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Eidolon Guide - Triple Captures


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update 2018-05-16: added tips for quadruple hunt and Uinaru Wisps

update 2018-03-28: added basic requirements. update on self-revival with void strike.


Eidolons spawn at night in Plains of Eidolon on Earth. Currently they are the best way to level your Standing with The Quill at Cetus, getting Arcanes and boosting your Focus points – three birds with one stone. To take down an Eidolon you need teamplay and some decent equipment. The following guide will help you around. You’ll find a check-list for the run at the very end. This is by no means the ultimate guide to Eidolon Captures, it just shall give you some clues about the typical pick up run, the different warframe roles and what to expect.

Night Cycles

Sadly the game has no ingame timer that shows when day and night cycles start and end. You can help yourself with 3rd party websites like https://hub.warframestat.us that have working timers.

Basic Requirements
Do yourself and your fellow Tennos a favour, don't join a 3x Eidolon Capture, if you're not accustomed to the basic Teralyst hunt. The following are the basic requirements:

  • Have done at least 20+ Teralyst hunts, so you know the basic drill and rhythm.
  • No Mote Amp! Your experience with Teralysts should cover enough standing for an amp upgrade. Don't show up with the standard amp.
  • Know the lure positions! Take some solo night cycle time to learn the positions of most grineer camps. Be ready to help with lure capture, even if you don't play Trinity.
  • Have an Archwing ready to use (Archwing Launchers!). Far off spawn points and Eidolon respawns bugs make it necessary to quickly cover long distances.
  • Be able to bullet-jump to the Shrine. Maybe S#&$ happens and you run out of Archwing Launchers, maybe you decided to ignore the Archwing requirement. At the very least, be able able to cross the lake to the Shrine with a bullet jump... don't start training this during the capture run.

General Procedure

The capture procedure for every Eidolon is generally the same:

  • You spot the Eidolon
  • You get Eidolon Lures from Grineer outposts throughout the plains. Shoot and hack the lure to let it follow you. Speed up the hacks with Ciphers (default key is Y)
  • You work down the Eidolon’s Primary shield with your Operators’ Amps.
  • Once at least one lure is charged (its yellow shield symbol on the hud turns to blue), you attack one of the Eidolon’s armored limbs (the things that look like cooling ribs; also not that well known as Syonvias) with radiation damage weapons (sniper preferred). The lures are charged as soon they have consumed the energy from three Vomvalysts.
  • Once a limb is destroyed, the Eidolon will release an Energy Spike of magnetic pulses that will hit hard and destroy your energy pool if you lack the protection from it. Make sure you keep a charged lure near (<50m) the Eidolon before the shot, else it disappears and will show up somewhere else on the map with a refreshed shield on top.
  • Once all limbs are destroyed, the Eidolon will crush to the ground and swarms of Vomvalysts will come to its aid. It’s this last phase when you charge up additional lures to secure the Eidolon’s Capture. For Teralyst you need two charged lures and for the others Eidolons you need three to capture them.
    Tip: Have one more charged lure than needed for Teralyst (3) and Gantulyst (4) before the final shot. This way you can start the next Eidolon right away without the necessity to charge up a lure first, before hitting the limbs.
  • Once enough lures are charged and the Eidolon stands up again, you go for the final attack by attacking its massive main armour (you can hit the body anywhere, but try to aim its head for double damage).
    Tip on reloading: Sniper Rifles have long reload times and often enough an Eidolon's Stomp would interrupt it. Timing a jump will prevent this. While reloading, I just do a double jump before the Stomp's shock wave hits. Don't forget to press and hold right mouse button to extend your air time.

Don’t forget: Void Mode saves you from all harm and any attack of the Eidolons!

Team Setup

Although you can hunt Eidolons with a variety of warframes, soon after the first hunts a meta team established, that allowed for efficient and convenient hunts:
Volt, Trinity, Harrow and Chroma.

Volt’s Shield gives 200% critical damage bonus (which works with Amps too).
If you place a Triple-Shield for the last phase (three shields in a row), you and your mates get +150% electricity damage bonus when you shoot through the shields.

Volt Build:


The Shield doesn’t profit from Strength, so you want to focus on duration mostly.
My current build (recommended mods are bold):

Deadeye – Coaction Drift
Primed Continuity – Constitution – Vitality – Streamline
Rush – Transient Fortitude – Intensify – Handspring
Energy Colour: use a dark hue, so it doesn’t blind. Not too dark, else it becomes hard to spot. Don’t use yellow.


Trinity’s job is to get lures for the run, kill Vomvalysts and keeping team and lures alive with blessings. She’s the most busiest warframe of the team.

Hint on Blessings (thanks to aerelm for the reminder!):
Do not only recast Blessing after buff timer runs out, but on shorter intervalls or when you notice someone's on low life too. Use it after every Eidolon attack and after Eidolon kills too. Lures and team mates are first priority, killing Vomvalysts is second, damage to the Eidolon comes last (that doesn't mean you shouldn't hit hard if you got the equipment).

Trinity Build:


A blessing build. Focus on Duration and Energy Efficiency. Range doesn’t matter as Blessing works over Affinity Aura’s range.
My current build (recommended mods are bold):
Rejuvenation – Coaction Drift

Narrow Minded – Primed Continuity – Constitution – Vitality
Primed Flow - Transient Fortitude – Streamline – Fleeting Expertise


Harrow has but one job: protecting the team and its energy from the Eidolon’s Energy Spike with Covenant. He’s also supposed to help Trinity to gather lures for the run.

Perfect timing for Covenant, as described by aerelm (Thanks!):

Eidolon starts screaming when a limb goes down, then it goes silent for a moment, then a second scream starts along with the energy spikes. That silent moment is the perfect time to cast covenant (no need for natural talent). If Harrow has 5s duration on the invulnerability, the crit buff will end before even the fastest team can take the next shield down, so Harrow won't have to worry about recast timing.

Harrow Build:


It’s counterintuitive, but you want a short-duration Covenant for Eidolon hunts. The problem: the better hunting parties kill shields and limbs very fast and a long duration will prevent you recasting Covenant in time.
My current build (recommended mods are bold):
Deadeye – Coaction Drift

Primed Continuity – Fleeting Expertise – Streamline – Vitality
Primed Vigor – Handspring – Intensify – Natural Talent

This is a 95% duration build. If you lack Primed Continuity, use Continuity and Constitution to get a bit less than 100% and profit from Fleeting Expertise.

Chroma has lost a bit of his mojo after the nerf but I prefer him over Rhino anytime. Chroma’s buff is stronger and you only have to stand near him to get the buff too whereas Rhino’s Roar is only spread during casting. How many runs you had, where the whole group stood next to each other? Exactly.

Chroma Build:



My current build (recommended mods are bold):
Elemental Alignment: Toxin for Reload Buff from Elemental Ward
Dead Eye – Power Drift

Narrow Minded – Constitution – Primed Continuity – Blindrage
Transient Fortitude – Intensify – Steel Fiber - Vitality
This build is all about Power and Duration (63s Vex Armour). The very high duration allows for a more flexible rebuff. Energy can be maintained with a Energy bubble from Zenurik’s Energizing Dash alone.
If you got Void Strike you can neglect Power for Efficiency. I have dropped Blind Rage for Fleeting Expertise using 100% Arcane Nullifier along. Vex Armour’s Fury went down 530 anx duration to 48s but I hardly have to use Energy Restores anymore and thanks to Void Strike I still hit as hard and can help with shields if needed.

