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[Update 22.20.0] GPU Particles Feedback MEGATHREAD - Share Videos Where Possible!


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Rhino is definately a lot more entertaining with the new particle effects. However, on other warframes particle effects seem to just be lacking in general. Loki's radial disarm used to have some pretty cool effects when PhysX was in it's full version and several others used to look pretty awesome.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but Ludicrous doesn't really seem that 'Ludicrous' to me. I was half-hoping for similar density to the original PhysX trailer. A 'Ridiculous' setting would be great for those with high end GPUs. 300% Density would look pretty awesome if more of the new particles were implemented for Warframes.

And I have to agree that the particle lifetime seems to be a bit on the short side. Maybe add in a slider to adjust the length on a per client basis?



Edited by -Sora-
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il y a 3 minutes, NightmareT12 a dit :

The ones for Volt are missing because they need to re add them, but stuff like channeling or some casts like Banshee's 1 or all of EMber's abilities have it implemented 🙂

Doesn't work when i reroll a riven too but yes i managed to witness ludicrous particles on Banshee's 1 and Ember and i will put the emphazis on "MANAGED" because damn they are more ridiculous than ludicrous compared to physX.

Still thanks for letting me know about Volt ^ 

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6 minutes ago, -Sora- said:

Rhino is definately a lot more entertaining with the new particle effects. However, on other warframes particle effects seem to just be lacking in general. Loki's radial disarm used to have some pretty cool effects when PhysX was in it's full version and several others used to look pretty awesome. 

Maybe I'm just missing something, but Ludicrous doesn't really seem that 'Ludicrous' to me. I was half-hoping for similar density to the original PhysX trailer. A 'Ridiculous' setting would be great for those with high end GPUs. 300% Density would look pretty awesome if more of the new particles were implemented for Warframes. 

And I have to agree that the particle lifetime seems to be a bit on the short side. Maybe add in a slider to adjust the length on a per client basis?

That would be an interesting way to solve potential issues indeed, I wonder if it's possible. If not I think most of the time they need to last 2-3 more seconds.

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Yeah lifetime is definitely disappointing, I am playing around in Captura trying to get a feel for some of the new effects, yet half the time I feel like I can't even obtain a proper screenshot since half of the glitter disappears, or there are barely present any apart from the initial casting.

The system itself does look great in action. But at times it seems completely underwhelming for being 'Ludicrous.' Apart from a few select warframes, most of the effects appear to either be implemented in an extremely limited fashion in terms of density and lifetime.


Here are some screenshots.

Rhino's 4 looks absolutely awesome.




Nekros' 2 is barely even touched.



Nezha's look arbitrarily long for some reason, rather than being dense.



Nidus's 4 barely has anything.



Loki's 4 is rather underwhelming, there are few particles after the initial cast, and the particles around his hands are too grouped.



Gara's 1 has no dynamics other than being shoved outwards



Hydroid's 1 and 2 are beautiful, albeit short on lifetime, You can't admire the aftermath of anything going off, especially in Tidal Surge's case.



Hydroid's 4 seems pretty underwhelming in comparison. And has the same issue with long particles rather than using several dense particles.



Nekro's 4 appears to be using very few of the new particles.



Only octavia's mallet (1) has particle effects, everything else has nothing. Why can't her 4 be more like Rhino's?



Excalibur's 1 and 2 look great, His 4 only has the initial draw, no lingering effects from his sword are present.




Rhino's 1 barely has anything happening, Hydroid's 2 does. Both abilities are functionally the same, why does rhino have less?




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The new particles are downgrade 
quick comparisons: 

Pox with Nvidia Apex particles: 

Pox with the new and "better"particles made for consoles: 

Sadly i dont have video of everything that had physx, braking containers now breaks my hearth as well as the particles are completely removed.
The new particles are lacking ages behind, give them more time to be present, increase their overall quality, increase their collision detection or at least give us option to do so.
There is 0 interaction between the particles themselves and they disappear in less then a second WHAT THE @@@@ ? 

I am very very disappointed.

