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Thoughts on high MR toxicity?

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Strange, I'm MR24 and nobody has ever given me flak about my most-played frame being vanilla Rhino :D
Mostly my fault though, since after I stopped using him, I'd diversify as much as possible, so none of my other frames' playtime even comes close to mighty Codpiece McGee.

But seriously, apart from having no right to judge you, how is the fact that you play Excalibur a lot even a point against you? It's not a great specialist frame but it's a competent general purpose fighting frame. Is there just some stigma around it because it's a "beginner frame"?

Just skimming a profile is a pretty poor way to assess potential groupmates, though. I mean, someone could be high MR and have never fought an Eidolon before, or low MR and have accomplished a lot without any help from other players. I prefer to just jump in with people and let their in-game performance be their resumé.

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I've rarely run into this, but the most recent was months ago when my alt account was still MR7 and I had asked a MR10 Frost "Could you please stop spamming bubbles everywhere it's hard to kill things." 

Their response as you could guess "I'm higher MR thn u I now what I'm doin so shut the <beep> up noob"

So my response was simply "Well if you wish to play that game than my main account is MR 24, it's name is SilvaDreams feel free to look it up."

Took them a few moments, but then they started apologizing and I just rolled my eyes "Next time don't be a jerk about something when someone asks nicely, MR means nothing to a Veteran player.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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3 hours ago, Vladimir said:

How to play warframe truly: build creatively.

To play this game masterfully you need to simply acquire all mods and start playing as a mad scientist. This is how you earn respect in warframe. By teaching new players how to build setups based off of your vast knowledge of mods and how to theorycraft effectively.

I’d take it a step further and add always actively try new setups.  Having a vast knowledge of what is good is great and sharing it even better, but to take the mad scientist analogy even further you have to try all the crazy combinations that may or may not work as well. 

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On ‎24‎.‎03‎.‎2018 at 1:56 AM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

personally I prefer the Disturbed Cover. it also doesn't have those hideous Spitting Image puppets lol.


This song has sooooooo many more covers. My favourite one being from 'In Flames'.

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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34 minutes ago, (PS4)OerbaYunFangSta said:

That was joke but yeah... Americans take toxicity to the next level.

Oh.. Well, yeah :P

Jokes are hard to read in the textual context, as sarcasm is mostly read from the face and voice tone :P

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Some people are toxic. Report them. I have been bashed for using Limbo just because I like to switch up from time to time. No worries. I certainly never thought the person bashing me was doing so because I was high MR and they were low MR and so therefore low MR are toxic. It does not follow. All it tells is there is a person who hasn't learn manners and they ought to be reminded that community rules and code of conduct still exist even if someone isn't the way you want them to be like. Honestly it tells most about the persons maturity to be toxic for whatever reason.

EDIT: And to be fair I know why you think so because in my 5-years of this game, I've seen things that I could not believe my eyes. For example about some months ago I did a lot of bounties as I used them to level up and forma all my prime gear finally. I saw MR 18 and MR 24 out of all people go to bounties and leech outside the gates of Cetus with a macro on that prevented them from being kicked or losing rewards. Of course I reported them but still I could not believe my eyes an MR 24 was a leeching like so, but there that person was. Color me wrong and surprised I suppose. At least it revealed my own bias of the kind of expectations set upon high MR players, that even with my 5-year long experience and MR 25 status I expect a lot from high MR players in general, and maybe that is not quite founded expectation always.

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Toxicity isn't born when you hit a certain MR. 

The issue with low MR people is they watch the wrong YouTube videos. They don't take advice. They take bad advice. 

Again this bleeds through right to MR25 and misinformed Joe Schmo grinds hydron and adaro nonstop and doesn't stop to ask am I doing this right?


Edited by .chcesz.piwo.
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On 23.3.2018 at 7:37 PM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

So many people are jerks these days. I miss the time when you could run into a stranger, even on the Internet, and find shared interests, have a few laughs, etc. Now it's all "My peen is bigger. My self-esteem is so low that I can only gain happiness by trying to bring you down to my level."

I see that you're on PS4 and here's what I suggest you say to yourself:

It's my console and I'll play however I want to.

I'm MR25 (the test didn't come easy for me) and I can assure you that MR does not attest to a player's skill. However, in most, but not all, cases a higher MR player can be relied upon to show up with the most useful gear for the mission. People judging you by your most played warframes, are noobs, because until recently my most played warframe was Valkyr who I used a lot when I first started and didn't understand the game. Currently, I use mostly Ember, Nekros and Inaros. It took almost a year for my stats to reflect these changes.


On 23.3.2018 at 7:49 PM, (PS4)OerbaYunFangSta said:

Ikr? Before the internet used to be so friendly. Made a lot of friends who I still talk to today but now everyone is so aggressive for no reason.

Random example before:

"Hey can I buy that for 100,000 dingle berries?"

"I want to sell it a little bit higher than that"



"Hey can I buy that for 100,000 dingle berries?"

"lmao what?"

"Can I buy that coin for 100,000 dingle berries"

"yeah i know what you said but im not selling it for f-ing 100k dingle berries"

Like damn what happened.


Yeah I remember this time too. For what it is worth aside from your occasional (to me rare chance) of a toxic Warframe player, in general this community has been very pleasant to talk with and most people trying to have good manners, it has given hope that people are not naturally like the ones you'll see on the internet these days but something about it currently makes people passive-aggressive or directly aggressive, and that attitude bleeds out elsewhere. I aspire to have good manners as much as possible though, I hope most here do.