Essential for Chroma to work is being able to reliably hurt yourself for Vex Armour’s Fury under Trinity’s Blessing. Your explosive Hikou Prime won’t cut it. Sure - you can rebuff Vex Armour now, but at one point you will fail to do it, and it will be a major pain to rebuff yourself with Hikous when Blessing is up.

I’m using a poisonous Cerata Glaive and hurt myself with a charged attack to the ground next to my feet.
Cerata build (0 Forma):
Astral Twilight
Primed Pressure Point – Primed Fever Strike – Virulent Scourge – Spoiled Strike
Power Throw – Quick Return – Life Strike – Primed Fury



Gear – Weapon, Focus, Amp, Arcanes, Archwing, Large Team Energy Restore, Ciphers, Fosfors


As for weapons, sniper rifles are the best choice for the runs, especially with the far bigger Gantulyst and Hydrolyst where you need range and accuracy on top to high damage. For me, Rubico is the best choice for three reasons:

  • in zoom it is the only sniper weapon with critical damage bonus instead of headshot damage bonus
  • it has the fastest rate of fire of all sniper rifles
  • it has the shot combo with the lowest requirement starting with first hit and 1.5x damage multiplier

My Rubico build (works for any sniper):
Serration – Split Chamber – Point Strike – Vital Sense – Vigilante Armaments – Stormbringer – Hellfire – Riven Mod
For the Riven Mod, Critchance is what you want plus some useful damage boost on top (multishot, damage, crit damage, electricity damage, heat damage).

Eidolon Captures are the first game content where you really profit from Focus skills. A big deal of the fight is done by your Operators and their amps.

One particular skills beats all others however:
Madurai’s Void Strike. This one skill not only steps up the Eidolon hunt to a new level, it also allows a single, well equipped Tenno to carry a whole team of badly equipped fellow Tennos through Eidolon Captures.

At its max rank, Void Strike gives you 12% extra damage for every second you spend in void mode, and that for 8x charges – be it weapon or amp attacks. As long as you haven’t used up those charges you can continue to increase the damage bonus further by going back to void mode.

Void Strike is the most important tool if you’re interested in several triple Eidolon Captures in one night cycle.

Zenurik’s Energizing Dash is very helpful too, as there are little means to regain energy during the run and there’s always the chance that Harrow fails to cast his Covenant during an Energy Spike.

As a dedicated Eidolon Hunter your next target will be unlocking all Waybound Skills. They all add up to the hunt, your amp will last longer, your operator will become tougher and your void dashes will improve your movement greatly for the whole game.

Uinaru Wisps can be an option too, but are only worth it if you got at least two void strikers in the team, imho as wisps only double the amp damage and it's important that you explain everybody in the team how they work and how to pick em up:

Always mark the Eidolon with G till you see the red enemy marker. The point on the ground where you see the red marker (exclamation mark) on the ground is where the Uinaru wisps will spawn. To spawn em hit the Eidolon with Void Blast from 10-15m. Problem: the Wisps will continue to get sucked up (rebuff) the Tenno next to the marker. Explain your mates that they should step away from the marker as soon they got their buff, so the others can get a buff too.

Uinaru Wisps have their well earned place in quadruple runs (see further below), other for that I find em far too cumbersome and inferior to Void Strike. If you got a clockworking team, that's used to the drill, they might be fine. Otherwise, I prefer Void Strike.

Any amp other than the starter amp (mote amp) is an improvement already. If you haven’t Madurai’s amp improving skills yet, Tier 2 amp (Shwaak, Shraksun, Juttni) is good for starters. If you see somebody with Void Strike however, all amps, no matter the tier, just feel like crap.

So let’s go straight for the best Amp for Void Strike: 3-2-3 (Granmu – Shraksun – Lohrin).

The Lohrin Brace gives you 12% extra crit/status chance.

The Shraksun scaffold (alt fire) will be your main damage source. Every shot, despite having a follow-up explosion, counts just as one charge from your Void Strike. With enough charging time, this is your one-shot shield killer.

The Granmu Brace is hardly used for damage. For Void Strike it would be a waste:  Granmu shoots in bursts of three grenades and every grenade counts as charge from Void Strike. So your Void Strike charges would be used up after just 3 shots. This quick discharge can be used tactically however. If you got just a few Void Strike charges (with low damage bonus) left, you just discharge them with Granmu and build up a new damage bonus for 8 fresh charges.

The right Arcanes contribute greatly to the Eidolon Hunts.

Operator Arcanes:
Magus Husk & Magus Vigor. Combine both for the highest effective health of your Operator. Together with Unairu's Basilisk Scales and Vazarin's Enduring Tides, your Operator can become tougher than many of your Warframes!

Amp Arcane:
I prefer Virtuous Fury over Virtuos Strike for my amp, less spike damage but more consistency. In the end, you will test both and use what you personally prefer.

Warframe Amp:
Good news, the best Arcances for Eidolon captures are commons: a maxed Arcane Momentum is a reliable reload speed buff for sniper rifles, Arcane Nullifier gives you additional protection from the magnetic pulses from Energy Spike. You even can ignore Harrow’s performance completely, if you use two Arcane Nullifiers as their chances add up: for 9x Arcane Nullifier you can craft a rank 2 (60%) plus a rank 1 (40%) Arcane Nullifier resulting in 100% protection from Energy Spike’s magnetic status effects.

Itzal is the Archwing of choice not only for its Blink skill and its high flight speed. It has some other useful tricks (thanks to Isca for the reminder):
You can use Penumbra (Skill 2) to cloak yourself while hacking Lures on the flight (hovering, actually)
After the Eidolon kill you can call in your Itzal and use Cosmic Crush to pull in those rewards as soon they show up.

Large Team Energy Restore
Always have some along. Sometimes things don’t work out as planned and you want that instant energy at hand.

You want to hack those lures fast, use Ciphers (default key is Y). I always have 100+ ciphers ready for any runs.

Fosfors (thanks to aerelm for that hint)
Fosfors are flares you can use to increase your affinity range to 200m (standard is 50m) for 2 minutes. You can buy the blueprints to those gear items from Nakuk in Cetus, Earth. As Trinity's Blessing range equals her affinity range, Fosfors can come in handy during the Eidolon runs. If you're pushed far off from teammates and lures and have no means (like enhanced void dashes) to quickly return to the action, you can use a Fosfor to give you the necessary healing range.


A successful Eidolon Run depends on three things:
Team Setup, Equipment and Lure Management. While the Teralyst can be done with just basic equipment, you might struggle with the bigger Eidolons. Tier 2/3 Amps are recommended.

The average pickup-team with some Eidolon experience should be able to do two triple hunts in one night cycle. A well-equipped team won’t struggle with two runs at all and might make three. The very best teams can manage even four runs in one night.

It’s recommended to form the group in the orbiter. If someone has to change focus or Operator Arcanes, he won’t have to leave the group and join in again as you can do it right away.

The host sets his game mode to Invite only. If someone drops out and has to reconnect his spot won’t be filled by a random player. This only works as long the objective hasn’t been achieved yet.

If one or more have Madurai’s Void Strike skill it’s wise to start 2-3 mins early, so the damage buff from Void Strike can be charged before the run begins.

Top priority has the lure management. You need two charged lures to capture Teralyst, and three for Gantulyst and Hydrolyst. As the binding lures (and only those) are consumed in the capture, you will need eight lures in total for the run.

As the Host enters the plains first, it’s his job to spot and mark the Eidolon’s position with G. I just do some void dashes upwards switch back to warframe and look around while gliding down. Next step is securing the first lure as host and moving to the Eidolon, destroying its shield and looking out for Vomvalysts. Since the host picks up just one lure, it won’t have to share Vomvalyst charges with other lures. The idea is to quickly charge up that first lure so you can start working the Eidolon’s limbs.

