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11 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:
  • Scythe Stances...

You guys have a Weapon in the Game called the Dark Split Sword ... remember? We all wanted it to swap stances on the fly mid mission but never got that ... BUT you do have a Weapon that uses 2 Stance types. So for the Scythes .... Why not Both? Give use the option to use Fast Scythe stances or Heavy Blade Stances... Give the weapons a 10% power boost when in Heavy mode or something

I don't think they need to be both to be swappable unless you can change the properties of the weapon with it. Personally I think they should just keep the current Scythes as they are because they are rather timid in size and just make a new set (larger in size) with Heavy Blade (ideally a new set in general) and call them Great Scythes.

Honestly my Zaw with the infested scythe head on a polearm base feels more like a scythe with Broken Forest staff stance than any of the current scythes have ever been.

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30 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Scythe Stances...

You guys have a Weapon in the Game called the Dark Split Sword ... remember? We all wanted it to swap stances on the fly mid mission but never got that ... BUT you do have a Weapon that uses 2 Stance types. So for the Scythes .... Why not Both? Give use the option to use Fast Scythe stances or Heavy Blade Stances... Give the weapons a 10% power boost when in Heavy mode or something

You realize that a 2H weapon cannot use a 1H stance and look correct... right? Youd have the handle clipping through the entire body in some animations. Theyd have to remake the animations for the stances entirely if they were to make them have their own animation set. Compare that to the Great Blade stances which would work just fine with a scythe weapon.

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28 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

They offer alternatives to gunplay and to meleeplay. You can pop your exalted weapon and go weapon-free for the entirity of the mission with a whole new playstyle to learn. An exalted whip had so many possibilities. Could be a typical whip or have special interactions or attacks. So much could be done to it, and DE decides to remove it for a mix of harrow's 1st and vauban's 4th..

You mean slide attack spam? Yes, truly a whole new playstyle to learn.

Im sorry, but are you serious with that?

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19 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

You realize that a 2H weapon cannot use a 1H stance and look correct... right? Youd have the handle clipping through the entire body in some animations. Theyd have to remake the animations for the stances entirely if they were to make them have their own animation set. Compare that to the Great Blade stances which would work just fine with a scythe weapon.

uh you realize they SHOWED them using Hate with a Heavy Blade Stance ... the one Handed Animations are there in the form of the Scythe Stances ... This isn't about allowing Great swords to use scythe stances .. just scythes being able to use both...

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3 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

uh you realize they SHOWED them using Hate with a Heavy Blade Stance ... the one Handed Animations are there in the form of the Scythe Stances ... This isn't about allowing Great swords to use scythe stances .. just scythes being able to use both...

No... They showed the enlarged Hate using Heavy blade stance... Not a 1H scythe stance...

Also, you literally did not read a word I said. at all.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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41 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

They offer alternatives to gunplay and to meleeplay. You can pop your exalted weapon and go weapon-free for the entirity of the mission with a whole new playstyle to learn. An exalted whip had so many possibilities. Could be a typical whip or have special interactions or attacks. So much could be done to it, and DE decides to remove it for a mix of harrow's 1st and vauban's 4th.

Weapon-free with different weapons that scale on your equipped weapons. "New" playstyle of using your melee key? I don't feel like I'm doing something particularly different when I pop Hysteria and mash melee against my enemies.

Titania is the only really different one and it is a slight variation on an existing mechanic.

44 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

Exalted weapons require aiming, attacking enemies by holding LMB, not by simply pressing buttons.

Excuse me, what?

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I hated the idea of the whip as her fourth, I think it's much more enjoyable now. Now she whips like Atlas punches, save for the immunity, and has more CC. I do agree the whips in game are an eye sore though, no matter how good the atterax is, it makes me want to cut my warframes hand off just for touching it. It's not even a whip, it's some screwed up bladed yoyo that instead of doing tricks with you just flail it around.

The scythe changes sound stupid, why would you cut content, why does everything need to be used like a sword? Why can't they be good how they are?

The dark sector replacement went from something that might have been good to another slapped on half baked mode that might get fleshed out later, but this is not what anyone wanted. Newbies have enough to do, stop making bottom tier content. People want ways to do level 60+ content and get interesting rewards. To be able to get to the challenge they want faster, be it level 60, 90 or 150. Kuva survival could have worked along those lines but since it doesn't scale, it's not really worth the time, not even for the a,b and c drops. 

New useless mods, yay, throw them on the stack. Would be better to make these into gear, things you can use in the new missions to make crazy modifiers to things, make them silly like some people have suggested or make things harder, like nightmare modifications. Expand the sortie reward table(minus rivens) and tie that to doing these new missions with high levels and crazy conditions.

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I understand DE was put in a tough spot with Khora, but as an avid pilot of the incredible Nidus, I couldn't help but notice the similarity.

Khora's 2 (Ensnare) is a CC on an enemy, that grabs other nearby enemies, CCs them also, and pulls them into a big clump. So, like a slower version of Nidus' 2, the Noodle Monster?

And once enemies are clumped up and CCed with Ensnare, you hit them with her 1 (Phase Lash), which is a an AOE attack. So, kind of like Nidus' 1, Stomp? The difference being that Khora's 1 pulls stats off the melee weapon, while Nidus Stomp scales off ability strength and mutation stacks. Unless there is some kind of scaling mechanic, Khora's 2+1 combo doesn't look like it will scale nearly as well as Nidus' does.

