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Noob Tenno needs help



I'm a new player and got discount so, bought fair amount of platinum, Played for 45 hrs and not spent platinum because i wanted to know how the game works and most efficient way to spend plats, now realized that this game is so huge and immersive has one of the best player community, and i need a lot of help.(i regret buying destiny 2 now a lot) .

Currently, i'm getting pinned on plains of eidolon also i don't have any friends right now so have to do missions solo, although i asked and they are ready to help and carry me to level up faster.

I know slots for warframe and weapons are important, besides that i don't have much idea.

Which warframe should i get and realized there are some vaulted warframes too and make my arsenal which can deal high damage.



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You should spend your plat on prime items.
I recommend using warframe market (its a site, google it) to find the cheapest deals.
Since you're new just buy some prime frames/weapons and see which one you like :P
Also before buying a frame look at the wiki for the build materials to see if you have everything you need to craft those parts lul

Edited by Bluey-EN-
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Personally, unless there's something your reeeaally want in the marketplace, I say spend Plat only on slots and fashion, possibly trading for prime parts. Everything in the market can either be obtained through fighting bosses, enemies, certain missions, or doing Clan Research. Or some things can just be bought outright for credits, but those are few and far between.

Also, in regards to soloing: it's perfectly possible. Myself, I've never progressed from multiplayer, only gone back and helped my friends.

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I'd save your plat for potatoes (Orokin Reactors and Catalysts). You put on them on your gear to double your mod capacity.

Beyond that... in Warframe, pretty much any weapon or frame can be "endgame" if you put enough forma into it. So take your time, level stuff up, find out what you like.

As for help, don't be afraid to ask for help in Recruiting chat.

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Join a clan

4 free Warframes and lots of weapons in Dojo Labs

Spend plat only on hard to get Warframes (Chroma, Saryn, Mesa, Nidus) and get some nice Warframe skins (avoid weapon skins and do not buy weapons they are usually available in Dojo)

Europe - if u need a clan for dojo friend me in game (retchid)




Edited by Retchid
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Before following bluey's advice.

I'd advise you to use you plat to buy warframe and weapon slots. You start with a limited amount and if you want to climb the mastery ranks you need to max every weapon that you can (it gets easier).

Some more things that would help i'd suggest forma, orokin reactors and catalysts. Catalysts are attached to guns and double the amount of mod capacity for your weapon (i'd do this to a weapon that you would definately not throw away, would be a waste otherwise). Reactors go on warframes, i would also advise putting a reactor on your warframe if you're happy with it. (after a while in game you will max weapons then scrap em, you don't do that with warframes as much unless you've built the prime variant of it).

After you've got yourself set with stuff like that you could do what bluey suggested. Warframe.market (that's the actual url) is a place for people to buy and sell prime frames/weapons and mods. (Not hacks or things like that, to upgrade your weapon you can farm mods to attach to your warframe/weapon to make it more deadly).

At the end though, you're probably going to want warframe accessories. It's a lure that everyone falls for eventually. Instead of buying every colour pallet you can see, i'd advise you to just get 'classic saturated'.

In the end though, it's your plat to do what you will. I do hope you enjoy warframe.

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Welcome to Warframe.

Save your platinum for the essentials such as inventory slots and orokin reactors/catalysts, you won't regret being prepared with these as they help you to squeeze the most out of your gear by doubling the mod capacity.

Aside from those, there are no real necessary items to purchase, no store specific weapons or warframes and there's no harm in sitting on your platinum until something really takes your fancy. Blueprints can be bought with credits and crafted on your foundry, spending platinum only speeds things up by granting the gear outright.

As mentioned above there is a strong trading market in warframe and platinum is tradable. I would suggest obtaining the regular versions of warframes first to figure out what suits you as they are all very unique and the regular/prime stat differences are largely negligible.

All warframes can be obtained on the linear progression path through your solar map. Each planet has a boss and each boss drops parts of a specifc warframe. Some warframes come from story quests too.

Once you have a good grasp you can then consider primes. Buying blindly is ill-advised. Not to mention the craft costs are high for new players.


Make sure you forge your own path through the game at your own pace. It's advisable not to skip content or allow anyone to kite you around. By all means take advice, but make sure to smell the roses too! Experiment with weapons and warframes at your own pace, all of which are available by playing and progressing through your solar map. The game revolves around choice and puts control of your experience in your own hands.

