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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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3 minutes ago, lodoubt said:

Salty Chroma mains intensify (I have a 4 forma Chroma which apparently means I am a pathetic scrub. Frankly Chroma felt pretty undefeatable right out of the box as long as you could keep Vex up). If it is, as stated, that this just tunes down Vex damage a touch, I can't see any reason to be upset, I can understand that it is largely impossible to balance the game around it presently. I mean, it is possible for it to be nerfed too far though, obviously. Will be keen for the Vex team buff to have similar range to Ward in order to encourage people to run a little bit of range on Chroma.

The other tune ups look pretty good. A little concerned about Atlas in that Petrify's general awkwardness of use was the reason people were so critical of the ability, and both aspects have really only been halfway fixed, but that might be enough. I'm not sure if the Ember change will really alter behaviour that much either but we'll see I guess.

I don't like your attitude, I think my post was polite enough,  no one called you anything, if you feel this way its no one's fault, but there is a huge difference between chroma with 4 formas and no arcane to 6 with, you must be talking about normal missions vs lvl 30+ mobs, while I'm talking about hardest sorite 3 they can throw at us or long endless runs. 

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1 minute ago, Lith said:

I don't like your attitude, I think my post was polite enough,  no one called you anything, if you feel this way its no one's fault, but there is a huge difference between chroma with 4 formas and no arcane to 6 with, you must be talking about normal missions vs lvl 30+ mobs, while I'm talking about hardest sorite 3 they can throw at us or long endless runs. 

Im intrigued by the chroma changes. Think about it... A vex armor that buffs a party consistent of rhino, volt, harrow or trinity and chroma.... Such an amazing team. Incredibly dominant. 

Beautiful idea!

6 forma chroma here... Ready for the new changes.

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With new changes coming to Ember, I thought I’d share my idea. It’s likely that Ember needs more work than she will probably end up getting. I know these ideas will never get in game, but I’m just curious to see what people think. I tried to keep it pretty short. I know some of these rework ideas are a chore to read. Sorry if my usage of Affect vs. Effect is terrible. Here goes.


2nd) Accelerant – Accelerant still applies the same stun to enemies. Instead of applying a 2.5x damage multiplier only for Heat, it applies a 1.5x damage bonus to any affected enemies for all damage types. The player and allies both benefit.

-Any enemies also affected by Ember’s new 3rd ability, Incandescence, will take 2x damage. Any enemies inside the Fire Ring that Incandescence leaves behind will take 3x damage.

-These values will be unaffected by power strength. This avoids them being abused with high strength builds, or insignificant with high range Overextended builds.



3rd) Incandescence (Formerly Fire Blast) – This ability will still use the same animations. That includes the Fire Ring left over afterward which will have the same range unaffected by mods.

-Enemies hit by the outgoing wave will no longer take the old effect. They will now emit a fiery glow for 20 seconds (affected by duration mods).  The glow can be seen through walls.

-The wave radius will be increased to 20 meters (affected by range mods).

-Enemies affected by Accelerant at the same time take 2x damage (and 3x if they are in the Fire Ring).



4th) World of Fire – This ability and its Augment will serve the same function as before with one new provision. Any enemies struck by the weapon (no abilities) of an ally will be ineligible for damage by World on Fire for 5 seconds. Enemies will still take the effect of Firequake during that time. This provision will give allies an opportunity to damage enemies if they want to.



1st) Fireball – The current base stats will remain in place with separate new mechanics. Fireball will affect only one enemy and make them explode 10 meters into the air. This explosion will deal 5% of the enemy’s health in Finisher Damage.

-This damage is affected by Accelerant for 7.5% damage (and its synergies with Incandescence for 10% damage) (15% for a single hit if it took place in the Fire Ring).

-If the enemy is hit with Fireball in the air, they take 10% damage. (15% with Accelerant) (20% with Accelerant + Incandescence) (30% for one hit with Accelerant + Incandescence + Fire Ring).

-These bonuses apply to every consecutive hit in midair. But they must initially be hit by Fireball on the ground. This is so that enemies under crowd control effects like Bastille and Stomp are ineligible for the bonus.

