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Archwing Launcher is prohibitively expensive

Guest masterninja1098

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

a) I'm sure that u r here long enough to find a way to deal with Enemies without AW

b) Platinum is alternative in game currency obtained not only with Money so don't speak about Real Money here, plz

Btw how much Oil you will get from 1 Fish? Sorry I can't proof it, console player here

This is not a "git gud" issue. Read the threads; these things take chip damage from heavy-hitters like the Opticor, etc. They are CLEARLY designed to be countered by Archwing gear.

Platinum is a PREMIUM currency that is not created without SOMEONE spending real money. Yes, freemium players can still earn it through trading. But it is still effectively real money. I work a decent job 40 hours a week. This is not me complaining about being unable to afford it. This is me disagreeing with obnoxious business practices.

Someone else mentioned getting six or so fish and ending up with 20 oil. 150 is needed to craft charges. Again, this is not quibbling over the exact amount of oil or how much grinding is required. It is a matter of principle, and the issue of compromising the game experience for profit instead of simply offering players premium content they actually want.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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100 Iradite - should be 75, a bit much now but it will add up over time and you can get it just keeping an eye out while running around

50 Grokdrul - this is ok

150 Fish Oil - should be no more than 50, but really should be 25

Fish Oil is ridiculous to obtain.  I've turned in 20+ fish and I only have 62.  I should not have to spend more time fishing than I would get to play with AW.

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Frankly with how it was hyped... there really should of been no cost and no need of foundry segment. It should of just been innate once you got your archwing.


I mean we did not need a foundry segment, or consumables, to be able to do sharkwing. Why should we need it to be able to just fly in the air?

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Well on a positive note now i wont feel tempted to bother with this crap tomorrow. I guess I'll be back in a week to see if DE made all this more reasonable or if this is warframe now. A game about fishing and hunting animals instead of killing clones and evil buisnessmen.

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  The first thing I did when i logged in was hit the plains and see if archwing was worth something now...

Needless to say my first experience with the update was not as positive as I had hoped.  I think everyone realizes that DE must make money to keep on trucking along, but let's be honest about archwing; it's been mediocre for a long time and this should have been the gift to get people back into it.

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Absolutely. Especially with the fish oil? Fishing is the most boring part of WoW, but hey I do it sometimes, now it's in Warframe, cool, I'll do it a little.....but this is the equivalent of needing to fish in order to mount up. Absolutely ludicrous. 

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I'm of the view that the segment shouldn't have been a 3 day item in foundry or something you need to buy with plat, it should have been a simple market item that you can just buy for credits....  then you throw in what imo are rather expensive costs for the actual beacon and think why did DE bother 'marketing' the game with archwing so much, it was pretty much in EVERY stream, when it's so restrictive to actually get to use it. 

It falls under the usual unbalanced cost to things that DE can't seem to get right, when I look at how much of the resourced I picked up last night in a few hours playing this is just too expensive for what it is and if they want us to play the plains more they're going to have to sort this out because I know I won't be spending my entire time on the pl ains fishing etc.   It wouldn't be so bad if the items we need were more common on the plains but the amount of plants/animals/ammo pods etc just aren't high enough to sustain these prices. 



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Why fish oil?

I have 34 Fieldron ,23 Detonit Injectors, 21 Mutagen mass, an insane amount of detonit,fieldron part, cryotic,tellurium, Nitain extract, and regular 3/4 Argon crystals....


and for have MY archwing on plane i need collect...... Fish Oil?

1441882695_576742227280285502_large.jpg Maybe for my Kavat was more appropriate.....


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This fishing to craft AW charges is interesting.  Currently I can't play to see just how annoying or easy fishing is at the moment.  

Fishing was something that I was originally planning to somewhat ignore.  Kinda sux that's not an option for me now.  Hopefully I'll be able to play again soon to find out for myself.

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I know there are other threads out there with a similar topic but this feedback is regarding the use of charges (Not the segment itself)

I'm rather disappointed that I can't freely roam the sky without "wasting" a charge considering we have unlimited charges on everything else on the Plains. I know you can always craft more but it feels so limiting...

Edit: Why fishoil tho? This isn't sharkwing.


Edited by Orabell
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The whole "You-need-fish-oil-to-SUMMON-an-extremely-advanced-piece-of-fine-tuned-machinery-that-automaticly-finds-you-in-space-missions" kinda got me.

- That is just $&*&*#(%& if you ask me and is only set in stone to get the player base to actually do fishing in a space ninja game. I mean... Fishing.... To summon wings made of space material. No. Just no... 