Progress through your solar map, complete mission nodes and unlock new planets by completing junctions. Along the way you will pick up story quests and an abundance of loot to improve your gear, craft new weapons and tackle higher tier content.

If you'd like some company, or someone to bug with questions, on your jouney; I'd be happy to play with you.

Edited by PeachyPurpleNova
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There's lots of weapons with low mastery required that you can get for low price or just build yourself, for some you will need a clan. Orthos prime and galatine prime go for like 30p or something, atterax is free, guandao is free, lex prime costs like 20p, staticor and marelok are free. For primary - hek is free, tigris is free, ignis is free, rubico is free. At mr 6-7 you can get regular soma or baza. No real need to buy expensive primes, most of them aren't worth it.

What you can buy however are mods for weapons because that's what the most important here. And also formas. I would also say only forma weapons you really like tho not everything.

Buying warframes is generally, a waste of money. You can get Mag, Ember, Rhino and Valkyr very early and if you also picked Excal you're more than fine in terms of warframes for most missions. You can also get Banshee, Wukong, Nezha and Volt in the clan.

Edited by -Temp0-
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The one warframe that you might want to buy is Atlas.  Not because he's unusually powerful (he's a beast though), but because his parts are behind a fairly exasperating questline.

Other than that, as people said... warframe.market is a great way to get prime sets and everything.

I'd play for a while before making any big commitments unless plat's not a huge issue for you.  You can get a few decent frames during gameplay, mods are usually more of an issue.  I wouldn't go nuts down that road until you decide you enjoy that type of gameplay.  Lots of VERY useful ones aren't overly expensive.

Lastly...get a sentinel with vacuum.  If you're new that will make a HUGE difference when it comes to being able to make things in your foundry.  Vacuum's a common mod and most vets have like 250 of them.  You should get Taxon pretty early for free.  Big Quality of Life perk!


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Use your plat for Slots, Catalysts, and Reactors first (keep in mind there are regular 24h catalyst/reactor alerts every other Friday after the Devstream), cosmetics second, and mods or Prime parts that are giving you RNG trouble third. Everything else (such as buying frames/weapons outright with platinum) I don't really recommend spending plat on.

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First port of call for your plat should be slots for warframes and weapons but people seem to forget about archwing (4 + 1 prime version), archwing weapons (9 guns, 8 melee + 1 each having a prisma/vandal upgraded version), sentinels + their weapons (each one takes 2 slots but they're bought in 2's... there's 8 sets with 4 having prisma/prime versions as upgrades), companions (5 kubrows, 1 helminth charger, 2 kavats so far but the kubrow and kavat have different appearances so you may end up getting more).  YOu may want to consider getting some slots for those too.   Check wiki to see what they offer and decide how many you want available etc. 


I would suggest maybe buying equinox rather than farming it purely because you basically need to farm the equivalent of 2 frames but apart from that the rest of the non primes are fairly easy to get in my experience (others might say differently though so your mileage may vary).   I didn't have any issues getting chroma, nidus, mesa etc mentioned above but I was quite lucky getting my saryn part for chroma on my first go.

As to prime frames/items that are vaulted, in all honesty there's usually very little difference between a vaulted prime and it's non prime variant (I have every frame for reference) so I wouldn't go splashing out on things like ember prime or other cheaper primes unless you really really want it.  I will say that if there is a prime frame, don't waste your forma on the non prime because as soon as you get a prime frame you'll ignore the non prime. 


I haven't bought any weapon for plat that can be built via the market or dojo, there's no point if you can be patient.


Orokin reactors/catalysts do drop in game without paying for them but not as often as a lot of us would like early on in the game and even now at MR24 I'm still constantly after catalysts for the weapons (I actually have none right now...) but my reactors for warframes are overflowing.  So if you want to buy with plat, only buy on things you know you'll use/enjoy etc don't just buy it for everything. 

Forma... basically you can never have enough forma.  Do you need to buy them, yes and no.   I've run out a few times (usually when I have an xp booster) and just grabbed a few 3forma packs to tide me over but generally I can keep enough available via relic runs and building them daily to tide me over. 

Don't bother with the orokin cell bp for plat either.  The same goes for any of the modules for the landing craft because most are available in a clan dojo. 

Riven slots might be an idea too if you're wanting to get a lot of rivens in the future. 

I'd maybe suggest looking into a focus lens from each school maybe too, the grind is pretty long on these unless you meta farm so might as well start early (assuming you're able to get them that is.. they only unlock after a certain quest). 


