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tower white pigment drops


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47 minutes ago, Klokwerkaos said:


Having plenty of plat, I debated purchasing boosters - but after trying without, and realizing just how crappy the drop rate is for an enemy that doesn't spawn, and how many are required, I refuse to reward DE for such poor behavior.  I'm also done farming it - not completed, but I'm not wasting any more time farming it.


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53 minutes ago, Klokwerkaos said:

Currently least fun time I have had in warframe with all content completed (newest prime stuff building though) is white tower pigment farm and that includes having to have done 46 runs for regular hydroid when I already had the primed version.

How to do this crap farm of TOWER WHITE PIGMENT for players that are frustrated beyond belief:

Step 1) equip equinox maim max range and efficiency build with both drop boosters running, arcane energize, be solo unless you have others in your guild with the same build as this and boosters as well.  If you can do that you can split up areas on the map a little bit with them.

Step 2) run in circles around the pond all day with maim on, you can be on a dargyn, but you might miss some spawns if you don't fly close enough to the ground and it's about equally as much trouble as it's worth to ride it.  You also can't see your energy so you might run out and not realise it if you don't jump off to grab energy every chance you get which is why it's hardly worth bothering with, not to mention you'll attract more dargyns.

Step 2A) try not to fall asleep, try not to do this during ghouls like I am because it sucks even more.

Step 3) collect 200-300 pigment for the full day cycle on the plains, repeat as many times as you need until full for your clan size (yes, I know, this is insanely frustrating if you have anything above a ghost clan, I seriously feel bad for anyone soloing it for a moon clan, seriously, that's some masochism)

FYI you can use the same method for all but the voms for plains drops (for voms you should probably just farm terry or hydro).  Do yourself a favor and grab some extra irradite and gems while making the rounds, gems will be more common with your boosters on.

Official Feedback:  This seriously sucks DE.  This is Korean MMO level farming.

I don't mind so much farming for hours for something like a warframe or cool new weapon or whatnot... but this is a freaking basic color palette color, not even the whole palatte, just one color... white of all things, the most bland color by definition.

It's not fun.  It's not interactive.  It's a chore that takes hours (IF AND ONLY IF YOU USE PAID FOR BOOSTERS) for a payoff that is super lame, and woe to those that didn't use the method I did above, and worse even still if they are mid level players that don't have ready access to all of that stuff, they will never get this color because I guess they don't deserve to use the color white in their dojo?  I honestly don't know what the logic here is, but if I had to guess it would be "NONE" or "something incredibly stupid and backwards".  If this is your design intent, you nailed it.  If not, maybe listen to the six pages of people griping.  I'm not really for trying to make the game easier as noted by my post history, but this is super dumb.

I can however confirm something interesting that seems contrary to popular opinion:

At one point I was riding a dargyn with maim on.  A condroc flew off because of another dude nearby spooking it, however, my maim killed it in the air and it dropped a white pigment.  This seems to indicate it "might" be possible under some kind of circumstance to get them to drop pigment after take off.  I don't have a video or screenshot, just my word.  I was actually a little shocked when I saw it fall from him in the sky.


Can feel you there, it does feel like Grind has increased without a corresponding increase in rewards or quality and that is highlighted with stuff like this; which is apparently working as intended; still don't have all these pigments!

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@[DE]Drew this thread is still getting replies 5 weeks after it was posted, and the replies are all very similar.

1) the drop rate is way too low and

2) GOD WHY do those flying conrocs not drop the pigments? Didnt you say you would look into it? it was disappointing, watching those hotfixes come and not seeing anything about the bug.

Note: Ive finished the farm by now but im still protesting to get this sh*t fixed so that future tennos won't have to go through this torturous experience.


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6 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:

@[DE]Drew this thread is still getting replies 5 weeks after it was posted, and the replies are all very similar.

1) the drop rate is way too low and

2) GOD WHY do those flying conrocs not drop the pigments? Didnt you say you would look into it? it was disappointing, watching those hotfixes come and not seeing anything about the bug.

Note: Ive finished the farm by now but im still protesting to get this sh*t fixed so that future tennos won't have to go through this torturous experience.


But they do drop the pigment. After a crazy amount of grinding for the stupid pigment, I’ve noticed that the flying ones dropped the most for us vs the ones randomly spawning.

