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"Ability in Use" Bug: Disables All Abilities, Transference, and More


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I also seem to get this issue where abilities become locked and cannot be used, for me i only seem to get it whilst on the Plains. 
Mostly happens when im eidolon hunting and have had it happen multiple times a run constantly, basically have to die and revive to fix it.

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Just had this happen to me while fighting the eidolons with clanmates.

All four abilities do not work, though the submenu in the lower right correctly shows which ability is selected.

Transference doesn't work at all, you cannot enter void mode.

You cannot roll either; you can crouch, sprint and bulletjump, but rolling is disabled.

Melee doesn't work. You can press the melee key, and you will swap to the melee weapon without attacking, and further button presses do nothing. Shooting and zooming still works.

This isn't the first time this has happened. The first few times I thought it was a fluke, or a unique mechanic.

I can nearly guarantee that this is a host/client issue. This has literally never happened to me while playing solo, it only happens when I play with friends and I'm not the host.

EDIT: Can confirm, death was the only way to fix it. Fully dead, being revived by teammates does not fix the issue.

Edited by Totorochan
found fix: death
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Just had this happen in one of the new Grineer galleon (vs Infested) Disruption missions. Early on into the match (round 2 or 3 ish) it kicked in. Warframe abilities unusable, unable to use Transferrence, and - fascinatingly enough - I couldn't use melee attacks (not even airborne-ground slams worked). Managed to blast my way to round 9 with guns only.

Lobbed myself into numerous pits, but it didn't reset. When it happens during Eidolon hunts, I usually either jump into water, or mount-then-dismount either Archwing or K-Drive. If one doesn't work, the other usually does. Dying is a last resort, but that's risky, given the prevalence of the issue, and the limited number of respawns.

Trying /unstuck has never fixed this issue. I think we need a new sort of "force respawn" command - just completely reset our Warframe's state (with the obvious exceptions of health, shields, energy and ammo).

Edited by FluffyMkVII
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1 minute ago, DYEMOND said:

Omg, I have the same problem. I thought i was just me.

I hope the support team is working on a hotfix soon.

Well the fact that they haven't even acknowledged it despite the bug being known for almost 2 years speaks volumes. I wouldn't expect a fix, especially when there is a workaround: don't die.

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As a client, k-drive and transference at the same time can cause "Ability in use".

1. Client get on k-drive. Due to network lag, it does not get on k-drive yet.
2. Client use transference. The game immediately go into "Ability in use" mode.
3. Client received a network command to use k-drive.
4. Client never got a network command that transference is done. Get off k-drive and try to use ability. "Ability in use" forever, until fall down map or go to Cetus gate. I guess the host side received command to use k-drive first, and then rejected transference while on k-drive.

Edit: I now realized this is one of the same bug that I replied on March 1 on this same topic. That is 6 months without a fix to this bug.


Edited by sam686
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I can confirm that this bug is still in the game and extraordinary annoying / game breaking.
When it happen you can no longer use any Warframe ability, you can not use Transference, Melee stops working, you can no longer dodge roll or aim glide.

Pressing escape to open up the menu does not fix it.
Jumping out of bounds ( off the map ) does not fix it.
Getting downed and revived does not fix it.
Only way to fix this as of now is to die, something not that fun to do  especially during example Arbitration, where you would be either in column
A: A huge detriment to your team by not being able to use any of the previously mentioned tools, or
B: Force them to waste time and added risk reviving you.

This of course only temporary fixing it until the bug re-occurs.
Would be great if it could be fixed as of now not only is this bug severely diminishing the use of Transference, but also all tools provided by it, be it amps, Arcanes or Focus School

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  • 1 month later...

Just had this happen in a Tridolon.  Observations:

Abilities 1-5 locked out.  Ability icons were still highlighted with a button press.

Dodge roll did not work.  Archwing launcher and gearwheel items were ok.  Shift-dash in archwing did not work.

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  • 1 year later...

So we're in 2021 and this bug is still happening. I've had it happen mostly on the open world sections (Eidolon, Fortuna, Deimos) but also on standard missions. One new thing I've noticed that changed from the 2018 original reporting is that apparently throwing yourself to a bottomless pit (when you find one) doesn't revert the state. AFAIK the only way to fix this right now is dying.

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  • 1 month later...

Even death doesn't seem to help anymore. Just had it happen to me in SO and couldn't do anynthing anymore other than move. No jump or glide or anthing other than walk.

Seems to me like a state between Operator mode and warframe mode and none really works...

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  • 1 month later...

I keep getting this bug, mainly during eidolon hunts. It's incredibly annoying. It happened twice in the same hunt and made me use 2 revives.
Chat doesn't even work as I have to press esc and then press the chat box with my mouse. Even then the others say they cannot see messages of mine.
This has even caused team mates to leave the hunt as they think I'm trolling when I deliberately go down, they revive me and I deliberately go down again.

Edited by PsionPhoenix
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I just had this bug happen three times over the last 2 days! It's seriously gamebreaking, especially because I was doing Arbitrations. I can't just suicide myself in that mode without compromising my entire team. 

Please fix this DE! I can't believe I'm finding this topic on page 2 of the bug section and it was started in 2018!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone found any fix for this? Seriously annoying during eidolon hunts and arbitrations where the entire team is fighting and all I can do is walk around like an a-hole hoping no one revives me when I get downed. I started playing this game after 2 years and already feel like quitting cause of this game breaking bugs :( 

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  • 10 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This super old bug probably never get fixed.

Just ruined my steel path circuit run because of this. *sigh*

If you get this bug you will:
not able to use ability, can't do a melee, unable to force revive self(by holding X in PC), can't transfer between Warframe and Operator, can't prone so you can't do a bullet jump either. and somewhat Warframe animation gets wacky they do moonwalk or sort. basically games locked completely.

I'm not sure how to reproduce this issue but use transference between while Warframe knocked back highly causes this.

Edited by NyreenKandros
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  • 1 year later...

So after years of not playing it seems like this bug is still in the game. For me i can't use any abilities or transference. Only way to fix this is to die and revive myself (Teammates reviving me doesn't fix anything). I easily get this bug multiple times a week, kinda annoying.

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