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Plains Damage


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Is it just me, or is damage on the plains bonkers? The top tier bounties are lower level than sorties, but short of elemental/physical enhancement sorties, I don't see this kind of damage anywhere.

 600 armor, 900 health, 80 hp regen per second. The enemy just craps all over me. 900hp-600hp-300hp-dead in 0.5 seconds flat.

Edited by Jakorak
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1 minute ago, Jakorak said:

Is it just me, or is damage on the plains bonkers? The top tier bounties are lower level than sorties, but short of elemental/physical enhancement sorties, I don't see this kind of damage anywhere.

 600 armor, 900 health, 80 hp regen per second. The enemy just craps all over me. 900hp-600hp-300hp-dead in 0.5 seconds flat.



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I use mesa with 90% damage reduction and 375hp. Its usualy rockets from those guys with jetpack or napalm that one shots me. Its so annoying. Srsly. I get 1 shot by lvl 60 guy, never happens outside of PoE with my Mesa. It needs fixing.

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Just now, Xardis said:

I use mesa with 90% damage reduction and 375hp. Its usualy rockets from those guys with jetpack or napalm that one shots me. Its so annoying. Srsly. I get 1 shot by lvl 60 guy, never happens outside of PoE with my Mesa. It needs fixing.

I'd say fix it too but I'm on console so i have no idea

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Uhm, I have experienced nothing similar to this.... Well, only during the last sorties mission with a lvl 90-120 kuva-fortress defense.... But the damage on the plains is reasonable, also considering that they buffed snipers especially well designed to take out those nasty enemies from a far.

Till now, I have used ; Harrow, Mesa, Ivara, Oberon and Ash in the plains, also in high levels, and I haven't had any "getting one-shot" moments so far.

Though I would appreciate them looking at any enemy using fire damage, especially the scorches and napalms. The damage they dish out is just not right.

Edited by i_Lex
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just go with nyx and let them kill wach other while controlling the most op enemy on the field ( bombard and the ogre or whatever whip)

the enemy on the plain are just broken for armor and damage, not for nothing they be nerfed a lot more than one time, the ship can destroy you in second, bombard just shoot missile like no tomorrow, torret can push you away and kill you in second, mortar can see you even if no enemy was allerted and destroy you, malee enemy can teleport on you and kill you...

yeah or you kill enemy in second or you  need  a good ground controll, no frost his bubble go down in second, insibility is good too, useless in defense tho, is just for keep you alive XD

Edited by Raynalle
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I use Saryn with Vitality, Quick Thinking and Primed Flow and it seem perfectly fine, the carpet bombing ship is a bit annoying but does not deal that high damage.


And the Large Troop transport / gunship with air support gun deal a fair bit of damage, but he can mostly be mitigated by his terrible accuracy or the fact that you can easily destroy the gun on the ship. Overall everything seem to be ok except that the Teralyst have a habit of ones hotting me with attacks that does not have any animation. I am however almost sure this is a host / client issue with animation. 

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Run on Mesa and Harrow regularly. I don't have any issues. Maybe don't stand in one spot trying to tank everything as it comes at you. I notice a lot of people in missions if I go in public will stand on top of things while waves of enemies come barreling down to firing their guns.

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Shield Lancers (especially Eximi) do too much damage, their guns are hitscan and hit way harder than Ballistas Vulkars. Rest of the enemies are tolerable, except may be Napalms if you dont pay attention (or just cant see) to them.

Its quite dumb that enemies met so early in the game are so much deadlier and tougher than enemies met at Kuva Fortress.

Probably DE overtuned them, just like everything else on the Plains, but didnt get any negative feedback about that and just left them be.

edit: actually, after checking up ehp values on wiki, Tusk enemies turned out to be equal to Kuva variants. Probably its all about guns and levels they appear (and start scaling from).

Edited by Ivan_Rid
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I'd say napalms are the real issue, may be just me, but they're more op than sniper..... I was jumping around and I actually jumped right into napalms fire, like it knew where I was going to jump.

No wait...... I was actually using octavia, and napalm was shooting at the ball, and I happened to jump right where the ball was, before it ran off; I just happen to jump there at the wrong time, too many times.....