-Fireball’s travel speed will be doubled to make air shots more feasible.

Edited by (PS4)Jedi_Arts_
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49 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

You dont even know how wrong you are. Every mission I run has at least ember just sitting their with WoF. No, its boring af and is ruining alot of ppls want to play, its not fun and its not helpful. Coming from a Vet, this isnt anything any person would want. Why are you even IN that squad then if all you do is watch basically, might aswell just solo everything.

SO what's yall opinion on speed Nova?

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Any plans to take another look at Octavia?

I'm a bit new to the game but was really disappointed with her metronome skill. It's extremely hard to use without cheesing the song itself, muting the volume on it, and setting the energy color to black. While the idea does look fun on paper, I've been nothing short of annoyed by this skill's mechanics and visual noise. Please change it.

A buff selector similar to how Vauban selects mines doesn't sound as fun on paper, but I think it would be more fun in practice.


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57 minutes ago, Lokime said:

I mean, yeah, sometimes I don't mind being carried when i just want to go afk and do something else while maxing my already  5 times formated weapon/frame... but sometimes I actually like to play the game, you know. I don't think Ember WoF needed a nerf, but I also think it needed some tweaks. Let's see how this turns out...


57 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

You do realize you have as many as 3 other teammates who want to play too, right?


54 minutes ago, IDontKnowAName said:

Do any of you realize that the game is for fun right? The game is not about trying to go as fast as possible. When I run any mission, I hate seeing these "press 4 to win" Ember Primes running around killing everything just to get the mission over with. It seems people don't realize that there are three other members on the team wanting to play the game.


54 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

You dont even know how wrong you are. Every mission I run has at least ember just sitting their with WoF. No, its boring af and is ruining alot of ppls want to play, its not fun and its not helpful. Coming from a Vet, this isnt anything any person would want. Why are you even IN that squad then if all you do is watch basically, might aswell just solo everything.


52 minutes ago, (PS4)Cynicaid said:

I haven't run a multiplayer mission in ages where there wasn't at least one Ember with WoF running at all times.


It is pretty boring, and kind of ruins the point of me toning my gear/playstyle down a bit so the new players can actually play.


46 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

Speaking as somebody who dearly loves Ember and still plays her more than any other frame out there: I don't play Warframe to do nothing. I can do nothing any time I want. I understand that sometimes people just want to get things done with a minimum of effort--hell, I've been there before--but I don't think it's too much to ask that the minimum effort path(s) doesn't rob the rest of the squad (or the player him-/herself) of their shot at engaging with enemies.


42 minutes ago, IDontKnowAName said:

With this idea, solo play is an option. If you want to run through a mission as fast as possible, play solo so you don't ruin other people's enjoyment. Truth be told, Ember is one of my most played Warframes because she was the first one I got, but I've tried other Warframes and learned, there are far more fun Warframes then the "press 4 to win" Warframes.

So what if Speed Nova was in your party instead?

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59 minutes ago, mkoo33 said:

I'm trying to be polite, even though i can't understand why some people just don't use the common sense.

If you don't want to see the map on flames because of Ember, and you want to go full melee or have all the kills that you want.. excuse me, but GO SOLO and stop whining about not being able to have a single kill because of Ember.
People like you sir, are behind this nerfs. Messing with people investment and time put into building this warframes !

I do think that DE should have a public pool for debating on future changes. It's a free to play game, but some people invested real money here, and they just don't want to have it all down the drain overnight because of this kind of moronic complains.

Please excuse me if i'm a bit rough.. but this nerfs pissed me off !

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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From what I`ve read and seen on the stream I think I welcome every change, at least what they intent to do in some cases! The main thing I took away from this presentation, changes for the least popular Warframes seem very cautious, for more popular Warframes very generous?

I am not saying these changes shouldn`t make it into the game. I just see a clear gap between a bullet jumping Chroma shredding everything in his way and a Ember which could be pushed into one-button-only more than ever before caused by a horrific lack of energy most of the time?