Trinity is supposed to get the seven other lures for the run, Harrow can help her with a lure or two. Meanwhile, Volt and Chroma work down the first shield of Teralyst. If your team lacks the damage, you might want to get less lures and get the missing ones between the fights. At the very least, you want three charged lures at the end of the Teralyst battle, so you can start the next fight right away.

Hint: if you see Vomvalysts nearby a lure, get the lure and kill the Vomvalysts with your amp to manually charge the lure (by picking up its energy cell and touching the lure). If it’s the first one charged, bring it to the Teralyst, so the fight can begin.

As soon the first lure is charged, your Chroma (or anyone with the right damage) can shoot the first limb. Some prefer a specific order, like top to bottom. I say: shoot at anything whenever you got a good angle.

As soon the Teralyst loses his limb, he goes down and will start his Energy Spike after a few seconds. The Energy Spike is telegraphed by a shriek, that’s Harrow’s signal to cast Covenant. Harrow should make sure to have enough energy beforehand.

Hint: if you’re not familiar with your team’s Harrow, I suggest to stay in void mode during the Energy Spike, you never know :D

Volt places his shields for the amp bonus again, and the team works on the next shield.

Hint – Shield Placement:  Placing the shields ahead of the Eidolon in its walking path is a good idea. Don’t over-do it. Some Volts think placing a lot of shields in fancy and artistically ways is a bright idea. It isn’t. In the time you’re placing shields you ain’t doing damage with your amp. A good team follows your movement during the shield damaging phase and will seek out your shields. Don’t forget the Shraksun users: place at least one shield near the Eidolon. And remember: you can shoot through a shield from any position to get the shield buff!

Hint – Limb Hitboxes during animations:  don’t try to hit the limbs during arm swings and other wild movements, unless you really know them. During parts of the animations, the hitboxes won’t be there. It’s better to wait for the end of the animation or focus on a Synovia at the knees.

You continue to disable shields and shoot off limbs until all are off. The Eidolon will crush to the ground and Vomvalysts will come to its aid.

In this last phase, make sure you get at least three charged lures, before you kill the Teralyst. Trinity shouldn’t stop to cast Blessing since exploding Vomvalysts can do nasty damage. Kill incoming Vomvalysts and charge up your lures. After about 15 seconds Volt should place a triple-shield in the Teralyst’s direction: face the Teralyst, look up in an angle of about 45°, jump and use your shield midair. Repeat two times and you got a perfect shield for head- and bodyshots on the Eidolon. Mark the position with G and tell your team.

Be certain that at least three lures are charged and in range. Gather close enough to Chroma for his buff (unless you have too many lures following that could block the view). If the Chroma has the recommended toxin elemental alignment, casting Elemental Ward is a good idea, as it boosts reload for him and nearby team mates.

Do the kill, and clean up more Vomvalysts while waiting for the rewards to spawn. The Eidolon its binding lures will disappear. At those lures’ last position the shards and the Arcane will spawn – so it’s a good idea if the lure owner (usually the Trinity) doesn’t move around too wild.

Pick up your rewards (be thorough, but ignore the crap from Vomvalysts to save time!), call your Archwings if haven’t beforehand and move to the Eidolon Shrine. You’ll find the shrine on a small rock at the center of the big lake near the entrance. It’s the smallest one of the rock chain there, and it’s the closest to the entrance gates.

If all went well, you still have five lures with at least one charged up for the next fight. If not, get more till you have five. With random group it's a good idea to mark the shrine on the map or with G once your there to help newcomers with directions.

Sacrifice your shards at the shrine (X key). If it doesn’t work for you, you missed picking it up before. Use your archwing to quickly get it. If the whole team fails to sacrifice, your run is bugged and you have to restart a run (I suggest a complete regroup in space in this rare worst case).

As soon all shards are placed, the Gantulyst will spawn from the lake.


The Gantulyst
To me, Gantulyst is the most annoying of the bunch. He’s way bigger and meaner than Teralyst and hast six limbs to shoot at instead of four. He has a bigger arsenal of attacks but it all can be avoided in void mode.

Beware the nastiest of his attacks: the Energy Pillars. These hit really hard and shouldn’t be ignored. They telegraph by yellow glowing smoke at your feet. This attack usually happens during the shield attack phases, shortly after you start to hurt the shields. Don’t stay to deliver more damage, move out! As most players have their warframe right next to them, they often get downed twice there.

It’s a good idea for Volt to place two shields next to each other, in case the pillars show up.

Besides that and annoying Knockback Pulses (just 4 waves), Gantulyst hasn’t much more to offer.

The biggest challenge will be the upper limbs, as the Gantulyst is way bigger. If you’re very close your aiming angle will be extremely steep. You’ll also note, that shoulder limbs have a far smaller hitbox: try focusing on the upper and inner part of those Synovia, next to his neck.

For better angles, it’s a good idea to move a bit away as Chroma. It’s much easier to snipe from a distance with a lower angle and less relative movement.

If you’re too slow, Gantulyst might regenerate his shields during a fight with the help of Vomvalysts. You’ll see an energy leash connecting Gantulyst and Vomvalysts. Kill thoses Vomvalysts first, before you damage the shield again.

In the last phase, make sure you have at least four charged lures, before you kill the Gantulyst.

Pick up your rewards and get back to the Shrine. If all went well you have three lures left and at least one of it is charged up for the final fight.

Hint - Respawn Bug: Sometimes, especially if Gantulyst or Hyrdolyst still touch the lake somehow, they might disappear on a limb kill, despite having a charged lure around. In that case, call your Archwing and move to his new position, where you have to kill the big shield again. This bug mainly happens to hard-hitting groups. It’s best to let the two big Eidolons have a few steps on land before insta-killing shield and limbs.


The Hydrolyst
As the Gantulyst, he will spawn in the lake, has six Synovias and needs three charged lures to be captured.

His tricks ain’t as annoying as Gantulyst’s, but he hits harder in general. Watch for tainted ground and make use of your void mode. Trinity should focus on Blessing mostly in this fight. Quickly ress your fallen mates together and get rid of linked Vomvalysts if Hydrolyst’s shield regenerates.

Check if you got three charged lures before the final kill, else get replacements and charge them up with Vomvalysts.

As soon you picked up the good stuff, return to the entrance gates and restart the run if you got the time for it.

Hint – Zone Reset: in this phase all but the host should stay in the entrance area (green circle) and wait for the host to step out to Cetus and back in.


Tips for Void Strike Users:
if you’re the only Void Strike user in the team, best play Volt, so you can guarantee that shields are in range for Shraksun. As the only void striker, the shield damage of your team mates will be pretty neglectable, anyway. Don’t waste time on placing many shields. Two should suffice. Against small Eidolon shields, charging up to 3-4x damage boost (this takes 25-33 seconds) usually does the trick and leaves you with extra shots for the limb (if you have no reliable limb shot damage dealer).

If you’re several guys with void strike, split up the jobs. You can charge up in turns for far higher damage boosts, so you can one-shot shields.

If you go down, don’t revive yourself! Void Strike will become bugged and charge no longer. Let a team mate revive you. Ask for ress it if needed.

This bug has been fixed, it's safe to revive yourself now. You will lose your current charges however. If you got high charges, it might be better to request a ress from a teammate.

Additional Tips by aerelm (Thanks!):
Madurai only spends its stacks on direct attacks, so in most runs Madurai users tend to entirely disengage from charging the lures "to avoid wasting stacks". That's counterproductive, since indirect attacks can still be used to help charge the lures without spending stacks. Operator's Blazing Dash (another skill in Madurai), a frame's AoE damage abilities, and Itzal's drones can all be used to take down both lures and vomvalysts without spending any Void Strike stacks, which can considerably speed up the first stage of the hunt.

