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Renew Stingy Oberons



Was doing high level void interception fissure, Oberon's wouldn't renew....at all.  I even asked for some, nicely.  All I got was bleed-out recoveries instead.  Oberon's, you are the back bone of the team, try to help your teammates occasionally.  It takes very little energy to use, makes the game better, and way faster if your teammates are not dropping like flies.  Not really a rant, just something to think about.

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If the oberon in question is rocking a full range build (and if it's interception or defense, they likely are), it's likely the case their build is designed soley to cover the map with their Plants O' Doom and simply can't sustain the energy cost of renewal as strength is a must to counter enemy scaling and thus carpet builds often lack in efficiency.


If you're experiencing this out of those two gamemodes? Then yeah they're just a bad Oberon player.

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What a player chooses to do is their business, particularly in random or solo matches. I can understand wanting more helpful allies and you could always ask them if you need such support but typically its up to the player and that can be a good thing as it doesn't force them to play a certain way even if the warframes themselves can mostly represent archtypes.

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20 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Actually every Oberon build should have Renewal on. Not really for the healing or armor but for Phoenix Renewal.

There's really no reason for any Oberon build to not use that augment.

Energy cost and inability to regen energy from Trin/Energizing Dash. While I do give out a quick burst of renewal here and there on Hydron runs when teammates get cocky, it would be a waste to have it constantly up.

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13 minutes ago, Tiddlerdoo said:

Energy cost and inability to regen energy from Trin/Energizing Dash. While I do give out a quick burst of renewal here and there on Hydron runs when teammates get cocky, it would be a waste to have it constantly up.

Barring a Nekros' Shadows Of The Energy Drain, I've yet to run out of Energy in a Defense mission with perma-Renewal on,
and that's with tossing out (woo high-Range) Reckonings / HGs / Smites every now and then, and without e.g. Rage / Energize for extra fuel.


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9 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

Barring a Nekros' Shadows Of The Energy Drain, I've yet to run out of Energy in a Defense mission with perma-Renewal on,
and that's with tossing out (woo high-Range) Reckonings / HGs / Smites every now and then, and without e.g. Rage / Energize for extra fuel.


Maybe it's because I like to paint the entire map purple so stuff dies as it spawns and mass-slam the stuff that doesn't. Rarely does a teammate even get hit.

Edited by Tiddlerdoo
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8 hours ago, Tiddlerdoo said:

Maybe it's because I like to paint the entire map purple so stuff dies as it spawns and mass-slam the stuff that doesn't. Rarely does a teammate even get hit.

That's cool, too, as long as your Broberon protects the Squad, you're doing a good job :D

Those Oberons though that only use their abilities like maybe once per Wave and never heal (not even themselves sometimes) ... bleh.

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