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change the ambulas mission PLEASE


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25 minutes ago, xXFlippyXx said:

did 85% of the damage. In fact I was the only one to actually hurt the ambulas.

79% as Atlas and 8 revives from me alone. It was a rough carry but it I did it. And someone asked for my Atlas build. It always feels good to spread some Atlas love around! 

25 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

The ambulas boss fight isn’t even that hard, you just need to practice the boss fight a little bit more.

This was actually the main issue and why we almost lost. People don't defend the hacked Ambulas, meanwhile everyone is going down, and trying to kill the other Ambulas, instead of just leaving it to me (I only say that last part because they were pretty terrible at damage). My wall was the best use of CC that round and that is very depressing to say. The mission is fine. People just aren't used to having to learn a fight... Ambulas rework was a big step in the right direction for how bosses should be. Big props for having no invincibility stages. 

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9 hours ago, MuscleBeach said:

I figured standing still gets you killed. And getting swarmed by 5 different disruptors at a time. I did it with Atlas twice last night. Disruptors were the only issues for me. I guess Mesa can kill those before they get in range to shut off her 4.

I don't use Mesa so I was guessing

You do have a some good damage resistance with her. Plus, you can keep moving. It is not as if she must stand still the entire time to dish out insane amounts of damage. You can move to one location, activate your 4, clean up the entire map in a matter of seconds, deactivate and move on. The main problem is the laser from the ship, and it is kinda slow moving so you can dogde it pretty easily. 
It is amazing how insanely fast she can drop an Ambulas by herself. 

That sortie was the second time I fought that boss battle. My first time was solo right before doing the sortie, just so I could figure out what to do. I knew she could drop Ambulas like nothing else, so it had to be her.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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I liked the scenario, it has big lore and proportions to it. I like a lot Ergo Glast too. But it is poorly done imho, the execution is indeed dull.

I did it in a pug group. We were all like "how that is boss, long time no see". Mesa rekt the first Ambulas someone type "that was underwhelming". I was playing Harrow, we had a Frost. Bubbles got rekt, people got rekt, all the way. BUT WE DID IT with only 1 fail hack.

Fight where Limbo may shine hard Too much seemingly unavoidable rain of S#&$ from above..

Edited by Galuf
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I did it with a team of randoms.

Me and another guy both were using Excaliburs and we blinded and did the damage together on the ambulas while the other 2 (Valkyr and Ash) gave us breathing room by helping to deal with the other enemies and distract the other ambulas which were are not attacking at that moment.

It's tough but it's definitely doable. Just need a team that knows what they are doing.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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This is actually really easy if you use specters. I always forget I have them, but I just decided to use a few and then my squad mates did the same. The specters never even lost much health and really helped(completely owned) with CC. Used it on sortie 3 a couple days ago or whenever it was. It was entertaining to watch. None of us died and I ended with 7% damage taken and 3% damage done. :laugh:

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I'm kinda torn on this. The fight is long, but Sorties are not meant to be easy. And it's definitely not the worst of the Sortie bosses.... They're the only  challenge we can regularly (not always) rely on in this game. 

Admittedly, we should actually be getting comparable reward for that effort but that's a different story.

It's not meant for you to bring your rank 12 Daikyu to level. You need to prove a diverse skill set in the game, especially in Sorties and come prepared. There's times I switch Frames and loadout for every single mission in the Sortie (partially because I don't trust my team and insist on coming as prepared as I can to solo it if I have to, and it does happen). 

Your loadout should change to match the content. Don't change the content so you can keep playing your absolute favorite loadout. If you can't handle Sorties with what you have then you need to stop doing them for a while and get better mods and try out different gear.

Certain Sorties really are just stupid though, truthfully, like Sortie 3 Spy Infested Eximus Stronghold. With that one, I say they can eat a d!#% and I skip it that day. But that's based on my skill, and I'm sure there are others who are better at that and willing to go through the effort for an Ayatan Sculpture. If you have to skip a day, it's not really a big deal since there's no real reward to it but the challenge itself. I'm sorry, you're not getting a Legendary Core. You're just not.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Certain Sorties really are just stupid though, truthfully, like Sortie 3 Spy Infested Eximus Stronghold. With that one, I say they can eat a d!#% and I skip it that day.

I was with you right up until here. Im curious about what you are having trouble with on that?

I actually find those the easiest because the infested dont set off alarms... you can run past everything and pretty much ignore the enemy all together

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3 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

I was with you right up until here. Im curious about what you are having trouble with on that?

I actually find those the easiest because the infested dont set off alarms... you can run past everything and pretty much ignore the enemy all together

The issue I had with it was the enemies in the actual hacking rooms. Constantly draining energy, giving toxic procs and fire blasting me all around the room, and of course being Sortie 3 they're in the level 100 range doing those things which can be very fatal. It could also be the map it was on that made it hard with that combination. It was the earth grineer spy tileset. After that I just didn't bother with it any more so I haven't tried that combination out on a different tileset. That's probably the only combination I've ever had much issue with, other than Lua Spy...but that's because I'm not a Spy person if i can help it. With that said, I typically solo all Sortie Spy missions because pugs suck at spy.

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I liked that rework a lot at first, but after a while the 6 ambulas requirement made the fight a bit too repetitive for my taste.

