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Mag should be the next frame DE should look at


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I have been playing Mag for a few days and it seems Mag is lackluster in every way. Her DPS is too situational, her armor stripping is useless, her Pull is only slightly useful and overall, she needs some work. I have some proposals for how to make Mag better.

1. Make Polarize work like Shattering Impact.

In case some of you didn’t know, Shattering Impact reduces enemy’s armor by a flat amount based on their base armor. That means it will strip an enemy’s armor within a certain number of hits regardless of level. Some may say that Corrosive is till better but the Higher the enemy’s level, the more shots it requires to strip armor. Shattering Impact doesn’t have this problem making it more ideal for super long endless runs. 

Mag’s Polarize doesn’t scale like that though and at higher levels. The armor strip isn’t worth the price of the ability and even Ash can do it much cheaper. The ability’s main purpose is to reduce the enemy’s defenses but it not efficient and is outclassed by every other ability who’s purpose isn’t to strip defenses. Overall, this is a bad ability.

2. Make Magnitize better for CC.

Magnitize isn’t where it should be. Enemies can easily walk out of the bubble. The pull on Magnitize should be harder and shouldn’t be just a small little slow. Make it slower or else, this ability is pretty much single target.

3. Make Pull scale

With Oberon and Hydroid in the game, it would really be a shame to see this ability get outclassed. It pulls enemies. That’s great but it Pulls them a bit too far. I think she should get a better control of her pull so that it wouldn’t be outclassed by abilities such as Valkyr’s Rip Line. 

4. Crush should scale in damage

Her Ult doesn’t do anything useful for Mag.  It’s kinda helpful for her teammates but Mag herself gets trapped in an animation. It should be changed so that Oberon’s Reckoning doesn’t completely steal her spotlight. Mag should be more useful especially because she’s a starter frame. 

I feel that Mag is completely useless in her current state because the recent buffs to Oberon and Hydroid have made her look like a garbage can. Mag should be much better mostly because she’s a starter! She needs to be better or she needs to be replaced as a starter frame. Volt and Excalibur are better than her by a long shot and I feel that it should be so that all 3 choices would be viable. I know there are Mag mains out there say how I’m just not building her right but that’s simply untrue. She’s not a good frame due to her situational requirements and I feel that that’s not a good frame to start with.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

her armor stripping is useless

Im sorry what?

Polarize is her best ability by far. Miles away from being useless. Although I do agree on your suggestions. Crush is nearly useless at anything higher than LVL 50-60. It needs... "something". Pull is a great CC, magnetize is great paired with the augment and polarize is OP against shield/armor. 

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Since I'm a Mag main, I have a feeling you're going to discount my comment.

But, while she does need some work, she isn't nearly as useless as you claim.   However, you're comparing her to two vastly different Warframes.  Of course she's not going to measure up.

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3 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

She just had a rework.


Not happening.

When? Two years ago? She’s been sitting at the bottom of the list for a while now as far as I can tell and I’ve literally never seen anyone come willingly in with Mag. Plus, this isn’t a rework. These are QoL changes. While Pull and Magnitize don’t really need buffs, I feel like they should be touched up a bit to fit the mechanics of the abilities. Magnitize is super buggy and Pull can send enemy’s flying off the map. That should be fixed at least.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)pyronarf said:

Your  complaints are more of an issue of you wanting mag to fit your playstyle rather then you adapting to the frames abilities... I can't agree with even a single point made.

How is this fitting my playstyle? These are just buffs on her numbers. They make her easier to put mods on for and are better suited for later game content. Either that or she just shouldn’t be a starter. Even with these changes, it wouldn’t really fit what I want out of Mag. She’s not as strong as a starter than Excalibur nor Volt. I’m want her to be more starter friendly so that Streamer and YouTubers won’t say that she’s the worst starter.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

When? Two years ago? She’s been sitting at the bottom of the list for a while now as far as I can tell and I’ve literally never seen anyone come willingly in with Mag. Plus, this isn’t a rework. These are QoL changes. While Pull and Magnitize don’t really need buffs, I feel like they should be touched up a bit to fit the mechanics of the abilities. Magnitize is super buggy and Pull can send enemy’s flying off the map. That should be fixed at least.