Edited by saltygr33n
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:



nah, not nidus. if I was nidus i'd also have linked damage reduction. this is with Oberon and usually when i'm meleeing through enemies that damage mysteriously spikes from manageable to-

welp, i'm dead

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On the plains, you have to adopt the old open world shooter philosophy of altitude is survival.  We have bullet jump and aim glide.  I f***ing HATE that DE's fix for the zoom during glide is a freaking mod NO ONE uses (and I'm confident in saying that's the truth) and who could blame anyone, they need the damage, but ultimately, what you want to do is shoot up into the air, fire down, land elegantly (not like a rock, that'll get you killed) and then repeat the process.  The Astilla was born for this purpose.

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2 hours ago, Mk_1 said:

The first time I failed a mission in a very long time was on the plains soloing a bounty. I've been waiting for content like this forever. don't take it away now.

I just wish the 5-mission bounties would have better rewards.

I am running mostly with Gara. 90% dmg resist for me and alies (also drone). Ultimate can create nice CC and also help dmg when shatered. It scales with melee weapon mods i think.

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I use a similar set with my Oberon, and its not the damage of a few, its the sheer numbers eating away at my HP.

I dont have trouble with them, because I know when I should take cover for a few moments, I learned to NOT facetank there if I'm not Inaros.

This is the first in a long while that I have to play defensively like this.

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On 10/28/2017 at 4:54 PM, Hellmaker2004 said:

And the Large Troop transport / gunship with air support gun deal a fair bit of damage, but he can mostly be mitigated by his terrible accuracy or the fact that you can easily destroy the gun on the ship.

I was going to thank you for this, but after testing it out on the plains I have to call bullS#&$ for every instance other than when the gunship is the only thing present. and even then, you have to have hitscan pinpoint accuracy high damage weapons to take down that teeny tiny frickin moving turret with tank levels of health and armor.

The normal experience with them is during an armored vault or a land grab when you're trying to keep a panel alive or keep the enemies from overrunning your ground. When you have a napalm, a bombard, a mortar, 3 snipers, 2 hellions, 3 reavers, 4 shield lancers(and btw these fekkers are using MARELOKS, this is why they hurt so goddamned much), an ogma, and 3 gunships all firing at you because you're playing solo because this is dramatically new content with new bugs and countless ways for pubs to troll you intentionally or not.... and it's too much to deal with.

There is no time to slow down to take down a gunship turret when hell's army is beating down your door.

I also just realised... the grineer finally have an army with damage equivalent or maybe even more potent than the longstanding champion of the corpus's giant blue amorphous blob of doom

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Its actually challenging without being broken, and I am loving it. It also bought sniper weapons back and made sniper/counter sniping fire a helpful thing as the enemy hits hard enough make avoiding their fire important and a good way to do that is to out range(snipe), cc or evade damage. unlike sortie were huge damage comes with huge hp making cc and evading the only options most of the time.

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Pretty sure the A.I.   is far more aggressive  on the plains vs regular tilesets.

So you will be hit more often by more enemies.

Feels better to me game play wise, only gripe is getting bombed by mortar turrets from 300m.

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4 hours ago, Niuq said:

Feels better to me game play wise, only gripe is getting bombed by mortar turrets from 300m.

Don't mind me, just doin my fishin- DAWG NABBIT there's a hellion with a grakata sniping me from 500m and calling all his friends in

Edit: yea though totally. I hate that one mission location that has in a grineer encampment underneath another encampment on the top of the mountain. The top encampment is outside your mission range so you can't go up there to get rid of the darned mortar turret raining hell on you for 4 minutes straight lest you forfeit your mission

Edited by Jakorak
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Things can easy kill you in the plain even with a tanky frame.

  • Mad Slash procs.
  • Napalm.
  • Getting a grenade napalm in the face.
  • Getting nuked by a level 60 bombardier.
  • Gattlers level 60.
  • Drop capsules landing in you face.
  • Dropship minigun.
  • Getting sniped


Without mentioning Freeze grenades.

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