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So after recently finishing tower white and shard black here is some info. It took me around 2-3h for both (as ghost clan). I used both resource boosters and i must say if you want to finish this grind in adequate time, (that doesn't mean fast) boosts are a must.

If you looking to farm them here are some pointers:

For shard black its pretty much straight forward. You join a eidolon hunting group during the night and kill/capture it. With boost you will get around +/- 80 or even more, so that's pretty easy.  

You will spend most of your time on tower white.Equip a Equinox with a lot of range, efficiency, sprint speed and movement speed. Carrier with vacuume and looter. What you want to do is start from either side of the map, stick close to the edge where the map ends, and run towards the two mountains. For me on top/behind the mountains were a few good packs of Condroc. Don't be shy to tighten the circle with each lap. For drops i normally got like 20 pigments from a pack, sometimes i got 40 and one time i got 70 from one pack. You can also try to reset the map after you finish a lap. That might help. With time you will get used to it and you will know were to look. And don't bother with the flying Condrocs.

I can see why they made it difficult to get, its an awesome color. Overall its not that gut wrenching like everyone makes it up to be. If you can spend 5 hours in chat or farming any other resource, you can spend a few hours for this pigment and not complain about it. Not every aspect of the game has to be second dream level of entertainment.

Edited by Skial
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Took my clan another week to find another 10 pigment. After a month+ we're ALMOST at 10%. We have 240, need 3000.
I put the notice out that we're decreasing the clan tier to try to solve this.

Guys, I -love- Warframe. It's my favourite game. I'm a Sage and I literally have nothing to do but wander around for LITERAL MONTHS looking for birds to steal paint from so I can paint my pretend house.
I hate this. And I have 2 other colours that might be worse afterwards. Please just let me give you plat for pigment. This is boring, painful, and not why I went to ninja school. I keep trying to remodel my dojo (something that I really enjoy doing) but I can't. The whole clan is sitting around with a half-finished dojo while we wait for birdpaint.

Also, if anyone who is in this thread that is talking about how the grind wasn't hard or wasn't so bad, or bragging about how they did it in an hour - I will pay you plat to join my clan and do this for us.

Halp. I just want a nice pretend house.

(Credit where credit is due, Onslaught was buggy as all hell for me as I mentioned previously in the thread, but it now seems to be working great - so, thanks for that!)


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10 hours ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

But they do drop the pigment. After a crazy amount of grinding for the stupid pigment, I’ve noticed that the flying ones dropped the most for us vs the ones randomly spawning.

talking about the fixed spawn condrocs...

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3 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:

talking about the fixed spawn condrocs...

Fixed spawn as in the ones already out on the plains; the beaches and the one near the sentient bones?

 Because those ones do drop pigment. As I said before, I’ve received pigment from fixed spawns and non fixed spawns.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

Maybe, or the spawn rate is so low it wasn’t dropping for you. Just saying that they do drop from them though so that’s not the issue.

a hundreds kills, both boosters equipped with no drops sounds more like it doesnt drop at all. and have u seen the number of people agreeing on this post?

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On 2018-06-07 at 12:14 PM, Ragingwasabi said:

@[DE]Drew i think i found more proof that it is in fact the spawn type and not the flight status of the condrocs that affects their loot drops. this is another post by some one else earlier this year talking about the condrocs with predetermined spawns not working for the riven challenges.

so pigments dont drop, and they dont count towards rivens either... this really needs to be fixed. 


And here is a very possible reason its bugged

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10 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:


a hundreds kills, both boosters equipped with no drops sounds more like it doesnt drop at all. and have u seen the number of people agreeing on this post?

Uh yeah?

 I had issues too. Over 12 hours non stop with both boosters before we finished it. 

 I’m just saying that the whole “fixed spawn point Condracs don’t drop pigment” statement is false. That’s where I got my first one lmao.

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Maybe this was said here before, idk, but:
I finished farming those condroc pigments, while noticing the CRAZY amount of Dargyns in the map. So I figured, why not start the next farm with the pilots, maybe they are less of a grind. Little did I know, the spawn rates are somehow reverted! Condrocs everywhere, now Dargyns are rare, but at least there's no one shooting at them.
If this is intentional, it's a d!ck move by DE.
More of, I took a friend with me in poe and started farming together. I have booster, he doesn't. If he kills them, only one of us gets 5 pigment. If I kill them, only one of us gets 10 pigment. The other one gets nothing.
And my clan needs 1500 of them, yay.
Amounts required are fubar, spawns are fubar, drop rates are fubar.
But at least the DE staff is happy. Working as intended.