Additionally, exiting the archwing by melee only consumes a stack if it's a ground slam, so Madurais can just look forward/upward and hit melee to exit archwing without wasting a stack.


4x Triple Eidolon Capture Setup as suggested by Reifnir:

Am ‎14‎.‎03‎.‎2018 um 13:38 schrieb Reifnir:

Focus setup is Unairu Wisp Chroma, Void Strike Madurai everyone else. And with that said, every shot from now on counts. Every single one. 

You have to start early, entering the plains 10-15 minutes prior. Why? Because you need Volt and Harrow to stack Void Strike to ridiculous multiplier for that first trio. Unairu Chroma picks up the first lure, and frantically looks for Voms. Volt approaches the Teralyst, and as soon as it becomes vulnerable (shield goes from gray to purple) one-shots the shield. In extreme cases (you started 20+ minutes prior and chatted happily while overcharging VS past x100)  you might want to wait for a charged lure before shooting your amp, since with THAT high a multiplier it's not uncommon to both pop a shield AND tear off a limb with a single Shraksun shot. 

A hint on shield placement. You want them pretty much AT the ENEMY marker that appears if you tag the Eidolon. One shield up front, one on top of it, at a 90° angle as a roof. The reason being, that red exclamation mark is where Unairu wisps appear when Chroma void blasts, and also, an overcharged Shraksin shot CAN down your operator, so you want to shoot at Eidolon's crotch, not at the ground. Also, you want Wisps to spawn before/during his Energy Spike, not after, as every seconds counts and you want to be able to shoot a wisp-buffed shot the MOMENT shield goes back on.

Volt spends EXACTLY 4 charges on the Teralyst, while Harrow waits it out. During the first trio, Trinity is free to do whatever she wants with her charges, but during consequent runs, where you don't have that 15 minute headstart, Trinity starts charging her own Void Strike for Hydrolyst as soon as she's done collecting all lures. 


When the Gantulyst (and later on, Hydrolyst) starts spawning, you want to IMMEDIATELY figure out which way he's facing and mark him so that his Enemy marker appears. At that point, Volt proceeds to place a shield there, Chroma spawns wisps and Volt shoots one round of Shraksun UP while standing dead-on the Enemy marker. An Eidolon's hit box walks out of the lake much, much sooner than his actual model, so you can strip the shield AND tear off a limb before he's even ashore. The next 4 charges are used on Garry's four shields, at which point (and yes, Volt MUST announce that he's out) Harrow picks up. 2 charges are used to finish off shield work on Garry, with 6 remaining for Harry. Normally, you're done with your first Harry in 8-10 minutes. 

For subsequent runs, the stack management is a bit different. 

Volt is still first to approach the Teralyst, but since precharging is no longer an option, he does NOT stack anything during Teralyst at all. With Chroma's help he just spams the living hell of Shraksun and only starts charging when the 4th shield of the Teralyst is down. Harrow starts charging from the start, and Trin - from the point where all lures are gathered. Since the stacks won't be as high this time around, it's crucial for whoever works on the current shield phase to pick up Unairu Wisps spawned by Chroma. Normally. Harrow has anywhere from x15 to x20 multiplier by the time Garry spawns, so with some assistance from Volt, they can manage to one-shot, or at worst, two-shot Garry's shield. For Harry, Trinity already has ~25 or so multiplier, and with well-timed assistance from Volt and Harrow, Harry's shield doesn't last more than 1 second. 

I had a quadruple run in the meantime. It hasn't to be that carefully orchestrated as mentioned above. Setup was the same: Chroma (max strength build!) with Uinaru Wisp, rest Void Strike and Shraksun amps.

Early start is the most important thing for the success: 10 min early at minimum to charge VS, use energy restores to keep on charging through. Clear out who saves his VS charges for which Eidolon. Always mark the Eidolons, as the Uinaru Wisps will spawn at the marker on the ground as Reifnir pointed out. Chroma can start his blast attacks as soon an Eidolon goes down after a limb shot. Just spam blast from 10-15m distance and get your distance for the limb shots again, before the Eidolon is up again. Whoever got a Uinaru buff steps away from the marker, so the others get buffs too.

As Reifnir suggested, Void places his shield directly above the red enemy marker after each limb shot (look up 90°, jump & place a shield) 

Suggestion for 1st Run:
Teralyst: Volt
Gantulyst: Mainshield: Volt with left-over VS strikes (calls out when out of charges, recharge after), Harrow does the rest.
Hydrolyst: combined effort 
Trinity's first priority still should be charging enough lures for the next Eidolon to come. Support the shield killing as you see fit.

2nd to 4th Run:
Chroma's Uinaru is needed now on every Eidolon. Here's where my run differed from Reifnirs and was far less complicated

You only need about 6 seconds to charge Void Strike to 2x damage, with Uinaru Wisps that's 4x damage already. With three such charged amps, shields go down very quickly.

Teralyst: Volt with Uinaru buff, Harrow charges up for Hydrolyst. Volt disposes of left-over charges after the last shield and starts recharging 8x VS shots.
Gantulyst: Combined effort with Uinaru wisps. What Harrow doesn't one-shot, the others knock out. All dispose of left-over charges after last shield and start recharging.
Hydrolyst: Combined effort with Uinaru Wisps. Discharge left-over charges as you see fit and recharge during Eidolon's down phases after limb shots.

Personal Note:
I don't like Quadruple Hunts very much. It's bascially an one-hour run as you need the extra time to charge up before. Your team has to be very specialized (focus, amps) and should know the drill. You might stumble over a leader who insists on a specific workout (had a Chroma who insisted the others to stay at the gate till he got the first lure charged... couldn't see much point in it as it stressed the Trinity on top and it didn't feel much faster). In my eyes, the extra stress isn't worth it. If you're that hot for Arcanes, give it a try. Beware extra toxic players.

Checklist Triple Eidolon Run

Get a timer for the run, e.g.
Host: start in Orbit, game mode: Invite only
Get a suiting team
. Volt, Trinity, Harrow and Chroma
have become the lazy standard.
If you got Void Strike users, start a bit early, so they can charge up the buff.

Host spots and marks the Teralyst and gets the 1st lure.
Trinity tries to hack seven lures, assistance of Harrow is welcome.
Have at least three charged lures
before finally knocking out the Teralyst.
Void places a Triple Shield for the final limb and marks the spot for the team.
Don’t waste picking up “trash shards”. After picking up Arcane and Brilliant/Radiant Shard get to the Shrine ASAP (Archwing).
Mark the Shrine with G or beforehand on the map.

five lures. If not, get missing lures on route to the shrine or shortly after
Beware Energy Pillars!
Evade as soon you see the yellow smoke.
Ress each other (Trinity: revive yourself if it takes too long or nobody’s coming).
Kill shield-regenerating Vomvalysts.
Have at least
four charged lures
before capturing the Gantulyst.
Void places a Triple Shield for the final limb and marks the spot for the team.
Don’t waste picking up “trash shards”. After picking up Arcane and Brilliant/Radiant Shard get to the Shrine ASAP (Archwing).

Have three lures
, replace missing lures.
Kill shield-regenerating Vomvalysts.
Evade tainted ground if possible.
Have at least
three charged lures before capturing the Gantulyst.

Void places a Triple Shield for the final limb and marks the spot for the team.
Don’t waste picking up “trash shards”. After picking up Arcane and Brilliant/Radiant Shard get to the Exit ASAP (Archwing).

