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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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Ember was nerfed because she was uninteresting to play and eliminated gameplay for new players, while I'd say the same can be said for maiming strike builds, I'd say, the vector to correct is uninteresting to play, not eliminating gameplay for new players. For even new players, grind can be tedious, and they benefit from faster grind even if someone is carrying them, it's near impossible to eliminate the effects of high level carry on new players, players will just spam whatever AoE is allowed, and don't want to be burdened with tedious low level interactions just to grind stuff.

The other hand is more serious, they already said they expect a melee rework, and hopefully they can do it quickly. Essentially what needs to happen, is that hold and pause attacks should be removed from the game, they don't scale properly with super high attack speeds. Instead, slide and aerial attacks should be remade into corresponding combos, which still perform similarly to their existing function, but also include less mind numbing repetition and carpal tunnel instigation.

As for Maiming strike, I feel it's a bit broken, and should be reworked into a stance with similar effects, with melee rework, similar power can be granted to other stances, and focus on making the game more fun to hack and slash, even if the power remains, the interaction needs to change.

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maiming strike + body count + bloodrush +atterax spin spammer here to say this:

Leaving the rest of the squad in the dust while doing 75-90% of the damage is fun for me. Im going to use the meta because it is the meta. I get fun out of maximizing my efficiancy with the minimal ammount of effort. By your logic, you are saying that I should not be allowed to have fun so that you can have fun. 

I will also say this:

playing in a group with a Limbo is not fun for me, I feel he makes the gameplay confusing and in some instances much longer than it needs to be. I usually just leave group and find another without saying anything and just go on with my day because I realize that yeah, it makes it not fun for me, but its not my place to criticize the Limbo if that is how he/she has fun in Warframe

Lasty, if you had a maiming strike or any riven with spin crit you would know that spin crit is not workhorse of the build. maiming strike without bloodrush and body count is really not a game breaking mod.

now if this is just a case of envy I can sell you maiming strike + blood rush + body count cause i have extras, and you can be powerful too (see what I did there? need plat #noshame)


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I dont see why maiming strike needs to be nerfed. It is a rare mods from an equally rare event and requires several max 10 rank primed mods to function too.

You cant expect everyone in public to be doing almost the same damage right? People who farm more in the game or paid money will be rewards by being able to do more damage. Maiming strike players rightfully deserve the power as they farm hard for it or paid good money. Seriously the people who want maiming strike nerfed are just jealous that someone is doing more damage than them. I do not want maiming strike nerfed, farmed hard for it and even apent plat. I rightfully deserve the power

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People here need to stop getting triggered when someone is the squad top damage dealer. And is not like all maiming strike whips players range is 20m. Thats only for super lucky players with rivens. I do not advocate this nerf mentality. When are these nerf brigade going to stop? Like until all weapons deal the same damage?

In public no one is obligated to follow your 'rules'. Nor does anyone owe you your 'enjoyment' You dont like how people play thats on you. You can just leave the game no need to blow things ip

Edited by VortexInfinity
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34 minutes ago, (PS4)S_J_West77 said:

You nerf callers don't ever suggest a posative change just yoy don't want people to be able to do what they are doing and enjoying.

If you dislike maiming strike, then you’d obvously consider it a positive change if it was nerfed. I’m sorry, but you don’t get to decide what is positive or not. No one will ever agree on that.

And the whole “you just want to ruin what I enjoy” is a pointless argument. I don’t care what you enjoy. No one else but you does. I do care what I enjoy and will continue to make posts and suggestions to make my enjoyment of the game better. If that happens to get in the way of what you enjoy, then it was not intentional, but also not something that will bother me.

If my neighbour enjoys taking a piss on my front door, then yes, you’re right, I don’t want him to able to do what he enjoy. No sane person would.

Edited by rune_me
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it's not like the range of polearm/whip, even with range riven, would be enough to clear the entire room anyway. There's still plenty of mobs for the team to clear.

Anyway, would you rather other player stand around doing nothing instead or would you rather they kill enemies? Because once you take away all the "easy" "OP" kill options (keep in mind, maiming strike build is far from OP or easy), you'd be left with a bunch of useless leeches who are there to do nothing but open friendship doors

Edited by HolyDemon00
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38 minutes ago, rune_me said:

If you dislike maiming strike, then you’d obvously consider it a positive change if it was nerfed. I’m sorry, but you don’t get to decide what is positive or not. No one will ever agree on that.

And the whole “you just want to ruin what I enjoy” is a pointless argument. I don’t care what you enjoy. No one else but you does. I do care what I enjoy and will continue to make posts and suggestions to make my enjoyment of the game better. If that happens to get in the way of what you enjoy, then it was not intentional, but also not something that will bother me.

If my neighbour enjoys taking a piss on my front door, then yes, you’re right, I don’t want him to able to do what he enjoy. No sane person would.

so you keep playing a game you don't enjoy because of maiming strike so you will continue to post about it on the forums. 

I have a better solution for ya:

Destiny 2, I hear it doesn't have a Maiming Strike

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On 12/03/2018 at 9:42 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

The simple solution is to no longer talk about it then.  However, I choose to continue the discussion.  Toodles.


No.  I want party play that's fun, interesting, intuitive and engaging for the entire party.  For the most part Warframe delivers this.  The exception is when a slide attack spammer is in the game.  You are correct though, they do "have more power than me" because it's an entirely broken combo of mechanics.  I'm glad we agree on that point.

You're just trying to impose your play style on the player base. Start your own clan, recruit like minded players who want to play like you do, have fun. Stop being so salty. 