Fashion frame isn't necessary to make you play better in the game so this is an entirely optional aspect of the game as is decorating your ship etc. 

Edited by LSG501
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If you want to spend Plat trading for prime Warframes, I strongly recommend trying the vanilla version first, just to make sure you like them. In the market, some Warframes (the three starters and Loki) are very cheap, and Loki and Excal are reasonable plat buys. Otherwise, it's best not to buy vanilla Warframes with plat at all. Expensive Warframes will sonetimes go on sale during events (ee just had one) and these are good times to buy. But really, if you're just itching to play a frame in particular, there's nothing wrong with spending plat.

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Sounds like I'm a little ahead of you but through a very similar situation. I'm 22 days in. On my 3rd day got the 75% discount so bought $50 worth of plat. Then on about day 8 I got another. Not knowing if it was a fluke or not, I did know I was enjoying the game so bought another $50 even though I'd hardly spent any of the first batch. So there I was a total noob sitting on 8k plat. Essentially I spent on roadblocks, and frame/weapon slots. I figured I still need to learn the game so getting the best gear right now isn't going to make me the best player.

However where it seems we diverged, I've concentrated on opening the star map and done hardly any eidolon. Now I'm MR7, just opened Pluto, have Excalibur, Rhino, Frost Prime (from twitch offer), Mag and Valkyrie maxed, just started Trinity, with Nova and Oberon unranked - all except Frost and starter Excal built in the foundry. I haven't bought any frames, but I did buy a Hek shotgun which made life easier from Jupiter on. Get your Primes from Fissure runs - I picked up Lex Prime blueprint and parts which work a perfect counterpoint to the Hek. Most of my spent plat has gone on credits and endoo when I started hitting a wall and that mod just needed another rank or two that I couldn't afford, or when I sunk too much in my solo clan dojo startup - oh and a Maiming Strike mod for the Atterax I had cooking in the foundry. I still have about 6500 of that 8+k left, and it'll go a long way. If anything, I've probably spent more than I've needed to on impatience.

I'd recommend that path rather than trying to buy new gear for Eidolon, since you'll build up your tools naturally through progression, learn the game, save your plat for when you know what you really want, but spend a bit here and there to avoid the paingrind.

Edited by ChewToy_
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I just started Warframe for the fourth or fifth time on Xbox One.  I decided to watch a bunch of instructional vids and check out people playing on Twitch.  Previously, I'd start it, get discouraged, and quit, rinse/repeat.  Last night I played for 6 hours and had sooooo much fun.  I wanted to start over from scratch, but found out that's not possible.  So, I had my Xcalibur, played for a few hours, then got the Volt and played for a few hours as well.  I saw the 50 percent discount on plat and bought $30 worth.  Haven't spent any of it as I wanted to just experience the game.  I'm getting the feel for the ship and its functions.  I'm just "auto-leveling" my frame/weapons now as I heard that was suggested early on.

Where do I find info on what the hud content means?  I see my health and appears to be a shield number on the upper right.  What does my frame have on it that regenerates health points, which right now are 150, with 100 for my armor, I think its armor anyway.  I also noticed the 2 times I died on a mission that there was a max of 12 times I could come back.  Is this for the life of your Tenno or is this per mission?  I assume it's per mission, but figured I'd ask.

My assumption is that I keep playing the missions the navigator gives me and I'll progress normally.  So far I only have a handgun and bow.  Are certain frames like that or can all the frames handle other weapons, shotguns, sniper rifles, etc?   Will I eventually be able to acquire those in regular game play or will I have to buy them?

So many questions, hahaha.  I was telling my buddy last night that Warframe is so much more fun than Destiny.  I didn't believe it myself until I committed myself to playing it.  I'm converted now.  I might be broke sooner, but I'm committed to exploring the Warframe world.

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6 hours ago, ChewToy_ said:

Sounds like I'm a little ahead of you but through a very similar situation. I'm 22 days in. On my 3rd day got the 75% discount so bought $50 worth of plat. Then on about day 8 I got another. Not knowing if it was a fluke or not, I did know I was enjoying the game so bought another $50 even though I'd hardly spent any of the first batch. So there I was a total noob sitting on 8k plat. Essentially I spent on roadblocks, and frame/weapon slots. I figured I still need to learn the game so getting the best gear right now isn't going to make me the best player.

