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Why most people that start playing Warframe leave the next day.


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While i do agree that hand-holding is bad in games, leaving you lost and alone at mojave star chart desert is far from ideal.
Take Megaman for example. The old ones. They didn't have a tutorial, but to pass through the first moments the game would SHOW you it's mechanics. Wall jumping, dashing, whatever. The game made sure you knew what you need to know, so you didn't get hopelessly lost later.

I started warframe about 2 months ago, so i have a fresh and updated look on this issue.
First problem, as pointed in the first post, is that many VITAL mechanics were not pointed out. In Vor's Prize theres something like "here, equip a mod". So okay, i did. What not? "lol idk git gud" Of course, the friend that introduced me pointed out some stuff that helped.
I'm very fond of researching the games i play, so inevitably i opened the wiki and read EVERYTHING. That was my way of learning warframe. I didn't know that codex had tutorials and have never done a single one. I discovered you can latch onto walls while doing Lua Spy. Yes, just then.
So i can confirm that early guidance would do wonders, if not overdone.
And for the souls fanboyos, Dark Souls DO HAVE a tutorial, even if ruthless. They have it all written in soapstone and theres a lot of stuff you have to do before getting to firelink/majula that helps teaching you things.

But i disagree about the broken mods. It's very clearly written DAMAGED. What wasn't clear was the tutorial on mods. Do i get to fix this damaged mod? Can i upgrade it to a normal one? Where do i get mods? How do i transmute? Should i transmute? And much more.

For me the biggest problem BY FAR was slots. Too few slots, for too many new stuff. A new player doesn't know what is good or bad, what they should keep or delete. Many thanks to my friend that almost shouted me never to delete a frame, unless i had it's prime.
And then you say "sell stuff for plat, you dont need to pay". Oh yeah, i'll sell all this beginner stuff. WTS DAMAGED CONTINUITY. ANYONE WANTS THIS CRAP? NO?
Not to mention that when you have so little stuff, you want to keep the nicer things, not sell them. And before someone try to bring rivens up: if the player has rivens, they already got to play the game for a decent while.

What i'd suggest as solutions are:
1-After Vor's Prize, insert a text prompt. Warn everyone "You can do additional tutorials on the codex *insert codex computer on ship picture here* Make sure to refer to it if you need to learn anything else or if you get stuck"
DONE. No hand-holding. You want a tutorial? Click here and do it. You dont? Have fun, the game is there.
2-Make additional and improved tutorials on mods and loot. Either on the codex or in a mission. This is really needed ANYWHERE.
3-Either remove inventory limit, give players more starting slots or give an actual free to play option for them. An example for the latter is a one-time bundle for credits in the market.
4-Star Chart is pretty confusing at the start, but taking the player missions by mission would be a bad case of hand-holding. What i suggest then is a simple Lotus transmission "Tenno, you will be in charge of choosing your missions from now on. Check Navigation and look for Junctions to unlock new areas. Good luck Tenno. Kisses from space mom; Remember to take your jacket."

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8 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

You get a streamline and its damaged but you don't even know what that means and youre like "COOL I CAN CAST THINGS EASIER" then you find one that isn't damaged and it sits in your inventory because you still haven't learned the difference yet

If this is the caliber of player that needs a tutorial then one has to wonder how they get dressed in the morning.

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Warframe has this tradition of "everything is in wikia" to hide unsightly stuffs. Modding is not confusing but the faster they reach high metas the faster they will notice that the game is unbalanced, the game needs time to let players build up sunk cost fallacy by grinding or buying a lot before that. Putting the lessons on external sources helps delay the inevitable. 

Let's see the years old nagging list 

- Hitscan danmaku makes no sense

- Zero strategy map design 

- OHKO environments 

- Monotonous CC centric 

- Arsenals Imbalance, especially frames with minimal def meta and/or armor stripping abilities. Sniper and precision based weapons are hard gated by armor.

