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I hate Plains of eidolon now.


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I can't belive i'm saying that, but i hate plains of eidolon now.

I just went for a bounty of teralyst, Gauntlyst hydrolist, then we were at hydrolist. When i had my last life, the guy was nearby me, teabegged me(dps), left us, and at the the door he blamed us for everything. I don't want to hunt eidolons for arcanes... I NEED MY RAIDS AND JORDAS BACK!!!!!! just make it possible to get arcane from poe, but i liked raid and Jordas alot more than that. the DE forced us to play the eidolon hunting(and my amp is ****) soo guys there are like "Wtf, are you noob at this? are you new at hunting?" And i hate this because i need a stronger amp to be able to kill even teralyst not to mention the Hydrolyst and gauntlet. I would need to grind alot of stuff to improve my amp, but... i don'T like mining and fishing that much... i've started playing this game when the game only had menu, no inner ship, etc. it wasn't even in plan to make plains of eidolon. At first, i was very excited to see that... But after taking away the 2 missions i loved the most... i hate it...(and the 45 minute night, 1hour 45 minutes day cycyle too)


-Make nights longer.

-Make it lesser need for a grinding.(Cetus wisps................)

-When aborting(after 4 death) from poe, make it possible for last to leave and let others keep their stuff...(it might be a bug as i saw.)

-Get the Jordas verdict and the raid back, they were fun with or without the Arcanes.

Edited by elitharcos
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This seems more of a You problem than a DE problem. If you are not willing to put in effort for better gear in order to hunt Eidolons, you can't complain. Tridolons ARE NOT for "New Players" or even those without the proper equipment. You can not expect to be carried when you join a random team, they will definitely be pissed by your lack of contribution.

Everyone who hunts them farms the required resources for amps, It's not that hard. 

Making nights longer would just make obtaining arcanes that much easier. Supply > Demand = Cheaper Arcanes = People complaining about how easy they are to obtain = DE nerfing them = People get angry ~ And the cycle continues

Cetus wisps are faster to obtain from bounties, but DE should really look into their spawn rates on the plains. 

If you still don't want to farm for amps, Find a group of friends/clanmates who are willing to carry you.



Edited by RayxAyanami
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12 minutes ago, RayxAyanami said:

This seems more of a You problem than a DE problem. If you are not willing to put in effort for better gear in order to hunt Eidolons, you can't complain. Tridolons ARE NOT for "New Players" or even those without the proper equipment. You can not expect to be carried when you join a random team, they will definitely be pissed by your lack of contribution.


pls anyone with an amp (no matter what combination) obviously in a team of 4 can hunt eidolons down, not 4x3 or 3x3 but at least a single triple cap its possible WITH ANY AMP and WITHOUT ANY SYN BUFF 

imo raids was better compared to eidolons (it was DE decision put the reward on cool down per x hours, and keys cost alot of resource) on the other hand eidolons make arcane rain each night cycle

have no Chroma, Trin, Harow or Volt :community: that lower your chances of bein picked

at least the raid had no meta loadout

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Is this a pub group for the bounty? Because it doesn’t sound like a “you” problem, but a player who can’t handle when things don’t go right. 

Eidolon hunting is the only way to get better gear and become more efficient at eidolon hunting, so I’m not sure what that guy expected if he joined a public bounty.


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I absolutely HATE the entire idea of Eidolons.  I outright refuse to hunt them, ever.  If that means that's the end of Warframe for me, so be it.  It's a beyond stupid idea, as well as the Operator combat idea...  The vast majority of their 'new' ideas that they've been implementing are just horrible.  Operator combat, Rivens, Eidolons, locking unvaulted relics to bounty rewards, forced to fish, forced to mine, forced to farm wisps, limiting Eidolon 'hunting' to about 5 frames, amps and that idiotic rep grind too, focus grinding, Archwing, 400m sniper rifles while enemies disappear at 150m, the entire 'look at these fantastic beam weapons changes, then it gets 'fixed' a day later, the Ember 'fix', etc... IMHO, ALL of these things have been a downward spiral of crap for Warframe.  The fact that they keep putting them out there, putting a band-aid on it, not actually addressing the major issues, and 'fixing' things that don't need fixing and actually making things FAR worse.  I'm sorry, but these have ALL been very shortsighted, unplanned, and horribly executed ideas/'fixes'.