As a side note - energy pizzas shouldn`t be a part of balancing thoughts whatsoever in my opinion when we have a good amount of "Rage"-utilizing Warframes with no care in the world for energy economy! Generally speaking I think this has a big saying in why some Warframes are very fun and popular and some aren`t.


Now to Zephyr since she is my personal favorite! 

I hope this one tornado which follows our point of aim will under all circumstances do this passively? I have no interest in babysitting a tornado slowly making his way to a new location, especially with all attempts recently made for not being stuck with a ability (Ash, Atlas, Banshee, Nekros....)

I would assume its movement speed will be increased otherwise any enemy in walking pace will outrun this. :sad:

The last thing, it wasn`t clear if we can still use Dive Bomb during a regular aim glide or bullet jump! I really hope Tail Wind isn`t a pre- requirement for using Dive Bomb. From what I understood aiming down is the only condition necessary to trigger Dive Bomb?  

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Poor Chroma... you do like demolishing solo builds. But it's an MMO, tailored for group play. Who cares what I like or what I find efficient. *Grimaces*.

Also, on Banshee, she got the chores that were Syndicate Defense, Nitain Defense, Invasion Defense done super quickly without any bs.. in SOLO queue. I hope she can continue to do that, otherwise... guess what finger I'm holding up? That's for you. *Smiley face*.

On more shields for Mag, shields are weak as p... My 3600 shields on Harrow pop like that in T5 bounties. They need some love otherwise all this overshields bs is pointless.

I'm enticed by Atlas' changes.. but then again.. not really, more minions on the battlefield just further breaks line of sight and there's enough of that in this game, his rumble would have been amazing if the stacks stayed.. like say Nidus, but no. You didn't nerf Zephyr's 3 which was a shock.. Nice work on that!


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To be honest, the Ember WoF rework pretty much S#&$s on the Firequake augment hard. Because for a WoF CC Ember you'd discard strength for range anyway. Making the strength go up at the expense of range just makes it a pain overall.

For Chroma, Spectral Scream is basically a nerfed Ignis anyway so I wouldn't comment on it. Considering many Chroma Players would throw away range for duration and strength, making the buff shareable is quite pointless although it's nice to benefit from it.

For Banshee, if resonating quake is just an ability one drops there, will it have to be channeled as you move, or do you just throw 100 energy and don't care? Will it stack with itself in the second case?

And yes, Volt's shock should really do a bit more damage. Hopefully he can be a "potent alternative to gunplay" in a way that is not "use melee"

As for Zephyr, was waiting on those changes. Does this mean Zephyr is next prime?

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The Volt change is nice but it would be cool if you brought back the synergy between his Shield and beam weapons, it used to extend the range of them if you shot through it. 

Also as a Volt main, I feel Speed base duration is too short. 

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-I like the crowd's reaction to the Resonating Quake change

While it seems to have pissed of the players that uses Banshee exclusively for the afk gameplay, the majority of actual Banshee players seem to enjoy this change (me included). A huge AoE CC that allows you to move during its effect is a significant buff to her survivability. Even though a 5 sec length for a 213% duration build (seen on the dev workshop stream) seems very very low if you wanna take it for the crowd control potential.

So what about Affinity/Focus farming? Yes, it's slow and boring and Afk quake was one way to get around it. But I'd rather see those systems being reworked individually, without interfering with the gameplay of a specific Warframe. She surely won't be as good for focus farming, but I think it will make her better for "regular" plays while also making her more fun to use overall.

-Im also very excited to see what Zephyr will be able to do after that.

-Mag? It's nice to finally see somethign moving around there but I'm not truly convinced yet. I always wanted a full rework of Crush to make this ability more unique in terms of gameplay, instead of your regular press 4 Aoe damage.

Edited by Sylhux
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I see a lot of complaints about the Mag and Ember reworks. People are not really understanding what you said and or not understanding how to use the frames.

With Mag's polarize shards scaling with enemies this means the tougher the enemy, the more effective the shards will be. Why did people ever think the use of the word "scaling" would mean the opposite of this? I think it is a great addition.

