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Titania: Broken, Unplayable, Unusable and Ignored


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43 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

I find the cast animation of spellbind too slow and the cast itself quite inconsistent.

Forcing the player to use natural talent and not having a casting style like Gara's 2 let's the ability down TBH

I've never used natural talent on Titania, and barring the leveling process I've never felt the need to use it. 

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40 minutes ago, ObviousLee said:

I've never used natural talent on Titania, and barring the leveling process I've never felt the need to use it. 

that is fine for you. i find that i dislike slow casting speed/animation in fast paced games. it ruins the flow of fast combat. really didnt like how they slowed turbulence animation to make it more flashy.

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53 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

that is fine for you. i find that i dislike slow casting speed/animation in fast paced games. it ruins the flow of fast combat. really didnt like how they slowed turbulence animation to make it more flashy.

I agree on the slow casting being cumbersome, as well as turbulence. The new animation is pretty, but it takes away the defensive quality by taking longer to happen, but preemptive planning makes the cast time a non issue. Reflexive use....yea it's kind of an issue.

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2 hours ago, ObviousLee said:

I agree on the slow casting being cumbersome, as well as turbulence. The new animation is pretty, but it takes away the defensive quality by taking longer to happen, but preemptive planning makes the cast time a non issue. Reflexive use....yea it's kind of an issue.

Yeah, exactly. Plus you only need to re-cst it once in a while to upkeep the buff

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On 08/03/2018 at 12:17 AM, Maka.Bones said:

Saying that she's "broken, unplayable, unusable..." is simply wrong. She just has some redundant/silly/inefficient abilities.

Well yeah I am overdramatising it a bit, but look at it from this point of view.  Every other frame has 4 abilities that all function as intended.  There may be a few minor bugs with or two warframe abilities but for the most part every single frame works the way they should. 

Titania on the other hand doesn't have a single ability that is absent of some major and/or game breaking problems.  Her 1 - 3 abilities, besides being glitchy, simply either don't function or aren't worth using, and while her 4 is a strong ability and works for the most part, it still has some serious issues, like sentinels not returning when turning it off, all kinds of issues that arise when being downed while using it, getting insta-killed on PoE because the game thinks she's an archwing etc.

When compared to every other frame in the game, yes, Titania is broken and unusable, because everything she can do, every other frame can do significantly better, more reliably, and practically bug-free.

As for me suggesting fixes for these issues... well...

Her 1 should have it's ranged doubled or tripled.  It's WAY too small a radius for it to be used practically as a quick CC, plus the cast time needs to be severely reduced.  Most warframes first abilities are meant to be quick-shot skills that either get out of a bad situation or do some damage.  Titania's 1 doesn't do any of those things, it's impractical and will often get the Titania player killed because of how long it takes to activate.  Also requires some bug fixing so that it will affect every enemy within it's range, instead of it completely ignoring some enemies for no apparent reason.

The effects of her 2 need to be drastically increased.  Dust should start at maybe around 30% and then go up from there to a maximum of 80%.  That sounds really high, but in missions like high level sorties, enemies will still easily hit you with an 80% evasions.  Thorns should start at 10% and increase in 10% increments up to 50% damage reflect.  Titania isn't exactlythe tankiest frame, so even 50% of a level 80 napalm's damage would likely kill her, but at least the napalm would take a bit of a hit too.  Entangle should also start at 10% and go up 10% each time to a maximum of 50%.  That's still not as slow as Nova can do, but it will be a lot more noticable than a measly 25% speed reduction.  Full Moon should probably be changed to something more practical.  Companion damage doesn't amount to a lot unless someone is using a kubrow or a kavat, and the majority of players use sentinels, so maybe change it to decreasing everyone's recoil, starting at 10% and going up to 50%.  Reduced recoil would be a god send for a lot of guns, and make the ability something Titania players would want to use.  Another usefull QoL addition would be to add a miniature tribute symbol next to the names of enemies the Titania player mouses over so they know what kind of Tribute effect they would receive from that enemy.  As for it having an AoE effect, that would likely be a good augment mod for the ability, each level increasing the amount of enemies hit by it by 1 to a maximum of 4 (base target + 3 augment targets).