Reset Map
All but the host stay in the exit zone (green circle). Host resets map by stepping in to Cetus and back out to the gates.

That’s it. Thanks for reading. Feel free to add comments, tips, corrections and ideas.



Edited by Toran
added tips for quadruple hunt and Uinaru Wisps
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Arcane Magus Replenish is pretty neat too.

It's a good thing to have max EHP, but if you can't replenish your health, your operator will fall eventually.

Replacing Husk or Vigor (up to personnal preferences) by Replenish, you have less EHP, but a huge and easy health regen. Since i'm using it, my operator hardly gets below 100 HP (except when I'm not really paying attention).

Edited by Galehann
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vor einer Stunde schrieb DarcosRoyal:

Black font on black theme \o/

Eidolons limbs count as headshot.


vor 27 Minuten schrieb Orgoon:

Can't read it, please fix font color.

As you might imagine, I haven't written that text in the forum editor but pasted it in from Word. I manually changed every black text to automatic colour now. I hope you can read it with a dark forum theme too now.

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hace 16 minutos, Galehann dijo:

Arcane Magus Replenish is pretty neat too.

It's a good thing to have max EHP, but if you can't replenish your health, your operator will fall eventually.

Replacing Husk or Vigor (up to personnal preferences) by Replenish, you have less EHP, but a huge and easy health regen. Since i'm using it, my operator hardly gets below 100 HP (except when I'm not really paying attention).

No its not , its not your objetive to not die as the operator is just not die every 5 seconds or need to evade attacks .... die has no punish and you lose the same or less time than dashing to gain health .

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il y a 20 minutes, Yagamilight123 a dit :

No its not , its not your objetive to not die as the operator is just not die every 5 seconds or need to evade attacks .... die has no punish and you lose the same or less time than dashing to gain health .

Dying while doing operator stuff is losing time + you got a debuff which is pretty long iirc.

You obviously are gonna make a dash once in a while so the regen is kinda passive anyway, thus you got a better survivability for almost no extra cost.

Dude, it's 100% chance to heal 20% health on every dash, and I don't think you just walk to evade an Hydrolyst green poison puddle anyway.

Nevertheless, you say "its not your objetive to not die as the operator", but it's pretty much the point of buffing EHP with Husk and Vigor in the first place.

Edited by Galehann
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Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you on some points. For one, the best Rubico, even with good rivens, doesn't even come CLOSE to the damage output of a Euphona Prime (still). Yes it's a decent sniper, but still pales in comparison if you can hit the shots

The absolute BEST Team setup is Oberon, Octavia, Trinity and Volt. Oberon can keep renewal up and give Smite Infusion, boosting everyones damage with Radiation by significant numbers, and Octavia can reliable give EVERYONE a 620% damage boost vs Chroma with an 800% for himself, resulting in a much higher NET damage overall. Also, if you run with 3 Corrosive Projections with 2 Co-action Drifts, and everyone runs with 2 sets of Arcane Nullifier, one at rank 2 and one at rank 3, you have complete magnetic resistance, so energy is easy. (though you did mention the last part :P)

The Shraksun also is not a good choice of Skaffold for Garry and Harry. It's too short range to pump it's damage out well. The Pencha is a better choice.
Also it's worth mentioning the Granmu has the HIGHEST DAMAGE of all amp components overall if you hit all 3 shots.... so yea... use it for damage.

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il y a 19 minutes, Stormandreas a dit :

The Shraksun also is not a good choice of Skaffold for Garry and Harry. It's too short range to pump it's damage out well. The Pencha is a better choice.
Also it's worth mentioning the Granmu has the HIGHEST DAMAGE of all amp components overall if you hit all 3 shots.... so yea... use it for damage.

Shoting through volt's shield will give you a much better range with the Shraksun, which should be enough for Garry and Harry.

Granmu is nice as long as you're not using Void Strike, but the point is to use it when it comes to down the shield quickly.

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb Stormandreas:

Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you on some points. For one, the best Rubico, even with good rivens, doesn't even come CLOSE to the damage output of a Euphona Prime (still). Yes it's a decent sniper, but still pales in comparison if you can hit the shots

The absolute BEST Team setup is Oberon, Octavia, Trinity and Volt. Oberon can keep renewal up and give Smite Infusion, boosting everyones damage with Radiation by significant numbers, and Octavia can reliable give EVERYONE a 620% damage boost vs Chroma with an 800% for himself, resulting in a much higher NET damage overall. Also, if you run with 3 Corrosive Projections with 2 Co-action Drifts, and everyone runs with 2 sets of Arcane Nullifier, one at rank 2 and one at rank 3, you have complete magnetic resistance, so energy is easy. (though you did mention the last part :P)

The Shraksun also is not a good choice of Skaffold for Garry and Harry. It's too short range to pump it's damage out well. The Pencha is a better choice.
Also it's worth mentioning the Granmu has the HIGHEST DAMAGE of all amp components overall if you hit all 3 shots.... so yea... use it for damage.

As for Euphonia. I still prefer a Sniper for the trickier upper Synovias. Usually I just dash a bit away from the Eidolon. About the damage... with Void Strike it doesn't matter much anymore - one-shots are close enough for me.

Thanks for the insight to the best team setup (my mate plays Oberon instead of Harrow too). The only problem is: it's pretty selective (not soo many Octavia players out there) and asks for maxed-out arcanes. The idea behind this guide is to know the basic setup for what has become the standard pickup group, to which most players easily can find access and make it a successful run. If you have a fixed group of friends for the run, there are plenty of other options, of course.

I heavily disagree about the Shraksun however. If you think it's too short range, you're just not close enough. Granmu only has the highest damage on paper - with Void Strike it just stinks. With Void Strike, Shraksun can deliver eight insta-shield kills, Granmu can do just three. Shraksun has another advantage: it's excellent to kill groups of Vomvalysts near the Eidolon in the last phase.


Edited by Toran
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hace 1 hora, Stormandreas dijo:

Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you on some points. For one, the best Rubico, even with good rivens, doesn't even come CLOSE to the damage output of a Euphona Prime (still). Yes it's a decent sniper, but still pales in comparison if you can hit the shots

The absolute BEST Team setup is Oberon, Octavia, Trinity and Volt. Oberon can keep renewal up and give Smite Infusion, boosting everyones damage with Radiation by significant numbers, and Octavia can reliable give EVERYONE a 620% damage boost vs Chroma with an 800% for himself, resulting in a much higher NET damage overall. Also, if you run with 3 Corrosive Projections with 2 Co-action Drifts, and everyone runs with 2 sets of Arcane Nullifier, one at rank 2 and one at rank 3, you have complete magnetic resistance, so energy is easy. (though you did mention the last part :P)

The Shraksun also is not a good choice of Skaffold for Garry and Harry. It's too short range to pump it's damage out well. The Pencha is a better choice.
Also it's worth mentioning the Granmu has the HIGHEST DAMAGE of all amp components overall if you hit all 3 shots.... so yea... use it for damage.

So many wrong things in your post ....

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That's a nice guide, however, there are some stuff mentioned there that feel a tad too subjective for a comprehensive guide. It's your preferred team build, which is understandable because it works well enough, but it's not the only (or in some cases the ideal) option.


First, the Aura Mods suggested for the team aren't really the ideal or most efficient option. There's a myth around that CP doesn't work on Eidolons anymore, but it does. It's just that complete armor removal (4 CP) is counterproductive to the fight, as it also removes the damage bonus from radiation. So the best aura combo for the team would be 3 Corrosive Projection and 1 Dead Eye. 3 CP (instead of 4) + 2 Drift reduces Eidolon's armor while not entirely removing it, so the team will still retain the 1.75x radiation bonus. Lowered armor, radiation bonus and Dead Eye results in x3.5 damage, while running 3 or even 4 Dead Eye will fail to provide any base damage boost past x3, even if another armor stripping method (like Shattering Impact) is employed.

