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Thanks for the Lotus, DE


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Thank you for creating a character that we players managed to connect with.

I actually felt sad when I saw the Lotus leave.

Me-a real human being, one with real family and real friends, actually felt sad when a fictional purple shellhead, no more than a bundle of pixels dancing to the whims of a few lines of code, disappeared. Across all mediums and works of fiction, it has always amazed me that real people can feel fear for and empathize with things that are so obviously not real.

When I felt sad, I realized that DE put a lot of work into making sure at least some of us would feel sad. Nice job with that, I very rarely encounter characters that evoke such emotion.

Just thought I'd share.

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A real human bean. I'm glad she's gone, next to cross off the list is ordis. Lotus is fun but she needs waaaaaaay more interaction with the players during missions specifically lines. That and I'm bored of her.

I've wanted Teshin Space Uncle to give a try at it. It fits, he's a warrior and a capable one at that so I could see tenno respecting him as a leader due to the way he fights and his knowledge. Instead of respecting him because he has a special mask on his face.

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2 minutes ago, Whitestrake0 said:

A real human bean. I'm glad she's gone, next to cross off the list is ordis. Lotus is fun but she needs waaaaaaay more interaction with the players during missions specifically lines. That and I'm bored of her.

I've wanted Teshin Space Uncle to give a try at it. It fits, he's a warrior and a capable one at that so I could see tenno respecting him as a leader due to the way he fights and his knowledge. Instead of respecting him because he has a special mask on his face.

I wanted multiple voice-packs to choose from for a long time but it might be way too much work to actually record all those lines.

Still, i would pay to let Suda narrate all my stuff.

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1 minute ago, Megakruemel said:

I wanted multiple voice-packs to choose from for a long time but it might be way too much work to actually record all those lines.

Still, i would pay to let Suda narrate all my stuff.


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i didn't feel sad when lotus left, that feeling was the next scene where my Tenno looked lost/alone/frightened as he grasped the helmet as a child would a teddy bear.

which made me think the one thing that was constant "Person" in our life since we woke up was none other than, Lotus. and she left us all alone. probably something to do with the upcoming "sacrifice" quest...

meh probably overthinking this :P

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See, I like the Lotus as a character, but I am very firmly of the opinion that it’s a good thing for the Tenno to be without her for a while. Let them grow up and deal with some stuff by and for themselves.


Thus, I’m super unimpressed by the way that DE decided to handle her absence. ‘Look, we took the Lotus away! Serious! Meaningful! Threatening! Dramatic! But also, Ordis will just simulate her for you and nothing will change and it all will have precisely zero impact on literally anything about the game at all in any way whatsoever. This is because the Tenno are so deeply, unbelievably, staggeringly weak and pathetic that they cannot deal with the absence of Space Mommy for a few weeks. Also, isn’t it funny that the Lotus is so predictable that Ordis can just make a sock puppet of her old recordings and it will be indistinguishable from the real Lotus? Oh crap, we’re really not selling this concept well, huh?’

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

See, I like the Lotus as a character, but I am very firmly of the opinion that it’s a good thing for the Tenno to be without her for a while. Let them grow up and deal with some stuff by and for themselves.


Thus, I’m super unimpressed by the way that DE decided to handle her absence. ‘Look, we took the Lotus away! Serious! Meaningful! Threatening! Dramatic! But also, Ordis will just simulate her for you and nothing will change and it all will have precisely zero impact on literally anything about the game at all in any way whatsoever. This is because the Tenno are so deeply, unbelievably, staggeringly weak and pathetic that they cannot deal with the absence of Space Mommy for a few weeks. Also, isn’t it funny that the Lotus is so predictable that Ordis can just make a sock puppet of her old recordings and it will be indistinguishable from the real Lotus? Oh crap, we’re really not selling this concept well, huh?’

We should have gotten an option to pick a deputy mission control for the duration of the event.

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It's actually ironic, heh .. It's taking a lot for me to launch the game again after seeing that. Didn't think it would hit me like that at all, but I lost my own mother at the end of November .. I don't know. What's the point of even saying that. Doesn't matter.

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8 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Thus, I’m super unimpressed by the way that DE decided to handle her absence. ‘Look, we took the Lotus away! Serious! Meaningful! Threatening! Dramatic! But also, Ordis will just simulate her for you and nothing will change and it all will have precisely zero impact on literally anything about the game at all in any way whatsoever. This is because the Tenno are so deeply, unbelievably, staggeringly weak and pathetic that they cannot deal with the absence of Space Mommy for a few weeks. Also, isn’t it funny that the Lotus is so predictable that Ordis can just make a sock puppet of her old recordings and it will be indistinguishable from the real Lotus? Oh crap, we’re really not selling this concept well, huh?’

I suspect a good part of the reason why they went this route by having Ordis simulate the Lotus is because it would be a TON of work to remove her from everything that she is involved in.  There are a number of side-quests that aren't a requirement (to my knowledge) to even access the prologue, which Lotus is involved with practically involved with all of them.  Removing the Lotus and then running other quests could potentially cause other (and possibly more severe) issues.  Alternatively, replacing her with someone like Ordis for example, would be just as much if not even more work, with having to record all dialogue lines and implement them into every scenario where he would need to to stand in for Lotus. 

I do agree tho that it would have been much more impactful if Lotus was just straight up gone, or replaced in some way.  I think DE was in part going with the option that was least likely to screw up any other things.  Still, i do find the glitchy nuclear-purple hologram to be unnerving.....

Though i can't help but ask how the hell are we doing Mobile Defense missions now? Or any mission where Lotus would normally hack something, or when you bring capture targets to her. Is Ordis doing the hacking instead? Is he keeping a bunch of capture targets hostage hidden somewhere in the orbiter?  Ordis! What are you hiding in yer closets >:o....

Edited by Sin1989
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FOR THE TENNO! thank god lotus is gone, i dont feel sad im happy and justice is that tenno is free! i can choose my own path like true Rogue tenno... like how Anakin skywalker has own path or sasuke uchiha who doesnt wanna be with naruto by himself... or something... i wanna be Rogue Tenno DE pls 

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I really don't like *how* she left. I was fairly disillusioned with the lotus for a while, and I feel that the character has made some selfish and unbalanced decisions.

But... the way she left appeared without a second thought really, essentially no care. To leave like that, especially after all she's done, for better or worse.

Does, *not* sit right.


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On 24.12.2017 at 6:21 PM, Endless_Destruction said:

I very rarely encounter characters that evoke such emotion.

This is an enigma. How something that:
- has no detailed background (all we know that this is a sentient drone somehow controlling/being a meat puppet)
- is clearly psychotic (betray own species for a vague opportunity to have adopted kids? seriously?)
- either uber-secretive or ridden of character completely (we know nothing about its likes, dislikes, morals, ideas, and visions of this character, past the fact it literally defies the protagonists)
- uses the horrible, lofty, and pretentious style of writing correspondence
- manipulates players
- is an extreme hypocrite 
can evoke ANY TOKEN OF SYMPATHY is beyond me.

Good riddance, I say. Shame it won't last for long and is not complete (yes, I'm referring the holographic abomination).

Edited by Teloch
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