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What keeps you playing?


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15 hours ago, Nakrast said:

WF is legit one of the best, if not the best F2P game.
I personally enjoy all the things you listed, and i really want to see the devs succeed.

I disagree in them being the best F2P game. They have one of the better pay models, but their game is so unpolished, and they handle a ton of things so poorly. I supported them a long time ago but more and more they keep causing me to lose faith.

Maybe if they actually focus on polishing what's already there instead of adding empty and shallow content I'd change my tune. Hell, even redoing their awful autoban system would be a step in the right direction, or not being so standoffish when met with criticism about how they handle issues with players, or hell, holding certain partnered content creators to some kind of standard instead of letting them insult, hurt, and attack other members of the community and shoving it all under the rug.

Come on DE. The way you handle some things is very player and customer hostile and just rude.

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I am not being kept by anything for playing

We were promised about Umbra (Like clickbait no release date and any more info)

I possibly will come back when umbra will be a thing

Changes to AI and other things which are making playing feel like pain. Pilferoid is not anymore a thing in my opinion because enemies are not rushing players. Instead using covers like spies...

IPS changes... buff other two damage types, don't nerf slash

Untill this giphy.gif will be buyable for plat on market

And i may be getting back in game, but not sooner than Umbra will be real

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)NotNodn said:

Is it the friendly community? The passionate dev? The hours of content? The satisfying gameplay? The endless ways to customise? The hidden lore? The Sci Fi setting? Or the fact that all of this and more is free to play? What keeps you guys going?

Next time, please, don't make threads like this one. People will use it to talk sh*t about DE instead of staying to the topic.

This community created such a high ego that is nigh impossible to have a good conversation in the forums.

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For me, it's the constant evolution and mutation of the game over time, the continueing story we follow along and occasionally influence, the fascinating fellow storyliners and creators I meet throughout, and the sheer staying power the game has had (I'm a pess poor "disposal" consumer, I LOVE continuity).


I could babble about each of these individually for hours, so, to put it basically, I have grown with Warframe and Warframe has grown with me. We are entwined till either of us die, and some tears will be shed when one of us falls.

Edited by Unus
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15 hours ago, Pent_ said:

I disagree in them being the best F2P game. They have one of the better pay models, but their game is so unpolished, and they handle a ton of things so poorly. I supported them a long time ago but more and more they keep causing me to lose faith.

Maybe if they actually focus on polishing what's already there instead of adding empty and shallow content I'd change my tune. Hell, even redoing their awful autoban system would be a step in the right direction, or not being so standoffish when met with criticism about how they handle issues with players, or hell, holding certain partnered content creators to some kind of standard instead of letting them insult, hurt, and attack other members of the community and shoving it all under the rug.

Come on DE. The way you handle some things is very player and customer hostile and just rude.

What F2P games are you putting on a pedestal above Warframe with your lazy critique here?  

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4 minutes ago, Urabask said:

What F2P games are you putting on a pedestal above Warframe with your lazy critique here?  

Feel free to go through my post history if you want more in depth critique at what I see as DE's failings. As for F2P games with similar paymodels and lots more polish:

League of Legends new paymodel

Path of Exile

Runescape even has a grind for membership status now

Battlerite's Paymodel is pretty solid, as well as paladins, Fortnite Battlegrounds, and other F2P competitive multiplayer games.

And again, when the best thing you can say about your game is your paymodel isn't as egregious as say, idk, a typical F2P first person shooter, you don't have much to stand on. Sure you can grind for hours to get almost all content in Warframe, but is that grinding worth it, and is the end goal any good? To get back to the root of the thread, my answer is no. We have a bunch of half-assed systems, features, and game modes that are all kind of stapled together. 2 or 3 years ago this was fine, and expected. I thought they would introduce and then expand upon these systems. Instead they just tack on some new unfinished and shallow gamemode, feature, or system while occasionally adding a not very thought out complete overhaul of the old ones. None of them really work together all that well. Take for instance parkour. We got our parkour update 2 years ago and most tiles still don't have any place to really wall hop. Vaulting is still removed, and ledge grabbing is shoddy at best. Problems like this are rampant throughout Warframe, but everyone shoves it under the rug because Warframe's Paymodel is pretty good. I'll take good, polished content over new shiny things to use and forget about every single day of the week.

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It's addiction. 

There's no other way to put it,and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

I'm long past the time I played this game for pure enjoyment. I came to a point where I feel odd when I spend too long without playing. It became a routine. A confortable return. Yet I cannot say I enjoy  it. There is no end game to speak off, the balance is in such shambles that one either annihilate a whole map with a button press or gets flattened by a single stray bullet, there is nothing the game has to offer but a confortable repetition that became too hard to leave. 

I frankly just wish I had the strength to leave this game behind. With how much fair criticism goes unheard, and how much the vast majority of the community seems to push for innane things and how the devs lack basic balancing skills, it'd be the most sensible thing to do. Yet I can't. 

So yeah. It's addiction. 

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23 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

Path of Exile


i.e.  A game based on re-grinding the same lazy shallow content over and over again.  It's almost like you don't apply the same standards to other games.

23 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

Runescape even has a grind for membership status now


26 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

League of Legends new paymodel

Oh Christ.

You have to be trolling at this point.

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20 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

It's addiction. 

There's no other way to put it,and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

I'm long past the time I played this game for pure enjoyment. I came to a point where I feel odd when I spend too long without playing. It became a routine. A confortable return. Yet I cannot say I enjoy  it. There is no end game to speak off, the balance is in such shambles that one either annihilate a whole map with a button press or gets flattened by a single stray bullet, there is nothing the game has to offer but a confortable repetition that became too hard to leave. 

