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What do you want for the Zephyr rework?

(XBOX)The Neko Otaku

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I would personally like to see her 4 become more a nuke more than a CC. What I mean by that is, instead of random moving funnels, make 4 funnels go out in front of Zephyr in a conal pattern with its range affected by mods. The damage can be scaled similar to atlas's punch. This would eliminate the annoying so called "cc" her current 4 does, and still stick with the theme of the skill. I aslo agree with combining her 1 and 2, but make it where you look up for tail wind, then look down for dive bomb. Please do not make it a toggle. Her 3 is fine, and her new 2 should be a CC. I am thinking maybe an air pocket where it would be similar to Frost's globe. Instead of freezing enemies, the pocket would act as a wind tunnel, once enemies enter it, they are slowed down scaling off of power strength, and their bullets would travel much slower while in the pocket also scaling off power strength. Just my idea.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Nyxn607 said:

I would personally like to see her 4 become more a nuke more than a CC. What I mean by that is, instead of random moving funnels, make 4 funnels go out in front of Zephyr in a conal pattern with its range affected by mods. The damage can be scaled similar to atlas's punch. This would eliminate the annoying so called "cc" her current 4 does, and still stick with the theme of the skill. I aslo agree with combining her 1 and 2, but make it where you look up for tail wind, then look down for dive bomb. Please do not make it a toggle. Her 3 is fine, and her new 2 should be a CC. I am thinking maybe an air pocket where it would be similar to Frost's globe. Instead of freezing enemies, the pocket would act as a wind tunnel, once enemies enter it, they are slowed down scaling off of power strength, and their bullets would travel much slower while in the pocket also scaling off power strength. Just my idea.

I agree with this, and I like your idea for her new 2 skill,but when you say "like frost bubble" are you also thinking it would have stackable effects and an infinite duration ? I think that would work well.

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i want her to have or a true air control kit (make more emphasis on the airshields and more control over tornadoes, maybe a new focused air damage ability),

or a full flying kit (yeah i know a flying kit would be horrible, considering the maps and all, hovering couldnt be bad tho)

or just like other people are suggesting combine her 1 and 2 and add some hovering to it, plus more control over her 4, maybe add some synergy with her 3 so the tornadoes follow her while the 3 is active making the 3 a toggle also, maybe make the tornadoes not making all enemies fly all over the place and keeping them contained in the tornadoes

oh and for the love of the gods, please make zephyr's damage to be slash damage by defaut, cuz magnetic damage is so useless, also better scaling

Edited by Toppien
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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)PredakingXYT said:

I agree with this, and I like your idea for her new 2 skill,but when you say "like frost bubble" are you also thinking it would have stackable effects and an infinite duration ? I think that would work well.

I would say no to the stackable since i don't think it would benefit anyway from stacking.  Infinite duration might work, but I would prefer it to have a minimum duration of 10 seconds, that can be extended to around 60 seconds with a duration build. (That might be to long, not sure?)  I would also say that the bubble would be big enough to cover a defense node, maybe big enough to cover a intercept node (covering both panels that enemies use to take back the point.)  Any opinions on the bubble size?  I wouldn't want it to be affected by range, rather a set size.

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I've had a pretty clear vision of what I'd want from a Zephyr rework, so there's not a lot I could of speculation I could do and just list my suggestions.

1.) Passive: Keep it but make it cancelable by crouching in midair.

2.) Turn Tailwind from a push to activate, fixed velocity dash into an hold to activate, accelerating dash that resets aim glide on release that continually consumed energy. Incorporate Dive Bomb's mechanic into Tail Wind and have it trigger whenever Zephyr hits any surface while having Tail Wind active. Impact on a surface causes a radial knockdown and puncture effect. Increase range and damage of the ability by a significant amount, improve the guaranteed slash proc to do X+% of enemy health damage.

3.) Replace Dive Bomb with Cyclone. On holding down the key, Cyclone creates a conal AoE that quickly expands in both radius and angle up to a full 360° ring, both sucking enemies to Zephyr's location and knocking them down.

