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What keeps you playing?


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10 hours ago, Pent_ said:

never been chat banned in this game, never been plat banned, hell, never been banned in any way shape or form in 4 years of playing this game. I have one friend that I know who was forum banned for a week.


Please, I want to hear why you think I'm wrong. Even the argument that my gripes with the gameplay is subjective is a valid argument. Maybe some people like how mindless the gameplay is, but I don't, and this is a forum for feedback.

The bolded and underlined section of your own statement is why you are wrong. If the game was that bad and mindless, you would not have been playing for 4 years.

I do agree that certain points of the game needs polish (Archwing screams to me), but I also see the work being done on those aspects. I also understand that game issues don't get fixed instantly, and some just can not be changed because they would break everything else. Computer coding is like that.

Also, highjacking a thread to simply complain about your own personal gripes is a bit childish. The title is "What keeps you playing?", not "What do you want to complain about?".


On Topic:cool::

Everything the OP listed keeps me playing. The community, the Dev team, the game lore, the items, the Frames, new weapons and content, the parkour system....too much to list about what keeps me playing (even through the bugs/glitches and needed fixes/improvements).

Edited by Ryim_Drykeon
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The intricate and interesting story. Well you actually look at it Warframe has a very well crafted story. It takes effort to find it and piece together but it’s there.

Gameplay that actually makes you feel powerful, as opposed to games like Destiny. Games where you are told you are some powerful legendary warrior only to get flattened by a single bullet because, and I kid you not, your ability to roll to the side is on cooldown. 

The weapon variety is fun, and the number of unique weapons is amazing. Explosive slowing arrows, yes please!

Along with that the number of customizations and ease of such is wonderful. 

The lack of level discrepancies that are seen in other RPGs. Here MR does not magically provide huge stats boosts. Mainly the fact that you scavenge for new weapons because you want them, not because you need them, at least until endgame.

It does have its flaws but history has shown that the Devs will address them as they go, though it may take time. They have reworked almost every single system and I have faith they will do so again if needed.

The community was a draw but more and more the forums are becoming toxic, filled with a very vocal community who goes out of their way to critosize or complain about everything, going so far as to go to threads like this and complain. But they are just a small group of malcontents and the vast majority of the community is still good.

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1 minute ago, R3b3ll10n90s said:

1. Story

2. New contents

3. M16... I means Karak

4. Ash's favorite weapon, his BOOMstick AKA Tigris

5. Gundam... I means Titania

6. Last but not least, Grineer Freedom Fighter (Steel Meridian)

Let’s all just take a moment to appreciate the fact that you can equip a shotgun to an Assassin “class” frame because there aren’t class restrictions on weapons.

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The dream of MR 30 =P

Allso they got my favorite f2p model so as long as they don't turn it into  swtor model wich is 1 of my most hated f2p models I'm good.

They now top of my f2p list as marvel heroes was forced to shutdown.

I only play f2p games (exeption gw2) and there is alot of crappy models out there that force you out of the game instead of enjoying it.

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No clue.


Maybe it's my liking of the genre, having nothing better to do, the wanting to occupy myself, the customization options, the many different possible playstyles, or the "rewarding" feeling you get occasionally.


The only thing I know, is that I'm going to keep playing for a while.


Sure, I might take a few breaks here and there because of the buildup of boredom from the grind or personal stuff, but I always find myself coming back, and that's just fine.

Edited by NotRealButReal
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Well, I'm staying tuned until we find out about all the lore and the entire story of Warframe, which will definitely not be anytime soon...

In the meantime, I'm just trying to complete my Codex, reach max rank with the Ostrons, and of course, grinding for Mastery Points.

Also getting prepared for Ghoul Purge once it arrives to Console.

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3 hours ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

The bolded and underlined section of your own statement is why you are wrong. If the game was that bad and mindless, you would not have been playing for 4 years.

I do agree that certain points of the game needs polish (Archwing screams to me), but I also see the work being done on those aspects. I also understand that game issues don't get fixed instantly, and some just can not be changed because they would break everything else. Computer coding is like that.

Also, highjacking a thread to simply complain about your own personal gripes is a bit childish. The title is "What keeps you playing?", not "What do you want to complain about?".


On Topic:cool::

Everything the OP listed keeps me playing. The community, the Dev team, the game lore, the items, the Frames, new weapons and content, the parkour system....too much to list about what keeps me playing (even through the bugs/glitches and needed fixes/improvements).

2 years ago all the issues Warframe has were understandable, they were laying a groundworks for what they wanted the game to be. Now everything is still just a groundworks with some things getting complete overhauls that don't fix old problems, just add new ones.

This is a discussion forum. When, like @tnccs215, the only thing that's keeping me playing is the addiction of having played for so long and my own personal sunk cost fallacy, I'm going to take every venue I can to point out how deeply flawed this game is. I don't care if you disagree. You're free to, but instead of trying to dismantle my arguments on why this game has fallen so far from grace by attacking me personally, try thinking about how the game is good instead of just spouting off things like "uh your argument shouldn't be here" or "oh you played for 4 years so all your gripes are just you being salty."

