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Less-Popular Mods you would legitimately like to see Primed.


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3 hours ago, Jicematoro said:

-That's assuming they won't change the Value per Rank, which I believe is a thing in Mods like Primed Pistol Gambit and Primed Reach.

Primed Pistol Gambit is changed, but Primed Reach is not, you know. But hey, that's a big IF they actually release it.


3 hours ago, Jicematoro said:

-I mean, I'm sure armor will catch on! Really, can't think of any Warframe that'll be tremendously more powerful with a couple extra STR points... Save for Sonar Banshee, but that's because she stacks.

Yeah, I know armor scaling will still surpass it eventually. But some Frames will enjoy it. Specifically, those that have Exalted weapons. Those frames can already pump out insane damage now. With Primed Intensify... hoo boy...

But let's not turn this thread into that kind of discussion. Not the place.

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Either Accelerated Blast, or if that falls under the restriction of "no damage mods" then Quickdraw and Lock-And-Load


On 1/21/2018 at 6:13 AM, Alpha56 said:

Vaccum should be an innate passive on warframe or companion, because it's a big QoL and nobody want to collect the loot by hand in a fast paced space shooter.

You kinda already got your wish. Sure it's only 1/4th of the range of the actual sentinel range but I've found that alone is a huge QoL improvement. For one thing I can snag items out of a ghoul's death cloud without getting cold proc'd

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Per the OP's guidelines/rules, I'd like to see...

Primed Spare Parts

Primed Self Destruct

Primed Sacrifice

(See a pattern here?)

Primed Investigator

(:simaris:: Knowledge must be earned Hunter!)

Primed Magazine Warp

Primed EMP Aura

Primed Enemy Radar

(Just think, Primed Radar + Vigilante Pursuit + Animal Instinct + Ivara.) Red Arrows for days!

Primed Infested Impedance

Primed Provoked

(Because a downed Tenno is a useful Tenno...)

Primed Reflex Guard

(Never move or shoot anything again!)


And the king daddys of them all...

Primed Heavy Impact

Primed Physique


Now...if I could pick some mods to Prime that I feel would contribute to the game positively...

1. Primed Fortitude

2. Primed Condition Overload & Primed Maiming Strike (so those who like Status & those who like Crit can get their fix)

3. Primed Medi-Pet Kit

4. Primed Streamline

5. Primed Animal Instinct

Runner Up: Primed Energy Siphon

And lastly 2 very broken Primes...

Primed Cat's Eye & Primed Charm

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

mods to Prime that I feel would contribute to the game positively...

14 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Primed Maiming Strike

Something doesn’t add up here...


I would like to see a primed Seeking Fury. I need more punch through and less downtime. And as @Littleman88 above me said, Speed Trigger. Although I doubt DE would do that due to it making Vile Acceleration obsolete, but we can hope.

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1 hour ago, Xaranoth said:

Something doesn’t add up here...


I would like to see a primed Seeking Fury. I need more punch through and less downtime. And as @Littleman88 above me said, Speed Trigger. Although I doubt DE would do that due to it making Vile Acceleration obsolete, but we can hope.

Technically, it wouldn't be obsolete because it can stack on top of (primed) speed trigger.

Otherwise, magnum force would be considered obsolete due to Augur pact and it's not.  Of course, it was crap to begin with, but still.

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