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So now that Focus needs 9000 trillion points and full time job amount of effort...


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Just now, Tsukinoki said:

Focus cap increase from 100k to 250k in the PoE update.

Oh is PoE on PC only right now?


There is so much new stuff to learn that it's honestly a little overwhelming :x. Might be easier just to make a new warframe to relearn from scratch, and then come back to my MR19 with a bunch of items/builds/mods. 

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2 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:


Edit: And I like how 99% of people who say "farming is fine I hit daily cap in 3 missions blah blah blah" are vets or even founers and they totally can't realize how much resource they have compared to 80% of players and not to mention 99% of them have lots of focus points before rework or maybe even stealth farming cheese was still a thing. And these guys are who I called who can't pull out their head from their tiny little dream world

And i like how 99% of the people who complain about everything completely forget that this is a form of entertainment.  Entertainment in the form of a game and not a way of life like a real life job is.  So why take this form of entertainment so seriously.  Some of you act like Warframe is a job that is underpaying you.  It's just not that serious.   

edit: Not a reflection directed at you personally Marvelous_A.  It just something that's been brewing on my mind the past year from reading the forums.  Your statement just sparked me to release it.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
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7 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Please stop trying to talk down to other people in regards to focus when you still farm it on Hydron.

Defense is not the way to farm focus efficiently. Why 600k in 15 waves? That is not even close to Hydron and almost triple the daily cap. You can get your daily 250k in less than the time it takes to get to wave 10-15 on hydron if you are fast and RNG of spawns is in your favor.

Is there a tutorial on how to do Adaro farming somewhere out there? Because I run Ivara and Glaive Prime, both greater lensed, with no boosters, and I get like 25k focus.

Passive accrual of focus is garbage. I run sorties and bounties and I'll get somewhere in the 10-40k range depending on what the mission types are (no boosters). Edit: that's a total for the whole session, not for each mission

Edited by ArbitUHM
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9 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:


Yes this seems like 9 years.

This is wrong information that does not account for capacity.

Proper information pulled from https://www.tennoclocknews.com/analysis-focus-2-0/


Madurai 24,078,977, 97 days

Vazarin 24,905,452, 100 days

Naramon 20,826,391, 84 days

Unairu 26,350,701, 106 days

Zenurik 21,023,548, 85 days

Total 117,185,069, 469 days


This is only IF you hit daily cap meaning doing Bere or Hydron every day.  Playing normally will result 9 years of farming focus.

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 i dont understand this whole "playing normally" thing.  are you running only on Earth and Mars? Are you not doing high level Bounties and Sorties? I mean if youre low mastery and cant run high level missions then getting focus should be the least of your worries.  As you play more and put in at least 1k hours of actual game play, not just sitting in relays or trading, you will have the items you need to efficiently get focus.  20 mins of focus farming isnt that much, you can do it by yourself so you dont need to waste time finding a party and people to play with.  and if you arent willing to put in that 20 minutes 1 or 2 times a week, then you really have no right to complain about the "grind" toward focus.  and the whole "you need this much focus to complete a school" thing is so dumb.  why would you want to unlock all the nodes, some of them are pretty useless. just farm Zenurik for your Energy Overflow and be done with it and stop complaining.  Other people who are more dedicated in farming will be able to way bind things, but thats only really useful for Eidolon hunting.

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1 hour ago, xattuu said:

 i dont understand this whole "playing normally" thing.  are you running only on Earth and Mars? Are you not doing high level Bounties and Sorties? I mean if youre low mastery and cant run high level missions then getting focus should be the least of your worries.  As you play more and put in at least 1k hours of actual game play, not just sitting in relays or trading, you will have the items you need to efficiently get focus.  20 mins of focus farming isnt that much, you can do it by yourself so you dont need to waste time finding a party and people to play with.  and if you arent willing to put in that 20 minutes 1 or 2 times a week, then you really have no right to complain about the "grind" toward focus.  and the whole "you need this much focus to complete a school" thing is so dumb.  why would you want to unlock all the nodes, some of them are pretty useless. just farm Zenurik for your Energy Overflow and be done with it and stop complaining.  Other people who are more dedicated in farming will be able to way bind things, but thats only really useful for Eidolon hunting.