I'm not asking for things to get fixed instantly. 2 years is a long time. Plenty of time for game-breaking bugs to be fixed or pisspoor rewards to be addressed. DE doesn't do that though.

And one last time, if you plan on replying to me, leave the insults out of it, leave the passive aggressive remarks out of it, I'm more than willing to have a discussion, but so far most people who've replied to me have been disrespectful. And as such I show your posts very little respect, and consider you just mad I'm criticizing a game you like.

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Not much tbh, Warframe went from a game I enjoy playing to just being the timewaster when I'm bored and even then Samurai Warriors fills that need quite successfully. 

It's mainly just seeing all the damage numbers pop up and lookin' fancy whilst doing it is what makes me log-in from time to time.

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20 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

2 years ago all the issues Warframe has were understandable, they were laying a groundworks for what they wanted the game to be. Now everything is still just a groundworks with some things getting complete overhauls that don't fix old problems, just add new ones.

This is a discussion forum. When, like @tnccs215, the only thing that's keeping me playing is the addiction of having played for so long and my own personal sunk cost fallacy, I'm going to take every venue I can to point out how deeply flawed this game is. I don't care if you disagree. You're free to, but instead of trying to dismantle my arguments on why this game has fallen so far from grace by attacking me personally, try thinking about how the game is good instead of just spouting off things like "uh your argument shouldn't be here" or "oh you played for 4 years so all your gripes are just you being salty."

I'm not asking for things to get fixed instantly. 2 years is a long time. Plenty of time for game-breaking bugs to be fixed or pisspoor rewards to be addressed. DE doesn't do that though.

And one last time, if you plan on replying to me, leave the insults out of it, leave the passive aggressive remarks out of it, I'm more than willing to have a discussion, but so far most people who've replied to me have been disrespectful. And as such I show your posts very little respect, and consider you just mad I'm criticizing a game you like.

I didn't dismantle your arguments. In fact, I agreed that things need to be fixed.

What I disagreed with was derailing someone's thread for your own venue. Sorry if that upset you, and I should probably have left out the "childish" portion.

What DO you like about the game then?

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28 minutes ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

I didn't dismantle your arguments. In fact, I agreed that things need to be fixed.

What I disagreed with was derailing someone's thread for your own venue. Sorry if that upset you, and I should probably have left out the "childish" portion.

What DO you like about the game then?

I like the aesthetic design a lot, and I think the art team does a good job of keeping it consistent and unique.

I also think the story telling, while a little lackluster, does a good job of not getting too bogged down with shoveling exposition, and there are plenty of secrets to get a hold of. I think DE does know what they want to do lore wise and while sometimes it can come off a bit cliche and at one point a little cringey, the overall direction is interesting enough to where I enjoy the lore.

I think the fashion customization options are really nice, and like everyone else the paymodel is one of the best on the F2P market.

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13 hours ago, Urabask said:

PoE is a game in a genre based on bad game design.  You grind your way through the same shallow content endlessly, it has a character creation system that is built to punish you for making mistakes and the gear accquisition and upgrade system has so many layers of RNG you'd have to be a masochist to consider it fun.  There certainly is an audience for that kind of game but you can't really complain about Warframe being unpolished when you're talking about a game that is deliberately unpolished.

Then you lump LoL in when most gamers don't want to touch that toxic cesspool with a ten foot pole.  I mean Christ it's a game where everyone plays one game mode on one map.  LoL only gets away with what it does because it is LoL.  Aside from dota 2 any other game that tries to get away with what LoL does is guaranteed to be a wallow in mediocrity because there is no room for a game to make the same mistakes and have a player base.

And then you bring up Runestone saying it's improved because you can grind out a bond to get past the paywall.  But you're talking about hours upon hours to get to the point where you can even earn currency at a fast enough rate and then you get to grind even more just to get to the point where content isn't literally stuck behind a paywall.  And then you get to continue grinding every two weeks just to keep from having to get stuck behind the paywall.  And all of this just to play a pixelated mess of a generic RPG.

I never said Warframe was perfect or anything.  I just think that it's a bit ridiculous to complain about Warframe being shallow and repetitive when basically every game it's competing with also is.

Actually Hexakill, Ascension, and Legend of The Poro King are all ridiculously fun modes. At least as an Orianna main...

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It is one of the few games of this generation that still runs on my Intel HD 4000.Okay.png

And still good enough game, PVE, free to play, scifi with swords. Even though I wasn't planning on playing this much, and thats why I have a lame nickname like that..

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Its simple but deceiving complexity.

There is so much to the game besides Warframes, Weapons and mods. Although I do spend a lot of time on experimenting loadouts.

Just got my first Kavat, and I've have died a few too many times, just watching her climb doorways and walls to then jump on enemies.

Although needing to Forma the same frame/weapon/companion multiple times to reach perfection might feel a lot for some, I have to be honest, I really appreciate the fact that is only 30 ranks, with no other requirements, unlike my old jrpg gaming where I had to level, craft, pray for right stat allocation, enchant, gem, craft more to upgrade, then hope I had enough currency to buy cash shop only upgrades....and that was per armor/weapon piece, not the whole frame and weapons at a time like we do here.

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