Also i dislike to have to get beacons, judgment points or whatever before being allowed to enter a mission... It's somewhat ok for operations and events, but not regular boss fights and especialy not kuva siphons.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

The issue I had with it was the enemies in the actual hacking rooms. Constantly draining energy, giving toxic procs and fire blasting me all around the room, and of course being Sortie 3 they're in the level 100 range doing those things which can be very fatal. It could also be the map it was on that made it hard with that combination. It was the earth grineer spy tileset. After that I just didn't bother with it any more so I haven't tried that combination out on a different tileset. That's probably the only combination I've ever had much issue with, other than Lua Spy...but that's because I'm not a Spy person if i can help it. With that said, I typically solo all Sortie Spy missions because pugs suck at spy.

Ah ok... im assuming you are relying on invisibility heavily? Ive found that i can run the spy rooms faster than most lokis or ivaras, but im comfortable running them without any kind of powers at this point. Ive been doing them with random frames for so long now it seems like second nature. Theres also a ton of shortcuts, so once you learn them all, spys are a cakewalk no matter what you use

Actually, come to think of it, the only one i have a little trouble with is room C on the kuva fortress. A loki can just run through it, but its a little tricky without using powers. Im still trying to find my groove in that one, but then again I havent put much effort into it lately either.

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29 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

Ah ok... im assuming you are relying on invisibility heavily? Ive found that i can run the spy rooms faster than most lokis or ivaras, but im comfortable running them without any kind of powers at this point. Ive been doing them with random frames for so long now it seems like second nature. Theres also a ton of shortcuts, so once you learn them all, spys are a cakewalk no matter what you use

Actually, come to think of it, the only one i have a little trouble with is room C on the kuva fortress. A loki can just run through it, but its a little tricky without using powers. Im still trying to find my groove in that one, but then again I havent put much effort into it lately either.

I'm not fond of spy, and I despise Loki. I probably was using Ivara at the time which would explain the chaos when the energy was drained.

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On 11/8/2017 at 11:58 AM, MuscleBeach said:

I don't use Mesa so I was guessing

Shouldn't comment on a frame and declare it bad if you have no experience with the frame then, especially when you can do a quick search on google or YouTube and find multiple videos showing of Mesa.


Mesa is one of the top tier solo frames in the game, and played well is an absolute beast in most of the content, with very little that actually she has trouble with. She has outstanding area denial power just on Shooting Gallery alone, let alone when you are using Peacemaker (which the damage of Peacemaker is reliant on your pistol mods), and Shatter Shield gives her 90% damage resistance at 125% power strength to ranged damage attacks with very few exceptions. The only power that is questionable is Ballistic Battery, which is flat damage and prone to being completely worthless in high level fights. Hell I doubt most Mesa players even remember the name of the 1 power let alone that it exists.


Ambulas fight, a Mesa will not only keep the Ambulas protected, but will drop them pretty quickly with Peacemaker. The trick is to know how to be mobile and use momentum to your advantage since she can activate peacemakers while still moving or in the air giving her some insane attack angles and potential pop up Peacemaker attacks, though Peacemaker's one downside is it is prone to latency to, so if you are in a team where the host has a crap connection, you are going to be frustrated more than anything as a Mesa.

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1 hour ago, ChampionSheWolf said:

Shouldn't comment on a frame and declare it bad if you have no experience with the frame then, especially when you can do a quick search on google or YouTube and find multiple videos showing of Mesa.

I never said she was bad. I don't think I've ever heard anyone ever say Mesa was bad? I said don't use it for a specific fight, which is my opinion. And I do know the Frame. 90% damage reduction doesn't mean you can tank everything. It's a level 100 mission and the OP mentioned the laser. Mesa is known for her 4 which immobilizes her. I'm sure you can see why someone would think she's not the most ideal choice for this mission. You can just as easily erase this part of your post and still get your message across respectfully, like everyone else that replied to my post. 

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Am 8.11.2017 um 01:50 schrieb MuscleBeach:

Don't stand still. Use frost bubble. Use Rhino iron Skin. Use Nezha Warding Halo. Use Nyx Absorb. Use Limbo Rift. etc.

My problem with that Sortie wasn't to stay alive but to dish out the insane amounts of damage those things soak up. Even with a Radiation/Viral build. I'd get them down eventually, but there's that bloody timer you're working on.

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1 minute ago, Bibliothekar said:

My problem with that Sortie wasn't to stay alive but to dish out the insane amounts of damage those things soak up. Even with a Radiation/Viral build. I'd get them down eventually, but there's that bloody timer you're working on.

You just need to know how to use the tools the game gives you, what I did was use the mutalist cernos to armor strip and then I used mesa's ult to murderize them. No problem.

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23 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

My problem with that Sortie wasn't to stay alive but to dish out the insane amounts of damage those things soak up. Even with a Radiation/Viral build. I'd get them down eventually, but there's that bloody timer you're working on.

I used Atlas with a Quick Thinking + Vitality + Primed Flow+ Rage setup. My power strength wasn't much higher than 100%. I just punched them for 10-15 seconds each and they went down. 

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh that's rich. Ambulas isn't hard, man. It's not even a boss fight. It's a sortie 3 defense mission with an extra gimmick, i.e. giant space laser that keeps you moving.

But you know what? I agree with the fact that the Ambulas mission should be changed. Not because it's 'hard', but because it's boring as hell. The Ambulas themselves aren't even a threat, they die in seconds just like everything else, they have few if any interesting attacks, and the goddamn dropship's turrets are more annoying than the 'boss'. The mission sucks because it is essentially 4 waves of defense against generic mobs, it's just that there's an orbital strike going on to spice things up a little and a priority target (i.e. Remech osprey).

If there ought to be any change it's a second overhaul to the Ambulas to make it stronger and actually interesting to fight, then decrease the defense period down to 3 waves of 1 minute each.

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