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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Seems like many people have this problem(happened to me twice), not to mention the white screen (think can fix with transference or downed). I didn't mind the fact that you no longer continue the onslaught which should, but not receiving any rewards is big letdown :sad:. Hope it can get fixed and maybe receive a refund for the issue i dunno. 

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Just sick to the back teeth of being in a mission, having no problem getting Zone 8 cleared, feeling settled in to push the challenge as far as you can and then 1 or 2 of the squad deciding to "cash out" and just stop fighting to force the mission to end so they can run to Zone 8 again. As I said in my first post, the best way to solve this would be to drop the AABCAABC loot rotation and have one that doesn't drop back down to A, so people have a loot incentive to stay as long as possible.


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Just now, Gandergear said:

Bethesda and bioware games are stable in comparison

WF crashed a single time in 310 hours of gameplay. When playing Obilvion I had a crash every 3-4 hours. Skyrim was the same. Fallout 3 can't go on an hour without crashing, sometimes every 5 minutes. New Vegas about once every 2-3 hours. Fallout4 is stableish but a crash every couple of days is quite normal.

Bioware crashes less on single player but multiplayer is horrible, you wish you had a matchmaking as good as the terrible one of WF. And they crash like there's no tomorrow. At least WF is free for those who don't want to play and most of the game is usable.

The Witcher 3 crashes every couple of days and it's one of the best games I ever played, even if two years late (I don't know how it was at launch, word on the street say it was terrible).

I feel your frustration but as a long time software user (and developer) I know better than jumping on a new feature before it's stable - I bought Fallout4 an year after release and apparently I did the best thing.

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Did it every day, countless times. all up to zone 9, multiple chassis and neuroptics, 1 system, 15 captura scenes, a #*!%ton of relics I have no use for. The god damn Blueprint never droped... if I had to guess I'd say DE did something to the RNG to allow it to grow with repeatable zone rewards. But it backfired and the chances to get the parts in the first C rotations are actually much smaller then the 5.65% stated.

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23 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard and yallve failed this the past 4 mainlines.

no it's not, even baring the obvious example of bethesda, plenty of games have game-breaking bugs, both indie and AAA


24 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

2. Release at a time youre able to fix, just like with christmas ghoul purge you let the PC community stew with bad unplayable content, then ignore 99% of the feedback. If it was released this monday maybe yall couldve updated daily but inatead you wasted the playerbases time.

despite the fact that they released on a friday, they DID put out patches, see that 22.18.3? it means work has been done


27 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

"Oh OP bugs are hard lmao XD game design amiright" is a sign of community rot and shame on anyone using this excuse to coddle DE. Theyre big boys and girls, they need to know that their behavior is unacceptable.

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...

"anyone who doesn't agree with me is a white knight and a fanboy!"
yes, your absence will be mourned, whatever will we do while you're complaining on another game's forum about an inane bug?

the crashes are obnoxious but that is thus far the only bug left plaguing the update, bugs ARE hard to deal with, i doubt you could pick apart the code of warframe much less point out where the bugs are occurring, and while that doesn't invalidate your opinion, what does is you're condemning DE as if you did know, placing the burden of proof which can't be provided on you   

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3 minutes ago, Duduminador said:

Did it every day, countless times. all up to zone 9, multiple chassis and neuroptics, 1 system, 15 captura scenes, a #*!%ton of relics I have no use for. The god damn Blueprint never droped... if I had to guess I'd say DE did something to the RNG to allow it to grow with repeatable zone rewards. But it backfired and the chances to get the parts in the first C rotations are actually much smaller then the 5.65% stated.

Mate i think you need to go pray to RNGesus and try again :satisfied:. The issue here is not about the drop chances which you have a point, but the bug connections that cause many players not receive rewards at all.

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24 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Yeah salt XD i love it when my game crashes DE can have my firstborn they purrfect :3 bugs dont exist

To think things can be released with no bugs is whats nuts in my book. They will fix them this week. Settle down.

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45 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

I really thought peculiar mods would be the worst part of the update, but instead it was a friday release wrought with game ending bugs you let stew over the weekend. Even with 3 rushed hotfixes none of the major bugs that weve reported in the megathreads were resolved.

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard and yallve failed this the past 4 mainlines.

2. Release at a time youre able to fix, just like with christmas ghoul purge you let the PC community stew with bad unplayable content, then ignore 99% of the feedback. If it was released this monday maybe yall couldve updated daily but inatead you wasted the playerbases time.

"Oh OP bugs are hard lmao XD game design amiright" is a sign of community rot and shame on anyone using this excuse to coddle DE. Theyre big boys and girls, they need to know that their behavior is unacceptable.

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...

Completely fair. There's no excuse for a release in this shape. It's really off-putting. Not just in terms of playing, but also, in terms of spending money.

I mean, IS THIS the quality our Support buys? If so, why keep doing it? Six months for recycled assets, a useless frame and another broken game mode?

