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Here is it. Another "Looks like the end of Warframe for me" thread


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Ok, this is going to be a tough post to write.  Tough to write not only because of the content, but because I know what 95% of the kneejerk reactions will be.  Yes, there will be a ton of "Then don't play it" responses.  There will be, of course, the players who think they're cute with the exact "Then don't play it." response.  There will be the players who feel a need to defend WF, as if some anonymous stranger not liking a part of a game somehow reflects on their personal life decisions or Warframe needs defending, but here we go.


I realize that WF has to evolve.  It can't stay ninjas in space.  I was excited for PoE but PoE should have been called GOatT, Grinding Operators all the Time.  I knew that once operators were "released" it would be the second half to Warframe.  After all, that's what they are; another body just like a warframe where DE can put mods and extend the game without actually adding "new" concepts.  They added a second model to the first using the exact same mechanic.  The problem is the operator is gimped and sucks.  DE then released PoE and reworked the focus mechanic.  The problem is DE basically reworked the Focus system to work in the same way as Rivens worked for older weapons.  Rather than bringing them up, we're going to make a crutch so they suck less.  The new focus system is to push players to use operators more and have them suck less.  Don't like that.


Then there's mining and fishing.  Don't want to be forced to do that either.  Some people like it.  Fine.  But it's not ninjas in space.  It's farming as in actual farming.  Don't like that either.


I'm friends with one of the highest level PS4 players and he said he expected the new mods to be "Diablo 3 like" as in cumulative bonus as more of the same group is used.  Bingo!  Don't like that either and expect it to be used more and more.


But then I thought Well, I can do what I've always done.  "I'll just ignore what annoys me in WF and play what I like."  Then I realized that won't work.  This "Operator centric" Warframe IS the new Warframe is DE is only going to push Warframe more and more into farming, mining, and the Operator is going to be pushed more and more into the forefront.  This Operator centric vision is Warframe NOW and it is never going back.  I understand that.


The game now is markedly different than the game a year ago and I understand that things change.  Things always have to change.  I don't think pushing the unfinished and gimped Operator into the forefront is the best idea, but it's what DE is doing.  Warframe was wildly successful with the "ninjas in space" concept.  I understand that Warframe has to evolve.  I don't understand why DE is making such a fundamental change but I know it's never going back, it's fundamentally and irrevocably sliding to Operator more and more, and I don't like it.

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7 minutes ago, davej83 said:

Thats ur opinion alot ( most ( of ppl like me really enjoy the new system, i love play with operator and new focus system,fishing mining kill.

It's not my opinion alot.  It's my opinion completely.  I'm sure some people like the new system.  That's cool.  I'm not saying you're wrong if you like it.

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So far operators don't feel like a necessity to me, the only part that I  notice them affecting my gameplay now is by how annoyingly I can't kill vomvalysts during night as I've completed Second Dream but not War Within, and so it's really frustrating to do stuff in the plains during night with the constant harassment.
But vomvalysts are only on one map during a particular hour and all the other sentient enemies are still killable on other planets by my regular Warframe gear.
I notice a heavy operator focus in this content update, and hope it won't become more prevalent in the future.
So far, I can still play a lot of other content in warframe and the plains during the day without any of those features encroaching upon my Warframe gameplay.

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Nothing like a post that opens with  a dismissal of all dissenting opinions in the very first paragraph. If you don't care what other people have to say in response to your post then why did you even bother posting? All I'm seeing reading down through this is "I hate operators so I'm leaving!" You want to head off people from defending the game from your opinions? Great, I'm sure they'll reciprocate by not caring about your opinions.

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8 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

It's not my opinion alot.  It's my opinion completely.  I'm sure some people like the new system.  That's cool.  I'm not saying you're wrong if you like it.

it should have been 

17 minutes ago, davej83 said:

Thats ur opinion. Alot ( most ) ppl like me really enjoy the new system, i love play with operator and new focus system,fishing mining kill.


Edited by Prime
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16 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

Ok, this is going to be a tough post to write.  Tough to write not only because of the content, but because I know what 95% of the kneejerk reactions will be.  Yes, there will be a ton of "Then don't play it" responses.  There will be, of course, the players who think they're cute with the exact "Then don't play it." response.  There will be the players who feel a need to defend WF, as if some anonymous stranger not liking a part of a game somehow reflects on their personal life decisions or Warframe needs defending, but here we go.

You're a stranger who somehow felt the need to advertise his decision publicly when there was no need to. What's so grave about your decision? You're only stopping to play a game, not having a divorce. But hey, there's always people who think they're cute with their "I'm leaving Warframe" posts and who feel the need to justify their decision as if their personal life can't go on without some validation from the community.

As for the Operator being here to stay, I'd have thoughts Chains of Harrow made that clear already. Eidolon hunting, fishing, mining, all of it has been sandboxed to Cetus and doesn't affect the rest of the game, so you're free to ignore it and play on the other maps and missions.
If you cannot, then leave. It's as simple as that. Perhaps a future update will draw you in. Perhaps not. Either way, I'm happy with the update and the Operator gameplay so I'll just keep enjoying it.

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You do realize that fishing and mining is mostly optional? Once you get the levels and few of the items you want, there is no need for any of them. And you can always buy the resources from sales most of the time excluding few ones that require crafting.

Improving your operator is optional and does not do a lot for you in most of the content, your operator gear is mostly used for Eidolon Teralyst, everything else you need you will get trough other means. Of course I can see how it may become a problem if you make it a problem. I don't rush for Focus goals like some other high MR 24 veteran players do. I just play and get them passively on the side. I think you only work yourself up if you think it in terms of goals that you must achieve as soon as possible.

Operators are likely going to hold a larger role in gameplay in the future but from the looks of it it'll be in limited quantities, which is fine with the mechanics they work with. I don't think we'll really need operators combat abilities as much for other than Sentients and Eidolon Teralyst type of enemies, maybe some future bosses too. But Warframe for the most part is still the same Warframe it has always been. Were I to express my only major issue so far in PoE is that I do hope they add in more mission types because with the amount of similar mission types you have to do for the reputation we get, the missions become repetitive and too predictable at times.

I don't think the end of Warframe is coming anytime soon. But if you feel like it is becoming a game that you do not personally like, I'd try to build a good case to the feedback forums and hope the developers listen. If after all of that you still find yourself dissatisfied then take a break from the game and see if you find your spark for it once again after some time. Sometimes we really need to tune out and do something else for us to enjoy our favorite activities once more.

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DE's willingness to constantly iterate on Warframe is a blessing sometimes and a curse other times. Personally I think it's more blessing than curse, but if Plains of Eidolon isn't doing it for you, then maybe it's time to take a break and come back later when the pendulum swings back the other way. The Sacrifice sounds like it's gonna delve more into the warframe side of things; maybe check back for that. Or the update after. That's the "blessing" side of the whole thing: There's always new stuff on the horizon.

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