I mean seriously, depending on Damage 3.0, I might shelve the game permanently if these terrible ideas keep getting implemented...  I really do love playing this game, but they're cutting out the good parts and adding in horribly broken things that no one really enjoys anyways...  This downhill crap needs to starting going uphill real quick or you're going to keep bleeding veterans and whales like myself to new players that drop it quickly and are in NO WAY going to give the amounts of money/support that we have...

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Still remember to getting an absurd amount of Oxium fo build Zephyr - Ospreys dropped 1 now between 7 and 12, or building a key to fight Vay Hek in Oro for the first time, or, more 'recently', going to Caelus for an improbable Elytron drop, etc.

Those were hard days.

I'm sure DE cannot make everybody happy. And everything in game is always changing. I's a free endless Beta ... so far (?)

Personally, not fond of latest Relics system but getting a Forma in a T4 Defense was also not a cool reward for the effort. Or the inflation and ridiculous prices practicing now in PS4 Tradings.

Not saying to accept things, but you may need to learn trying "enjoying" new stuff -in Real Life it calls "Progress".

The game has never been so easy.

Tomorrow it's "Shrine of the Eidolon" update for us. I need to be ready.


Edited by (PS4)Backdoorman71
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I feel with you but for different reasons. 

The whole day/night-cycle is just a pain in the arse. 

While any other mission is grindable any time (for relics "if it is there") now i am bound to a stupid cycle that has the 2nd effect of "never finding decent team" during night for other misisons.

And the time pressure venoms the community. Formerly at least 50% of the time someone in the team took the time to explain the current mission to a noob or give them hints what to do before trying this particular mission.

Now nobody has the time for it. As soon as the Chroma aint the perfect one-shot team dissolves and hastily looks for the next run. Same with all the other frames.

I am no noob but "not wanting to screw it up for the team" and an inactive clan actually made me never kill any new eidolon since the patch. 

Gave it one try, team dissolved two times as chosing frames obviously took too much time for at least one in the team, 25 minutes of night left >>> screw it! 

Just to make this clear: I know the game, I theoretically know what frames are needed for hunt and got their equip/mods, still it is close to impossible to find a decent game as soon as any one in the team gets the impression that you are not skilled/experienced perfectly.

How on Earth is a real newb intended to get any fun/rewards out of that??????

The time limit is what kills the eidolon hunts. Just make a "eidolon hunt"-mission and kill the stupid day/night cycle! IT IS POISON! 

I am sure there are tons of ppl out there that would love to explain hunts to new players but dont have the time since night will be over soon. 

Anyone ever played a Sortie with a newb? It is fun to drag them through the 3 missions and give them hints on how to "at least survive a little and get closer to the exit". 

With Eidolons it is the exact oppisite. "You are new?" "You aint formaed perfectly?" "You asked the wrong question?" >>> "Get out of my game, i need to kill another X eidolons this night and dont have time for you"

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I'm sorry to hear you're not having any fun with it, but I really love the Plains of Eidolon.  I think the eidolon fights are pretty neat and since they're now listed as bounties it is incredibly easier to get in and start capturing eidolons.   The grind wasn't too difficult for me at all.  One of the best amps you can craft isn't even a top tier amp, so being able to be useful immediately wasn't difficult at all.  And once I learned the mechanics of the fight I found I probably could have been useful with just a Mote amp easily.    You don't have to bring just a Chroma Trinity Volt or Harrow either.    Octavia, Rhino, Limbo, Oberon, Frost, Nezha, Titania, Valkyr, Mesa, Ivara, Wukong, Zephyr, Equinox, Mag all can bring something useful to the fight.  And on top of that just learning the mechanics of the fight so you can go, not die at all, and capture an eidolon can be done with any warframe.  This is probably tougher to do with the Trio but nobody should be starting out fighting the Trio first just cuz they want the drops without learning the fights or making the necessary preparations first.

1 hour ago, Vetterman said:

With Eidolons it is the exact oppisite. "You are new?" "You aint formaed perfectly?" "You asked the wrong question?" >>> "Get out of my game, i need to kill another X eidolons this night and dont have time for you"

This is absolutely right,  but from that players perspective this is what it is..... "You are lazy,  you want easy rewards and you haven't bothered to ask ANY questions before coming here.  You want us to carry you through content that can be difficult if we have to babysit someone the entire time"  We have put in the small amount of effort it takes to get here and you simply want to ride our backs even though it doesn't require that much effort to get here"  "We know what the work is, and we can see that you have done none of it"

That is what this player is thinking.  Is he right? Or no?