Additionally, most people already have their "engame frames" formad for CP, so it's also more convenient anyways.

Volt's shield doesn't benefit from Strength, but building it for duration (as suggested in the guide) is also not that ideal. Gantulyst and Hydrolyst move fast enough to leave Shraksun's range within seconds (if the team can't insta the shields) and so modding for Efficiency to allow for cheap recasts throughout the fight is a much better option imo.

Furthermore, if the Volt is running with Shock Trooper augment, modding for strength can greatly benefit the team. Any shock buff above 250% can surpass the damage buff from shields, and is enough to allow the DPS to 1-shot the limbs with any decent loadout. That means Volt can just buff the DPS with shock, and DPS can run around and shoot the limbs from whichever direction they see fit, rather than being limited to where shields are placed (or wasting energy on moving the shields if Volt has the transistor augment).

The Trinity build you suggested would already require some forma, so ideally, formaing the Aura slot as well to be able to fit any aura actually useful to the fight (rather than running with Rejuv which essentially only acts as capacity boost) would help speed the run along. Otherwise the build looks good.

As a side-note though, the Fosfors (bought from Nakak in Cetus) that boost Affinity range also boost Bless range. It's always handy for Trin to keep some in the inventory just in case blessing the lures or allies from farther away is ever needed.

Harrow is of course a good option for Eidolon runs, but to maximize the team's performance, can be replaced with Oberon with Smite Infusion, which adds direct radiation damage buff to the team and even though Hallowed Ground is not as reliable as Covenant, it's still worth the trade-off imo even if the team isn't running with nullifiers, considering the buff Oberon can offer.

Chroma is a decent choice for DPS/Buff, but Octavia is also a pretty good option. Chroma's style of gameplay is a bit too finicky for my taste, while Octavia can provide an instant buff on demand (considering how noisy those Eidolons are, just casting the 4th ability alone is enough to provide the max buff, and won't need to be stacked with the other skills). That's why I've always been running Octavia and never had any issues with damage output. On paper, it provides a lower buff, but in practice, if the team has a build that can 1-shot a limb, it can do it whether it's with Chroma or Octavia.

Rubico is a really nice choice (and my personal favorite), but it's subpar to various other options without a handful of very specific rivens. Solely based on the stats on paper, Lanka is the best option for Eidolon runs, as it can be modded for full Radiation, which effectively means a 1.75x damage output throughtout the entire run independent of buffs.

There are a lot of people using other Snipers (Vectis P with Arcane Momentum is a really nice choice, and can actually out-DPS Lanka if RNG doesn't hate you) or heavy hitting secondaries and get optimal results. Ultimately, the weapon doesn't really matter that much, considering with the current time-window of the fights, Killing the limbs in 0.5s or 1.5s doesn't make any difference at all, as it can't add enough to go for an additional Eidolon before the night is up (even Latron charged with Madurai can 1-shot the limbs, but that's only good for a laugh).

Focus is where it gets a bit complicated, because there are various different team combos that work well enough, so there's no single "best" option, however, from my personal experience, everyone running Void Strike isn't all that great.

Personally, I'd say 2 Madurai, 1 Unairu, along with a Naramon is the most flexible team loadout, as it allows a little bit of room for error, without risking too much wasted time in case things don't go perfectly. Madurais (ideally Volt and Harrow/Oberon) take turn charging up and using Void Strike, Unairu (ideally the DPS) uses wisps to buff the Madurais, and Naramon (ideally Trin) takes care of the lures, and since Void Stalker works on amps, can be in charge of finishing off the shields "just in case" something doesn't go according to plan, so the Madurais don't end up having to waste a charge on the last 10% of the shield.

Amp & Amp arcanes is another case where it gets a bit complicated. Again, in my experience, the entire team running Shraksun isn't all that ideal.

While Shraksun pairs well with Madurai, Granmu greatly benefits from Unairu, and Pencha (if the player can hit the multi-hit spots reliably) is the best option for Naramon. There's no denying that Shraksun can outperform any other amp if RNG is on your side and you get reliable crits, but how many charges have you wasted on non-crit hits that kicked the shield down to 10% instead of 0? It's good, but its not the be-all-end-all of amp combos. It's always best to leave some room for error (or bad RNG) in the run, which is why I'd personally go for only 2 Madurai Shraksuns in the team, which with proper coordination would mean the team can still down the shields as fast, without Madurai having to waste an extra charge or two on it, so the whole run can go more smoothly.

As for the amp arcanes, this is more of a personal preference, and I've seen people using Fury and Strike to more or less the same results. However, in a "perfect" run, neither of them actually come into play, because Shraksun would be taking the shield out in the first hit, and whether or not it triggers the arcane is irrelevant. That's why I personally prefer Fury on Madurai Shraksun (because if you end up in a situation where you need a second hit, it means you didn't crit, and so Strike wouldn't be triggered anyways) and Strike on Naramon Pencha or Granmu (since the whole role is centered around sustained DPS through Naramon's Crit buff).

As for Lure Management, here's a little trick most people don't seem to have noticed: Madurai only spends its stacks on direct attacks, so in most runs Madurai users tend to entirely disengage from charging the lures "to avoid wasting stacks". That's counterproductive, since indirect attacks can still be used to help charge the lures without spending stacks. Operator's Blazing Dash (another skill in Madurai), a frame's AoE damage abilities, and Itzal's drones can all be used to take down both lures and vomvalysts without spending any Void Strike stacks, which can considerably speed up the first stage of the hunt.

Additionally, exiting the archwing by melee only consumes a stack if it's a ground slam, so Madurais can just look forward/upward and hit melee to exit archwing without wasting a stack.

Also a bunch of random stuff throughout the fight:

A bit of a newbie tip, but still worth mentioning: The glowing orbs vomvalysts drop when they die (that make you glow when you pick them up) are lure charges. Getting close to a lure while still glowing will give it a charge just the same as getting it close to a vomvalyst does.

The spawn animation of Gantulyst and Hydrolyst is just visual fluff. Their actual hitbox is already by the end of the water soon as their spawn animation starts. So the team can start shooting "where it'll be once the spawn animation is over" to take down the shields right at the spawn, instead of waiting for it to get out of the water (Marking it successfully during the spawn animation, although a bit tricky, puts the enemy marker right where the hitbox is).

During the fight, especially if the team is running with Madurai + Unairu combo, best placement for Volt shield is right under the Eidolon (where the "enemy" marker is, if it's marked), since that's where the wisps spawn, and also provides a decent multi-hit point. So Madurai users won't have to worry about chasing the wisps around, they'll just get ready to hit the thing in the groin soon as it gets up, and they'll automatically pick up the wisps while waiting.

As for Harrow's timing on casting Covenant, the most straight-forward way of explaining it I've found is: Eidolon starts screaming when a limb goes down, then it goes silent for a moment, then a second scream starts along with the energy spikes. That silent moment is the perfect time to cast covenant (no need for natural talent). If Harrow has 5s duration on the invulnerability, the crit buff will end before even the fastest team can take the next shield down, so Harrow won't have to worry about recast timing.