Her 3 needs to tether the target in place instead of allowing it to float around.  It's too uncontrollable as it is and more often than not it'll get out of sight before it gets any use.  Also, enemies should be affected by it simply by being within it's radius, they shouldn't have to look directly at it for it to affect them.  This would make it a good and usable CC, instead of the useless waste of energy it currently is.  Also needs some bug fixing so enemies don't turn into 'ghosts' that do nothing, ospreys instantly exploding when it's cast on them making it a waste of energy and enemies rubberbanding all over the screen then vanishing when they're targetted by it.

Her 4 just needs some bug fixing and polish.  While it functions fine as you're using it, being downed can cause numerous issues to the player, she needs to not be flagged as an archwing in PoE so the ability can actually be used there, and her razorwing butterflies probably need a teensie bit more health, since enemies at level 50+ usually kill them instantly

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1 hour ago, Konachibi said:

The effects of her 2 need to be drastically increased.  Dust should start at maybe around 30% and then go up from there to a maximum of 80%.  That sounds really high, but in missions like high level sorties, enemies will still easily hit you with an 80% evasions.  Thorns should start at 10% and increase in 10% increments up to 50% damage reflect.  Titania isn't exactlythe tankiest frame, so even 50% of a level 80 napalm's damage would likely kill her, but at least the napalm would take a bit of a hit too.  Entangle should also start at 10% and go up 10% each time to a maximum of 50%.  That's still not as slow as Nova can do, but it will be a lot more noticable than a measly 25% speed reduction.  Full Moon should probably be changed to something more practical.  Companion damage doesn't amount to a lot unless someone is using a kubrow or a kavat, and the majority of players use sentinels, so maybe change it to decreasing everyone's recoil, starting at 10% and going up to 50%.  Reduced recoil would be a god send for a lot of guns, and make the ability something Titania players would want to use.  Another usefull QoL addition would be to add a miniature tribute symbol next to the names of enemies the Titania player mouses over so they know what kind of Tribute effect they would receive from that enemy.  As for it having an AoE effect, that would likely be a good augment mod for the ability, each level increasing the amount of enemies hit by it by 1 to a maximum of 4 (base target + 3 augment targets).

I like this....one thing i would add to her 2 though is the selection wheel that ivara and vauban have....having to play rng for a power is pathetic imo.

1 hour ago, Konachibi said:

Her 3 needs to tether the target in place instead of allowing it to float around.  It's too uncontrollable as it is and more often than not it'll get out of sight before it gets any use.  Also, enemies should be affected by it simply by being within it's radius, they shouldn't have to look directly at it for it to affect them.  This would make it a good and usable CC, instead of the useless waste of energy it currently is.  Also needs some bug fixing so enemies don't turn into 'ghosts' that do nothing, ospreys instantly exploding when it's cast on them making it a waste of energy and enemies rubberbanding all over the screen then vanishing when they're targetted by it.

SO true...while it LOOKS ok as it stands...it functions VERY poorly....having a large range is useless if it doesnt affect new targets and if it floats to who the hek knows where.

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42 minutes ago, Konachibi said:

Well yeah I am overdramatising it a bit, but look at it from this point of view.  Every other frame has 4 abilities that all function as intended.  There may be a few minor bugs with or two warframe abilities but for the most part every single frame works the way they should. 

Titania on the other hand doesn't have a single ability that is absent of some major and/or game breaking problems.  Her 1 - 3 abilities, besides being glitchy, simply either don't function or aren't worth using, and while her 4 is a strong ability and works for the most part, it still has some serious issues, like sentinels not returning when turning it off, all kinds of issues that arise when being downed while using it, getting insta-killed on PoE because the game thinks she's an archwing etc.

When compared to every other frame in the game, yes, Titania is broken and unusable, because everything she can do, every other frame can do significantly better, more reliably, and practically bug-free.

As for me suggesting fixes for these issues... well...

Her 1 should have it's ranged doubled or tripled.  It's WAY too small a radius for it to be used practically as a quick CC, plus the cast time needs to be severely reduced.  Most warframes first abilities are meant to be quick-shot skills that either get out of a bad situation or do some damage.  Titania's 1 doesn't do any of those things, it's impractical and will often get the Titania player killed because of how long it takes to activate.  Also requires some bug fixing so that it will affect every enemy within it's range, instead of it completely ignoring some enemies for no apparent reason.

