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EA debacle and Warframe


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Ok, I just read about the verdict for the EA loot box system being categorized as "gambling" in Belgium and Hawaii and started thinking about how, if any way, this is gonna effect Warframe. I am not saying DE acts like EA in any way but wondering if this will have any indirect consequences. Since, I guess, Warframe does have a "gambling" side in the form of the Mod packs and Relic packs. On the other hand, warframe allows you to pay with platinum and not your actual credit card so you can still get these packs without using your money. Do you think we will be effected if something drastic is gonna come out of this?

Or maybe I am overthinking this and I am just being a worry wart :shocked:

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its just some overhyped nonsense that will hopefully fade away in few months .. people are just angry at EA for milking money ... if you read terms and conditions or eula or what is it called in english you can find there that you shouldnt have access to credit card if you are not adult and its not your own so if you have problem with your kid gambling you dont give him money and as long as you are adult noone cares if you are gambling... valve had problem with this some year ago with skins gambling sites and thats only cosmetic not even p2w model and just changed few words and now can sue anyone who uses word gambling in ingame chat

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The way it was explained to me is that the Mod and Relic packs(Which last time I saw you can't get with plat but okay) are not the ONLY way to get mods or relics. As such the whole Gambling thing won't apply to warframe, or at least shouldn't. With BF2...the ONLY way to get new things was through their chance packs, no other way.

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1 minute ago, Hixlysss said:

The way it was explained to me is that the Mod and Relic packs(Which last time I saw you can't get with plat but okay) are not the ONLY way to get mods or relics. As such the whole Gambling thing won't apply to warframe, or at least shouldn't. With BF2...the ONLY way to get new things was through their chance packs, no other way.

Ok, I wasn't 100% sure on how their new Battlefront 2 game worked, I never planned on buy it anyways. From what I heard, I was under the assumption that you could only "git gud" by buying their loot boxes.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Laws don't work like that.

I mean the simplest way to fix that is to remove it. As far as I know, the mod and relic packs are the only thing that actually COULD be classified as gambling. Otherwise, I am pretty sure we are golden. I don't explore the market much since I have the time to grind most of my stuff.

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Just now, WNxMatthew said:

Ok, I wasn't 100% sure on how their new Battlefront 2 game worked, I never planned on buy it anyways. From what I heard, I was under the assumption that you could only "git gud" by buying their loot boxes.

Actually that is also correct. The loot boxes were their only system and they came with "Power up" cards that literally made you "Better" as in like straight buffs to damage and ect. So someone who was just playing it free would be at a disadvantage over a "Wallet warrior" type, as EA threw in SO many ways to slow down your credit earning(Reduced campaign credit earned from 20k to 5k. Arcade mode 'credit earn cooldown' at 3, 7, 12, 24 or more hours before you can earn credits again. Horrible credit earn rate in the start(VIP of match earns pretty much the same as worst player.) So all in all it was horrible and EA took a big punch in the gut over it, from players AND Disney.

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2 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

Because Baro brings those Axi A2 only once a year. ;)

Ever heard of syndicate rewards? ^^

Ps: I know but eh.. Syndicates... New players have no idea what they are

Edited by EmilotMargus
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vor 18 Minuten schrieb meristu:

its just some overhyped nonsense that will hopefully fade away in few months ..

Sorry, but I disagree. Loot boxes have become a really bad habit in the industry™ and it was more than time for the governments to take a look into them. There's tons of other and better ways to do random rewards, like Warframe does with caches and relics. You could unlock certain characters by getting certain achievements (see: Binding of Isaac). Putting all your stuff into one giant drop table and selling the player a grab into that pot (in a that they already paid for, no less) is a thing that should burn in hell. And that goes twice for loot boxes that don't remove duplicates.

vor 5 Minuten schrieb EmilotMargus:

Ever heard of syndicate rewards? ^^

Axi A2 (AkLex Prime) can only be gotten from Baro, though.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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26 minutes ago, meristu said:

its just some overhyped nonsense that will hopefully fade away in few months .. people are just angry at EA for milking money ... if you read terms and conditions or eula or what is it called in english you can find there that you shouldnt have access to credit card if you are not adult and its not your own so if you have problem with your kid gambling you dont give him money and as long as you are adult noone cares if you are gambling... valve had problem with this some year ago with skins gambling sites and thats only cosmetic not even p2w model and just changed few words and now can sue anyone who uses word gambling in ingame chat

the problem is its done in a predatory manner aimed at kids. There was even a patent for a system filed that is designed to subtly influence you into buying things from the game. its certainly not nonsense otherwise 2 seperate courts of 2 seperate countries wouldnt have taken the time to look into it.

gambling addiction is real, the easiest way to get some one to willingly give you litterally all their money is to get them hooked early and keep them hooked through most of their lives. I hate saying it but people like you, who say "its just nonsense, people are over reacting" are part of the problem. I hope you never have to deal with addiction and never have to watch a friend destroy them selves, their relationships, and their entire life to feed it.

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38 minutes ago, TheFinalEpic said:

Nobody buy mod packs and relic packs though. Its  the most inefficient way to spend plat..

Do you actually have stats to support this claim or just your own feelings on the matter?

You aren't the first to make this bold statement, however, if no one bought them - at all - I imagine De would either remove them or alter them to make them more worthwhile. Kind of like with the revive system. Got the impression it became redundant, let alone unnecessary and shabby, so DE eventually addressed it.

Edited by Valiant
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52 minutes ago, WNxMatthew said:

Ok, I just read about the verdict for the EA loot box system being categorized as "gambling" in Belgium and Hawaii and started thinking about how, if any way, this is gonna effect Warframe. I am not saying DE acts like EA in any way but wondering if this will have any indirect consequences. Since, I guess, Warframe does have a "gambling" side in the form of the Mod packs and Relic packs. On the other hand, warframe allows you to pay with platinum and not your actual credit card so you can still get these packs without using your money. Do you think we will be effected if something drastic is gonna come out of this?

Or maybe I am overthinking this and I am just being a worry wart :shocked:

Don't know what Hawaii said on the matter, but regarding the Belgium case it was stated(or translated as such) that it was dependant on your ability to succeed in the game.

Arguably, you don't really need anything in Warframe' packs to succeed.

If we go back to old school warframe where Warframe's actually required mods for their powers, this may be seen as paying to succeed.

I don't think this is much of an issue for DE, i'd even guess some of the Devs themselves have forgotten that some of the packs exist even. Removing them won't really be too much of a hassle i'd imagine. 

Edited by MillbrookWest
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5 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:

Don't know what Hawaii said on the matter, but regarding the Belgium case it was stated(or translated as such) that it was dependant on your ability to succeed in the game.

There is a video on youtube about it. I never saw what Belgium said on the matter beside that it is gambling and that they want it banned there.

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