Edited by Fugana
To say that i am very disappointed
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Apart from other stuff others have posted, what I really found disturbing in the new system (running with everything on high and Ludicrous particles) is:

1) Warframes seem to tremble in arsenal screen (tried with lower settings too). 

2) Shadows and particles (lightning etc) of decorations visible below the ground they are on, in Dojo.

3) Contrast and light have been tweaked in a weird way in Dojo specifically, looked like someone raised contrast to 70 instead of 50 (In old contrast value). Tried changing my graphics settings, no change.

I really tried to upload my screenshots but after half an hour of searching how to, I gave up.

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As Steve said, that now they have control of the code of the GPU Particles, they promised to keep updating that system through the year, the only thing that we can keep doing is keep giving our feedback and pray to have the same same quality of the old Physx back in this new system.

I really apreciate the tremendous effort that they did for all the plataforms, but at the end of the day, a lot of the powers with this new system, looks like fireworks instead what they looked like before this update with the previous system (Flow particles) or the original Physx trailer, and yes, i agree with some players opinions, that this was in certain way a "downgrade" because, c´mon this was the desintegration effect with the original Physx: d0UGMKg.gif

and this the Ludicrous setting of the new particles: F9bVNd1.jpg it looks like if they were on Low.

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I was a bit underwhelmed by the Ludicrous setting. I was expecting the over-the-top, face-melting level of particles that the game had back in its earliest stages. So many particles that the setting wouldn't be recommended for serious gameplay.
What we got instead was... a decently large number of particles. Our Ludicrous setting looks like it could be "High" at most.


But yeah, piggybacking on this:

22 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

I just wanted to post that Volt used to have lots of PhysX particles before the change on his idles (he made them appear with the lighting and afterwards kind of make them float before they fell to the ground), but he doesn't anymore. Hopefully you guys can add it to him 🙂


My pupils no longer contract when my frames do their Volt idles. This is an absolute travesty and must be fixed ASAP.

Edited by SortaRandom
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8 hours ago, LightningsVengance said:

Can someone tell me where in my settings are GPU particles? I can't seem to find them...

Go to to option - display settings and there should be.
Tho High and Ludicrous are the max settings, and its very disappointing.

Edited by Fugana
Giving a screenshot
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On 2018-05-18 at 1:12 AM, NightmareT12 said:

I just wanted to post that Volt used to have lots of PhysX particles before the change on his idles (he made them appear with the lighting and afterwards kind of make them float before they fell to the ground), but he doesn't anymore. Hopefully you guys can add it to him 🙂



This! It was the first thing I wanted to check as to how it turned out and I was disappointed to see that it was not yet hooked up. 

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They don't look very good.


Also, I was hoping that with this update they'd finally fix energy color for a couple of things, namely:

Zarr. Energy color has no effect on canonballs or explosions

Ogris: Energy color has no effect on rocket's smoke trail, or explosion

Seer: Energy color has no effect on explosion of projectile

Javlock: Energy color has no effect on fireball's projectile, or the explosion of the thrown spear

Penta's Tether Grenades: Energy color has no effect on projectile color or the explosion's color


It's worth nothing that all of these are possible currently, as shown by the:

-Cornith's alt fire

-The Torrid

-The Penta without the Tether Grenades mod.


Please fix this

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb mirx:

As Steve said, that now they have control of the code of the GPU Particles, they promised to keep updating that system through the year, the only thing that we can keep doing is keep giving our feedback and pray to have the same same quality of the old Physx back in this new system.

I really apreciate the tremendous effort that they did for all the plataforms, but at the end of the day, a lot of the powers with this new system, looks like fireworks instead what they looked like before this update with the previous system (Flow particles) or the original Physx trailer, and yes, i agree with some players opinions, that this was in certain way a "downgrade" because, c´mon this was the desintegration effect with the original Physx: d0UGMKg.gif

and this the Ludicrous setting of the new particles: F9bVNd1.jpg it looks like if they were on Low.

same opinion..  i thought this *wow feeling* would be back now .. but no, it isnt (sorry)

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I'm just disappointed by the fact that almost all the effects look like a bunch of beads bouncing around. Of which have lower interaction with objects around them than the previous particles, and don't stay around for long enough to even be able to do so. Using Rhino's stomp just looks lackluster. They could've attached particles of differing sizes in a more wave like pattern, or added in some kind of booming shockwave that would throw the particles, then have them hover as a dome in the AoE.

but no...