I am doing sorties and bounties (usually just 4 and 5, sometimes 3). The problem with accruing it normally is

  • The vast majority of mission types are terrible for focus. Unless you like sitting on a defense pod or playing a prearranged and usually static interception mission, you get squat for focus. Affinity sharing radius is too small for survivalist, spy is crap, non-stealth exterminate is crap, hijack is crap, etc etc. You basically have to exploit stealth modifiers, the tiny size of defense maps, or the ridiculous spawn rates of interception.
  • People like switching weapons and frames and not just using the handful of lensed items they have. I have 100+ formaed and potatoed frames/weapons and I don't want to have to use the two or three that have for example a naramon lens.
  • I'm often formaing weapons, which means I'm not getting focus.
  • Those new mining and fishing mini games they added? Squat for focus.
  • Running void relic missions often do not give much focus.
  • Syndicate medallion hunting- no focus.
  • Are you getting the picture yet? There is a ton of stuff to do in this game - a lot of which "only requires 20 or 30 minutes" - which quickly adds up to "holy S#&$ you want me to play for how long?"
  • A lot of people don't have the lenses, maxed gear (some of which are prime mods and/or no longer available in game without paying 600+ plat for a single mod), and maxed naramon for hardcore focus farming on Adaro
  • Etc etc etc
Edited by ArbitUHM
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I guess I understand why there's a bit of a divide in people's opinions here, since people have different game design philosophies and play schedules (not just time but the content tackled), it results in a different feelings towards the current state of focus.

So I can only speak for myself : as a very regular but very casual player, it's completely and utterly out of wack and if I play as I do now without ever doing any farming(affinity efficient) missions, I will not advance at a noticeable rate (I did some math for one chill evening's game play, and getting one tree full was like, 40 years or something). Obviously, that is beyond casual and not the case for most. More generally though, multiplying my game time, even significantly, wouldn't lower that number a whole lot. Not unless I change what in the game I play. So even thought I don't mind that there's a cap, and even that it would take 469 days to max everything, I do mind that, right now, to consider that number (469), I have to chose between playing the game, and doing chores in the game. That's not a situation I find acceptable. But that's just me. Though, I'd like to think that I'm not being too unreasonable. Sure, playing normally should be less profitable than farming, I get that, but the gain shouldn't be balanced around the specific, ultra efficient method, barring out most of what the game has to offer.

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i do agree, especially when playing solo, some mission type spawns are abysmal.

mining and fishing arent gaining xp so please dont try to do focus while going that

void relic can give a decant amount of focus b/c they have increased spawn rates with the fissures.  unless youre killing the 10 people you need then extracting and blowing thru the mission, in which case, well you did the bare minimum to complete the mission i hope youre not expecting much beyond the mission reward.

syndicate hunt, again low kill count and long mission, if you have sigils i dont know why you would ever do this unless you wanted to rank up super fast or so Rivens.

My daily is 10 - 15 mins on Sortie (which i havent even done in a while tbh), 20 mins fishing for my Cetus standing, then i can run focus farm for a bit. you dont have to max it every day.

Lens and focus are basically end game, you get them from sorties and bounties after youve done all the quests. you dont need all maxed gear, you do however need some Corrupted mods which i can agree can be difficult for new players to get but youre not going to get reward w/o putting in time.  and nobody is going to sell a primed mod for 600+ unless its maxed youre just being dumb and exaggerating come on now. and you dont need max naramon, it works just a well without.

and look if you want to max Zenurik Energizing Dash you need 1,175,000 focus in Zenurik. which , assuming you have 0 focus in Zenurik, take about 5 days of maxing youre daily maximum. (Source: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus_2.0#Zenurik ) . and if you want to be a "hardcore farmer" and want to get other nodes, there are only so many that are actually useful through out all of the trees, so nobody actually needs to come anywhere close to maxing out any of the schools.

TL;DR : Focus is an end game grind, dont complain about the time you need to put in if youre not going to put in a little effort to make it eaier for yourself.

Edited by xattuu
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11 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:


Yes this seems like 9 years.


Pretty sure he was being sarcastic. 

Anyway, does 224 days (and that is only if you reach the cap every day), more than 7 months, sound like a reasonable amount? Just wondering.

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23 minutes ago, ArbitUHM said:

People like switching weapons and frames and not just using the handful of lensed items they have. I have 100+ formaed and potatoed frames/weapons and I don't want to have to use the two or three that have for example a naramon lens.

You have all those frames, forma, and potatoes, but no lens to put on them?  Do you not do sorties?  You could have lens through trading or plat.  So I really can't accept that as an excuse especially since I was able to do it not long after I unlocked focus sometime last year.  

Xattuu kinda said it best with this...

28 minutes ago, ArbitUHM said:

Focus is an end game grind, dont complain about the time you need to put in if youre not going to put in a little effort to make it eaier for yourself.

Edited just now by xattuu


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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

You have all those frames, forma, and potatoes, but no lens to put on them?  Do you not do sorties?  You could have lens through trading or plat.  So I really can't accept that as an excuse especially since I was able to do it not long after I unlocked focus sometime last year.  

