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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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No Eximus units are spawning on wave one of Elite; just the Grineer workers, who are passive. They also spawn very infrequently in very low numbers. Very hard to keep up the efficiency counter without the actual hoard rush, and without Eximus units to float us by. Please consider removing the workers from the spawns unless you plan to spawn them in with regular Grineer units; this is just incredibly offsetting and overall very frustrating for a first wave. 

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About the mission:
It's alright. Maybe some " Wave Modifications" during waves can spice things up, like Tiny enemies or "Only one type of enemy" but it's alright. It's fun both in Solo Play and Group play.
About the Rewards (More the rates and...the system...): 
Honestly, the way that they are set right now reminds me of the old Void system with Survival\defense...and i hate it. AABC System and 5% drop rate is not fun, at all. If it was ABC, that would be a LOT better in my opinion.

Edited by xS0nico
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Short rant: I've been playing this game mode quite often, and all I can say is that all of my losses due to efficiency are because enemy spawns are way too low in lots of maps. It's never gotten so hard that I just cannot continue, THEY JUST WILL NOT SPAWN. I love the concept behind this game mode but I'd love to see it as a true endless mode, I cannot farm Khora because I keep having to quit due to spawns. I literally just did one where only Ancients spawned, every 10 seconds and like 5 of them. What is that? Why is that a thing? That literally makes that map impossible. I don't like getting angry and going on a rant because you guys do a great job in my opinion, but as an end game player I sort of expect some of these things to be ironed out before release on live servers.

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Love the Game mode But Critical issues Many Other and I are Facing, Making it Hard to Enjoy Let alone Play:

- Conduit Portal Openings Can Range from a few Seconds to A Minute or so, Rapidly Killing Efficiency When Enemies stop Spawning once the Message Pops up. I Believe the delay is Linked to the Overall Ping of The group, With Just myself or a Duo I've Experienced Lower Delay/non-existent Though While in full Groups more often than not The Delay is Long.
(Perhaps Stop the Efficiency Drain When the Conduit Opening message Pops up? Or continue to Spawn enemies )

- Enemy Zone Generation, In my Most Recent Match I've noticed a Few instances Where I get a Large Tileset and an Incompatible Enemy such as The Guardsmen or Prosecutor. Not Many of these Enemies Spawn at all Practically Creating that Zone to just be a Run Killer as You Cannot Kill enough of them with how Little spawn to Keep your Efficiency Afloat.

- Infinite Migration Loop, In Many Match's Recently I'm running into A Bug where When The Host Leaves or is booted after they fail to enter the conduit in time is where It pop- up the Host Migration in Progess Screen, Only to never Actually process and Resume the Match 9/10 Times, Resulting in me Flying my ship around until I Inevitably Close the Game Entirely and Re-boot. The Other 1/10 Times It Simply Kicks me back to my Orbiter.

Thank you For Taking the Time To Read this If you have, (Though with the Sea of Comments I doubt This will be) And Please Try to Fix These Issues Many of Us Tenno are Facing.

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I have only played the regular onslaught so far, so my feedback will only relate to that. Also, I'm not a veteran with everything under the sun, but I'm not exactly new either (over 700 hours played). Here is what I think:

The rewards are decent. Relics are always a nice reward because ultimately who doesn't need more prime stuff. Endo is also pretty cool, even if the chance of getting it is not really high and the amount kind of low.

The amount of focus is laughable. I was really hoping this mode might be a good alternative to the typical focus farming methods, which are pretty boring. But going 11 zones (over 20 mins) to get about 40K focus is simply ridiculous. Granted, I was playing without a booster and not fully optimized, but the spawn rate and location of the enemies are too random to make those 45 secs really count and the focus multiplier remains too low.

I lag horribly every time the portal is about to spawn. Rest of the mission is fine, but as soon as the portal spawns everything freezes.

The host leaving is a huge issue. You get trapped in a never ending host migration loop and you loose everything.

The randomness in spawn rate and location really affects the enjoyment of this mode, especially in higher zones when efficiency drops quickly. Failing simply because there are no enemies around to keep efficiency up really sucks.

All in all, I find the mode enjoyable - after all I really like exterminate missions and this is just more of that.


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I hope this tile I came across was some kind of joke a tiny infested corpus ship tile that only spawned like 6 grineer scrappers at any given time which caused me to fail on the next zone since i entered it that tiny tile with 100% and when I left i was on 15% I sincerely hope this gets changed since NO ONE can maintain a good killing amount on 6 enemies at a time if you're gonna only spawn such little enemies adjust how much they efficiency they give per kill.

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After this last hotfix I've noticed that in some cases only certain enemies will spawn like only ancients.. or only foreman and the spawn rate of them are almost none existent other than that everything seems to have calmed down bug wise keep up the good work guys


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To encourage going past zone 8 and to make the game mode more linearly rewarding, I suggest this:

Say, you get 300 endo from rotation A, that reward will not drop again the next rotation A. If you get say Khora Chassis after the endo, those two rewards will not occur again. Same applies for B and C. This method should encourage players to go past zone 8 for greater rewards/drop chances for rarer components and items. If you somehow manage to get all the rewards from rotation A, the cycle will reset for that rotation.

Another thing I could suggest but might be a bit intense server side:

Everytime you get a reward from the sanctuary onslaught, the profile data will update similar to how PoE auto-saves your rewards everytime you do a bounty.

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On 4/22/2018 at 10:25 PM, manimalia said:

It has to be a really great game, since you have to ask support for the rewards from new broken game content.