Eidolon fights are fun for me,  you wanna know how I prepared for my first group fight?  I went out on the plains at night time solo, I started shooting an Eidolon and worked my way through the mechanics,  I watched his animations, I watched his attacks,  I learned what each one did,  I learned how to avoid them.   Before I got there I had asked what to shoot, when to shoot it, and what to shoot it with.   It took me two tries to solo my first eidolon.  It took a little while because I was nub but it was easy and fun because I prepared.  I died a few times yea but no big deal, I did this with a Mote amp.  I learned the fight.  Now when i go in groups I know exactly what to do and how to do it,  nobody points their fingers at me, nobody asks me any questions,  and nobody has to carry me.   Just not dying every 2 seconds is a massive help to your team, you can do that on any warframe. Just knowing how to take the shields out fast is a big help to your team,  how to get lures and keep them out of peoples way is a big help.  How to kill vomvalyst fast and when to do it, is a big help.  It only takes one night to prepare once you have asked a few questions first.  But if you don't want to put in the work, yea people gonna be mad at you.  Can't help that, its on you.

If you just trying the Trio first and you have nothing, you lazy, you need to fix that.

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Make nights longer? This translates to: "I suck so give me more time to waste my life on this teralyst that I can't get a good team for."


Cetus wisps are a joke ever since DE upped the pickup radius. Equip a volt (max speed build) with loot detector, thief's wit, animal instinct on a sentinel, etc and Sanic around the map. You'll get about 5-10 every rotation, plus more if you buy a cheap 30p booster (one VEILED riven sale gets you 50+ plat, don't complain cause you're marketing skills are bad). 


Trials are gone, sad to say, but they're not ever coming back with how trash DE is. Learn how to fight the big worthless easy to kill sentients and farm 6 arcanes or more a night. Have a good day, little light.



A guy that loved trials.

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vor 23 Minuten schrieb BBaw:

"You are lazy,  you want easy rewards and you haven't bothered to ask ANY questions before coming here. 

That IS the point. 

I do put in time and effort watching youtube videos and rank up all the needed frames several times to fit in all the needed mods. (this already assumes the mods are ready and maxed)

But when it comes to "finally playing the real game" noone has time to explain anything. 

Example: There is a feeling of "shouldnt we get some balloons?" at the start of the mission. But 2 people rush the eidolon and you happen to be volt or chroma. Since everyone is rushing the eidolon you rush it too ("i guess they know what they are doing and this used to be the job of blesstrin")

Result: Eidolon gone, Blesstrin left, run aborted. 

If it was not day/night any team would take the time to make sure everone knew the plan and their role. Chatting a little before the run wouldnt hurt.

If it is day/night everyone is in a hurry and just assumes the rest knows what they are doing and if they are not they leave and start the next run >> 2-3 people didnt learn scrap and will screw up the next run too. 

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41 minutes ago, Vetterman said:

That IS the point. 

I do put in time and effort watching youtube videos and rank up all the needed frames several times to fit in all the needed mods. (this already assumes the mods are ready and maxed)

But when it comes to "finally playing the real game" noone has time to explain anything. 

Example: There is a feeling of "shouldnt we get some balloons?" at the start of the mission. But 2 people rush the eidolon and you happen to be volt or chroma. Since everyone is rushing the eidolon you rush it too ("i guess they know what they are doing and this used to be the job of blesstrin")

Result: Eidolon gone, Blesstrin left, run aborted. 

If it was not day/night any team would take the time to make sure everone knew the plan and their role. Chatting a little before the run wouldnt hurt.

If it is day/night everyone is in a hurry and just assumes the rest knows what they are doing and if they are not they leave and start the next run >> 2-3 people didnt learn scrap and will screw up the next run too. 