Xattuu kinda said it best with this...

Bad rogue, lenses don't drop from sorties anymore.

They drop from Bounties, and you can repeat bounties as much as you want. So If anyone needs lenses, they can just get them. 
Or you know, ask politely friends, clan mates or even in the forums, a lot of players have a surplus.

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1 minute ago, Lanieu said:

I get like 3000 Focus on the days I actually play. Not sure why you guys care....oh, right. DE pushed operators onto us for whatever dumb reason. #lorestillsucks

My operator works fine with the focus skills he has. 

Just play with Vazarin when I want to use him. Bonus health, damage shields, health regen etc.

I do not need more points/way skills.

It is even viable in normal mission combat.

I do not think the effort required to open the way skills is worth it. So, I aim to get 5k focus a day.

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3 minutes ago, Lanieu said:

I get like 3000 Focus on the days I actually play. Not sure why you guys care....oh, right. DE pushed operators onto us for whatever dumb reason. #lorestillsucks

not sure why youre commenting this here, youre not adding anything to the current discussion.  and you dont have to use the operator anymore than you did before unless youre killing Eidolon, which you dont have to do.  but okay

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8 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:

Here is what i don't get, how the hell are you guys getting so little focus for ANY mission.

You want to hit max possible daily cap as if it were a god damned your given right to do so, in other words you want to minmax with the least effort required.

You're acting as if Focus grinding is the only thing to do/grind in warfame each day.

When you add in the sorties (half an hour/45 minutes daily), the raids (1h-2h daily depending of the quality of the groups you get), syndicate / cetus / quills rep farming, leveling up gear and putting formas, farming Kuva to reroll those rivens you get on sorties, adding focus farming 250k per day is imho a huge deal, particularly with a system which such a slow gain per mission on average. That's alot of daily stuff to do, and time spending grinding a focus counter is time spent not doing something else, something more fun or productive.

And the reason we're getting "so little focus for any mission" is because honestly, the affinity gain on most of the starchart is really bad as it is. It litterally takes ages to take a frame  from lvl 1 to lvl 30 by simply clearing starchart missions... And then you add the fact these so called lenses give you 2% of your affinity gain as focus and you got a recipie for slow focus gains. Those small affinity numbers get even more negligeable when you're only getting 2% converted into focus.

In the end, there is litterally no reason why DE can't make focus lenses give a much higher percentage back on lenses. Heck, they could probably raise it to 25% conversion and it would only make it so that more people would hit the cap daily, which would be a good thing in the long run.

Truth be told, trophy data proves that only 0.2% of the PS4 warframe userbase has "Fully unlocked a focus tree"... That means 99.8% of the userbase has not even gotten enough focus to unlock all nodes in a single tree. And we're not talking about "fully maxing a tree", we're talking about putting a single point in each nodes. This proves that acquistion rate is abysmally low and that pretty much nobody has gathered enough focus after more than a year to afford to even purchase all the abilities... And now they made the costs even higher without signigicantly increase the acquisition rate...

But hey, I guess 99.8 percent of the userbase are too lasy...

And no, 255 days of grinding focus at least 1h-1h30 with a specialised focus setup per day is not imho a reasonable time commitment for a regular humain being with a life, a job , friends, families and obligations. That's nonsense... And this is coming from someone with 2000 hours into his account (the equivalent of a full time job playing warframe for at least a year).

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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well i mean you gt focus doing all of those things (45 mins for Sorties? maybe 20 max unless you have def, interception, survival) , (+kuva is good for focus and leveling) and honestly i dont know why people keep coming back to this but YOU DONT NEED TO MAX THE ENTIRE TREE.  thats for crazy completionist  people.  the reason that only ( its 99.8% btw not 98.8% if its 0.2%) 0.2% of people completed a tree was because there was no reason to.  you got your Energy Overflow and that was it. i kept getting focus but i never added my points in because it would make my cooldown for the old focus 1.0 longer.  there was no reason to back then and there certainly isnt a reason now to max out any tree.  i agree that it is a lot of focus to get. there are a lot of nodes. but if you dont have the time to do it, then dont do it. you dont need to. people who do put the time and effort into arent going to have a large enough advantage over you to make a substantial difference.

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1 hour ago, xattuu said:

i do agree, especially when playing solo, some mission type spawns are abysmal.

mining and fishing arent gaining xp so please dont try to do focus while going that

void relic can give a decant amount of focus b/c they have increased spawn rates with the fissures.  unless youre killing the 10 people you need then extracting and blowing thru the mission, in which case, well you did the bare minimum to complete the mission i hope youre not expecting much beyond the mission reward.

syndicate hunt, again low kill count and long mission, if you have sigils i dont know why you would ever do this unless you wanted to rank up super fast or so Rivens.