- Power Spamming and Power erasing are horrendously balanced on both side results in i/o peekaboo map kiting. 

- Extremely clunky archwing with neither proper dogfight elements nor mech based controls.

- Clutterfked battlefield leaves no room for timing mechanics. 

- Dumb AI-invisibility interactions, it doesn't act as advertised, last known location, suppressive fire, retaliation, noise mechanics, alert systems these are underdeveloped jokes for years so that you can repeatedly steamroll spy mission by invis because they want you to grind.

"Warframe gameplay is fine" is only applied to Vor's prize quest, beyond that it's a joke. It's good for them to leave early. 


Bell shape difficulty is nice for player filtration, people who analyze the game will find it broken and people who have too little commitment will leave early, what's left is the perfect spectrum for the business model contains high amount of whales and no-lifers.

Edited by Volinus7
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8 hours ago, TheGreatNappa said:

What i suggest then is a simple Lotus transmission "Tenno, you will be in charge of choosing your missions from now on. Check Navigation and look for Junctions to unlock new areas. Good luck Tenno. Kisses from space mom; Remember to take your jacket."

The last part of this legitimately made me LOL enough that it startled my cat. I'm quite thoroughly in agreement with the idea, though, of putting a clearer hint "read the codex, BTW, this is the codex and how you fill it" would help; letting a fan-maintained wiki spackle over the lack of information is not a good solution. I am a fairly new player (started in July), and as someone did already comment, the new player experience is not as bad anymore as it (reportedly) previously was, but while Lotus knows the game shouldn't hold your hand through everything, the new player experience could be improved by better explaining some of the core mechanics in-game. Hek, even having Ordis only use his line "Operator, you have remembered well how the Tenno arm themselves" when you actually have improved your mod loadout would be a bit of a hint that you're heading in the right direction (though what constitutes "improvement" can be highly subjective, depending on play style, and contextual, depending on the weapon/frame in question).

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5 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

Warframe has this tradition of "everything is in wikia" to hide unsightly stuffs. Modding is not confusing but the faster they reach high metas the faster they will notice that the game is unbalanced, the game needs time to let players build up sunk cost fallacy by grinding or buying a lot before that. Putting the lessons on external sources helps delay the inevitable. 

Let's see the years old nagging list 

- Hitscan danmaku make no sense

- Zero strategy map design 

- OHKO environments 

- Monotonous CC centric 

- Arsenals Imbalance, especially frames with minimal def meta and/or armor stripping abilities. Sniper and precision based weapons are hard gated by armor.

- Power Spamming and Power erasing are horrendously balanced on both side results in i/o peekaboo map kiting. 

- Extremely clunky archwing with neither proper dogfight elements nor mech based controls.

- Clutterfked battlefield leaves no room for timing mechanics. 

- Dumb AI-invisibility interactions, it doesn't act as advertised, last known location, suppressive fire, retaliation, noise mechanics, alert systems these are underdeveloped jokes for years so that you can repeatedly steamroll spy mission by invis because they want you to grind.

"Warframe gameplay is fine" is only applied to Vor's prize quest, beyond that it's a joke. It's good for them to leave early. 


Bell shape difficulty is nice for player filtration, people who analyze the game will find it broken and people who have too little commitment will leave early, what's left is the perfect spectrum for the business model contains high amount of whales and no-lifers.

There are legitimate points in here:

  • I'm in my Nezha madly sprinting to an objective, turn a corner and hit a nullifier? Good bye warding halo, hello getting shot to pieces.
  • I would like if Archwing had true 6 degree of freedom movement (although that could be a nightmare on Corpus maps, since they're a bit on the cramped side), but strongly suspect it would require substantial engine alterations to implement.
  • The stealth could definitely use a few coats of polish, though Warframe is not really a stealth-based game most of the time; I doubt the dev team wants (or has the spare time) to implement things like "last seen position" (though a "you set off the alarms so many times that nobody believes it anymore when you hack them" could be done relatively simply, since it would essentially just be a counter).