Additionally, I've noticed that most Trins only recast blessing on cooldown (which can be a long time if it's a duration build), which results in teammates or their pets going down which only wastes time and disrupts the flow of the fight. Ideally (if the rest of the team are doing their part right) Trin won't have to worry about doing any damage, and should instead focus on recasting Bless whenever a new attack starts, to avoid unnecessary bleedouts (so a Nat Talent + Eff Bless build works much better than a max dur one for Eidolon runs), also, a spamable build comes in handy when those light pillars of Gantulyst hit and it can protect the entire team, even if they're standing right in the center of it.

Furthermore, Right click can be used in advanced map (hold M) to place a waypoint anywhere on the map. Marking the shrine while the Eidolon is going down can help avoid disorienting the team and cut down the travel time.

Also, there's a pattern to Gantulyst's pillars and quad pulses. If it does a regular ground slam without the spherical shield around it, it triggers the pillars, and if it does the slam while the spherical shield is up, it'll follow it by those quad slams.

All that said, good job on the guide. It's pretty informative and can help with the early confusion of getting into Eidolon runs.

Hopefully more people will make use of .

Edited by aerelm
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1 hour ago, Stormandreas said:

Sorry but gonna have to disagree with you on some points. For one, the best Rubico, even with good rivens, doesn't even come CLOSE to the damage output of a Euphona Prime (still). Yes it's a decent sniper, but still pales in comparison if you can hit the shots

The absolute BEST Team setup is Oberon, Octavia, Trinity and Volt. Oberon can keep renewal up and give Smite Infusion, boosting everyones damage with Radiation by significant numbers, and Octavia can reliable give EVERYONE a 620% damage boost vs Chroma with an 800% for himself, resulting in a much higher NET damage overall. Also, if you run with 3 Corrosive Projections with 2 Co-action Drifts, and everyone runs with 2 sets of Arcane Nullifier, one at rank 2 and one at rank 3, you have complete magnetic resistance, so energy is easy. (though you did mention the last part :P)

The Shraksun also is not a good choice of Skaffold for Garry and Harry. It's too short range to pump it's damage out well. The Pencha is a better choice.
Also it's worth mentioning the Granmu has the HIGHEST DAMAGE of all amp components overall if you hit all 3 shots.... so yea... use it for damage.

Warning: If you're ever planning on capturing more than one trio per night, do NOT follow this guy's tips. They're all horribly wrong if you consider them from a speedrun's perspective.

1) Lanka and Rubico are still the best weapons for limb-shooter, because of the scope multiplier and scope bonuses. Period. You easily can stack them to x3 during the downed phase, do it if you're Chroma!

2) While Oberon works, Harrow is still more reliable. Especially considering the fact, that shooting through a stack of shields negates the need for a damage buff for your limb shooter, and everyone else should be saving Void Strike stacks, not trying to outshoot a Chroma. 

3) With enough Formas, Chroma can provide a 888% damage buff AND a 1100% Armor buff to everyone around him. Still better than Octavia. 

4) Shraksun is atm still much, much better than Pencha. On paper, Pencha has more damage per shot. In reality, due to wonky hitboxes and unreliable (and unexplained) whiff shots, Pencha keeps dealing pitiful damage more often than not. Shraksun, on the other hand, reliably one-shots the shield at sufficient stacks and a wisp buff on top.



Also, some comments for the original poster regarding making this efficient (I'm talking 4 Hydrolysts per night efficient).

Focus setup is Unairu Wisp Chroma, Void Strike Madurai everyone else. And with that said, every shot from now on counts. Every single one. 

You have to start early, entering the plains 10-15 minutes prior. Why? Because you need Volt and Harrow to stack Void Strike to ridiculous multiplier for that first trio. Unairu Chroma picks up the first lure, and frantically looks for Voms. Volt approaches the Teralyst, and as soon as it becomes vulnerable (shield goes from gray to purple) one-shots the shield. In extreme cases (you started 20+ minutes prior and chatted happily while overcharging VS past x100)  you might want to wait for a charged lure before shooting your amp, since with THAT high a multiplier it's not uncommon to both pop a shield AND tear off a limb with a single Shraksun shot. 

A hint on shield placement. You want them pretty much AT the ENEMY marker that appears if you tag the Eidolon. One shield up front, one on top of it, at a 90° angle as a roof. The reason being, that red exclamation mark is where Unairu wisps appear when Chroma void blasts, and also, an overcharged Shraksin shot CAN down your operator, so you want to shoot at Eidolon's crotch, not at the ground. Also, you want Wisps to spawn before/during his Energy Spike, not after, as every seconds counts and you want to be able to shoot a wisp-buffed shot the MOMENT shield goes back on.

Volt spends EXACTLY 4 charges on the Teralyst, while Harrow waits it out. During the first trio, Trinity is free to do whatever she wants with her charges, but during consequent runs, where you don't have that 15 minute headstart, Trinity starts charging her own Void Strike for Hydrolyst as soon as she's done collecting all lures. 


When the Gantulyst (and later on, Hydrolyst) starts spawning, you want to IMMEDIATELY figure out which way he's facing and mark him so that his Enemy marker appears. At that point, Volt proceeds to place a shield there, Chroma spawns wisps and Volt shoots one round of Shraksun UP while standing dead-on the Enemy marker. An Eidolon's hit box walks out of the lake much, much sooner than his actual model, so you can strip the shield AND tear off a limb before he's even ashore. The next 4 charges are used on Garry's four shields, at which point (and yes, Volt MUST announce that he's out) Harrow picks up. 2 charges are used to finish off shield work on Garry, with 6 remaining for Harry. Normally, you're done with your first Harry in 8-10 minutes. 

For subsequent runs, the stack management is a bit different. 

Volt is still first to approach the Teralyst, but since precharging is no longer an option, he does NOT stack anything during Teralyst at all. With Chroma's help he just spams the living hell of Shraksun and only starts charging when the 4th shield of the Teralyst is down. Harrow starts charging from the start, and Trin - from the point where all lures are gathered. Since the stacks won't be as high this time around, it's crucial for whoever works on the current shield phase to pick up Unairu Wisps spawned by Chroma. Normally. Harrow has anywhere from x15 to x20 multiplier by the time Garry spawns, so with some assistance from Volt, they can manage to one-shot, or at worst, two-shot Garry's shield. For Harry, Trinity already has ~25 or so multiplier, and with well-timed assistance from Volt and Harrow, Harry's shield doesn't last more than 1 second. 


Disclaimer - this is NOT the fastest way in the world. People who pull off 5 Hydrolysts per night might have something to add/adjust here. But this is what works for my 4x3 runs. 


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vor 47 Minuten schrieb Reifnir:

Warning: If you're ever planning on capturing more than one trio per night, do NOT follow this guy's tips. They're all horribly wrong if you consider them from a speedrun's perspective.

1) Lanka and Rubico are still the best weapons for limb-shooter, because of the scope multiplier and scope bonuses. Period. You easily can stack them to x3 during the downed phase, do it if you're Chroma!

2) While Oberon works, Harrow is still more reliable. Especially considering the fact, that shooting through a stack of shields negates the need for a damage buff for your limb shooter, and everyone else should be saving Void Strike stacks, not trying to outshoot a Chroma. 

3) With enough Formas, Chroma can provide a 888% damage buff AND a 1100% Armor buff to everyone around him. Still better than Octavia. 

4) Shraksun is atm still much, much better than Pencha. On paper, Pencha has more damage per shot. In reality, due to wonky hitboxes and unreliable (and unexplained) whiff shots, Pencha keeps dealing pitiful damage more often than not. Shraksun, on the other hand, reliably one-shots the shield at sufficient stacks and a wisp buff on top.



Also, some comments for the original poster regarding making this efficient (I'm talking 4 Hydrolysts per night efficient).

Focus setup is Unairu Wisp Chroma, Void Strike Madurai everyone else. And with that said, every shot from now on counts. Every single one. 