Nope. Time to close the wallet. I don't support Minimum Viable Product design.

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18 hours ago, Gharsan said:

There's this steakhouse. A big group of customers order well-done steak. After one minute of ordering, the customers start to complain that they deserve their perfect well-done steak now and threaten the restaurant that they will leave and never return. The restaurant serves its steak as it is. The customers now complain that it is rare. The restaurant takes back the steak and cook it to well-done again. Was it a right thing to do for the restaurant to serve rare steak? No. Is it completely and only the restaurant's fault? No.

I believe it's the fault of both sides: DE and us. In this age of short attention span and hefty competition, getting new content fast in its somewhat chaotic state bares less risk than handcrafting a masterpiece once every 6 months in gaming business. And we are sort of encouraging such behavior. Look around the forum and see how many people complain about the content drought. Look at every single patch notes and count how many "Where is das raid?" or "Where is das Umbra?" comments. A big chunck of these people even make a threatening remarks as if the game is going to die in this state. Is it a right thing to do for DE to release somewhat unstable contents? No. Is it completely and only DE's fault? No.

Give it a time. I agree the ways DE released their contents have not been the most ideal, but they have their own conflicting interest and ideals, partially generated by their own fans. Give them some slack and get a bite of Snickers.

But we've waited six months for ANY steak. At all. And all we asked was that it be AT ALL EDIBLE.

Why is that unrealistic?

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31 minutes ago, tCartmant said:

To think things can be released with no bugs is whats nuts in my book. They will fix them this week. Settle down.

Unlikely. Also my only gripe is progression halting bugs. I couldnt care less that an animation error got fixed.

21 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Completely fair. There's no excuse for a release in this shape. It's really off-putting. Not just in terms of playing, but also, in terms of spending money.

I mean, IS THIS the quality our Support buys? If so, why keep doing it? Six months for recycled assets, a useless frame and another broken game mode?

Nope. Time to close the wallet. I don't support Minimum Viable Product design.

Lemme confide that i really used to hate your attitude like a year ago but really you were right all along. The games core has been rotting and every update is just a fresh sheet to mask the stench. But the new updates are just sheets with holes in them and im getting a mighty foul stench.

Also sorry for these weird metaphors but its truly how i feel

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11 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Unlikely. Also my only gripe is progression halting bugs. I couldnt care less that an animation error got fixed.

Lemme confide that i really used to hate your attitude like a year ago but really you were right all along. The games core has been rotting and every update is just a fresh sheet to mask the stench. But the new updates are just sheets with holes in them and im getting a mighty foul stench.

Also sorry for these weird metaphors but its truly how i feel

This has been a while coming.

It started with Endless missions. Then, players began demanding ways to go a little further . And a little more. They had to beat 40 minutes. Then 60. And so on.

So DE realized power creep sells. And they piled it on. Prime frames getting buffs. Primed mods. Rivens. And players began to complain about a lack of challenge. 

So then came the knee jerks: Nullifiers. Invulnerability phases. Power Immunization. Control robbing. Screen Obfuscation. And slowly, this rot spread from a few enemies, to nearly ALL of them.

Finally, we reached a point where the game was built exclusively for Meta frames. Either you could cheese these OP enemies with an OP frame...or your game play experience rapidly deteriorated tonsheer Tedium. Utterly binary choice.

And instead of balancing this disaster, they took away the walls. Stuck.hordes with endless LOS into an open map, with scaling accuracy that lacks a cap.and scaling armor that lacks common sense. 

Now, they put the Horde of power canceling, control robbing enemies into tiny little corridors and hallways with no escape.

All the while increasing the grind, while spending less time testing each update. Until this: an implicit admission that yes, PC players really ARW the (unpaid) QA team. 

Warframe is an Early Access game that fails to disclose that fact. And it will never be a finished product. Release THEN polish is the design philosophy.

Honestly, I logged out after one round of onslaught...and I don't really know when, or even if, I will log back in again. The rot is done festering; now, it's eating this game up.

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Hunter. Over all your journeys, you have encountered the most interesting specimens. These specimens once roaming the battlefield now sit in my sanctuary, gathering dust. I wish to know more of their behavior. Do battle with them again, and enlightenment will follow. These foes are much stronger than others, and as such, your effort will be rewarded.

Okay, now that my little Simaris monologue is done, let me actually explain my idea.


On one of the devstreams for the early tests of the onslaught gamemode, we saw an ember specter as an enemy there. Why did they get scrapped? What happened to them? When the official update dropped, I was incredibly disappointed with the lack of enemy diversity. No, spawning enemies in a different tileset than normal doesn’t count. It’s boring and uninteresting.

The specters were nowhere to be seen. Not even a specter of a Khora Warframe. That would have been a great way of introducing her. 