Got a question, though: if you hold that the game is broken, and that the only people who play it for long are "whales and no-lifers", why do you still play it? Seriously; your post count and account creation time indicate you've been playing a long time, and something keeps you coming back.

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17 hours ago, peger said:

It's not only WF. People start playing "new" game, and after day or two they lose interest.

Because today's players are too stupid (yes i said it, you can now lynch me) and expect the game will lead them by hand.

There are players being idiots and then there's absolutely convoluted, confusing, unnecessarily complex enigmatic design, there's a saying that UI is like a joke, if it needs an explanation it isn't good, I'm almost certain the same applies to every other part of gameplay or software development as a whole.

There can be numerous cues hidden in plain sight, objects that draw attention to them that contrast with the environment but at the same time aren't jarringly out of place, they draw attention and guide player to the solution of the puzzle.

Instead in Warframe most "fancy mechanic" boss rely either on invulnerability periods completely out of control of the player or the answer to the puzzle is so well hidden players will only stumble on it through sheer persistence and luck, or they get carried by someone who already figured out this crap.

There are Nox units or Corrupted Vor, their weakzones are distinct and easily recognizable, they give you instant feedback, they draw attention. Then there are things like Lech Kril and the magical backpack with tiny glowing spot that isn't even that bright and the whole mechanic was completely broken for what I reckon were years. End even then the fight relies on the AI having to perform one specific attack that cannot be consistently forced by the player, it's an epitome of bad design.

It is a puzzle, but the pieces are blank and spread over four different boxes.

Edited by JuicyButthurt
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2 minutes ago, SpoonyBrad said:

There are legitimate points in here:

  • I'm in my Nezha madly sprinting to an objective, turn a corner and hit a nullifier? Good bye warding halo, hello getting shot to pieces.
  • I would like if Archwing had true 6 degree of freedom movement (although that could be a nightmare on Corpus maps, since they're a bit on the cramped side), but strongly suspect it would require substantial engine alterations to implement.
  • The stealth could definitely use a few coats of polish, though Warframe is not really a stealth-based game most of the time; I doubt the dev team wants (or has the spare time) to implement things like "last seen position" (though a "you set off the alarms so many times that nobody believes it anymore when you hack them" could be done relatively simply, since it would essentially just be a counter).

Got a question, though: if you hold that the game is broken, and that the only people who play it for long are "whales and no-lifers", why do you still play it? Seriously; your post count and account creation time indicate you've been playing a long time, and something keeps you coming back.

I'm waiting for DE to un-dumb their game, devs and players usually pin the blame on grinding as the cause of why things are what they are which is illogical. Why people want powercreep? To ease their grinding? Then someone says no no no WF isn't as grindy as KMMO, the hypocritical cycle has been created in this forum many times. The thing is you still need to grind and the balance is still broken. You pay with either time or money but what you get is a Cookieclicker game.

Let's say there's no grinding, no sunk cost fallacy and people can refund, I doubt that there's still a thousand hours vet that can still ignore the chronic issues in game's megastructure. 


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16 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

young gamers have grown too used to been pandered to every little aspect they cannot function without tutorial on everything game has

kinda sad isn't it?

i second this. the game is 4 years old, making money and evolving.  Who just jumps into a game they have no idea about and spends money on it?  Never spent $1 from day 1 and explanation were very poor in the beginning.  Theres a difference between having a brain and using it.

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17 hours ago, (Xbox One)SgtFunBun said:

found the souls player


Some of us found our way before there were tutorials.  Some of us hail from an era of games without tutorials, and maze like maps.  We managed to make our way through those maps regardless.

I'm with Peger's on this one:  an overwhelming number of game players today have zero learning capability.  They literally need information shoved through their eyeballs and ears and even sometimes someone needs to set up everything for them  to figure anything out. 

