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So hows PoE running for you?


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Horrible. Absolutely horrible. I lag at my usual slightly better than medium settings in the Liset. The lag is horrible. Everything is blurry. I also noticed a weird interval of lag and no lag within a span of 1-2 seconds. Every time it will slow/stop then suddenly fast forward. Horrible. Went to cetus anyway and everything was significantly worse. Had to lower my settings to their absolute lowest + 800x600 resolution and im still getting the weird interval slow/stop. Its definitely better because I can see myself walking now but i look like im limping with the weird interval lag. Im not even mentioning all the bugs, freezes, forced abort missions and more. 

I really hope they hotfix this soon because im having trouble playing with normal game play now. The recent hotfix did absolutely nothing for me. If anybody has any tips to fixing this please help. 

As for my potato, its an i7-4710HQ 2.5gz turbo 3.0gz with Nvidia geforce gtx 860m and 16gb ram. Its a laptop and I play most games at high except for the newer ones. 



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Not tested yet this since yesterday at night I went sleep instead of waiting for the update. What I said yesterday about the game will be barely playable but noone really listens so enjoy your bug laggy gameplay. Fixes will coming in the next few weeks so maybe it will be playable without fps issues.


Edited by Sziklamester
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3 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

Not tested yet this since yesterday at night I went sleep instead of waiting for the update. What I said yesterday about the game will be barely playable but noone really listens so enjoy your bug laggy gameplay. Fixes will coming in the next few weeks so maybe it will be playable without fps issues.


It's like playing early beta version, looks good, concepts great but isn't polished. Seems like they should've kept it in the cooker for another month or so. Also weird how all the approved youtubers of warframe seemed to miss this kind of info.

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15 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

I apparently underestimated the view distance of the Grineer Tusks. Got spammed by 3 Level 40 Heavy Gunners and died before I knew what was going on. 4 times. Because I can't even see them. (Yeah, shortly after I loaded into Cetus, it was nighttime. Great.) - Bounty failed, tried to abort. Well, I can't. Okay, let's just leave the plains for now then...oh wait, I can't. Yeah I'm stuck in the ESC screen/menu. Need to Alt + F4.

this exact thing happened to me. Except I had access to the esc menu, but I was stuck dead, and unable to abort or leave so I had to alt-f4.

My first mission was way harder than I imagined so I died very quickly. In hindsight, I brought mag :P

But yeah, the missions are a lot harder than expected probably because the enemies have so much more positions around you, they can take.

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Runs acceptable considering my toaster, my big problem is going from Cetus to the Plains and back, I have to wait a good while until the doors open, and of course just like Relays, Cetus is an FPS hellhole when there are too many players there, actually I find it a bit worse than Relays.

Also it sucks that when you re-enter Cetus, someone thought it was a good idea to dump you on the instance with the most players...

Edited by Ricardo58
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Better on average than some Earth tiles, actually. The only miserable thing are the load times and cache stuttering initially, but I know that this is probably due to my 5.4k RPM HDD, so I'm not complaining too much.

Cetus is actually really bad with all the frames popping in and out all the time that have to be loaded.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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On 13/10/2017 at 2:42 AM, tactical_surgeon said:

I've got an i7-6700K and a GTX 1070, usually run Warframe at 100+ fps at max but after the update I'm lucky if I'm hitting 60 in even normal missions. 

When I look at Afterburner, I notice that my GPU usage doesn't reach 30% even, and my 8 logical cores are working overtime.  Seems PoE has made it so that warframe wants to load a lot of rendering onto the CPU and not the GPU, or at least that's what it seems like. 

I have an i5-6600k and a GTX 1070 and I get 100+ fps only time it drops is when I enter Cetus and there's a lot of other players and when I wait for POE to load.

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I've been sharing this around - but for anyone who's getting really bad FPS in Cetus and the Plains and it perissts even onto your liset.  Go into the launcher and turn off multi-threading.  I'm guessing it's conflicting with DE's new mutli-core rendering solution. 

It's 100% fixed it for me and I get 50 -60 fps in cetus and 100 fps in the plains 

Edited by tactical_surgeon
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Is there anybody playing with a i5 4200H 2.8GZ or something simlar.

I cant seem to figure out why all the sudden when i used to get 60+ fps solid.. Now i am getting 50+ sold and somethings it fluctuates

I have a 860M Geforce moblie.. Warframe use to run perfectly for me and now sometimes i get lag spikes.. And forget ceres cant go on that planet without Fps going all over the place. 

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