The effects of her 2 need to be drastically increased.  Dust should start at maybe around 30% and then go up from there to a maximum of 80%.  That sounds really high, but in missions like high level sorties, enemies will still easily hit you with an 80% evasions.  Thorns should start at 10% and increase in 10% increments up to 50% damage reflect.  Titania isn't exactlythe tankiest frame, so even 50% of a level 80 napalm's damage would likely kill her, but at least the napalm would take a bit of a hit too.  Entangle should also start at 10% and go up 10% each time to a maximum of 50%.  That's still not as slow as Nova can do, but it will be a lot more noticable than a measly 25% speed reduction.  Full Moon should probably be changed to something more practical.  Companion damage doesn't amount to a lot unless someone is using a kubrow or a kavat, and the majority of players use sentinels, so maybe change it to decreasing everyone's recoil, starting at 10% and going up to 50%.  Reduced recoil would be a god send for a lot of guns, and make the ability something Titania players would want to use.  Another usefull QoL addition would be to add a miniature tribute symbol next to the names of enemies the Titania player mouses over so they know what kind of Tribute effect they would receive from that enemy.  As for it having an AoE effect, that would likely be a good augment mod for the ability, each level increasing the amount of enemies hit by it by 1 to a maximum of 4 (base target + 3 augment targets).

Her 3 needs to tether the target in place instead of allowing it to float around.  It's too uncontrollable as it is and more often than not it'll get out of sight before it gets any use.  Also, enemies should be affected by it simply by being within it's radius, they shouldn't have to look directly at it for it to affect them.  This would make it a good and usable CC, instead of the useless waste of energy it currently is.  Also needs some bug fixing so enemies don't turn into 'ghosts' that do nothing, ospreys instantly exploding when it's cast on them making it a waste of energy and enemies rubberbanding all over the screen then vanishing when they're targetted by it.

Her 4 just needs some bug fixing and polish.  While it functions fine as you're using it, being downed can cause numerous issues to the player, she needs to not be flagged as an archwing in PoE so the ability can actually be used there, and her razorwing butterflies probably need a teensie bit more health, since enemies at level 50+ usually kill them instantly

Her one has a massive range of modded properly. It doesn't need to be increased, it's fine as its. But fixes though, sure. 

Pretty much agree with you on everything else now that we've gotten past the drama

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So... I'm reading through this thread and I'm getting a lot of crossed wires, because the problems are there, but aren't always what people think they are.

Spellbind, for example, is slow to cast but has a high range of effect and is hard CC. What would be good is that, rather than floating off into the sky as they can do, there were a suspension effect similar to that of Rhino's Stomp, Zephyr's Tornado (the updated one) or the Exodia Arcane for Zaws. It would let them float about, but at a more reasonable height.

Tribute, on the other hand, has some amazing effects, but what everyone here seems to have missed is how these effects are actually applied to the enemies and allies; For Dust, Thorns and Entangle it's a range around Titania herself. Dust is 30m, Thorns is 40m and Entangle is 10m. If you're running for Duration and Efficiency, which most are, then you're faced with the choice between Range or Strength and most people pick Strength... not sure why...

This means that Entangle, the strongest part of this, the slow on enemies, is only a base-range of 10m around Titania, or sometimes 14.5m if you've put on a Stretch. Which is useless, let's be honest, how many times with Titania are you within 10m of an enemy when you have one of the best hitscan primary weapons in the game at your disposal?

Doesn't seem right to me, and that's where the buff really should be.

Make the buffs that Tribute gives apply either to Affinity Range (meaning that we finally have a third frame with an ability that can be buffed by Vazarin, after Trinity and Harrow) or in a range from her and all other team members.

Lantern? It's supposed to act like Djinn's Attract ability, where any enemy in range is hypnotised to walk forwards passively towards the light, but either they've tried to weaken the effect so that it's line-of-only, or they've not even used this attribute in the same way, because it doesn't seem to quite do the effect in anywhere near the effectiveness of Djinn's cast.

Again, the tweak would be to tether it to a fixed floating height, or even tether it completely so that the enemy becomes a balloon on a string instead of one left free. The fixed-height floating would allow players to still push it around a little, but would guarantee that the effect is always at a point where enemies would see it and be damaged by it if they walked close enough.

When it comes down to it, it's those buffs being so... un-useful in how they actually get applied, that's where things get painful.

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9 hours ago, Konachibi said:

Well yeah I am overdramatising it a bit, but look at it from this point of view.  Every other frame has 4 abilities that all function as intended.

Ember's fireball (when fully charged, and enemy has accelerant) can barely kill a lvl 60 grineer, when shot to the face... It tickles lvl 80 grineer. 