I knew a player that was absolutely AWFUL at figuring things out on their own, and relies solely on guides to tell them the best effective builds and kind of ruins co-op games by basically strictly following a META and ultimately playing the game for the rest of the group.  Without those guides, he's only dead weight, like trying to put up with a toddler that barely comprehends that they should left click on the bad guys.

I knew a player in an MMO that basically wouldn't play the game on their own, and I dropped them when I realized I was basically running their quests for them.

I once met a player that couldn't figure out WASD movement and actually spent an hour trying to teach them...


I'm sorry, but while better, clearer tutorials that even take away control from a player for demonstrative purposes would do a lot for Warframe's newbies, there comes a point when a player can be too stupid to help, and the number of them seems to be growing.  Mind, I imagine these people are the same people to freak out of Window's 8's "touch-like start up screen" (sadly, they're not.)  ...Like PC users are strangers to icons on a flat space.  The desktop has been a thing since the early 1990's, NOTHING CHANGED BUT THE BACKGROUND, and still people flipped their $#!%.  An unnecessary change I'll admit, but one I completely understood with the rise of smart phones, but the backlash was trump.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm inclined to believe people are closer to being handicapped by their own lack of learning/comprehension capability.  Not unintelligent, but not because they could figure things out on their own.  Consider that people are prone to hysterics and hyperbole when confronted with something that smashes against their belief of what they know or think should be and mix in the inability or refusal to accept any alternative approach and you get "stupid."  My definition of "stupid" anyway.


For the topic of mod management, I think the mod management terminal might be initially throwing too much information at the player just opening it up.  DE should probably show a player's mod collection AFTER they've selected "fuse mods/sell mods/transmutation/dissolve" instead of the backwards "select a mod(s) THEN pick what you want to do with it" approach they've got going now.


Edited by Littleman88
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25 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

found the souls player


25 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

there comes a point when a player can be too stupid to help, and the number of them seems to be growing

And found the grumpy old man. Not that I haven't been guilty of it at times, and yes, I'm not entirely in disagreement, but please remain respectful, Tenno. Remember that younger players grew up in an era of a tutorials, minimaps and quest markers, and even some of us old-timers have gotten used to them as they're such a prevalent thing nowadays. Again, not handing out everything on a silver platter, but the sheer information overload that Warframe can throw at a new player is a bit excessive as the number of different mechanics has grown over the years.

I think this thread has gotten a bit off the rails (and I need to sleep), so I shall refrain from further commenting.

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6 minutes ago, SpoonyBrad said:


And found the grumpy old man. Not that I haven't been guilty of it at times, and yes, I'm not entirely in disagreement, but please remain respectful, Tenno. Remember that younger players grew up in an era of a tutorials, minimaps and quest markers, and even some of us old-timers have gotten used to them as they're such a prevalent thing nowadays. Again, not handing out everything on a silver platter, but the sheer information overload that Warframe can throw at a new player is a bit excessive as the number of different mechanics has grown over the years.

I think this thread has gotten a bit off the rails (and I need to sleep), so I shall refrain from further commenting.

Not a grumpy old man, just one with standards I've seen many fail to even come close to, and they're not even high standards - they're baseline-to-even-function standards.  I get it if people need a little help from time to time to figure something out despite all the poking and prodding they're doing on their own, but if they can't figure out WASD, with helpthey are hopeless. 

Respect is earned, and it's actually not that hard to earn.

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I agreed, The most we need to improve for new players is... TUTORIAL... Make players understand How.

even me, I learned it all alone. Without youtube-ing, I never watch any warframe youtubers or Follow any Youtubers mods,fashion and so on, I dont even know who is warframe Youtubers and My friend MAD at me bcos of that Lmao. all i made by my ownself it takes time but  satisfied .

At 1st i played with friend, and again all my friend that played with me start MR0 not more than MR7 8. and 1 of them already play long enough than me, all of them are GONE! Now. I just curious

in my experienced Those Who re QUIT! or STOP! or GIVE UP! are MOSTLY from FPS and MOBA players.  i always trying to bring them back but until now they still like in doubt. I wont force them or else, they with their own and im with my own.