I don't think you comprehend all the resources and servers it requires to run an online video game for hundreds of thousands of players. They just put out a new game mode, and it is bound to have problems. They have already released 8 hotfixes lol give them a break my dude.

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Your commitment to fixing this mode is great and all but your not touching the one thing that means that I will never play this mode again once I have Khora:

The Reward table isn't just Terrible, it's awful.

The Relics are too common and better farmed elsewhere. Khora's parts are a one time thing (need them once and then never again). YET MORE INFURIATING ENDO, but now in such meagre ammounts that they may as well replace the endo icon with trollface. The Synthetic eidolon parts are so infrequent that I realy couldn't care about them. Captura scenes I am fine with, I mean I'll never see them, need them or remember them but in principle I think this is the right track.

Please rework this as otherwise this mode time in the limelight will be gone before you even finish bug fixing it.

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I have a suggestion for the new onslaught mode leaderboards system.

So far i think its a good addition for the game, but maybe it can be a little bit more interesting if the leaderboards tweaked.

Why not make a specific warframe rank. In the current leaderboard system, people are forced to use the meta warframes like equinox, nuke trinity, etc. to be on top.

This mode is supposed to be challenging, still it can be cheesed with such frames. im one of those people who dont enjoy that kind of "challenge".

With a specific warframe rank on the leaderboard (example: Top 10 Excalibur player). Competitive players will have more room to compete, people will start using non-meta frames, and we can see how far a certain warframe can go. this can be a new benchmark for the warframe performance. 

Currently, people playing the mode mostly to farm Khora, and the Lato/Braton Vandal. This leaderboards will give them another reason for them to play after they done farming those.

Thank you

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11 hours ago, Gandergear said:

Elite Onslaught zone 1 the newly added worker bees don't actively try to fight, leading to very low starting efficiency since they also don't really spawn very often.

Something like that showed up in wave 9 or 10 Normal.  Large open hangar like area with a shuttle in the center.  Most of the mobs were the passive workers that spawned in 2-3 man groups.  Needless to say our efficiency collapsed.

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I played it yesterday (normal)  but after 7th wave , the game crush and I got disconnected then all rewards , xp (all of it) all gone , like I never play it ... I hope they gonna fix it.. but thanks anyway, it was a great game mode if not the best ... enemies re spawn immediately after you kill them , its satisfying to kill a lot of enemies in one burst then kill the new one then kill second one .... haha it feels good , over all its a great experience , 

Btw Forget my english ,,  (///_^)v

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This isn't exactly a big thing (I think -- I'm not sure) since it's just from the easy mode but there are waves where you're invulnerable and lasts until finishing the zone's allotted time. Instances of the invulnerability status seems to be occurring in multiples of three as well.


Edit 1: Would have wanted to playtest the invul status for the 12th zone if it still holds true for it, but I hit a bit of a snag at the 10th zone about the enemy spawning only 2-3 Ancients at a time until I ran out of efficiency

Edit 2: So I did another run to playtest if it was just a one-time thing. So apparently it isn't. The invul status seems to be random. And the multiples of three instances before the invul status occurring didn't happen until at zone 9 and again at zone 12. Managed to reach the 15th wave and the invul thing didn't happen. I just didn't kill enemies fast enough coz scrub here lmao.


Edited by Lyndylyn
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I have been enjoying the game mode for the most part so far, but getting a single enemy type spawn can kill a run artificially. It's more frustrating than excavation missions where power carriers don't spawn for minutes. Getting a wave in onslaught that's only infested ancients or grineer workers feels artificially difficult, like the game is cheating you out of the mission. You can't have efficiency if there are no enemies to kill. 

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2 hours ago, Riot_Inducer said:

I have been enjoying the game mode for the most part so far, but getting a single enemy type spawn can kill a run artificially. It's more frustrating than excavation missions where power carriers don't spawn for minutes. Getting a wave in onslaught that's only infested ancients or grineer workers feels artificially difficult, like the game is cheating you out of the mission. You can't have efficiency if there are no enemies to kill. 

This^^ ive had my last three runs nearly killed because of waves where its just a trickle of grineer workers. This has to be a bug right? how does it make sense to get a wave where nearly 1k enemies spawn and die only to have it followed by a wave where barely 100 spawn? If this is deliberate then well what the F*** why has something like that been put in? Why are the devs trying to deliberately sabotage a run before I even get through the whole loot table.

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It appears that if the portal times out to end the Onslaught at the same time that efficiency runs out, the game attempts to load the results screen twice.  One results screen can be exited, but the other remains stuck on the screen, and the only way out of it is to force-quit the game.  Is there really no contingency in place for this situation?  It seems like an obvious thing to anticipate.

Also, who thought it was in any way a good idea to add all-shipyard-worker and all-ancient zones?  I've had multiple runs fail outright because these zones literally do no spawn enough enemies to keep the efficiency up.  Did they even test that particular addition before shipping it?

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49 minutes ago, Tekka_Croe said:

It appears that if the portal times out to end the Onslaught at the same time that efficiency runs out, the game attempts to load the results screen twice.  One results screen can be exited, but the other remains stuck on the screen, and the only way out of it is to force-quit the game.  Is there really no contingency in place for this situation?  It seems like an obvious thing to anticipate.

Also, who thought it was in any way a good idea to add all-shipyard-worker and all-ancient zones?  I've had multiple runs fail outright because these zones literally do no spawn enough enemies to keep the efficiency up.  Did they even test that particular addition before shipping it?

What's playtesting?

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