Another thing, what about the enemies of events passed? What about the simulacrum? I have a massive gap in my grineer spawn menu because I wasn’t around during the time of whenever the Nightwatch troopers were around! And that REEEEEALLY pushes my buttons.

So here’s my suggestion: Expand the sanctuary enemy roster to include enemies of events passed. Maybe enemies from the index, the Juggernaut, the Nightwatch troops, and wait for it: THE SPECTERS OF THE RAIL. And tone down the nullifiers, will ya?


So, I have an idea of how to implement the specters. As you get further into the waves, specters start spawning, acting as mini bosses. By killing one, it drops a massive efficiency orb, boosting the meter by a solid 50%. Why 50%? Think to yourself, how quickly will the efficiency go down within 10 seconds in later waves? If you answered “Really fast” then you’re correct! Because it does. And holy crap, do people start panicking. You start to barely gain efficiency from killing, and abilities don’t do squat either. Only one orb starts spawning at that point, too. You can kinda guess how that goes...

Simaris demands more efficiency, but it’s simply not possible in a pub team, even on normal difficulty.


In short: Expand the enemy roster for those who were absent, add in specter mini bosses to provide the Tenno with an actual challenge, and improve efficiency management for pub players and just to make normal mode slightly more manageable.


Thank you all for your time!

Happy hunting!



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3 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

Haha, yeah. That's a bluff DE is going to call every time. 


And each time, just a few more people are going to leave. Until this low effort, players as QA design, drive off enough people that there's no one left to pay the bills.

The game already struggles to hold onto players. This...doesn't help.

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6 hours ago, Gandergear said:

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard

Are you sure you live in the same timeline with the rest of us?

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5 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:


And each time, just a few more people are going to leave. Until this low effort, players as QA design, drive off enough people that there's no one left to pay the bills.

The game already struggles to hold onto players. This...doesn't help.

Sure, it's not going to live forever. It'll die a whimpering death like most video games.

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Haven't crashed yet but then again can't get any C rotation rewards...always running out of efficiency before it (normal mode, solo) -_-

Hopefully drain gets adjusted at least a bit.

Doesn't matter what I use, usually fails at end of 7th or start of 8th zone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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So right now, there is a lot of negative and positive feedback about Sanctuary Snslaught. Bugs (which are understandable for a new release), some players not satisfied with rewards, etc.

Initially, when this new mode and the brief lore behind it was revealed, I gave my own personal 10/10 review on Twitter, and my view still stands as of today! The purpose of this post is to share my views on the potential direction of where Onslaught is headed, and hopefully give other players hope for it.


Sanctuary Onslaught is a Simulation Where Anything Can Happen

As we know, Sanctuary Onslaught is a simulation, and a simulation opens up possibilities for anything to happen. Think about the Simulacrum in Warframe for a moment for those who may not be already familiar with Onslaught. What can you do in the Simulacrum? You can summon any mix of enemies that you have already scanned, add match modifiers, and technically speaking, bend the world to your will. This is what got my mind racing the most as far as how far Digital Extremes plans to take this Sanctuary Onslaught mode. They could just get up and say screw it, let's just make more chaos and throw in some more crazy and random "beasts" the next week when the tiles reset. For example, What if we start to see enemies like the Acolytes, Stalker, the World bosses, and who knows what else in the Sanctuary? Take a brief moment to imagine those enemies with the crazy level scaling in the Sanctuary. Think it may never happen? Why not? It is a simulation after all so lore or other factors would not stop the possibility of this happening.


Weekly Updates?

According to the release notes on the forums for the Beasts of Sanctuary update, Digital Extremes claims that each week, "Simaris simulates a predetermined sequence of tilesets and Elite Specimens". See notes here:

Now I am not too sure if this happens when weekly hotfixes or updates are released, or if this was already built in to automatically change on it's own, but from what I understand from that statement, the Sanctuary will have new areas and enemies you fight weekly. If this is true, could this be that Sanctuary Onslaught will always feel new, fun and exciting to play? I have will wait to hear the thoughts of others on this one.

More/Endless Rewards Coming

Referencing back to the update notes above, it was said that more rewards are coming. I am not sure if the rewards for Sanctuary Onslaught are going to be added or switched up weekly, but more is always a good thing right? I imagine at some point the drop table will close. When that happens, players may or may not stop playing the mode all together. Can't tell you how many times I have seen players say they would no longer play the mode once they get their Khora. I personally feel bad when I see this because I would like to always be looking forward to something new for anything I do in Warframe. So will the rewards be new and exciting every week? Time will tell.


I have high hopes for the future of Sanctuary Onslaught due to the potential of weekly updates, more rewards, challenges, and the insanely large room for expansion due to this being a simulation. I really hope this post doesn't get merged with the Megathread on Sanctuary Onslaught feedback lol. #PrayForNoMerge

Let me hear what my fellow Tenno have to say in regards to the points above. Do you have hopes for the future of Onslaught?


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