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Server Troubles (+ Boosters).


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8 minutes ago, NamingPolicyViolation said:

No it really is not. I been playing for 3 months and I have not seen such hostile community, in-game that is, since 94 when I started playing pre-MMOs, MUDs and later 99 or so EQ,UO and tens of others MMOs over the years.

I am sorry you had a S#&$ty experience.
I met my deal of A******s when I started the game, but after 2000+ h of playing, I think that the large majority of players are decent and fairly nice.
Please give WF another chance.

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Guys act like a bit more matured person, if Baro is still there probably everyone's gonna get back there boosts period as well and its clear that DE is working on this thing. Maybe a slip here or there might have happened.. big deal.. I think as a community we should support them

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Just now, xarvh said:

I am sorry you had a S#&$ty experience.
I met my deal of A******s when I started the game, but after 2000+ h of playing, I think that the large majority of players are decent and fairly nice.
Please give WF another chance.

I hope you do give us (the warframe community) another chance. I'm not a high up MR player but I'm enthused enough about the game that I've even gotten non-gamers to come and play with me. Unfortunately I had no idea about the referring thing, but ... at any rate, I was thinking DE should hire me for sales, though my strength is technical support rather than sales. 

Most of my experience is networking and ISPs. 


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Stay calm and stop blaming DE or hating on them if they have been DDoSed thats what the people who are disrupting DEs services want you to do! most of you will be compensated, stop worrying, Keep calm and help the Dev team get through this! We can help by being supportive. 

PS i would refrain from doing missions that take too long 

Edited by ZirkonX
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14 minutes ago, 5nak3Doctor said:

DDOS now days? - The only way I can see this happen on a modern server now days is someone installed something on a node on the server.

If you find a USB stick on the ground; Don't put it in your computers. Someone gives you a mix CD; Don't put it in your computers.

Don't surf unsafe sites on work computes.

seems someone doesnt know how DDoS atacks work.... oh well. here is the basics:

within a network such as warframe's. theres a server and clients. you could view these as a postal service and citizens. the server or postal service can only handle so much data (or packets) at once. but because the postal service has to deal with a large amount of citizens all sending letters and packages the postal service has a lot of room to handle a lot of these packages at once. (aka bandwidth). what happens with a DOS (denial of service atack) is that a single malicious citizen starts rappidly sending as many packets as it can handle to the postal service. effectively making them deal with this one person's packets instead of the actual packets containing information. these packets are either empty, junk or some kind of basic thing like "send this to X". thing is. the postal service is efficient enough (has enough bandwidth) to handle the maximum amount of packages this one malicious citizen can send. hence why nowadays it is pretty much impossible to DoS someone unless their download speed is worse than your own upload speed by a large amount. how a DDoS works is that this malicious citizen forces the rest of the town to also send the same type of packets. although slightly different so the postal service doesnt notice that they are all the same. if you have enough of these citizens then the postal service will be too busy handling all the malicious packets to effectively handle actual client packets. aka data from players waiting to be saved to their inventory. one difference between a DDoS and the postal example i just made is that "the rest of the town" means a whole bunch of other pc's. usualy without the owners knowing it. this is done through some sort of malware. usualy something like a trojan. 


if you want a real life example. plug your laptop or pc into an ethernet jack and upload something realy big at the speed of your upload cap while downloading something else at the speed of your download cap. then try to watch a video on your phone. you just effectively DoS'ed yourself in a safe and controlled way.

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So far I’ve been playing for a bit and haven’t had issues with the server at all.

 Went six rounds on the infested salvage, some relic missions as well as the sortie with no issues at all. Only issue was the chat server disconnecting and reconnecting but that’s it. Seems like it’s getting better.

Edited by (PS4)jaegerbombtastic
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6 minutes ago, xarvh said:

I am sorry you had a S#&$ty experience.
I met my deal of A******s when I started the game, but after 2000+ h of playing, I think that the large majority of players are decent and fairly nice.
Please give WF another chance.

I'd add that region chat is literally spammed with the same questions, all day long, every day.  So yes, sometimes one may answer a bit less friendly than usual or ignore someone's question. Give Warframe another chance.

Edited by crushlex
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10 minutes ago, 5nak3Doctor said:

Not sure if empty, my company was hit by them mid 2016? Their 'proof of concept' caused 4h outage and brought part of big UK server provider down, not just us. It's true that some other 'teams' were using armada collective as a name, so we were never sure if it was actually them. Anyway, we got hit, we went for Incapsula ddos protection immediately and that dealt with the problem. It's somewhat rich that this blogpost is written by Cloudflare. There few companies capable of withstanding serious ddos, they are one of them.

Every smaller fish will either pay up (if it's on the table) or come running to big companies like cloudflare. Either way, ddos is not empty threat, however protection is quite easily available for websites, although not always free. How easy it is to embedd proper ddos protection within a game - not sure.