 I asked them then their replied is all about Grinding, RNG too hard, not understand, HARD.  <<< and This must NOT be a REASON warframe should be change to become more easy. NO! I OBJECT,  WARFRAME is an PROFESSIONAL GAMES , HARDCORE & Its The ADVANCED F2P Game Ever. and Yes it is not like L.O.L , DOTA 2, CSGO  its MORE far beyond than those TREND games  

 And they also mentioned too many NERFED  they Highlight word NERFED loudly and they C&P it more than 5x and 1 of my friend mentioned ASH 4th  yes i know it main warframe is ASH, & synoid simulor. I dunno how gud the synoid simulor is i never have it he said "ASH not PURE anymore and Mirrage  1th caused Synoid Simulor NERFED.  Nerfed synoid simulor but not mirrage 1th or the usage of mirrage 1th on synoid simulor"

and yea im the last man standing in the squad who carryon playing warframe. and i would to see more warframe features.  

Few of my friends playing it on Console  too  bad we CANT meet each other. I just Wondering If  WARFRAME can CROSS-PLATFORM

if other games can made CROSS-PLATFORM why not WARFRAME?  


Edited by --Caranthir-Ar-Feiniel--
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22 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

No genius, wiki should not be required to being able to understand how to mod or when to go to progress in the starchat. There I said it. It's norma lto teach basics. Wf is horrible in it. I recently picked up Gigantic and in a short tutorial it explained probably 90% of game's mechanics that you need to know asap to start playing. It takes 5 minutes. Compared to WF it is. so. well . done. holy crp.

Also damaged mods shouldn't be a thing. They're just useless, period. The least you can do is to give new players normal serration and streamline or whatever Vor drops. Seriously it would not kill you DE.

Some developers are bad at making tutorials that's all. It doesn't mean they're useless or hurt anyone. And it's 2017, you can skip most if you want.

Yeah and it's called crp design.

Considering that to this day even veteran players at times not sure does ability x do y or not because DE didn't bother to tell anything. I still remember all the arguing about if Frost's snowglobe stacks or not or if desecrate gives more credits. It's simply laziness and the lack of transparency.

Damaged mods.

Mk1 weapons.

No info about mods, their use, acquiring them. Taking 10-100 runs per boss to get basic, non-prime frame.

Of the four I know who started recently, two quit within 48 hours. A third has now quit within two weeks, saying he prefers destiny, since loot is more frequent and useful, and missions almost always give stuff you can actually use.

So...of the four I k ow, three or four weeks in...25% retention...and.i suspect it's on the way to 100% loss soon.

Edit: I should add that the third who quit did so as soon as they learned that Mk1 weapons and damaged mods are just gimped versions of normal stuff. That really irritated him. He said he felt that they were just there to make it take even longer to progress, and not for any real, justified reason

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24 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Damaged mods.

Mk1 weapons.

No info about mods, their use, acquiring them. Taking 10-100 runs per boss to get basic, non-prime frame.

Of the four I know who started recently, two quit within 48 hours. A third has now quit within two weeks, saying he prefers destiny, since loot is more frequent and useful, and missions almost always give stuff you can actually use.

So...of the four I k ow, three or four weeks in...25% retention...and.i suspect it's on the way to 100% loss soon.

Edit: I should add that the third who quit did so as soon as they learned that Mk1 weapons and damaged mods are just gimped versions of normal stuff. That really irritated him. He said he felt that they were just there to make it take even longer to progress, and not for any real, justified reason

Honestly those feel like excuses to me, there were going to find a reason to leave either way, if they like destiny more then go play destiny.

I am no fan of lot of things of this game i agree that is a high learning curve for new players. But if you like the game you will stay or you will come back. Period,

Everything else are excuses.