Sounds like you had some not so great groups there.  I've already maxed out my Quills standing and I never had anybody bail on a group like that before and I only ran either pugs or solo, nothing preformed. You think maybe DE should implement a new type of character flag for entering the Trio fight based off Quill standing?  This might ensure, the inexperienced don't show up someplace they aren't ready for.  At minimum the second tier (Observer)  of quill standing I'd say.  If they haven't learned anything about Eidolons by then they're probably never going to learn :<

I generally always want the lures, that way I know everything gets done correctly.  And if no one has gotten them by the time I get in I make it a point to get them as fast as possible.  Don't be afraid to say something in chat when you start too,  that only takes a second, sometimes a little communication can go a long way to saving you some time. Since you're running  a pug everybody could potentially be a Volt / Chroma... So grab some lures if nobody else has.  You might find taking your time and doing things right is actually faster than assuming everyone else is going to cover a particular job.   It works for me, anyway.

As far as the day / night cycles go?  I always have plenty of time to get a few kills in every round.  And if its arcanes you are after.... This method is definitely a lot faster than the old raids,  I'm not even sure how people can post a sensible complaint in that regard.   If you can't find time to kill 1 eidolon in a 24 hour period,  I imagine you probably had some difficulty completing the raids as well. I don't think thats something DE can work around too easily.  The day / night cycle isn't new to Earth.  It would be rather strange to take it out of the plains.   I think its pretty neat and immersive to be honest, and the fact the creepy things come out at night. Thats a great idea!  Not a new concept in gaming either.

I don't blame the Plains of Eidolon because other players are bad or inexperienced, though.  I mean that happens everywhere,  its not limited to PoE and coming into contact with poor playstyles, poor attitudes, poor behavior,  Welcome to Life 101! You'll find that stuff everywhere, unfortunately.  There isn't a game developer anywhere that can filter that out.

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36 minutes ago, BBaw said:

Sounds like you had some not so great groups there.  I've already maxed out my Quills standing and I never had anybody bail on a group like that before and I only ran either pugs or solo, nothing preformed. You think maybe DE should implement a new type of character flag for entering the Trio fight based off Quill standing?  This might ensure, the inexperienced don't show up someplace they aren't ready for.  At minimum the second tier (Observer)  of quill standing I'd say.  If they haven't learned anything about Eidolons by then they're probably never going to learn :<

I generally always want the lures, that way I know everything gets done correctly.  And if no one has gotten them by the time I get in I make it a point to get them as fast as possible.  Don't be afraid to say something in chat when you start too,  that only takes a second, sometimes a little communication can go a long way to saving you some time. Since you're running  a pug everybody could potentially be a Volt / Chroma... So grab some lures if nobody else has.  You might find taking your time and doing things right is actually faster than assuming everyone else is going to cover a particular job.   It works for me, anyway.

As far as the day / night cycles go?  I always have plenty of time to get a few kills in every round.  And if its arcanes you are after.... This method is definitely a lot faster than the old raids,  I'm not even sure how people can post a sensible complaint in that regard.   If you can't find time to kill 1 eidolon in a 24 hour period,  I imagine you probably had some difficulty completing the raids as well. I don't think thats something DE can work around too easily.  The day / night cycle isn't new to Earth.  It would be rather strange to take it out of the plains.   I think its pretty neat and immersive to be honest, and the fact the creepy things come out at night. Thats a great idea!  Not a new concept in gaming either.

I don't blame the Plains of Eidolon because other players are bad or inexperienced, though.  I mean that happens everywhere,  its not limited to PoE and coming into contact with poor playstyles, poor attitudes, poor behavior,  Welcome to Life 101! You'll find that stuff everywhere, unfortunately.  There isn't a game developer anywhere that can filter that out.

Well if we would base it on sanding still in trouble cause i am at a high standing, i'm just lazy to gather all the stuff needed for the amps, else i could have some nice weapons, but as i said it needs stuff what i won't gather...

Anyway i say that they should get the raid and verdict back but with different things, like: Rare mods, something what needs hard working to get it.

Also, i have done many speedrun raids, but eidolon needs operator shootings, etc. Raid and jordas verdict were mind games, but this is just:

"Take chroma a good amp, and try to destroy the eidolons" at first it's exciting, but later it's judt "Hold MB1 to win" if i had a better operator i could do all the eidolons within minutes, but i don't neither my teammates do, so i'm currently stuck at "lanka, euphona prime, chroma = GG ez"

I got all corrupted mods maxedand alot of primed mods, but this operator amp grinding kills me, especially the "collet some cetus wisps with Dora the adventurer"


My best advice: take jordas verdict and the raid back and make them give amp parts, they can only be done once in 12 hours anyway.