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2 hours ago, Noobstein said:

Maybe this was said here before, idk, but:
I finished farming those condroc pigments, while noticing the CRAZY amount of Dargyns in the map. So I figured, why not start the next farm with the pilots, maybe they are less of a grind. Little did I know, the spawn rates are somehow reverted! Condrocs everywhere, now Dargyns are rare, but at least there's no one shooting at them.
If this is intentional, it's a d!ck move by DE.
More of, I took a friend with me in poe and started farming together. I have booster, he doesn't. If he kills them, only one of us gets 5 pigment. If I kill them, only one of us gets 10 pigment. The other one gets nothing.
And my clan needs 1500 of them, yay.
Amounts required are fubar, spawns are fubar, drop rates are fubar.
But at least the DE staff is happy. Working as intended.

We’ve noticed this too!

 One we moved on to Dargyns (after that crappy Condrac pigment stuff), they were nowhere to be found. If lucky we found maybe four in a half hour. 

 On the flip side, there were Condracs EVERYWHERE. I’m starting to wonder if it was indeed intentional.

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  • 2 weeks later...


on XB at least these drop rates are still (post sacrifice update) laughable.

runs prior to update: an average of 35 condrocs per run, no doublers.

  • Run 1 30 Min: 15 pigments
  • Run 2 30 Min : 0 pigments
  • Run 3 30 Min: 10 pigments
  • Run 4 30 Min: 0 pigments

Runs POST update (WITH drop chance booster from login reward)

  • run 1 45 Minutes: 30 pigments (forgot to check how many condrocs killed)
  • run 2 45 minutes: 20 pigments 46 condrocs

3.5 hours of running in brainless circles from spawn point to spawn point: 75 pigments.  Where is the the middle finger emoji?

And yet per @[DE]Drew

Everything is working as intended, it seems. But I've given a slight bump to the Condroc dump. So they shouldn't be as rare for those of you still hunting. 


Suffice it to say they are still rare. 

Lets put thing in perspective:

  • For mortus pink, shadow clan we need 15.  That took about 20 minutes of farming. probably too light so ...
  • Shard black - 250 needed.  that took 4 casual "tridolon" hunts - two night sessions with two clan members so about 2 hours of playtime.
  • now condroc white: 900 needed clan time spent to date specifically farming this - 10 hours. total collected 100.


Kuaka color which spawn at roughly  2x the rate of condrocs - (probably higher - I've never had less than twice as many kuaka parts as condroc parts on a run) only need 15 but conrocs 900? 60 times as much for something that spawns half as often.

So if by "working as intended" you mean to annoy, bore, frustrate, and infuriate console players job then well done. 



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I agree, know your pain : 4 h of intensive condrocs farm yesterday, even my clanmates makes specifics builds for this nightmare, it's crazy. 1st run : 15 pigments, 2nd run : 0, 3rd run : 5. And one time I also got only ONE pigment from a condroc, despite 5 is the minimum. Just, what the #*!% ? For a such essential color and a creature harder to find than kuakas, it's ... A pure non sense to me. Maybe, just invert the required pigments of kuaka and condrocs, makes more sense. And I don't understand why flying condrocs don't drop pigments, because they are not eating bones so we can't loot the pigment who's the bone powder ? Just end your pain please DE, please :w:

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Il y a 1 heure, Thicondrius a dit :

DE are stupid, 3000 pigments for a storm clan! 11 days of farm with double boost (15/20 ppl)

Not stupid but I think they just don't realize how painful it is for us. I respect all of their work, it's freakin hard work but some things like this need real attention. It's not fun and I think it's not hard to fix and to test. So I hope they'll do something to deliver your souls x')

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In a solo ghost clan and can't afford a long lasting booster. Been farming for weeks and just reached 100/300. This amount of grinding for a basic dojo color palette is horrendous and needs to be changed ASAP. I am very busy most days and I don't want to have to sacrifice what little time I have just to make my dojo white. I love you DE, but I really hate how blind and stubborn you guys are to things like this.

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Managed to farm 30 of them today somehow, and have finally made it to 100/300. I hope whomever set this drop-rate (probably [DE]Sheldon) has their #*!%ing nuts rot off and passes kidney stones repeatedly for the rest of a long miserable life.

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