Ember's fireblast makes enemies laugh, and gives enemies aneasy target (when you're standing in it, to get the +50% heat weapon damage)

Ember's world on fire, is now more like "personal space on fire" but when modded with extra range, and less power, it makes accelerant less useful--and the changes failed to address the original issues

Trinity's well of life rarely gets used

nehza's fire trail is.... ok?

mirage's traps, and discoball of tickles, are just... neat... in paper but not for actual use

I'm not going to keep going, but my point is that ALOT of warframes have abilities that seem rather redundant/forgotten. Yes titania's tribute buffs could be more useful... honestly i'd prefer if it had ONE single useful buff, than the 4 kinda redundant wastes of energy that it offers nowl... and lantern would be less annoying if it didn't float off into space. Yes... but it's not like you're the only one suffering, nor is it the case that Titania is "useless, unplayable [or] forgotten"


Edit: As far as the bug fixes, and improvements to abilities 1-3, yeah I completely agree with you. I agree about 4, but you forgot something important.... She needs innate vaccum in razorwing mode. 

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6 hours ago, Thaylien said:

Tribute, on the other hand, has some amazing effects,

wait, the effects are amazing?... i wasn't aware of this. They seemed mediocre, and inconsistent to me. 

Honestly, no sass this time. It's hard to reliably cast the buff that you want with tribute, because often you, or your sentinel, or your allies, or your razorwing drones, end up killing the target you wanted to get the buff from... or it just doesn't spawn often.

The tribute buff which increases damage to companions, only affects pets. So it's useless while in razorwing

The damage reflect one, doesn't reduce incoming damage... and enemies aren't able to do enough damage to themselves, to actually kill eachother. So unless the reflect amount actually enhanced the damage when reflected, it's rather useless

The slow (the one useful one) Is neat, but it would be better if the AoE was much larger, and the slow was more significant/lasted longer.

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I can't see how you guys think spellbind is slow btw... i guess it's a matter of preference maybe. could it be .2s faster? yeah.... but it's not like it's the speed of charging ember's fireball, just to not get a kill. 

Spellbind is seriously awesome, and if you cast it on yourself the effects will follow you/remain on you for its duration. Wish it scaled better with duration though, and that it had a larger area, so your teammates could benefit more from it

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6 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

wait, the effects are amazing?... i wasn't aware of this. They seemed mediocre, and inconsistent to me. 

Honestly, no sass this time. It's hard to reliably cast the buff that you want with tribute, because often you, or your sentinel, or your allies, or your razorwing drones, end up killing the target you wanted to get the buff from... or it just doesn't spawn.

The tribute buff which increases damage to companions, only affects pets. So it's useless while in razorwing

The damage reflect one, doesn't reduce incoming damage... and enemies aren't able to do enough damage to themselves, to actually kill eachother. So unless the reflect amount actually enhanced the damage when reflected, it's rather useless

The slow (the one useful one) Is neat, but it would be better if the AoE was much larger, and the slow was more significant/lasted longer.

Wut.... Dust, the one from non-heavy shooty enemies (which is the vast majority of Grineer/Corpus/Corrupted forces) that debuffs enemy accuracy by 50% is the only good one. It's got a usable radius for tileset missions (30m) and combos well with the natural 50% evasion that Razorwing has.

Also the bigger problem with Full Moon is that you have to pull it from pets and osprey in the first place. Good luck actually getting the buff to 5 and keeping it there lol

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10 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

Wut.... Dust, the one from non-heavy shooty enemies (which is the vast majority of Grineer/Corpus/Corrupted forces) that debuffs enemy accuracy by 50% is the only good one. It's got a usable radius for tileset missions (30m) and combos well with the natural 50% evasion that Razorwing has.

Also the bigger problem with Full Moon is that you have to pull it from pets and osprey in the first place. Good luck actually getting the buff to 5 and keeping it there lol

Oh shoot, i forgot about dust! xD yeah you're right, my bad there. My radius isn't very good for it though (in my razorwing build) so sadly, it wouldn't really be of much use to me

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Just now, Maka.Bones said:

Oh shoot, i forgot about dust! xD yeah you're right, my bad there. My radius isn't very good for it though (in my razorwing build) so sadly, it wouldn't really be of much use to me

Tribute does not scale to power stats. It's 30m fixed.