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Dudes, although I agree there's a ton of gamers now that hardly want a challenge or even put effort into a game and it's rotting the gaming industry inside and out. .believe me I can't stand it!

This thread was about Warframes initial experience for new players, not changing the game itself beyond giving some light explanations to guide new players better than what exists now. I don't think this is a bad thing at all! I really think players could get better explanation and it's not going to put a dent on the edginess of those of us who like a challenge. .that's not what the thread was about

Sure lots of us found a way through it anyway, are used to a different era of gaming and so on. .but let's not be so dense that we can't acknowledge that players might need a little help getting started. .not everyone works the same way or has the sensibility to self navigate or quite frankly the patience for a game starting out. .I'd rather Warframe welcomes new players through a sense of playing and getting more players on board than losing them to frustration! Let's at least give them a strong foundation of understanding core mechanics and features. .that's not going to hurt anybody. .I think??

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19 minutes ago, komoriblues said:

Dudes, although I agree there's a ton of gamers now that hardly want a challenge or even put effort into a game and it's rotting the gaming industry inside and out. .believe me I can't stand it!

This thread was about Warframes initial experience for new players, not changing the game itself beyond giving some light explanations to guide new players better than what exists now. I don't think this is a bad thing at all! I really think players could get better explanation and it's not going to put a dent on the edginess of those of us who like a challenge. .that's not what the thread was about

Sure lots of us found a way through it anyway, are used to a different era of gaming and so on. .but let's not be so dense that we can't acknowledge that players might need a little help getting started. .not everyone works the same way or has the sensibility to self navigate or quite frankly the patience for a game starting out. .I'd rather Warframe welcomes new players through a sense of playing and getting more players on board than losing them to frustration!

I'm pretty sure a major chunk of the population of "veteran" players do just that--help newer players--and happily so. This has certainly been my own experience (which is, truthfully, all I can speak from) and has reportedly been the experience of many others.

You say "sense of playing" but to acquire that one must...you know...actually play the game. Those that quit within days or even weeks...well...I have little sympathy for them, personally. I likely wouldn't want them around as is, since they can't seem to engage enough to commit to learning something. I encourage them to find another game that may satisfy them.

There have been some very useful suggestions so far in this thread and a few more obvious pointers to things like the Codex and star chart are great. I do think, however, that because there is so much going on in WF that it would be ridiculous to try to punch it all into a step-by-step tutorial right out the gate--talk about information overload?!


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On 9/29/2017 at 12:26 AM, KillerXDIZ said:

Recently i've got some friends to play Warframe, some even invested money in the game for platinum, but most of them left the game barely after starting. From 4 people only 1 stayed. All of them liked the core aspects of the game but the problems faced early made em leave the game. This sounds like a really big deal, a good introduction is very important.

I'm here to mention their biggest complaints about why they left the game.

The first one is that they felt completely lost after defeating Vor. They didn't know what to do or where to go. They didn't know how to do things. They didn't know why do things.

The biggest problem was with the mods. Most of the mods recieved during Vor tutorial missions are broken, but nowhere it's mentioned to the new player that broken mods are weakened versions of the original mods. Also the information about upgrading and interacting with mods is very limited or no-existant within the game. The only way to acquire knowledge about mods is either by acquiring it externally from the core game (Community, Wikipedia etc) or by experience (Test and Trial).

This feels absurdly ridiculous that even though mods are such a huge part of the game, there's not a single tutorial early on talking about them. This tutorial talking about Mods should already exist. The codex tutorial is awful, that small pieces of text barely teach players anything.

To keep people in the game, the tutorial needs more information and after defeating vor, more orientation. There needs to be a heavier movement tutorial also, most of them didn't know how to make most special moves, like bullet jump or air glide. The tutorial in Warframe in it's current state is lacking some very important content that players use constantly in every run.