Just for the records, I own maiming strike whips, but I do not use them at all. I do not enjoy the slide playstyle, I prefer condition overload polearms. However just because I dislike the playstyle doesn't mean I get upset and triggered when someone in a public match kills 70% of the enemies with a a more efficient dps build than mine. 

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And this ladies and gentleman is why we can't have nice things. people want more power they have it then get jealous the guy in the squad is way more powerful than they are and come over to the forums and complain about the "broken mechanics". We can't have nice things....

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2 hours ago, ghoffman1928 said:

so you keep playing a game you don't enjoy because of maiming strike so you will continue to post about it on the forums. 

I have a better solution for ya:

Destiny 2, I hear it doesn't have a Maiming Strike

No I enjoy the game. Where did you get that from? I’m not the one whining about people trying to ruin my fun.

Also, what do you mean because of maiming strike? I have maiming strike. I use it all the time. I love it.

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2 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

You're just trying to impose your play style on the player base. Start your own clan, recruit like minded players who want to play like you do, have fun. Stop being so salty. 

Just for the records, I own maiming strike whips, but I do not use them at all. I do not enjoy the slide playstyle, I prefer condition overload polearms. However just because I dislike the playstyle doesn't mean I get upset and triggered when someone in a public match kills 70% of the enemies with a a more efficient dps build than mine. 

You do however obviously get upset and triggered when someone write a post on the forum you don’t agree wirh.

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46 minutes ago, rune_me said:

No I enjoy the game. Where did you get that from? I’m not the one whining about people trying to ruin my fun.

Also, what do you mean because of maiming strike? I have maiming strike. I use it all the time. I love it.

lol my bad, i think i quoted the wrong person 

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3 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

You're just trying to impose your play style on the player base. Start your own clan, recruit like minded players who want to play like you do, have fun. Stop being so salty. 

Just for the records, I own maiming strike whips, but I do not use them at all. I do not enjoy the slide playstyle, I prefer condition overload polearms. However just because I dislike the playstyle doesn't mean I get upset and triggered when someone in a public match kills 70% of the enemies with a a more efficient dps build than mine. 

If I write my congressman to support a ban on smoking in public places am I trying to impose my will upon humanity?  No, I'm using the channels provided to me to voice my opinion on a matter I feel has a negative impact on my QoL, much like what a forum is for.  We're all at DE's mercy regarding changes to Warframe. I'm simply adding my voice to the cacophony of other voices calling for maiming strike/whip/slide attack changes, just as you are adding yours in opposition to mine.

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On 3/24/2018 at 3:48 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

If I write my congressman to support a ban on smoking in public places am I trying to impose my will upon humanity?


That you then answered with a long answered no shows how divorced you are from reality. 

There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to define how other people act, where it becomes ridiculous is in context. Since you want to define how other people play a game because they make you feel ineffective, it is pretty laughable. 

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Can we please stop making these posts to get attention? 

They get posted almost every single week without question. Yes, it could use a change, but doesn't have to. 

This topic has been discussed to literal death and it gets annoying. It fills the forums with the same old thing week after week and at this point, the only reason people seem to be doing it is for attention. 



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Play sortie, crack open veiled rivens, make 200p, buy the mods. 

Your concern will not be solved until DE introduces hard contents. It’s quite simple to understand that something will just replace slide attack spam after that. Slide attack spam is not even present at all on console. Since most players stick to new controller setup. 95% of people I see in public match do not even use whips and everything gets destroyed speed of light. Even in cetus bounties, maiming stike users are rare to find but like I said people who have better gear than you will do far better job than you nontheless. That’s basically what happens when they’re playing farming mission in a farming game.

Stop ruining power fantasy game. Please stop nerf this nerf that and stick to your favorite main game Nerfstiny 2. 

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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Copypasta response for copypasta post:

Maiming Strike and macros don't really matter, because you can one-shot most enemies even in sorties with a well-built melee weapon. Range is the real issue, and can be fixed by adding damage falloff beyond, say, 10 meters.

I've never really noticed melee players impacting my gameplay, and I don't even own Maiming Strike. In my experience, I don't think a nerf is needed. But if they do nerf something, I think it ought to be range, because that's what is interfering with other people's experience, and it's just silly for a melee weapon to go 26 meters through walls.

Adding damage falloff would only impact extreme cases, and would keep everything the same for the vast majority of players, including those who paid or farmed a lot for Maiming Strike. It would negatively affect people who have +range melee rivens for the Scoliac, but they still get a free mod slot because they can remove Primed Reach.

To be clear, I don't think DE should nerf anything. Extreme range rivens are rare enough that they will barely impact your experience even if you hate them, because you will rarely see them in missions. But if they do nerf something, I think it ought to be range because that is the only thing that really impacts other players. I don't personally mind any of it, but DE still might decide to respond to these player complaints and this is how I hope they do it, if they do it.

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The term power creep must be a foreign concept here.  Players are already saying it's too easy, where's my endgame, etc.  What makes it even worse is when you get players who like to nuke, or room wipe in public matches.  It happened my 1st month playing, and then those same players got PO'd when me and my buddy left the match.  If you have an on hand nuke, why should 2 more players being there matter? 

And because I want to become a participant in the match, I'm promptly instructed to play solo or form my own team.  But leave a match where I'm just a decoration on my team?  Oh no, that's against the code.


It's beyond confusing....

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4 hours ago, AcidicGhost said:


That you then answered with a long answered no shows how divorced you are from reality. 

There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to define how other people act, where it becomes ridiculous is in context. Since you want to define how other people play a game because they make you feel ineffective, it is pretty laughable. 

You would need to be in a position of power over that which you are attempting to impose your will upon in order to impose your will upon it.  My statement stands, and your lack of understanding stands.

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