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Saryn's Toxic lash particles are insanely ugly
Not only the particles themselves but its not even a constant flow, it shouldn't be a bursts of few particles it should be a constant flow of particles
All in all the new particle system is insane downgrade and colossal disappointment. I dont see a real REAL reason why you removed our beloved Physx Apex particles effects, i check'd  Nvidia page and there is nothing that says "yo we all know how you love our particles but sadly for you we are stopping the support and they will be no more in video games" all i saw is Nvidia FURTHER trying to improve upon their Apex particles, Vortex Particles, Cloth Physx, Flex system and all of that by making it part of Gameworks.


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The main issue is that it appears that only certain particle systems involve the new dynamics that were implemented. It looks like most of the new system involves a mixture of the old flow particles with a touch of new generators dependent on what abilities are used. Sayrn's ability set implements a lot of particle collision upon the environment AND IT LOOKS GREAT. Nidus on the other hand has no dynamics occurring at all (as far as I can see.) 

That is the key factor that made PhysX so appealing to those who used it. It made the game world appear much more interactive, not necessarily realistic, but it conveyed a real sense of power to each ability. Hardware has gotten much more powerful in the past few years alone which was the primary reason that a majority of PhysX particles were disabled since disappearing bodies caused crashes and frame drops.

I'm sure many expected similar dynamics, myself included and that is the primary reason behind the disappointment. It appears that a majority of Warframes still use the flow system hence the lack of dynamics. Certainly, implementing them on a per warframe basis is extremely taxing towards whomever does particle work. But the system itself is still in a beta stage from the looks of it which is not a bad thing at all. I'm completely impressed [DE] returned to this as PhysX was completely swept under the rug apart from the time Valkyr and Banshee had Apex Particles re-added to certain abilities and sincerely hope it does not got shoved under the rug, again. The new system has a lot of hidden potential simply waiting to be unlocked.

I would suggest that people also stop jumping on [DE] with such hyperbolic language. I digress that certain aspects of the system are unfavorable in it's current state. Some adjustments are required, so here is a quick bullet list of the primary concerns that seem to be prevalent.

  • Dynamics are severely lacking on a majority of Warframe abilities. (Collision with the environment is lacking on too many warframes to count. Vauban's vortex is a missed opportunity)



  • Projectile-based abilities and weapon based abilities lack particles on the created object (Gara's 1, Nidus' 2 and 1, Hydroid's 4, and probably many more)


  • Phase out the cheap billboard effects on most abilities and replace them with the new particles. Unless it indicates range, there is no reason to have them and it hides the new particle systems. 



  • Delayed cast abilities (Loki's 4) do not have any particle effects on the actual cast compared to the ramp up.



  • Particle Lifetime is severely short. Look at the PhysX trailer for a reference here. Most abilities have a strong lingering effect on the environment.



  • Density varies way too much between abilities, standardize it according to the GPU Particles options (Ludicrous should be LUDICROUS!)



  • SLIDERS ARE NOT OVERRATED. More customization does not hurt anyone, especially in terms of graphic capabilities. From my limited experience with particle systems (blender mostly) you can adjust the number of particles created per system. If it's on a multiplier basis, implementing the logic here would not be necessarily difficult. There is no negative to letting us push our systems to the absolute limit here.

And to top it off, here is a quick mock-up of a slider option. This allows individuals who do not like excessive screen coverage to adjust it as needed.



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Might be related to the new particles, but Warframe is refusing to use all of my card after this update, consistently seeing 60-80% usage at 90-100 fps when my monitor/settings go to 144hz (already enabled all max power options/disabled power saving). GTX 1070 SC.

Then again, power delivery in my current location is spotty, so it may be that instead. Never really saw these usage issues with PhysX, though.

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