I'm not saying that the game needs to tell people everything they have to do, but that there's barely any information about mods in any moment in the tutorials even though it's a huge part of Warframe. The game shouldn't tell you where to go but to where you could go, because until Vor, you will be constantly sent in a straight sequence of missions and suddenly a star chart is in your face. This could be prevented if the Star Chart was used more directly from the beggining.

U should asked your friend, then how those veteran got through those hard time? This game is 4year old if everyone complaining about these then how come still got some achieved to the peak? Some time i started to think why i can do it other cannot?

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This game is much more worst than now but why some veteran able to got through the hard times but yet now those new player keep complaining.. I really feel insulted because i started this game 1year but in the end i dun face any of the complain they mention.. Maybe this game is for real player..

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On 9/29/2017 at 12:19 PM, (Xbox One)Spaztic Magic said:

I'm pretty sure a major chunk of the population of "veteran" players do just that--help newer players--and happily so. This has certainly been my own experience (which is, truthfully, all I can speak from) and has reportedly been the experience of many others.

You say "sense of playing" but to acquire that one must...you know...actually play the game. Those that quit within days or even weeks...well...I have little sympathy for them, personally. I likely wouldn't want them around as is, since they can't seem to engage enough to commit to learning something. I encourage them to find another game that may satisfy them.

There have been some very useful suggestions so far in this thread and a few more obvious pointers to things like the Codex and star chart are great. I do think, however, that because there is so much going on in WF that it would be ridiculous to try to punch it all into a step-by-step tutorial right out the gate--talk about information overload?!


Bingo. Warframe has so many mechanics that a hand-holding walkthrough for everything from basic movement to riven mods all at once would be a massive dose of information overload. Making a few clear pointers to "codex has tutorials" and "here's how the star map works" would legitimately help new players.

There are a lot of moving parts to Warframe, and somebody who doesn't like the core gameplay isn't going to commit to it for long anyway, but making things somewhat more clear for a new player who does like the core gameplay is a good idea.

I'm hardly a veteran (I started playing in July), but I do happily try to help newer players than me on "this is how your abilities work, this is the downside to it, this is what self-damage from a launcher can do to you (it's not like we need rocket jumping when we already have bullet jumping), etc.". If playing lower level alerts, sometimes I'll even equip a Gammacor to use as a laser pointer for "here's where you need to go next", since some of the tilesets are legitimately unintuitive to navigate.

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On 9/28/2017 at 9:58 AM, StinkyPygmy said:

The wiki is great, but you shouldn't HAVE to go there for any kind of detail on mostly basic information. 

You dont have to go outside the game for that resource. It is a social game with thousands of players more than willing to help, from giving directions to running missions with new players. 

I would agree with you on market and selling. Trade chat is nuts for a game this size. A large number of players use warframe market, a resource developed for the game but not within it. It makes buying and selling so much easier that I sometimes wonder why it isn't just in the game already.


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On 9/28/2017 at 7:26 PM, KillerXDIZ said:

- OP post snip-

Or also, they just didn't liked the style of the game and couldn't get into it, even after a while.

Don't get me wrong, it can totally be what you described, but I don't think most of the time that is the case. For me, for example, 3 years ago we barely had any instructions. At the very least there are a lot more now. But I liked the core of the game that much, that I could not hold myself back from playing more, or trying more stuff, regardless of mission objectives.

What I am saying, is that the most likely scenario is that they simply could not get into this type of game, just like I cannot get into Mobas, for example.

Edited by -N7-Leonhart
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9 hours ago, moose2142 said:

You dont have to go outside the game for that resource. It is a social game with thousands of players more than willing to help, from giving directions to running missions with new players. 

I would agree with you on market and selling. Trade chat is nuts for a game this size. A large number of players use warframe market, a resource developed for the game but not within it. It makes buying and selling so much easier that I sometimes wonder why it isn't just in the game already.


Yes, thats also an option. but for basic gameplay and essential information even that its somewhat counter productive and unintuitive. Hek, a lot of the older player base isn't even aware of some basic information.

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