Pull is more of a CC than damage.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

When? Two years ago? She’s been sitting at the bottom of the list for a while now as far as I can tell and I’ve literally never seen anyone come willingly in with Mag. Plus, this isn’t a rework. These are QoL changes. While Pull and Magnitize don’t really need buffs, I feel like they should be touched up a bit to fit the mechanics of the abilities. Magnitize is super buggy and Pull can send enemy’s flying off the map. That should be fixed at least.

How about doing a little wiki research? Playing her for a few days doesn't make you an expert exactly lol

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)pyronarf said:

How about doing a little wiki research? Playing her for a few days doesn't make you an expert exactly lol

All of the OP was based off of Wiki, plus, why are you against these changes? These help Mag and doesn’t change the way she plays at all. She doesn’t need to deal more damage but it would be nice if the numbers were increased. She just needs better scaling when dealing with hoards of enemies. If you want to play hardcore, she would still be hardcore. Her numbers are just not realistic to deal with higher levels (except Magnitize which is pretty much her only ability that scale).

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So I take it your new to the game lol
Mag already got her rework last year, and she's fine as is now, granted, she's very energy hungry, but put a good team with her, or go solo and use any sort of energy replenishment, and you'll be able to take your survivals into the 3-4 hour mark with one arm on the keyboard while punching the clown with the other hand. You just have to learn how to play her. How this transfers over to her being a starter frame, oberon should be the starter frame. Mag is too complicated for those like you who just got her and are not familiar with how to play her. The reason us vets know is because we were around when she got her rework, thus DE basically taught us, but I knew this would happen, where newer players would have a hard time understanding how to play her. I had a hard time at first understanding lol

Polarize use to be the most overpowered ability in game, and against corpus, you'd become a god level dps nuke. With Shield Transference, you'd become a god level tank too. They nerfed this ability, but even though I agree polarize should be buffed at least a little, I believe it doesn't make Mag a high priority for a relook.

Crush is super underrated.Everyone forgets that's it's guaranteed cc. Very few abilities nowadays have this, and I'm thankful mag does. Also, since it does two instances of lifts, enemies that walk into her range during cast are also cc'd. Also, unlike other abilities, Ancient Disruptors can't reduce the duration of the stun because even if they escape the first lift, the second lift will get them again. Fracturing Crush Augment also turns Crush into one of the safest CC abilities in game, also with decent armor stripping. With Fracturing Crush, it lowers the number of corrosive procs needed to strip armor, and enemies are left helpless on the floor. It's fantastic.

Pull doesn't need scaling damage. What it needs is to A. Pull players like it use to, or B. Pull energy orbs out of enemies

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Mag could be okay with an infinitely scaling 100% armor-shield strip on Polarize and maybe ability nullifying against infested to disable auras, i don't use its 1. and 4. as they are a waste of energy and since Magnetize is single target it doesn't have much use in a horde shooter game.

As of now there is literally no point in using Mag when there are frames like Nova with an efficient cc and damage multiplier with a decent radius other than instakilling low level trash mobs with just one button with Polarize but even then Resonating Quake Banshee and WoF Ember are better at that.

For a starter frame it's probably actually great if you conserve your energy and only use Polarize when needed, the ability can speed up low level exterminations and defenses, pointless in mid-higher levels where it starts to fail to shred armor completely and uses too much energy compared to how little effect these abilities have starting at about lvl. 40.

All in all imo. starters should choose Excal anyways because it's currently the grindiest to get of the starter frames and Volt is also meh at best with no real function (other than carrying in trials but who even plays those, lol)just like Mag, Volt and Mag can be used as low level nukers though until the user gets Ember and Nova. (got to think about it, Banshee is also clan tech and can be built just as easily, hmm. anyways Mag and Volt are still good for mastery and just for the lolz)

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29 minutes ago, kgabor said:

Magnetize is single target it doesn't have much use in a horde shooter game.

Magnetize pulls every enemy in range into the bubble, it's perfect for a horde shooter. It also acts as cover for yourself if you're within the bubble.