Two more additions that could be added is to pull. I read an excellent suggestion to be able to hold the ability key to pull enemies toward the frame. It is a good idea. You could expand upon this by making a melee attack smash on the enemies close to her or continuing to hold the ability key will take that bundle of enemies and reverse magnetic polarity, causing the enemies to fly away from Mag and ragdoll them. Imagine being able to aim them and shoot them in an area of your choosing!

 An idea of mine that I had is to have Mag's pull hand glow when it detects an enemy in range could be killed by the pull ability. Why would this be a good idea? Well, because her viability in higher levels was an issue mentioned (a view which I do not necessarily share), but in higher levels coming across energy orbs is more of a problem. With her pull ability being able to pull energy orbs out of enemies if it is the killing blow, I think that detector would add to her scalibility.  Currently, we have to guess and that can be hard to see in the higher level enemy's health bars.

The complaints of Ember being even less effective in higher levels is also something I do not get. If you rely on WoF alone in high level areas you will be thoroughly disappointed. However, she becomes up to level 100 viable when you have her WoF knockdown augment. The way you use her in high level is with this and a strong finisher melee weapon so you can parkour up to a downed enemy and finish them off. You will be close range anyways so half the range shouldn't be a big deal. You are also getting double the damage from WoF. The double energy usage will take some time getting used to and a shifting of mods will need to take place to account for this double edged sword. I think with this cost we should be able to benefit from energy restoration packs while the ability is active. Currently you have to disable WoF to gain energy from these.

I just crafted Zephyr and am actually going to wait to use it until the update because it sounds excellent. Before I was thinking this frame was going to be mastery fodder.

I agree with Pablo that having to damage yourself as Chroma to get buffed is really dumb. Nothing in a real world combat scenario does this. Love that you will be mobile now with the first ability and new synergies. 

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I like the Chroma changes, but I wanted something more in the way of quality of life.  The way his defenses rely almost totally on vex armor, and the way that defense is on a timer, is kind of painful to play with.  To go from godlike to peasant in a half second because you forgot to stare at your timer is a pain in the butt.  At least making his Ward refreshable would go a long way toward kicking that sudden Vex Armor withdrawal.

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They really should allow Mag to move during crush to pick up more enemies and avoid incoming things like bombard rockets.

Or else you still sit there and get hit. Maybe she should get damage reflection/reduction instead. Something like Mesa's shatter shield or Zephyr's turbulence. With all the magnetic flux you'd assume bullets are deflected.


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Jus walk up to Effigy and press x and it follows you as fast as a sentinel, that's right, he's your ult sentinel and pressing 4 while aimdown sights teleports him to any spot you desire (and back to you after his attack) and holding 4 while aim down sights keeps him in that spot.

Or jus hold 4 to teleport him to any spot and he teleports back after attack.


Vex armor should also buff the damage of ALL his abilities and make the range of scream a lot bigger.

Honestly, Scream should have more range than ignis w/ extension mod. Why should a weapon out do dragon at fire breathing?


Also scream should allow you to aim glide longer and change the aimglide animation to a dragon flight animation and Chroma should be able to have full movement while aim gliding or even better

Aim gliding while scream is active should allow him to fly or at least have permanent aim glide duration and can float in air during aim glide.

Of course not having the pelt on could have a negative effect on this, but he still aim glides for a very long period.

Vex can also increase radius of his 2.


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2 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

They really should allow Mag to move during crush to pick up more enemies and avoid incoming things like bombard rockets.

Or else you still sit there and get hit. Maybe she should get damage reflection/reduction instead. Something like Mesa's shatter shield or Zephyr's turbulence. With all the magnetic flux you'd assume bullets are deflected.


OOooo, or what about the crush ability stopping all incoming fire. If the enemies are stopping and floating, why wouldn't the projectiles as well?

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Oh yes, two Limbo suggestions since you nerfed him so hard :

For the Rift, remove collision for things on opposite sides of the rift, or at least for players in realspace against enemies in the Rift.  It's actually the most annoying part of playing Limbo : banishing things blocks shooting in realspace.

Let other players gain energy for killing enemies in the Rift, so they can benefit like Limbo can.


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