4.) Make Tornado recastable. Decrease chances of enemies being flung out of tornados, ensuring that almost all of them stay inside as long as they're active. Increase their travel speed and make them follow Zephyr's aim whenever she's shooting at someone while aiming, similar to Physic Bolts' targeting. Have them attract player projectiles within a small radius. Remove elemental hierarchy rule for Zephyr, but keep it for other players in the squad, allowing Zephyr to overwrite what status effects her tornados apply with a 3 second cooldown before it can be changed by other players.

5.) Synergies. Tail Wind does double damage to enemies standing up and triple damage to enemies ragdolled by Tornado. Cyclone also draws in Tornados along with all of the enemies trapped in their funnels. Turbulence increases the range of Tail Wind's slash damage, range of cyclone, and diameter of tornados passing through its area of effect. Tornados can also benefit from speed buffs such as Volt's Speed and Jet Stream Turbulence.


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I was trying to think of a bird themed buff that tied in with her other abilities and how I found it most enjoyable to play her and also taking into consideration the reworked Zephyr.  Zephyr's mobility game play should have a purpose and reward for using her mobility well.  As she is a female bird, the gathering of worms to nurture those she protected came to mind (I imagine some combination of health and energy).

Zephyr release an area of effect "Worm Harvest" around her which hooks damaged enemies and corpses. Then she can "take the worms back to her nest" with a bullet jump or tail wind dragging the victims behind her and then releasing whatever buff effect she has collected once she touches earth (or perhaps ground slams as that might be easier to program releasing the buff through). 

In practice she could dive bomb or slide attack in, "WormHarvest" (to gather the enemies/buff) and then bullet jump back and ground slam to feed her team mates. I imagine the buff release would be an area disbursement as buffs left behind to grab generally get missed but whatever works best for people.

Zephyr doesn't leave much alive behind to harvest in my experience so I felt it should probably also work on their corpses. It could just be another corpse exploitation like Necros but I think fresh food will always be more appreciated.

I'd prefer the ability wasn't too costly or clunky to utilize. Imagine a tier 4 survival after an hour and it working in that.


I built off of some ideas in this video:


Edited by PikachuMarauder
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On 1/5/2018 at 4:48 PM, Lanying said:


Same but synergies a lot with her 3. Increased air time.

NEW ADD ON: Hover - Essentially slowing all air movement speed to almost a stop when aiming mid air.

- Could last 5 seconds and up to 10 when 3 is in use. 

- Can reset timer with any ability or second jump


1) Tailwind

- Hold for increased duration.

- Aim down for Divebomb

- Slash damage


2) Gust 

- Like Inaros 1 but:

    - Narrow and longer range

    - Deals impact damage

    - Increased damage with 3 and when hitting an enemy who's mid air (synergy with 4)


3) Turbulance

- As is but buffs her 1, 2 and passive. Which is -

         - Ability cost reduction whilst in air

         - Increased air time


4) Tornado

- HOLD 4 to bring tonadoes to diverge at pointer, energy drain.

- Keep CC


I think enemy's being hard to hit due to tornado is a problem shared by many fames. Everytime Ember ignites an enemy they move, making it easy to miss headshots. Inaros does the same, hydroid, titania etc. So I don't mind that. I'd love to be able to hold down 4 and watch them slowly make their way to my curser.


That's my take. I don't think it would be too hard to implement. Most people love and want more synergy. Being able to have more airtime, stay nimble and rain from above. Perfect flying frame for me.

I really like how this would work.  The focus on bird like mobility in her 1 and 2 and passives I especially like.  The gameplay of Zephr would be really helped by these changes as her mobility is why she is a joy to play.

The Gust ability sounds reasonable but I never end up using Banshee's similar 1 ability to blow people back so I guess I wouldn't use this one either as blowing things backwards is not as useful as what else I can do with that energy (channeled Dispatch Overdrive spin attack or another ability).

So I adore what you have for augmenting her mobility, I just would suggest another ability rather than Gust.  Since mobility is such a feature of her kit, a "Gather Worms" (area effect grabs and pulls dead or damaged enemies allowing Zephyr to bring health and energy to her team) ability I thought would give her something to do with all that mobility.