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3 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

Tribute does not scale to power stats. It's 30m fixed.

you mean range....? Though that's helpful to know. I never really used it, because i thought it was inconsistent. Bu you made a good point about dust, so ill have to start using it more often now. Thanks!

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6 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

you mean range....? Though that's helpful to know. I never really used it, because i thought it was inconsistent. Bu you made a good point about dust, so ill have to start using it more often now. Thanks!

Strength, Duration, or Range.

All auras from Tribute are 120s, refresh on stack pickup.
Dust is 30m, Thorns 40m, Entangle 10m, and I honestly don't remember Full Moon's.
Dust is 10-50%, Thorns is 5-25%, Entangle is 5-25%, and again I don't remember Full Moon's.

None of these values are affected by any modding.

How long the enemy you pulled the buff from stays debuffed (duration), how much damage they take and I believe how debuffed they are (strength), and how far away you can cast the Tribute (range) scale to power stats.

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2 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

Strength, Duration, or Range.

All auras from Tribute are 120s, refresh on stack pickup.
Dust is 30m, Thorns 40m, Entangle 10m, and I honestly don't remember Full Moon's.
Dust is 10-50%, Thorns is 5-25%, Entangle is 5-25%, and again I don't remember Full Moon's.

None of these values are affected by any modding.

How long the enemy you pulled the buff from stays debuffed (duration), how much damage they take and how debuffed they are (strength), and how far away you can cast the Tribute (range) scale to power stats.

I believe Full Moon is 50% max, 10% with each stack

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1 hour ago, Maka.Bones said:

Ember's fireball (when fully charged, and enemy has accelerant) can barely kill a lvl 60 grineer, when shot to the face... It tickles lvl 80 grineer. 

Ember's fireblast makes enemies laugh, and gives enemies aneasy target (when you're standing in it, to get the +50% heat weapon damage)

Ember's world on fire, is now more like "personal space on fire" but when modded with extra range, and less power, it makes accelerant less useful--and the changes failed to address the original issues

Trinity's well of life rarely gets used

nehza's fire trail is.... ok?

mirage's traps, and discoball of tickles, are just... neat... in paper but not for actual use

Ember's fireball is a combination of quick damage and CC.  9 times out of 10 it'll set fire to the target which leaves it flailing it's arms around and not attacking.  Also since the changes to Ember's abilities, the napalm effect it leaves behind is pretty handy for getting rid of small nuisances like corpus ospreys, infested crawlers and maggots, grineer rollers etc.  It's not powerful, even at full charge with 200% power strength, but very few frames have powerful 1 abilities.

Fireblast likewise is a combination of damage and CC, and that too will more often than not set enemies on fire, it's also handy for getting rid of the above mentioned small nuisances and for generally blocking bottlenecked areas like doorways and narrow tunnels.  You don't stand inside it, that's just painting a bullseye on your head, you drop it in a doorway and move away from it, then watch as each enemy stumbles into it and gets burned alive.  The shockwave effect from it also couples very well with her 2, as does her fireball (in fact her entire kit relies on her 2 to really maximise her damage output)

I too had issues with Ember's World On Fire after the change, until I worked something out about it.  One of the recent mod additions to the game is the Augur set, and the important one here is Augur Reach, which adds 30% to your ability range with no negatives.  Combined with Stretch, that gives WoF a 175% range increase without a loss in another ability, which is pretty darn good.  If you're struggling to find a good all-round build for Ember that makes really good use of her WoF (even being able to kill level 50-60 enemies in just 2 ticks of damage) try out this:  Primed Vigor, Primed Continuity, Intensify, Streamline, Stretch, Transient Fortitude, Augur Message and Augur Reach, with whatever you want in the Aura slot, and of course Power Drift in the Exilus slot.  This gives her 152% duration, 130% efficiency, 175% range and 200% power strength, making all of her abilities last ample amounts of time and do pretty good damage even at higher levels.  WoF especially at 100% charge ticks for 1600 damage (not including armour/resistence) on each enemy it hits, and works at a range much more akin to what it was with just Stretch before the changes.

I agree Trinity's Well Of Life does feel like a redundant ability when her 4 basically does the same thing with the inclusion of damage resistence too.  

I actually use Nezha's Fire Trail a heck of a lot when I play as him.  similar to Ember's Fire Blast, it can operate as really good CC, though you practically have to build Nezha specifically for it to get good duration out of it, but it's pretty handy in infested missions.