My daily is 10 - 15 mins on Sortie (which i havent even done in a while tbh), 20 mins fishing for my Cetus standing, then i can run focus farm for a bit. you dont have to max it every day.

Lens and focus are basically end game, you get them from sorties and bounties after youve done all the quests. you dont need all maxed gear, you do however need some Corrupted mods which i can agree can be difficult for new players to get but youre not going to get reward w/o putting in time.  and nobody is going to sell a primed mod for 600+ unless its maxed youre just being dumb and exaggerating come on now. and you dont need max naramon, it works just a well without.

and look if you want to max Zenurik Energizing Dash you need 1,175,000 focus in Zenurik. which , assuming you have 0 focus in Zenurik, take about 5 days of maxing youre daily maximum. (Source: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus_2.0#Zenurik ) . and if you want to be a "hardcore farmer" and want to get other nodes, there are only so many that are actually useful through out all of the trees, so nobody actually needs to come anywhere close to maxing out any of the schools.

TL;DR : Focus is an end game grind, dont complain about the time you need to put in if youre not going to put in a little effort to make it eaier for yourself.

Since you seem to be responding to me point by point...

  • Across the board, solo mission spawn rates are abysmal for the purposes of focus farming. The only reason solo Adaro works is because the stealth modifier multiplies the number of enemies you're killing by five. If you are not exploiting a very specific interaction between enemy awareness and sleep, you have to run the same mission five times over in order to get the same results. 
  • No S#&$ mining and fishing don't give xp. Nevertheless, it is something I need to do if I want to get the cool stuff in Cetus.
  • I've tried focus farming in endless missions but it can be issue 1. getting a defense/int/survival mission to spawn in the first place 2. getting a team that wants to stay long term 3. having a supply of relics
  • People pay plat for syndicate stuff and syndicates are good for relics, so medallion hunts can be worthwhile to do. I know that they aren't good sources of focus, but it is something that competes for my time in a game with many objectives that are also competing for my time. Like focus!
  • I have corrupted mods thanks. I do see certain mods (maiming strike) advertised for 600+ plat. Not having the Naramon affinity bonus does definitely make it slower. How is that even arguable? 

My TLDR? Why are people so accepting of focus being an unfun grind? No one even attempts to defend it as fun, they just recommend exploiting the broken spawn mechanics of interception and the equally broken stealth affinity modifiers i.e. mass killing defenseless sleeping target dummies. I honestly wouldn't even care how long focus farming took if it were actually fun to do.

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1 hour ago, phoenix1992 said:

Bad rogue, lenses don't drop from sorties anymore.

They drop from Bounties, and you can repeat bounties as much as you want. So If anyone needs lenses, they can just get them. 
Or you know, ask politely friends, clan mates or even in the forums, a lot of players have a surplus.

Have you tried to farm lenses from bounties? Usually two of the five bounties offer lenses, typically one or two each, as part of the common reward pool that usually includes two or three other things that are garbage, plus you might get an uncommon or rare that you don't want. Then consider that the may not be the type you want since there are five schools, and you need four of them to make a greater lens. I was excited that lenses were going to be offered as part of repeatable mission instead of a once-a-day sortie but I this is definitely worse.

Bumming lenses off of friends and strangers is a good tip though. Thanks for that strat.

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Just now, ArbitUHM said:

Have you tried to farm lenses from bounties? Usually two of the five bounties offer lenses, typically one or two each, as part of the common reward pool that usually includes two or three other things that are garbage, plus you might get an uncommon or rare that you don't want. Then consider that the may not be the type you want since there are five schools, and you need four of them to make a greater lens. I was excited that lenses were going to be offered as part of repeatable mission instead of a once-a-day sortie but I this is definitely worse.

Bumming lenses off of friends and strangers is a good tip though. Thanks for that strat.

I actually don't try, but I get lenses regardless =.=

PM me, I can lend you a bunch.

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i mean if youre getting plat from syndicate stuff then go buy yourself an affinity booster, theyre 200 plat for a month. get some people to play with you (friends or recruiting) to stay in longer missions, you shouldnt have issues getting relics if you play even semi causally, they are rewards for everything. and yes i know maiming is expensive, but you dont NEED it. yes i know Naramon does help a lot, i wasnt arguing that, but you dont NEED it inorder to run focus stuff.  and look, i know its not always super fun but what do you want out of focus? do you want Energizing? do you want the Madurai damage bonuses? those are easy to get in themselves.  or do you just want something to complain about? i know there is a lot to grind but 80% of it is not necessary to your everyday playing experience so why do you care so much about it?

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