Khora's 4 (Strangledome) is an AOE that spreads from Khora, and CCs enemies that enter its area. So, kind of like the CC effect of Nidus' Kawaii Maggots from his 4? But without the bonus healing provided by Nidus' Crazy Screen Blocking Grass Field ability.

So Khora's 3 is the only unique ability, summoning the Exaulted Kavat. Might be cool, but given pets questionable AI in general, might not be not entirely reliable.

Not hatin', just an objective observation.




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7 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

No... They showed the enlarged Hate using Heavy blade stance... Not a 1H scythe stance...

Also, you literally did not read a word I said. at all.

No you didn't read Mine ... " uh you realize they SHOWED them using Hate with a Heavy Blade Stance"
because that IS what I said, and on Stream they said they are thinking of removing Scythe stances and just making them Heavy Blades. They demoed Hate using a Heavy Blade stance ... So Why not let scythes use both... The models for their small one handed version is in the game and we use them now, So using a scythe stance has them like that and using a Heavy blade stance enlarges them to fit the stance.  I read what you wrote and it sounds like you're assuming they'd ONLY use the enlarged assets for the scythes...

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I could ship Nidus and Khora, Saryn's not the newest cat in town :p

But yeah, face value that's what it looks like. Simple abilities with simple functions. I hope there are synergies underneath that make the whole kit tie together well, stuff like:

  • 1 having a combo mechanic.
  • 1 hitting enemies under 2 and/or 4 will distribute the damage between them.
  • 1 hitting a target makes Venari frenzy and attack it at increased movement speed.
  • Venari jumping between ensnared targets attacking them or disarming them depending on her mode.
  • Venari using wall-jump tech inside Strangledome to attack enemies, going from vertex to vertex.
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3 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

No you didn't read Mine ... " uh you realize they SHOWED them using Hate with a Heavy Blade Stance"
because that IS what I said, and on Stream they said they are thinking of removing Scythe stances and just making them Heavy Blades. They demoed Hate using a Heavy Blade stance ... So Why not let scythes use both... The models for their small one handed version is in the game and we use them now, So using a scythe stance has them like that and using a Heavy blade stance enlarges them to fit the stance.  I read what you wrote and it sounds like you're assuming they'd ONLY use the enlarged assets for the scythes...

Because that was a Hate that was ENLARGED to allow it to be a 2H weapon. They changed the model to be larger. Making them grow and shrink without any model design to show extendable or foldable parts would be a very stupid design. Glaives and polearms at least look like they are capable of changing shape for the most part.

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Nope. Her set reminded me a lot of other frames too.  Like Gara for example. They both have a slashing whip type skill. And slightly of Frost's 1st. It goes from hand to enemy, just in a different way. I really did think of Nidus with her Ensnare though. I wish we could have Larva and Ensnare fight of enemies. lol That would be interesting seeing them pulled between skills. xD

Strangle Dome peaked my interest! Especially when Reb said enemies can walk into it and get stuck even after it's casted. And that you can close off choke points with it. That will be nice.

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I think the 2-1 positioning is kind of natural and works well, and it'd be weird to put similar powers on differing buttons, so part of the similarity may be deliberate.

A bunch of frames have a bit of overlap with their first two abilities (look at all the bolts, zones, and dashes!) and there's some commonality there too (Zephyr, Atlas, Exalibur with dashes on the 1, that sort of thing).

That all in mind, I think having '2 to make friends, 1 to do something to them' as a mechanic is something we've needed more of if anything and Nidus just set the stage.  Meanwhile, I don't see the 3 and 4 as that similar.

That being said, I think they'd be an adorable couple. :)

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2 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Because that was a Hate that was ENLARGED to allow it to be a 2H weapon. They changed the model to be larger. Making them grow and shrink without any model design to show extendable or foldable parts would be a very stupid design. Glaives and polearms at least look like they are capable of changing shape for the most part.

<,< Polearms ... Extend a bit ... and that's ALL you'd have to do to a scythe's handle to make it a 2 handed ...
But really .. considering the Glaives Actually shrink into a little wrist disk ... this isn't even an argument~ Seriously in the grand scheme who cares if the Scythe Enlarges it's model when a Heavy stance is Equipped ... No one is going to say "oh techno magic space ninja avatars controlled by god like children is all fine but that growing scythe isn't realistic.. Worse game ever"

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She used to be so cool with the unique ability to change damage types and now she is just Harrow with a Kavat? Also what happened to her Exalted Whip? What is with the super lame dome explosion? I was insanely hyped for this frame until you showed her off today and now I am sorely disappointed.


Thanks DE.

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7 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

Well, if it is, then awesome. Cause Nidus is awesome.

I don't disagree, friend. Nidus is phenomenal; I guess if you're going to "draw inspiration" from an existing frame, you could do a lot worse.

With Khora's 1 drawing stats of the melee weapon, I wonder if they will have it pull stats off of the melee riven mod. AFAIK, Gara is the only frame that can do this currently. I think it's kind of neat mechanic, and a new way to perceive and use rivens.

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