Edited by RealKarpik
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8 minutes ago, Agatorion said:

You guys can not fix your game? :P
DE is messy :|

Think this has been covered throughout all this forum. They are working on it. Remember when teachers in schools said we should pay attention? This is why.

Edited by Corvant
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They can DDOS all the way they want, sooner or later they will see it wont stop us playing warframe on the long run, and most people should know its not DEs fault its the attackers fault. As long as the community holds together and understands this they wont succeed. And sooner or later there will be a protection against the DDOS attack maybe. Just a shame the governments are beeing lazy like always not doing more against hackers and punish them even harder for DDOS attacks (Think about it in a bigger scale, not just games, think about what these days can be controlled over the internet, what chaos can be caused if you do that on the wrong targets...) then we wouldnt have this problem right now, but i dont want to be to political in this forum just saying.

No matter, sooner or later they have to give up and then everything will be allright again and we just continue to play warframe like before. Im pretty sure most things will be compensated by DE. So why the hate for them that you loose stuff, they cant change it only compensate and repair the damage.

This will be probably my last post about this topic now so i just say this:

Fellow Tennos, hold together no matter how annoying this situation is right now. Everything will be allright im sure of it (and im usually said to be pretty pessimistic...)

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Ok I'm tired of the rollercoaster they are putting us on.  Up, down, up, down.  I'm getting motion sickness here. -.-  It was up not just 5 mins ago now im getting the network not responding pop-up again.  

Edited by _Euros_
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well here's some news...


"Edit: Baro has been extended by 24 hours on PC. Still discussing Boosters. Thanks for your patience as we continue to work through this."


now maybe stop whining? I know it doesn't help everyone but at least they are showing goodwill and giving stuff that they really don't need to give

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Just now, _Euros_ said:

Ok I'm tired of the rollercoaster they are putting us on.  Up, down, up, down.  I'm getting motion sickness here. -.-

Ohhhhh so that's what happened for my ex-gf to break up with me, I see I see. 

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2 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

They can DDOS all the way they want, sooner or later they will see it wont stop us playing warframe on the long run, and most people should know its not DEs fault its the attackers fault. As long as the community holds together and understands this they wont succeed. And sooner or later there will be a protection against the DDOS attack maybe. Just a shame the governments are beeing lazy like always not doing more against hackers and punish them even harder for DDOS attacks (Think about it in a bigger scale, not just games, think about what these days can be controlled over the internet, what chaos can be caused if you do that on the wrong targets...) then we wouldnt have this problem right now, but i dont want to be to political in this forum just saying.

No matter, sooner or later they have to give up and then everything will be allright again and we just continue to play warframe like before. Im pretty sure most things will be compensated by DE. So why the hate for them that you loose stuff, they cant change it only compensate and repair the damage.

This will be probably my last post about this topic now so i just say this:

Fellow Tennos, hold together no matter how annoying this situation is right now. Everything will be allright im sure of it (and im usually said to be pretty pessimistic...)

totally agree with everything you said, except for the hacker part, they are not hackers they are script kiddies lol... Anyone can do a Ddos quite easily

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1 minute ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

They can DDOS all the way they want, sooner or later they will see it wont stop us playing warframe on the long run, and most people should know its not DEs fault its the attackers fault. As long as the community holds together and understands this they wont succeed. And sooner or later there will be a protection against the DDOS attack maybe. Just a shame the governments are beeing lazy like always not doing more against hackers and punish them even harder for DDOS attacks

You don't understand at all, do you? What do you think this is, some kind of evil trying to sabotage the righteous gamer community? 


This is just DE getting wrecked by script kiddies because they don't have anything in place to stop them. 

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Just to chime in:

Can we stop pretending this issue is isolated to DE. Regardless, or in spite of the argument that can be made for better server infrastructure - Blizzard was taken out just a year or so ago by Lizard Squad with DDoS attacks. That occurred on and off again for several weeks (until a twitter account was boosted to 10k followers). Even AAA gaming studios aren't immune to these attacks. Depending on where the bottlenecks occur they are simple and effective. I'm no network engineer but I'd hazard to guess that peer to peer networking has seen the scale of DDoS attacks increase exponentially when mapped over time (as pc's become easier to infect with malware).

And to the "network engineers" claiming that they could fix the issue - really? You're somehow better qualified than an entire game studio with an online game in their portfolio. And moreover - in Blizzards's case better qualified than a AAA studio's employees (who for the past several years have almost exclusively produced online games). I don't like to invoke straw-man but I feel I trust DE's expertise owning an online game than anon tenno on the internet. I will add here that many of the suggestions being made are likely already implemented by DE - offloading or rerouting traffic is the OBVIOUS solution to a DDoS attack...

Just be patient...  we'll be back in-game shortly with a vengeance to pop the grineer 'scoom'.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Spyderdragon:

totally agree with everything you said, except for the hacker part, they are not hackers they are script kiddies lol... Anyone can do a Ddos quite easily

Yeah ok agreed on that part as well. They are not even real hackers, just wanna be hackers lol

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