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Which Warframe do you dislike the most


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I main Limbo and it depends on the player high power strength novas on defense maps

Zephyrs flinging things everywhere


Stasis limbos or new limbos that wont listen or riftsurge limbo who refuse to use rift torrent

But the thing i hate the most are players who blame limbo for situations i had nothing to do with. 

Or Mesa/Banshee/Exacl/Valkys demanding i mass cataclysm + stasis when im not built for it then lose there minds when i cant.

So now i hate no one, i just play alone.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

For my use; 
Limbo, and i just recently unlocked and started using Loki, and find him to be just crap mix of Ash and Saryn.

But for other people in the squad, its Limbo

Try max range Disarm :D It's great for long endurance runs against grineer, corpus and corrupted. Think we did an effortless 1hour run of Kuva Fortress Survival just standing in place (back when people miserably tried to get Sovereign Outcast). We ran Vortex Vauban, Speed Nova, Disarm Loki and Desecrate Nekros. And I mean EFFORTLESS, we just stood there talking in chat, ocasionally pressing a button to recast :P
Disarm Loki disarms all firearms and suddenly all grineer are infested and come charging at you, Speed Nova keeps them coming fast and Vortex Vauban just pulls them all in into a meatgrinder, Desecrate Nekros just shakes their pants for coins. GROFIT.

Nothin' crap about Loki, boy.

Edited by Acersecomic
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9 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

Try max range Disarm :D It's great for long endurance runs against grineer, corpus and corrupted. Think we did an effortless 1hour run of Kuva Fortress Survival just standing in place (back when people miserably tried to get Sovereign Outcast). We ran Vortex Vauban, Speed Nova, Disarm Loki and Desecrate Nekros. And I mean EFFORTLESS, we just stood there talking in chat, ocasionally pressing a button to recast :P
Disarm Loki disarms all firearms and suddenly all grineer are infested and come charging at you, Speed Nova keeps them coming fast and Vortex Vauban just pulls them all in into a meatgrinder, Desecrate Nekros just shakes their pants for coins. GROFIT.

Nothin' crap about Loki, boy.

His disarm seems counter to his other abilities though. You dont need to disarm anyone if your invisible or when they are distracted by the clone thingy. Im just not impressed with his ability set. i see no reason to use him over Ash or Ivara for stealth. And there are other frames that can crowd control in more funs ways, like Nidus for example. But ive mainly played him in solo, so he may be better in a group. I havent maxed his level yet, he's about lvl 20. so a few more mods will probably make him abit better, but personally, i cant see me using him much.

Edited by (XB1)Deadly Moves
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13 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

His disarm seems counter to his other abilities though. You dont need to disarm anyone if your invisible or when they are distracted by the clone thingy. Im just not impressed with his ability set. i see no reason to use him over Ash or Ivara for stealth. And there are other frames that can crowd control in more funs ways, like Nidus for example. But ive mainly played him in solo, so he may be better in a group. I havent maxed his level yet, he's about lvl 20. so a few more mods will probably make him abit better, but personally, i cant see me using him much.

That's because you approach him wrong. Loki is Support. He's squishy so he has invisibility, his 1 is good for his 3 for a quick escape or evade. His 4 however, Disarm, is his crown. There's no barrier the enemy can avoid, no wall to stop it, no gun with which they can shoot you, NO BOMBARDS AND NAPALMS that can fk you up... Loki is safety because no one and nothing gets to shoot at you, which is something really amaizing. You SUPPORT the team not by healing, not by putting up a barrier, or raising damage... you do it by preventing the enemy from doing damage completely. Sure they switch to melee but come on... that's like armored infested mission then :)
Everyone is so focused on Loki's Invisibility that everyone ignored Disarm. When did you ever see someone run Loki as a Disarm build? Like, ever?! I haven't, EVER! Like, EVER. Which is crazy when you think about it even for a second because of how damn powerful and useful Disarm is.

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18 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

It's not really the frames IMO... It's the players.

If you run into That Guy (or any of their devoted students) the mission is probably gonna suck...

That Guy wants to dictate the pace and direction of the mission.

That Guy wants to own the Mission Summary.

That Guy is convinced that the co-op mission is a competition.

That Guy has trolled missions on most of the frames and weapons in this game if it has/had strong DPS or lockdown mechanics.


I'd rather have a team full of Limbos and Hydroids as opposed to a team with just one of Those Guys in it.


FWIW...That Guy is used in an entirely Equal Opportunity manner and is meant to be gender neutral.


This... all day!  "That guy" plays many frames, so blaming his/her tools is unfair. 

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43 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

That's because you approach him wrong. Loki is Support. He's squishy so he has invisibility, his 1 is good for his 3 for a quick escape or evade. His 4 however, Disarm, is his crown. There's no barrier the enemy can avoid, no wall to stop it, no gun with which they can shoot you, NO BOMBARDS AND NAPALMS that can fk you up... Loki is safety because no one and nothing gets to shoot at you, which is something really amaizing. You SUPPORT the team not by healing, not by putting up a barrier, or raising damage... you do it by preventing the enemy from doing damage completely. Sure they switch to melee but come on... that's like armored infested mission then :)
Everyone is so focused on Loki's Invisibility that everyone ignored Disarm. When did you ever see someone run Loki as a Disarm build? Like, ever?! I haven't, EVER! Like, EVER. Which is crazy when you think about it even for a second because of how damn powerful and useful Disarm is.


