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I wonder how you researched which game mode is least popular... Most people I know (including myself) severely dislike rescue. Personally I only do rescue missions when they are all that is left hence I haven't unlocked 100% of the missions I'd rather do nightmare mode when it adds all the challenges (no map, no shields, vampire, funky gravity etc.)

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I wonder how you researched which game mode is least popular... Most people I know (including myself) severely dislike rescue. Personally I only do rescue missions when they are all that is left hence I haven't unlocked 100% of the missions I'd rather do nightmare mode when it adds all the challenges (no map, no shields, vampire, funky gravity etc.)


I am beginning to think their research is hokem, i head a lot of people complaining about rescue and deception but never about raids


I love raids, i mostly go on void raids and spend hours in void just looking around.

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I know when i first started playing, 'Exterminate' was such a good mission type to not overwhelm my noobiness, giving me a chance to practice wall running/climbing, sliding & movement combos, without being set upon by a newly spwaned mob, and encouraged me to explore and familiarize myself with the various tilesets.


Practicing move is what the dojo should be for, and familiarizing yourself with tilesets should come from just playing. You'd have to get a ton of different exterminate missions in order to do that anyway, seeing as how many there are of them nowadays.


So I stay by my original point, remove it, and make the extraction very close to the objective, so people won't be bothered by respawns when they just want to be done.

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the timed survival would only be worth it if the rewards match the time and difficulty.

Since crafting  and dojo  needs material grinding - many materials drop  pretty rarely - a mission like survival is counterproductive.


You can say thta people need to play to have fun ... but  you cant have fun(unless you wanna play with  mk1 braton and sana forever) if you are forced to grind for materials to  get new items (many of which require high rank and lots of materials).

Spy and such are also  unpopular due to very bad time/difficulty and reward ratio.

But all of it is pointless with the current state of connectivity problems anyways.

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I think mission rewards are a big factor into player preference for mission types, which is why Endless Defense and genereal Defense missions are the most played because of the possible loot they can give.


This needs to be taken into consideration, rather than simply play counts.

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I would REALLY like to see a survival mode where we wouldn't be responsible for the care of an object, but for the survival of our squad :D  Livestream was awesome (as always) Love the game guys, thanks for all your hard work!

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<People wanted a true mobile defense>

<They get it>

<They complain about imperfect AI>


Seriously, never ever put any form of trust into NPC objectives. Treat it like a cryopod moving on rails. Escort missions are(if the AI doesn't bug out) one of the best mission types, because it creates a new weakpoint for they have to deal with and can't just shrug off like "eh, minor health drain".


DE has to step up their AI behaviour for these mission types in any case, so that there are certain periods of time where the team can "breathe", catch up and get ready for the next part of the mission, at least on high level missions.

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I like the live stream. I love how your team does everything, but personally I love the most the sound team because their job is somewhat exotic. I like how they make different sounds by crushing fruits or by swinging different things. :) Btw about the Raid I think its not a good idea to remove it. 1. It has been in the game since day one if I'm not mistaken, and somewhat that mission is something we don't want to depart with it that easy. 2. It will be wiser to change it but not remove it. Maybe add some more mission impossible elements to it. I vote to remove it for a period of time only to make it better and then return it. :)


And I almost forgot - YAY PINK SHORTS! :D

Edited by RazulDarkwood
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keep raid, ditch the "Pizza Delivery" missions as my friend calls them. I'd much rather Raid or Capture. Capture is my favorite (I kinda miss the creepy scream the guy used to do)


Just make raid dynamic. Have the level develop hazards as you try to escape, like Indiana Jones. Have the Enemies flood the level behind you forcing you to run or have hazards pop up and stuff.


Also I hate rescue. Cannot be stressed enough. HATE. So many times has the rather challeneged AI died in a corner dispite my best efforts. Its bad enough that my friends pretty much bolt for the exit and pray we make it before the NPC dies. Also why would the Lotus come on a mission personally?? That seems like a special thing, not a standard mission type :(


These all seem like reflavored defense types (pod defense, mobile defense, survival, lotus defense) THats 4 defense types, which no offense but it seems every game has an AI hold out mode these day. Could we get something different?? On a ship why dont we go kill the captain? Mission complecation, get to pods and escape to ground for pick up (start on ship lvl, get to and escape pod, land on ground and defend/escape until pick up) Reversed, invade ship from a space elevator or pod. Would love ship sabatoge that leads to a timed escape. Anyways, more mission diversity would be great

Edited by MortalEngine
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Taking a moment to apologize for being abnormally cranky in question writing. Too much honesty and insanity, not to be making excuses.


Also the livestreams are fantastical, since having developers/designers/etc. regularly sitting on a couch talking is far better than just being occasionally being graced by a faceless forum post. It's why I give you money.

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On a ship why dont we go kill the captain? Mission complecation, get to pods and escape to ground for pick up (start on ship lvl, get to and escape pod, land on ground and defend/escape until pick up) Reversed, invade ship from a space elevator or pod. Would love ship sabatoge that leads to a timed escape. Anyways, more mission diversity would be great


These, Sir, are amazing ideas.

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Just upgraded to a Hunter. Never done this in a Free 2 Play game before, but i did it for this cause its AMAZING! One of the best games ive played this year hands down.


Mainly why I also did some founder levels.  I figured this game was easily worth $50 that other games charge and don't even come close to being worth.  Keep up the good work.

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Sadly, I wasn't able to watch the livestream but from what I see is that there was talk about removing Raid to which i have to say: NO!  If anything, remove or change Rescue missions since literally no one i know likes Rescue missions nor some of the people in the comments here, same for me, I hate Rescue with a passion.  


On a different note, I hope the stream will be on Youtube so I can watch to see what it's about myself :P 

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Saddened; raid is one of my favorite mission types.


Annoyed; another escort mission?


Resigned: more work to unlock more areas to grind to access to grind to get small bit of something new.


Apologetic: Sound Guys: Skipped that part as it doesn't interest me.

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Not Happy Jan. 


Another escort mission combined with a defence mission - my two LEAST favourite types (I solo a lot.)


Raid gone for good - the one mission where you can actually be sure of getting something on the early ones.


Exterminate - my most favourite mission due to the fact you can take your time, you don't have to rush and worry about the massive numbers of bad guys spawning behind you. 


The only thing which could possibly make these choices worse for me is making melee unusable against infested!


As for the whole TRON thing - please. It's been done, it's old and TBH it's boring as hell. I want to play Warframe not 'Jeopardy'.

Edited by EirikAura
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For those with boosters, they'll either get quadruple affinity, or their booster time will be extended.

I know that, I'm interested to know which one it actually is, they seemed very confused about it on the stream.


I thought they mentioned that they would come and confirm which one was actually going to happen.


If it quadruples then I am going to get one, if it extends not really interested.

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