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Another thing I'd like to see in a rework in a prime and a deluxe skin is that she be less horribly ugly and look more feminine rather than like a mutated Woody Woodpecker.   Zephyr doesn't look like a wind spirit, an angel, a beautiful piece of Orokin sculpture, etc. I'd like her appearance to resonate with something and it doesn't.

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20 minutes ago, PikachuMarauder said:

The Gust ability sounds reasonable but I never end up using Banshee's similar 1 ability to blow people back so I guess I wouldn't use this one either as blowing things backwards is not as useful as what else I can do with that energy (channeled Dispatch Overdrive spin attack or another ability).

My idea was more of a damage ability that reset her air timer. Which would be enhanced by her 4, due to enemies being in the air (but doesn't require too much aiming). Thematically it was supposed to be like her flapping her wings to stay in the air and gust wind at enemies.... if that makes sense

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3 minutes ago, Lanying said:

My idea was more of a damage ability that reset her air timer. Which would be enhanced by her 4, due to enemies being in the air (but doesn't require too much aiming). Thematically it was supposed to be like her flapping her wings to stay in the air and gust wind at enemies.... if that makes sense

Hmm ok I didn't note the interaction with the passive.  I like it ok but I guess I fear she's so tanky with turbulence that being able to fly indefinitely in an invulnerable state might make her without weakness.  I think people rather than develop maneuvers ability would just hover and shoot things while everything shot at her without actually having any ability to hurt her.  That might possibly interact with http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Guardian_Derision  as well.


I mostly used Zephyr with turbulence running and ran around at high speed with an atterax with the rare stance doing spin attacks.  Was fun for a time but not really challenging long term especially coupled with Naramon at the time.  I got good at parkour at least.  She allowed some pretty insane Mott durations..  loved the mobility playstyle but with turbulence making her bullet proof and naramon making nothing aim at her all I had to do was avoid bombards shooting at team mates. 

Right now I think she is too much of a speed tank.  I don't get why people looking for tanky characters don't gravitate to her more as she's pretty ridiculous hard to hurt unless you sit there.

I do hope they come up with a rework that makes her enjoyable mobility shine and encourage/reward skillful use of maneuvers. 


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1) I'd like to zephyr's 1 and 2 mashed together.  Aim and move wherever you want, aoe on impact with wall/ground

2)  A new ability.  Personally I'd prefer something 'actively passive', like a buff that increases zephyr's cast speed and causes her to disarm/impact enemies on contact.  Or an aoe targeted pull/Disorient

3) Perfect as-is

4)I think the tornadoes should suspend enemies at a set height instead of flying away.  Remove the no-cc from the aug.  Increase dps per enemy and prejectile inside.

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Just a few things I personally would like to see:

  • Upgrade her passive to infinite air-glide: Right now Zephyr is good at quickly and haphazardly dashing vast distances, but really doesn't have much "finesse" once she's actually airborne, even with her current reduced gravity passive. Being able to slowly glide down indefinitely would give her a lot more airtime and allow her to much more easily snipe enemies from above.
  • Combine her 1 and 2: Mind you I don't have any idea myself for what her new 2nd ability should be, but plenty of other, more avid Zephyr users have suggested a plethora of good replacements by now I'm sure. As it stands though, having 2 abilities in her kit that could easily be condensed into one is just a waste of potential for her.
  • Remote-Control Tornado: Basically, change her current ult into a single tornado that follows the player's reticule instead of moving around on it's own. Not only would this make her ult less unpredictable and, well, annoying, but it would synergize greatly with the aforementioned infinite air-glide since Zephyr can tailwind into the air, aim and glide, and take advantage of her bird's eye view to steer the tornado from the safety of the air. For added team synergy, perhaps bullets shot into the tornado could deal a portion of their damage to all enemies inside (similar to Magnetize), so that players can reliably damage enemies caught inside.
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3 hours ago, Paradoxbomb said:


  • Remote-Control Tornado: Basically, change her current ult into a single tornado that follows the player's reticule instead of moving around on it's own. Not only would this make her ult less unpredictable and, well, annoying, but it would synergize greatly with the aforementioned infinite air-glide since Zephyr can tailwind into the air, aim and glide, and take advantage of her bird's eye view to steer the tornado from the safety of the air. For added team synergy, perhaps bullets shot into the tornado could deal a portion of their damage to all enemies inside (similar to Magnetize), so that players can reliably damage enemies caught inside.

