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Deluxe Skin Question. Reskin?


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I was looking at my cetus wisp. Then i was looking at Mag Deluxe skin. Then it hit me.

Sentient Mag Deluxe.

Is it possible for tennogen to have access to deluxe skins to make new themes for those as well as the Mag Deluxe Model would work so well for a Sentient theme :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

While this is an interesting idea, you gotta also think about this: If DE were to make that a thing (putting the mesh for the deluxe skins into TG) and artists work their magic on them and everybody buys those...wouldn't that kind of...demotivate DE to make more for us if we don't buy their stuff but instead only buy skins from TG artists?(Either that or it would rather motivate them to put some more thought into designing the skins.)

....idk...it's a rather risky addition. And also, what about the people who don't use Steam, imagine the complaining, raging and more sh*t DE would have to put up with other than what they already do.

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Not counting Ember Deluxe out of mercy but I feel that DE have kind of lost that magic touch with Deluxe skins. The part I loved about some of the original Deluxes


(not counting the Prototype skins as they're more reused assets as opposed to deluxe skins)

was the unique FX some of them had starting out. Admittively the only reason I even get the Deluxe skins is for the bundled packages. Nekros Deluxe is one of those few times where I quite like the Deluxe skin.

Not to bash DE but there is a 4 letter word beginning with L I can think of to describe the lack of ability FX on newer Deluxe skins. Those are kinda the only thing that made them more desirable than your average Tennogen content. And while not to get sidetracked it should also be mentioned Valkyr Gemini never got a bundle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They need to make Deluxe skins available for tennogen, absolutely. Main reason is that the Deluxe skin isn't just a texture - it's a completely different mesh that comes with only one texture set (currently). This will increase the variety in shape in the tennogen skins without straying too far (or at all) from already existing silhouettes. The community gets better variety. The company and the individual tennogen artists get more sales. Everyone win.

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On 29.11.2017. at 7:24 AM, Neptlude said:

I wish they would still release the deluxe skin data so tennergenners can atleast make alt helm for the skins

Yea I hope for that to come some day in a future,for example for frost deluxe helmet...

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/30/2017 at 1:22 PM, Vlada91 said:

Yea I hope for that to come some day in a future,for example for frost deluxe helmet...

On that topic, remember that particular Oberon helmet which was styled to fit both the normal Oberon and his Prime counterpart?

That approach, while incredibly tricky to pull off, can work and should be a focus when doing Tennogen alt-helms for Deluxe skins, since you'd mostly have to appeal to the base frame design aswell.

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В 29.11.2017 в 13:24, Neptlude сказал:

I wish they would still release the deluxe skin data so tennergenners can atleast make alt helm for the skins

Doubt that having deluxe model has anything to do with it.

All you have to do (well you know how that "all sounds but still) is to create a neutral texture and not *** up color channels. In some skins it's almost impossible because of their design like Ember deluxe anyway. And helmest should have separate coloring like syandanas which wiould solve 90% of the issues with them without those deluxe models. As awesome as mentioned Oberon helm is it has it's issues with colors and neck lenght still. 

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