I'm torn....

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This is honestly such a **** that is hard to believe even. Not only there's a very limited amount of warframes that you can use to 'go fast' to be able to travel 1000m back and forth, no one thought that Titania's 4 will be actually used so she crawls like a snail, and you can't mod the speed of her flight. Not only you have to wait 3 days if you don't want to spend money (on archwing fff) but now it has charges once you build it that cost an arm and a leg? 

Are you ok DE?

I was originally going to wait until the segment is researched and try to play with AW because otherwise "traveling" is atrocious as it can get but now looking at the cost of the charges I'm not sure I'll even going to play PoE at all. Probably not.

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10 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

Dude(tte), I have no problem with you being excited for fishing. I also have no problem with you getting rewards that are actually useful to you. By all means, let players get what they need for crafting stuff through fishing.

But strong-arming players who are NOT interested into doing it just because? Really?

There's no reason why they couldn't implement some sort of substitute resource option or simply allow us to buy charges/fish oil with credits off the market for a less efficient price.

Except, of course, trying to make $$$.

but if Fish oil and archwing charges are not purchasable even with plat currently. how are they making any money at all?

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4 minutes ago, Desdemona-XI said:

but if Fish oil and archwing charges are not purchasable even with plat currently. how are they making any money at all?

Because nobody knows that when they buy the segment, and the logical assumption is that buying the segment lets you start using it immediately.

Unless something requires Argon, I can USUALLY assume I have enough resources stockpiled to build consumables without needing to farm first.

The whole point of paying plat is not needing to wait, so slapping players with a second wait wall after they pay to skip the first is deceitful.

That doesn't stop them from making money when people buy the segment thinking it is more useful than it is. There's another thread somewhere in this forum where the OP is complaining about feeling ripped off by this very problem, and they absolutely were.

This is disgraceful.

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I get it that selling items for plat in market is a way of keeping warframe alive however, it shouldn't be a ripoff, yes i understand there are good and bad deals like a forma for 20p and a bundle of 3 for 35 and so on. However the archwing launcher segment is a total rip off why ? Well basically you spend plat so you can use the stuff right away in short your paying for the time saved, but buying a damn archwing launcher segment gets you nothing its a total ripoff. I don't get it why do we need a gear to summon archwing in the 1st place when we already farmed and built our archwings. 2nd let's say crafting is fine ofc vets wouldn't mind it they have the mats except this time its not the case archwing gear needs a freakin 150 fishoil holly cow so basically you farm the archwing you farm the segment(if you build it at dojo) and you farm a fckn gear to use it. Brilliant  just brilliant. I know some would think that its my fault but lets be honest in game if youd don't alt tab and google it you wouldn't really know that after buying the damn segment youll be facing a grind wall for new content materials fish oil is just one of them and there were 2 more. 

Now. How do we fix this simple 1st refund cause the puropse people buy the launcher is so that they could use the archwing right there and then, 2nd option why not include atleast a 50 or hundred gear with the purchase god damn 175 with nothing to show for it, should have just bought magdelux skin had we known, 3rd fckn change archwing gear crafting requirements holly cow 10k ,ferrites and other old materials should do trick wy does it have to be 150 fish fckn oil. Also please add info about stuff like this you sell in the market check its description it is totally lacking atleast add a pop up notification saying that it doesn't include the gear to use the damn archwing but no in its description its says it allows use but meh so yeah hope this gets fixed aswell as the other buggs.

Edited by Xeks69
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Here I was thinking that no one could possibly dislike POE. It's beyond amazing.

Aaaand then there's people like you. Sad days :(

Edit: Get why you're upset, just mindblown at the sheer negativity in general on feedback / other social media. Absolutely LOVING this update.

Edited by Goshawk3
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Having players pay to skip a wait-wall and then slapping them with a second wait-wall is DISHONEST and disgraceful.

It's utterly revolting business practice I would never have dreamed I would see perpetrated by DE.

Anyone who bought the launcher segment was ripped off. DE owes those players more than a refund and an apology.

(Disclaimer: I didn't get suckered into this one, nor did anyone I know personally, so I'm not saying that with some ulterior motive.)

This cannot be repeated enough until it is corrected.


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1 minute ago, Goshawk3 said:

Here I was thinking that no one could possibly dislike POE. It's beyond amazing.

Aaaand then there's people like you. Sad days :(

Really? You are defending this? Please sit down and THINK for a moment. OP is complaining about a very specific problem, not the update as a whole.

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