Mirage's Sleight Of Hand is a bit of a mixed bag.  Most people build Mirage primarily for use with either the CC blind of bursting a Prism or HoM, and Sleight Of Hand doesn't function well with either of those builds, but if you give Mirage a more all-rounder build that boosts everything without negatives, it becomes a pretty fun ability that can cause some serious chaos.  Prism on the other hand is an absolute monster of a damaging ability when used in the right situations and given the right build.  One of the fastest ways to farm Meso relics in fact is with a disco Mirage.  Build it for range and strength, then go to Io on jupiter, stand on a platform near the defence target then press 4 when a new round begins, then watch as the Prism clears every single enemy spawn in a matter of seconds.  You can run up to 40 waves like this before the Prism starts struggling to do enough damage to kill things, but by that point you've already gone through 2 full loot cycles.  Only downside there is it probably needs a Trinity to maintain Mirage's power supply, but it's still a really good ability!

The biggest point to make here is that while some of these abilities may not be as practical at doing something as other abilities on other warframes may be, they still at least function as intended.  They work 100% of the time with no problems, bugs or errors.  Titania cannot boast that with any ability in her kit.  Every single one of them has one or more bugs that makes them either a waste of energy or just plain unreliable, and she's been that way since she was released.  For the first couple of weeks DE made an effort to try and get all of her stuff to work, but when they realised that most people were ignoring her first 3 skills and pretty much only using her primarily for Razorwing, they stopped bothering to do bug fixes with her, and she's been left that way ever since.

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actually @Konachibi do you even play much endgame content? The things you've said, make it seem like you haven't used a lot of those warframes outside of midlvl content. Fireblast doesn't even get rid of small nuisances, WoF does. 

and frankly you missed the main point of what I was saying.... I could make a very similar argument for titania's abilities, as the one you've made. Again, you sound like you're overdramatizing for the sake of titania, and you're having a singular-biased PoV. In which case, any discussion with you is pointless, because you're not willing to consider another person's perspective.

I'm not saying Titania is perfect, but i'm also saying that you have absolutely no grounds in saying that "every single other warframe has 4 abilities that function as intended". 

Ember's fireball, nor her fireblast manage to kill enemies effectively--nor work as CC, unless they're spammed every 5 seconds.... so it lessens your window to kill enemies, because of animation delays, and it opens you to being attacked from your blindspot.

Mirage's sleight of hand isn't worth using, in comparison to just killing everything with your primary

Neither is nezha's fire trail--though this one may just be personal preference.... but why would I ever care about killing enemies behind me, if the enemies in front of me are already dead? 


In simple words, you're completely avoiding the fact that many other warframes ALSO have sub-par skills. Titania isn't alone in this. Yes, it's something that should be addressed, but you need to simmer down, if you want people to listen to you. Because the devs ALSO have a lot of other warframes they're working on.


They haven't even finished making Khora, or working on damage 3.0.

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On 3/3/2018 at 6:12 PM, ObviousLee said:

I've been using her since she came out and I've seen very little of the issues you're mentioning. I'm not saying that they don't exist, but I am saying that they aren't as prevalent as you're making them out to be. 

When trials were still a thing my Titania was able to go through the entirety of law of retribution in razorwing with no issues, thanks to my mod setup. Her cc is fantastic for spell bind, so I'm not sure how you have her modded but it's obviously trying to do too much at once. 

I'll agree that tribute is bad in that it only hits a single target, and I suggest allowing it to hit at Max three targets would at the least make it useful. 

Lantern isn't as bad as you're making it out to be, but that's not to say it's that amazing either. Easiest fix would be to make lantern lock in place upon cast. 

Razorwing is honestly fine, with the exception of serious damage taken on wall collision. Other than that, perfect as is. 

So please, don't compare her to zephyr? Titania steps all over zephyr in almost every single way except for damage mitigation from turbulence. 

Titania could use some tweaks, but she's far away from unplayable. 

I agree with all of this. OP's bugs may be from bad netcode and lag. I usually use Titania as a solo frame so I have never seen any of them. The issues with Spellbind might be due to Ancient Disruptors.

The biggest thing I want is a tether for Lantern, which would make it usable in public matches. 

Tribute is bad, but not totally useless once you realize that you will be getting the evasion buff most of the time.

Her low energy pool is presumably so that they have somewhere to go with her prime.

I tend to use her for CC and ignore Razorwing, but a balanced build is possible and better now thanks to her new augment.

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