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As a MR25 i can confirm that MR totaly means skill 😁

Anyway..as was mentioned before MR only means how long one played. Toxic players can be found in whole spectrum of MR.

Also my most played WF is classic ember..about 10%. It has been one of my first frames and its hard to shake it off even year after not playing her...now that i use manny other frames each day. So it also not proving anything.

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Judging someone on most played Warframe is silly, ESPECIALLY if it’s a starter frame. My most played frame is Mag and that’s only because it took me so long to get a second frame (at 15%). But now that I have every frame, and I switch frequently, the stat stays. 

My favorite MR memory though was when I was around MR 15 and I was playing an Excavation. I was leveling Ash P and some wonky gear and there was an MR 8 with maxed BiS gear who was complaining that I was starting a second excav before the first was completed even though I was still protecting it. 

Eventually though, the enemies outscaled my mediocre gear and I was activating drills that would ultimately be destroyed because I couldn’t kill them fast enough. The MR 8 just kept flaming saying “This just proves MR means nothing.”

He was correct, every player levels gear at some point and Higher MR doesn’t mean that player had to carry you at all times    . I had end-game gear too, but wasn’t using it

But what the low MR failed to recognize was that I got us an extra 800-1000 cryotic. There are correlations for a reason. Lower MR more often correlates to lower skill/understanding of the game. 

But there are also times I Bragg about being able to do all Spy rooms only to set off an alarm in the first room on sorties. Crap happens 

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High MR is predictive of high player competence.  Is it a guarantee?  No, but to get MR in the mid 20s, you have to understand the game, have played for a while, and dedicate yourself to tracking down obscure MR items.  High MR players are more likely to run missions efficiently.  They have a wide variety of gear they have probably upgraded, they aren't constantly looking to farm loot of XP when everyone else is rushing through the mission, and they have probably played the mission, tileset, or conditions dozens of times.  If you're looking for a party for something like Eidolon capture and need to be efficient, asking for high MR players makes it more likely you'll get a better more experienced team.

High MR players are the least toxic players in the game.  To hit MR 25, you need to invest a lot of time playing.  You need to really love the game.  Very few players who spew hate and rudeness stick around long enough to reach MR 25.  We all remember the struggles of being an inexperienced or underequipped player.  How many threads do you see where an MR 25 is ranting about noobs not knowing how to play the game?

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I remember a time like this, 4 odd years ago. I can't remember the exact situation, but a MR7 was giving me grief whilst I was MR14. They eventually threw down the "shut up, you MR4, me 7, okay?" 

I remember myself and the other 2 members being very quick to correct them, turns out a particular Oberon Glyph makes the first number kinda hard to see.

Safe to say they shut up after that.

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MR 22 here, almost reaching 23. Can do all missions with no problem and has no issues even in Sorties. Will pick up downed allies (and their pets if necessary) unless in Eidolon fight. 

I still suck at Warframe though. High MR using all meta gear specially tailored for missions doesn't make you a good player. Knowledgeable with crazy preparation? Yes. Actually skilled? No. I became a Hydron/Heiracon Baby after hitting MR 18, I admit.

Most of the angry rants at new players come from a so called "meta crowd" of MR 14 - 20 players, I noticed, who use all meta gear and got too bored to keep grinding for more MR. Yes, some of them are very good at the game, but have zero tolerance.

I am a gamer with no skill since MR 1, adding 21 more ranks on top of that kinda doesn't change reality.

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The real problem is that some players think Mr shows how good you are but all it say is. Hey look at me and my shiny things, I have alot of nice shiny things. I'm Mr 24 . Why cause I like collecting weapons and stuff. It's what I enjoy doing in Warframe. Your problem sounds more about a generic idiot but if it's Mrwhat I stated is the problem. I've been playing for 5 years and even then I see some new comers better then me. The problem is this game has nothing to show how good a player is. 

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16 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

MR 22 here, almost reaching 23. Can do all missions with no problem and has no issues even in Sorties. Will pick up downed allies (and their pets if necessary) unless in Eidolon fight. 

I still suck at Warframe though. High MR using all meta gear specially tailored for missions doesn't make you a good player. Knowledgeable with crazy preparation? Yes. Actually skilled? No. I became a Hydron/Heiracon Baby after hitting MR 18, I admit.

Most of the angry rants at new players come from a so called "meta crowd" of MR 14 - 20 players, I noticed, who use all meta gear and got too bored to keep grinding for more MR. Yes, some of them are very good at the game, but have zero tolerance.

I am a gamer with no skill since MR 1, adding 21 more ranks on top of that kinda doesn't change reality.

Going off of where you brought up the "meta" things, i tend to just use what i want, sure some things are better for specific things tho

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3 minutes ago, puppycorpse said:

The real problem is that some players think Mr shows how good you are but all it say is. Hey look at me and my shiny things, I have alot of nice shiny things. I'm Mr 24 . Why cause I like collecting weapons and stuff. It's what I enjoy doing in Warframe. Your problem sounds more about a generic idiot but if it's Mrwhat I stated is the problem. I've been playing for 5 years and even then I see some new comers better then me. The problem is this game has nothing to show how good a player is. 

Warframr had always been a game that puts new and veteran players together but some people forget that

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1 minute ago, MasterChef5311 said:

Going off of where you brought up the "meta" things, i tend to just use what i want, sure some things are better for specific things tho

"Meta" as in memestrike melee or Tigris P. Those sort of tacky item which I happen to possess all of. They aren't a necessity, but still a lot of people seem to love them more than they should be loved.

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