Target one enemy, fire a Lanka projectile into Magnetize, and it's a done deal. You can also use Pull to bring more enemies into Magnetize while being protected from their fire.

29 minutes ago, kgabor said:

Volt is also meh at best with no real function (other than carrying in trials but who even plays those, lol)

Volt is very good at CC and Team support with his overload augment, his first ability gives a guaranteed electric proc and stun which is perfect for Condition Overload, and his 3 provides cover and a damage boost. He isn't just "Meh". He's a very solid frame, and his only real change needed is the damage cap on overload >.>

Edited by PoisonHD
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22 minutes ago, Doomsknight said:

Sorry, but DE need to re-rework Ash & Oberon first :P

Oberon is fine in my opinion and Ash only needs a small buff to his Bladestorm (like a bit more damage) but overall they are fine. What I think is wrong with Mag is the fact that she’s too specific. She has some really OP synergise but that’s about it unlike Volt who has his Shield and Speed. Mag doesn’t really have anything being good at killing Corpus which I almost never fight. I feel that some of her abilities are unnecessarily skewed in a way that it forces her to be weak against any other faction. All of the other frames can easily deal with the other faction except Mag. I’ve invested countless hours and I have almost played every frame (I’m missing Atlas, Nidus, Nezha, Wukong, Harrow and Ivara). None of them haven’t been able to deal with only one faction. Even Vauban has some redeeming qualities against other factions besides Infested. Overall, I think Mag does need a buff the most because she’s not as strong as some of the other frame (and I know Zephyr will be Buffed soon so that’s why I brought up Mag). I think Mag should be the next in line because she’s the next weakest frame (and maybe Atlas). 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Mag doesn’t really have anything being good at killing Corpus which I almost never fight.

Wait wait, you're exclusively using Mag on Corpus? 

You're taking a Warframe the specializes in armor stripping and you're using it against one of the least armor dependent factions?

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2 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

Magnetize pulls every enemy in range into the bubble, it's perfect for a horde shooter. It also acts as cover for yourself if you're within the bubble.

Target one enemy, fire a Lanka projectile into Magnetize, and it's a done deal.

Volt is very good at CC and Team support with his overload augment, his first ability gives a guaranteed electric proc and stun which is perfect for Condition Overload, and his 3 provides cover and a damage boost. He isn't just "Meh". He's a very solid frame, and his only real change needed is the damage cap on overload >.>

Mag relies too much on just a few weapons. She’s not very free and very restrictive which is why this post exists.

Volt’s Speed Augment is better for Condition Overload than Overload.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Wait wait, you're exclusively using Mag on Corpus? 

You're taking a Warframe the specializes in armor stripping and you're using it against one of the least armor dependent factions?

Someone mentioned only using her against Corpus and plus, Mag isn’t very good at stripping armor where I play at. She can’t handle Sorties which is the bare minimum I look for in frames.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Mag relies too much on just a few weapons. She’s not very free and very restrictive which is why this post exists.

Volt’s Speed Augment is better for Condition Overload than Overload.

I said Volt's first, not Overload. His first is a basically free stun with an electric proc. I mentioned Overload as team support in regards to the overload augment, not as adding to condition overload. His speed augment is much better for Condition overload, but I (And I'm not alone in this I know) don't like running two augments on a frame at once, since it restricts my modding so much, so I mentioned his first ability for Condition Overload in regards to using a Overload support build.


Also, I run Mag with a wide variety of weapons, and have no trouble going into endgame missions with her, and I routinely bring her into Sorties with no trouble.

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Just now, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Someone mentioned only using her against Corpus and plus, Mag isn’t very good at stripping armor where I play at. She can’t handle Sorties which is the bare minimum I look for in frames.

Sorry, I was confused because the only mentioned of Mag being able to nuke Corpus was in the past tense.

As to the Sorties, idk, my Mag does well in them.  What exactly are you trying to get her to do in that kind of Content?

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1 hour ago, Feadship said:

crush is perhaps best used as CC when someone needs to be revived.

I believe there are better things for that.

Crush should just crush enemies in a ball like form in front of Mag to make easy magnetize zones.

Edited by giovanniluca
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