You have to start early, entering the plains 10-15 minutes prior. Why? Because you need Volt and Harrow to stack Void Strike to ridiculous multiplier for that first trio. Unairu Chroma picks up the first lure, and frantically looks for Voms. Volt approaches the Teralyst, and as soon as it becomes vulnerable (shield goes from gray to purple) one-shots the shield. In extreme cases (you started 20+ minutes prior and chatted happily while overcharging VS past x100)  you might want to wait for a charged lure before shooting your amp, since with THAT high a multiplier it's not uncommon to both pop a shield AND tear off a limb with a single Shraksun shot. 

A hint on shield placement. You want them pretty much AT the ENEMY marker that appears if you tag the Eidolon. One shield up front, one on top of it, at a 90° angle as a roof. The reason being, that red exclamation mark is where Unairu wisps appear when Chroma void blasts, and also, an overcharged Shraksin shot CAN down your operator, so you want to shoot at Eidolon's crotch, not at the ground. Also, you want Wisps to spawn before/during his Energy Spike, not after, as every seconds counts and you want to be able to shoot a wisp-buffed shot the MOMENT shield goes back on.

Volt spends EXACTLY 4 charges on the Teralyst, while Harrow waits it out. During the first trio, Trinity is free to do whatever she wants with her charges, but during consequent runs, where you don't have that 15 minute headstart, Trinity starts charging her own Void Strike for Hydrolyst as soon as she's done collecting all lures. 


When the Gantulyst (and later on, Hydrolyst) starts spawning, you want to IMMEDIATELY figure out which way he's facing and mark him so that his Enemy marker appears. At that point, Volt proceeds to place a shield there, Chroma spawns wisps and Volt shoots one round of Shraksun UP while standing dead-on the Enemy marker. An Eidolon's hit box walks out of the lake much, much sooner than his actual model, so you can strip the shield AND tear off a limb before he's even ashore. The next 4 charges are used on Garry's four shields, at which point (and yes, Volt MUST announce that he's out) Harrow picks up. 2 charges are used to finish off shield work on Garry, with 6 remaining for Harry. Normally, you're done with your first Harry in 8-10 minutes. 

For subsequent runs, the stack management is a bit different. 

Volt is still first to approach the Teralyst, but since precharging is no longer an option, he does NOT stack anything during Teralyst at all. With Chroma's help he just spams the living hell of Shraksun and only starts charging when the 4th shield of the Teralyst is down. Harrow starts charging from the start, and Trin - from the point where all lures are gathered. Since the stacks won't be as high this time around, it's crucial for whoever works on the current shield phase to pick up Unairu Wisps spawned by Chroma. Normally. Harrow has anywhere from x15 to x20 multiplier by the time Garry spawns, so with some assistance from Volt, they can manage to one-shot, or at worst, two-shot Garry's shield. For Harry, Trinity already has ~25 or so multiplier, and with well-timed assistance from Volt and Harrow, Harry's shield doesn't last more than 1 second. 


Disclaimer - this is NOT the fastest way in the world. People who pull off 5 Hydrolysts per night might have something to add/adjust here. But this is what works for my 4x3 runs. 


Thanks alot for the detailed walkthrough on 4x3 runs! I hope you don't mind me quoting you in the original post. So far 3x3 with 8mins left on the timer was the best I've managed with pickup groups. I'm grateful for you shedding some light on how to pull off a 4x3 stunt.

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vor 19 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Soulchilde:

Great guide, but for people with bad aim I suggest using the Buzlok modded for radiation.  Use the secondary fire to tag a spot and just let the auto tracking do the rest

That's an interesting idea, especially on console with a gamepad. The weapon has the the 2nd highest disposition for Riven Mods in game, after all. Has it the punch to knock out a limb? And can you mark a limb before the shield is down?

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26 minutes ago, Toran said:

That's an interesting idea, especially on console with a gamepad. The weapon has the the 2nd highest disposition for Riven Mods in game, after all. Has it the punch to knock out a limb? And can you mark a limb before the shield is down?

I've had no problem with a Harrow buff or shooting through Volt's shield and regularly get red crits with those buff.  Again, I'm sure snipers are probably the best, but for people like me with not so great aim the Buzlok is an alternative


Yes, the beacon will stick to the shields and it's really great for the last phase for constant DPS to the head as long as you keep a good angle on the beacon.

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46 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

this is NOT the fastest way in the world. People who pull off 5 Hydrolysts per night might have something to add/adjust here. But this is what works for my 4x3 runs. 

While your walkthrough was quite detailed, I have to say, it's unnecessarily complicated with emphasis on all the irrelevant bits of the teamplay. It's a great "here's how me and my mates do it" post, but whether intentional or not, the tone of your post makes it sound like you're saying that's the way it should be done (repeated use of phrases like "do EXACTLY this" or "do ONLY that"). One of the usual squads I run with manages 4 cap quite reliably, and occasionally a 4.5 on days when RNG isn't in a bad mood, and I have to say, our runs looks nothing like what you've described, and can even think of instances in our own runs where trying to follow your scenario would've ended up just wasting time, than anything.

I doubt anyone can actually write a reliable guide (i.e. simplified memorizable meta) for anything more than 3 Hydros a night, because past that point, the basics stay the exact same and it only comes down to proper communication and team coordication, i.e. finding a squad that knows what they're doing, and continuing to run with them until everyone gets used to the pacing of other teammates.

What you described is only the pacing you and your usual team seem to have naturally developed over the course of multiple runs, and based on each individual player involved, which is great and is of course something every group that runs together has, but unfortunately, I've seen too many players trying to enforce a method along the lines of what you described on a team of randoms who've never done a run together before, and the only thing it ends up doing is frustrating the players involved, and actually lowering their performance through the run rather than enhancing it.

The great thing about the original post is that it just establishes the general structure of the fight and highlights the points that play a role in making the runs faster (and resulting in faster and more caps per night), without trying to force a specific scenario on the pacing of the hunts, and from what I've personally seen through the runs I've done with pugs, teams that were trying to force a point by point walkhrough on the fight (like the one you described) would often end up performing far worse than teams that just tried to actually communicate and improvise through the run (while knowing the fundamentals and having proper builds, of course).

So yea... Your post, while impressively detailed, only describes the "perfect run" for your own group not the "perfect run" in general, which ironically means the warning on top of your post applies to your own post as well. 

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25 minutes ago, aerelm said:

I've seen too many players trying to enforce a method along the lines of what you described on a team of randoms who've never done a run together before, and the only thing it ends up doing is frustrating the players involved, and actually lowering their performance through the run rather than enhancing it.

A team that got together for the first time is bound to encounter hiccups, mistakes and whatnot. It takes time getting used to each other's pace, I won't even bother denying that.

It's figuring out which of the currently known methods actually works for them that's important, because one of them will work sooner or later. I've run this setup with at least 3 different Chromas and Harrows, me being the Volt, and it does work for Unairu-Chroma based teams. Granted, none of the team members had LESS than 100 captured hydrolysts, so experience is a factor, but bottom line is, saving stacks and carefully coordinating their use is key to going above 3x3. So is fast-charging the 1st lure, so is gathering the remaining seven in the shortest time possible, if I had to list other things of utmost importance.

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Useful Itzal tips you missed and could add:

1) you can hack a lure in archwing mode by flying next to it, hitting your 2 to go invis whilst you hack. This stops you getting hurt or knocked out of AW mode whilst hacking.

2) cosmic crush works well to collect loot, so directly after capture go into AW mode and hit 3 to collect all the surrounding cores, shards etc easily.

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