focus on supernatural techno ninjas, and Destiny 2 is a generic "look i have super powers"-type of FPS set in space. Woo hoo, CoD did that as well, before Destiny 2.

Seriously, stop comparing a delicious chunk of maturing camembert with a glass full of old milk that tries very hard to be considered cheese.

Edited by Ferah_Frithu
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1 hour ago, Jahakarr said:

I'd also like to point out the fact that Destiny 2 is RIGHT AROUND the corner. One month. DE has to make some very MAJOR changes to this game so as to keep theirs players. Personally, after having been De-ranked to hell and having my favorite content removed; I will in fact quit, once again in favor of Destiny 2. 

Oh good grief. The game will exist, and flourish without you, so you can spare us the arbitrary threats. DE have demonstrated they're confident in their own game time and time again, the latest example being their congratulatory tweet to Bungie regarding Destiny 2.

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1 hour ago, Jahakarr said:

I think DE should make an actual end-game.

Let me pose to you the questions I ask everyone who says this. 

1) Define 'endgame'. 

Endgame is literally content at the end of the game. Since Warframe has no end, there can - by definition - be no endgame. 


2) Semantics aside, what do YOU want out of 'endgame'? Have a good idea? Now compare that to something someone else wants out of it. And the several million other people who play the game.

There is literally NOTHING the devs can do to please even the majority of us with content that represents "endgame" since nobody has the same vision of what it should be. There is no way to make anything truly challenging in Warframe solely because of how easy it is for us to find workarounds with abilities and the like. With the way some weapons scale, it would also be absurdly hard to make challenging enemies that have no frustrating mechanics, such as invulnerability. 


All that in mind, do you really think DE can just make some form of challenging and interesting content for everyone? It's not something they've been intentionally holding out on. There's just no feasible way to do it, otherwise they would have shut the vets up a long time ago.

Other games with 'endgames' have a linear scale of power - measurable progression - based on the gear you have available. Warframe does not. You can get extremely powerful with little time invested into the game thanks to how grossly easy it is to burn through mastery ranks and how easy it is to mod weapons. There's no way to establish a power scale when nothing in the game has any benchmarks aside from junction/quest completion and MR neither of which are indicative of the power of the players.

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i think the game is fine...i started playing this game in 2013 and took a break still kicking my but for not gheting the founders pack oh well on another note people have no ideea how hard the game was back when it first came out...leveling a frame and wepons wold take you around 1 month for one main reason you didnt have high level planets like now that people can help you level up fast you had to play all the missions that wold give small xp...leveling a mod ? ha...i laugh at how easy it is now...before you had to eather stack the same mod on top of another or ghet bronze/silver/gold mod booster things i forgot the name the game was so grindy it was insane....now the game is at a state that its fun to grind for stuff and you feel like you ir gheting rewarded for what you ir doing !

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2 hours ago, Jahakarr said:


1: You don't get to choose the game mode, meaning; Voids were better in every aspect (My opinion, you're allowed to disagree).


And how where you allowed to choose mission in void ? if the part was in survival you had to run 100s of survival until you got it only 1 option.  The fissures you have choose as the missions type rotate so you can do your defense if that what you want or your exterminate if that what you want and so on.

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43 minutes ago, Emolition said:

And how where you allowed to choose mission in void ?

To be fair to the OP, they ARE correct about this. 

Old void had every single mission type available so long as you had keys to do it. If you wanted to do a T4 survival, you just had to go grab a key and do it. Now, however, you have to wait for that Axi survival to show up because Fissures are RNG and the mission types are not always types you want to do.

So, objectively, keys were slightly better QoL in terms of doing mission types you WANT to do as opposed to having to pick from what just happens to be available (and, as we all know, that's not always fun). Relics are better for farming, yes, but Towers gave you a bit more freedom in the missions you had access to at any given time. No reliance on RNG letting you do things you want to do. 


That said, I still don't agree with what the OP is saying. But they do have a point about old void being less crappy in terms of mission variety. 

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Another week, another "Void tower topic"

Tell you what, OP - you are Ok. I also miss the void with the solo T4 shenanigans.  I also miss felling special because majority of the player base was not able to attain most of the prime sets due to t4 being a pain in the backside (especially before u18 Focus and sortie). I am just self self aware to a cetain point, which prohibits me to say that the Void system was good for everyone

Because it was not. It was not end game either, it was cheese frame all the way.

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