However where it seems we diverged, I've concentrated on opening the star map and done hardly any eidolon. Now I'm MR7, just opened Pluto, have Excalibur, Rhino, Frost Prime (from twitch offer), Mag and Valkyrie maxed, just started Trinity, with Nova and Oberon unranked - all except Frost and starter Excal built in the foundry. I haven't bought any frames, but I did buy a Hek shotgun which made life easier from Jupiter on. Get your Primes from Fissure runs - I picked up Lex Prime blueprint and parts which work a perfect counterpoint to the Hek. Most of my spent plat has gone on credits and endoo when I started hitting a wall and that mod just needed another rank or two that I couldn't afford, or when I sunk too much in my solo clan dojo startup - oh and a Maiming Strike mod for the Atterax I had cooking in the foundry. I still have about 6500 of that 8+k left, and it'll go a long way. If anything, I've probably spent more than I've needed to on impatience.

I'd recommend that path rather than trying to buy new gear for Eidolon, since you'll build up your tools naturally through progression, learn the game, save your plat for when you know what you really want, but spend a bit here and there to avoid the paingrind.

What is the max level on a frame?   I see my weapons, bow, handgun, and skills also are progressing.  Is there a max on those as well?  I'm assuming I can check the levels in the Armory, right?

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Ok I'm not an expert but take my answers from a learning player...

24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Force58 said:

What is the max level on a frame?   I see my weapons, bow, handgun, and skills also are progressing.  Is there a max on those as well?  I'm assuming I can check the levels in the Armory, right?

30 on frame and 30 on weapons. Each level gives you a mod drain point, so more levels, more mods. If you like them, put an Orokin Reactor on the frames to double mod drain to 60. And what I did, since I decided at the outset I was going to collect frames, is use my purchased plat to do this as I started levelling. That means you have double the mod capacity as you level them, which adds survivability.

27 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Force58 said:

So many questions, hahaha. 

Rather than answering them all I really would recommend doing some research :-) But for some: Shield will regenerate. Health doesn't though some frames have heals (Trinity, Oberon,...). Deaths per mission as far as I know, but I assume if you totally wipe you fail the mission. I haven't managed that yet though. For weapons and upgrades, learn to use your foundry. As you'll read, you don't need plat, but it can take some farming pain away. Everything can be researched in your foundry after farming parts.  I watched these you tubes, well not all of the series, but enough to get me going. Very useful.



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Since your a new player DO NOT BUY FASHION FRAME pls your are just starting out no need for that rn. Slots are what you need. You lvl up by maxing out weapons. (I wish someone told me that starting out lol.) Buying warframes doesn't give you the full experience of the game. Buying cheap prime frames such as trin (a support frame) which can go for 20-30p Is great. Goodluck!

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17 hours ago, (PS4)MichaelBePro said:

Since your a new player DO NOT BUY FASHION FRAME pls your are just starting out no need for that rn. Slots are what you need. You lvl up by maxing out weapons. (I wish someone told me that starting out lol.) Buying warframes doesn't give you the full experience of the game. Buying cheap prime frames such as trin (a support frame) which can go for 20-30p Is great. Goodluck!

Thanks.  I'm just going to experience the game and not rush to buy anything right off, well except for a reactor if I like the frame I'm in.  I'll see how far I get before I figure out if I need slots.  Thanks again.

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22 hours ago, ChewToy_ said:

Ok I'm not an expert but take my answers from a learning player...

30 on frame and 30 on weapons. Each level gives you a mod drain point, so more levels, more mods. If you like them, put an Orokin Reactor on the frames to double mod drain to 60. And what I did, since I decided at the outset I was going to collect frames, is use my purchased plat to do this as I started levelling. That means you have double the mod capacity as you level them, which adds survivability.

Rather than answering them all I really would recommend doing some research :-) But for some: Shield will regenerate. Health doesn't though some frames have heals (Trinity, Oberon,...). Deaths per mission as far as I know, but I assume if you totally wipe you fail the mission. I haven't managed that yet though. For weapons and upgrades, learn to use your foundry. As you'll read, you don't need plat, but it can take some farming pain away. Everything can be researched in your foundry after farming parts.  I watched these you tubes, well not all of the series, but enough to get me going. Very useful.



Hey Chew, thanks for the great info.   I'm going to take everyone's advise and not rush to spend plat.  I'll just work my way out of Earth via the missions and see what happens.  I like the Excalibur and Volt so far, so will stick with them for as long as I can.  I've been researching, but ran into a snag on one of the wiki sites for Warframe as it had a virus on it.  Luckily my virus scanner found it and took care of it.

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