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You can upgrade your amp doing a few teralysts per in-game night but yes overall, the amp upgrade is a bad experience. The way farming wisps works is beyond &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;, fishing sucks and mining is tedious since you can't even chose what you get, unlike fishing. I don't mind the fights, they're not particularly difficult they're just gear checks (which is possibly the worst possible design for a boss fight but I digress), they're not stellar but I've seen worse. However it's all the "little" but horribly boring things that must be done on the side to do the said fight that are not enjoyable to me.

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52 minutes ago, helioth137 said:

Please don't join a hydrolist group if you don't have a good amp.

At least get tier 2 beforehand. The parts you need are not earned from hydrolist...

It will be frustrating for everyone if you do it with mote/ t1/ bad builds

Don't join 1... already did it twice with smallest amp...

Also chroma 846% damage increase cold type isn't a bad build i think.

I'm just sick of the amps, but if others can damage it with amp, i can easily kill it's psrts.

Note: I know i don't get resources for amps from hydrolist, but i just need my arcanes(arcane energize) so i will not get a single amp upgrade as long as they need too many fishing, mining.

I started this game as "Ninjas play free" Not as "Grind on eidolon"

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Ninjas play free... and if they are smart they can buy what they want by selling a few rare things.

If you have ANYTHING of value you can easily buy the amp parts you need.

Personally I earn 150+ plat per day fishing.

Honestly I have a policy of not accepting people with no amp or mote into my hydrolist group. 

It drags down everyone because it does 10x less damage and anyone without an amp trying to kill Eidolon would get frustrated.

Shooting the limbs as chroma is not an excuse for having the beginner amp, other teammates can do damage as Well, in my group good volts and narrows can equal my damage. Needing arcanes is not an excuse either.

Being weak because you bring bad equipment just sucks for your team and I would feel dishonored if I did that.

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IMO, soloing the teralyst with the low-end gear will be harder (or at least more time-consuming) than just jumping into a public Teralyst bounty. I'd recommend just doing the single Teralyst bounty, participating as best you can, and building from there. You'll probably end up being able to drop 2-3 teralysts per night cycle right from the start, and maybe more as your gear improves. 

There are a ton of players out there who are super optimized for the hunt, and you'll find them in the bounties pretty frequently, if my experience is anything to go by. 

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5 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

IMO, soloing the teralyst with the low-end gear will be harder (or at least more time-consuming) than just jumping into a public Teralyst bounty. I'd recommend just doing the single Teralyst bounty, participating as best you can, and building from there. You'll probably end up being able to drop 2-3 teralysts per night cycle right from the start, and maybe more as your gear improves. 

There are a ton of players out there who are super optimized for the hunt, and you'll find them in the bounties pretty frequently, if my experience is anything to go by. 

I've just done the Teralyst, Gauntlyst and Hydrolyst Hunt again, but NVM.

I needed tips for getting the stuffs easier to get better amp, but actually, i got my answer for that too, i will just buy the stuffs for plat what i need to build my amps, and i will do a little wisp hunting and gg.

Edit: I only can't do the amp part of the eidolon hunting, because of my amp is sh*t, not becasue i don't know what to do.

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В 04.03.2018 в 19:39, HIGHDAMAGE сказал:

at least the raid had no meta loadout


Yes, trinity, nova + rhino/vauban and loki weren't required at all for lor and neither was Nekros for JV (and fast nova). Nope. Totally new invention.


Shooting the limbs as chroma is not an excuse for having the beginner amp

It actually one of the few instances when no one gives a **** about your amp, provided that you can actually drop sentients fast. But usually people who have no amps have no forma on those frames, no rivens and no strong weapons, no madurai or unairu to buff their damage either.

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2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:


Yes, trinity, nova + rhino/vauban and loki weren't required at all for lor and neither was Nekros for JV (and fast nova). Nope. Totally new invention.

You are also saying that wrong, it wasn't Trinity, Nova, Rhino/Vauban, loki.

It was: EV, Bless, CCx [number of host thinks is needed], Carry.

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On ‎04‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 11:59 AM, elitharcos said:

I just went for a bounty of teralyst, Gauntlyst hydrolist, then we were at hydrolist. When i had my last life, the guy was nearby me, teabegged me(dps), left us, and at the the door he blamed us for everything.

:poop: This is just comical, first time I read it.Had me laughing for 5mins but it happens all the time

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