Thats probably true. After using him though i dont think he's for me, Disarm is too passive for my liking. Id rather use Nidus and pull everyone into my tentacle monster, then smash them all with a few stomps or use my weapons. Or sand blast them with Inaros. Each to their own i guess.

Edited by (XB1)Deadly Moves
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Frames I don't enjoy playing: 

Atlas- too boring to play

Zephyr- squishy, and her kit doesn't hold up for compared to other frames

Frames I don't like to have in squad:

Ember- usually those who spam wof. It's frustrating when I'm trying to do something and wof kills everything.

Limbo- everyone's already listed those reasons

Saryn- because poison is op

Quake banshee- covers the whole map and the rest of the squad is like, "wtf do we do?"

People with synoid simulor and they think it's good.


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Limbo, because it can easily ruin the game, although many Limbo I have met are very helpful to the gameplay as well. I don't hate all Limbos, and many was actually good teammates for me, but it is no wonder that it is the most hatred warframe because its skillset is able to mess up the game so easily if its player want to troll or use it carelessly.

Even if hundreds of good Limbos are do the wonderful thing to you, only some bad Limbos make the game worse and got stamped on your memory, so it can't be helped.


The other would be, Frost in Infested defense/survival mission. It is toooooooooooooooooo annoying that they blocks our bullets -_- and we can't remove it. It is true that enemy inside the globe are slowed down, but usually globe is too small to be effective.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

Thats probably true. After using him though i dont think he's for me, Disarm is too passive for my liking. Id rather use Nidus and pull everyone into my tentacle monster, then smash them all with a few stomps or use my weapons. Or sand blast them with Inaros. Each to their own i guess.

Try Nidus Pull with Sobek modded with Acid Shells and Punch-Through. If you've got a riven, all the better :D

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I don't really hate any of the warframes, but I feel like Limbo makes the gameplay slower and doesn't really fit in to the squad play that well. Yes there're situations where I can see Limbo being great asset. But in random squads he usually just slows the mission down or doesn't really do/add much to the team. Regardless of the player behind the Limbo.

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To play as? Ash. I just don't like how he handles.

To meet online? Probably a World-On-Fire Ember or a Molt/Spore-Spam Saryn. I don't know about you, but I prefer to feel like I'm not relegated to being useless, single-target turret. I get the appeal -- the damage and affinity numbers popping up is always satisfying -- but it's so annoying, even more so when I try to play Nidus. I don't mind a Resonating Quake Banshee, probably because they have to at least stay in one place while casting, possibly because I've only encountered them when farming for levels.

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To play as: Loki, hes just too boring when your just invisible all the time.

To squad up with: Ember players who pop World on Fire and then die a minute after
Nova who spams Molecular Prime EVERY SECOND.
Nekros who use that Shadows of the Dead Aug and then die moments after.

You know what, I like all the frames, I just don't like people who can't get a good grasp on what a Frame can and can't do.

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16 hours ago, Acersecomic said:

Try Nidus Pull with Sobek modded with Acid Shells and Punch-Through. If you've got a riven, all the better :D

Ive not got the Sobek, becasue i have the Arca Plasmor and the two versions of the Hek, and the Tigris. Currently levelling up the Lenz though. The Lenz combined with Nidus's abilities is so much fun.. :D

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On 25/10/2017 at 12:54 PM, kgabor said:

Oh yes, Banshee, modding that frame is a nightmare, while you need minimal range for Silence-Savage Silence and Soundquake with Resonating Quake doesn't necessarily need much range either, low range basically makes Sonar useless.

If only Silence had a fixed range or a better stun duration, Banshee would be a really versatile frame without having to change mods all the time to use a different ability.

Did you know you can mod her to have both builds in one? Although you won't be able to afk a few minutes on quake :^)

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For squads, Limbo and depending on the mission ember. Limbo is just disruptive to the team most of the time. And before all the Limbo lovers jump on my throat, yes I know he can be useful but with random it's pretty rare to find a good Limbo. With ember they just hit four and kill everything.Tends to make things pretty boring.

Personally I HATE regular hydroid. He is just super ugly and boring. His prime is only slightly better since it looks way better imo.

Another frame I don't like is wukong. He is just me. Really boring in every way. Honestly there are times I even forget he even is in the game.

Dishonorable mentions go to soundquake banshees and spamcaliburs. SQ banshees are okay in pre made groups but otherwise they can really slow things down.

Excaliburs that just spam exalted blade the whole time also annoy me a lot. The constant swooshing can get irritating especially on smaller maps like akkad where you can't get away from it. I do get a good laugh though when I see they are trying to level stuff and spam exalted blade. 

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On 26/10/2017 at 3:28 AM, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Volt spamming speed, limbo spamming cata and stasis, anyone using maiming strike style.

Found the guy who doesn't have meme-ing strike.


I hate valkyr, atlas, limbo and wukong.

Valkyr = selfish

Atlas = boring

Limbo = aaaarg cataclysm spam when it's not needed

Wukong = another melee frame

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