I frankly just wish I had the strength to leave this game behind. With how much fair criticism goes unheard, and how much the vast majority of the community seems to push for innane things and how the devs lack basic balancing skills, it'd be the most sensible thing to do. Yet I can't. 

So yeah. It's addiction. 

Yowch. . . I'm sorry you feel that way sir, especially sorry given I bother you so often with pieces completely dedicated to it.

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Nowadays, I don't find the combat within Warframe to be the biggest selling point anymore, sure it's fun but I find it to be rather...too chaotic and messy at the state of the game, everything is so AoE based yknow, which isn't bad but it sorta pulls you out of the direct combat a lot of the times.

What really keeps me connected with the game is well, the lore and especially, the factions within the game. My favorite faction that I'm greatly interested in is the GRINEER and just pretty much, everything about the GRINEER intrigues me, I want more of them, I want to see what unexpected and crazy aesthetics that may take up of them and such, they have such great personalities behind their design. 

that's pretty much it I guess

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Melee combat and the games universe that has been created. I love everything about it. The environments, the warframes, the many enemies you fight, the weapons based on different factions, all of it feels fresh and novel to me. Although, it was hard to be fully immersed until melee 2.0 came out even though I did enjoy it from time to time. I always thought it was so silly that we had these razor sharp blades at our disposal, but never fully took them out. Masters of gun and blade? Pre-update 13, that was a big joke. Ever since though, I've been fully immersed in collected melee weapons and messing around with the many stances. As long as I can get up close and personal with an enemy, consider me content. 

Oh and the customization in this game is one of the best I've personally seen. 


Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be equipping the Venka Prime on my Ash Prime while customizing him with Wolverine colors.


Edited by Darkmoone1
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41 minutes ago, Urabask said:

i.e.  A game based on re-grinding the same lazy shallow content over and over again.  It's almost like you don't apply the same standards to other games.


Oh Christ.

You have to be trolling at this point.

Yes, lets discount an argument because you don't personally like those games. At least those games do what is advertised, and what they do they do exceptionally well. Grinding is not an issue with Warframe, it's how unfun and repetitive without any meaningful variation aside from looking different, the grinding gets. Even builds come down to a few subsets of the same thing. You can edit them just a bit to fit a different paradigm, but it doesn't change much. Warframe's enemies are cookie cutter reskins and slight changes on what we already have. Our melee system is a joke of just pressing E a bunch of times.

And here you are, instead of giving any kind of argument as to why I may be wrong, you jump to the "oh you must be a troll" stance. By the way, Path of Exile is an incredibly good hack and slash ARPG. Redoing content on harder difficulties as a staple of the genre. Warframe? It's an amalgamation of a bunch of different things. It's a Jack of All Trades, Ace of None kind of game, and they've had plenty of time to polish it but they don't. Instead they double down. Raids don't work? F*** it, lets add an open world map, those are popular now right? Archwing still not popular? Well instead of incentivising and fixing the missions revolving around them, lets just slap it in our open world without any real thought and only halfway.

And don't even get me started on the moderation system they have in place. Oh you said g-word? Banned. We won't tell you we banned you for it, and we won't tell you for how long. We won't even put the rules of our chatrooms in an easily accessible place. Oh you traded someone your Maiming Strike for 700p and that person had got it from a third party reseller? Well now you're banned until you can get a hold of support or pay to balance out your account. Yeah that's a real good system. It's automated, it's clunky, and it's bullS#&$.

But no yeah because you can grind a new warframe in 3 days lets praise them. They can do no wrong. Come on dude.

Edited by Pent_
clarification, may edit again to reword a few things.
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Just now, Pent_ said:

Yes, lets discount an argument because you don't personally like those games. At least those games do what is advertised, and what they do they do exceptionally well. Grinding is not an issue with Warframe, it's how unfun and repetitive the grinding gets. Even builds come down to a few subsets of the same thing. You can edit them just a bit to fit a different paradigm, but it doesn't change much. Warframe's enemies are cookie cutter reskins and slight changes on what we already have. Our melee system is a joke of just pressing E a bunch of times.

No, I'm discounting your argument because you could apply all of the problems you have with Warframe to the games that you listed off.  You just make excuses for them because you like them but you complain about them in Warframe because you've got some sort of personal problem with how DE treated you or someone you know.

2 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

By the way, Path of Exile is an incredibly good hack and slash ARPG. Redoing content on harder difficulties as a staple of the genre. Warframe? It's an amalgamation of a bunch of different things. It's a Jack of All Trades, Ace of None kind of game, and they've had plenty of time to polish it but they don't. Instead they double down. Raids don't work? F*** it, lets add an open world map, those are popular now right? Archwing still not popular? Well instead of incentivising and fixing the missions revolving around them, lets just slap it in our open world without any real thought and only halfway.

Translation: I have no problem with bad game design if they slap a label on it.

9 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

And don't even get me started on the moderation system they have in place. Oh you said g-word? Banned. We won't tell you we banned you for it, and we won't tell you for how long. We won't even put the rules of our chatrooms in an easily accessible place. Oh you traded someone your Maiming Strike for 700p and that person had got it from a third party reseller? Well now you're banned until you can get a hold of support or pay to balance out your account. Yeah that's a real good system. It's automated, it's clunky, and it's bullS#&$.

And there's the personal problems.  

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