I am having a crazy amount of fun with Chromas effigy augment. That's exactly what you just mentioned.... which makes me think for an ultimate... that's too much of a carbon copyy :/

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Passive - same as a max rank Mobilize mod

- swap Divebomb to become her 1 and Tailwind to become her 2.

- Divebomb now has a fixed ending animation with a cast time that varies based on height (when she is on the ground the transition to the 'landing' animation is on par with other fast 1s.) Effect is a shockwave identical to Rhino stomp but with a fixed suspension time (enemies just go up and down, no hang time). Range and damage increase with height up to cap. Minimum range of 3m. Divebomb always goes straight down

- Tailwind can knock enemies within the wavefront aoe aside. Tailwind will always go in direction of reticle regardless of whether Zephyr is on the ground or not. Slightly faster cast point. Power range affects size of wavefront.

Tornado - slightly faster funnel movement and tweak the pathing AI.

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18 hours ago, Lanying said:

I am having a crazy amount of fun with Chromas effigy augment. That's exactly what you just mentioned.... which makes me think for an ultimate... that's too much of a carbon copyy :/

Huh, I actually had no idea this augment existed. Even so, I think there could be room for two remote-control type abilities, so long as the Tornado brings something different to the table (which it already kinda does with its ability to pick up enemies/items and absorb elemental effects).

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Zephyr is a CC and mobility Warframe. Damage is not her focus.

Passive: 3x Aimglide is the best medium. A lot of people hate her passive, including me and this is the best compromise. 

Tail Wind: It's a mobility skill first and foremost. Make it so that you dash in the direction you're facing even when standing on the floor. Give it 100% status chance and damage 2.5 will take it from there.

Dive Bomb: Clearly a damage based ability. Buff its damage. Make it easier to aim. Allow a long press that stops you mid air and builds up "height" for as long as you charge it. It would have a height cap affected by Power strength. This charging would simulate a build up of wind before releasing it and bombing downward, which you can use in leu of getting height, as that's very inconvenient and limiting. Duration would affect height build up speed through charging. 

Turbulence: Don't change anything. 

Tornado: CC and status based skill. Greatly reduce the strength of the rag doll. Allow bullets shot into Tornadoes to damage every enemy inside the tornado once, using all of the weapons normal stats. Allow enough punch through to pass through a Tornado, just like shooting any other surface. Make Tornadoes spawn on top of enemies within its range and have them move slowly towards other nearby enemies. 

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I think that Zephyr passive should be refreshed aim glide fall speed.

As it is now, even tho she has a slow aim glide fall speed, it gets to a point where you start to fall like a rock if you aim glide for too long (without using double jump or other parkour). Her passive would still have the reduce falling speed that she currently has,but it would also include a way to refresh that reduced fall speed everytime she uses the second jump (double jump) or uses her current 1. I think this change makes sense (she's a bird, why can't she glide at will?) and it would make her 1 actually pretty usefull to maintain the reduced air glide fall speed.

Either that or go all the way and make her slow air glide fall speed permanent.

Jump -> air glide -> activates "Aviator" mod and get the 40%damage reduction while airborne -> use 1 to refresh air glide fall speed -> infinite aerial advantage and extra tankiness. 

As for her other abilities i'm not so sure what to change and i don't really want to make this a post any bigger, but this "simple" passive change should be a good change as it promotes an active and diferent gameplay to other warframes. Air glide is barely used and it would make Zephyr feel a lot more like a bird that actually flies/glides and less like a bir-wannabe that has a bullet-proof wind wall and nothing more.


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