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Getting chat suspended


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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:
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Except this has nothing to do with the problem faced by the OP. The problem that video is addressing is, oddly enough, being remedied by DE in that loadouts won't have names censored based on a banned word showing up in the middle of another word.

You can't get banned by saying merely traps. People are not banned for referring to Arc Traps. People aren't banned for getting trapped in a corner by Shield Lancers. People aren't getting banned for playing a trap card in their duel against Seto Kaiba. R. Kelly isn't banned from the game for making Trapped in a Closet.

Bots have no context, no ability to detect jokes or intent. They find something searched for and then do actions upon finding it.


Was not aware DE was looking into the loadout names issue. A nice start. 

However, the other problems still stand:

1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

this has nothing to do with the problem faced by the OP.

It does. OP specifies that...

10 hours ago, Spaloon said:

being suspended for saying "trap, pelvis or crotch"? That is ridiculous.

I don't know about "Pelvis/crotch" but I have seen plenty of chat mods go off on anyone mentioning the word "Trap" in any context (if the bot itself hasn't done it's "Job" (very loosely) already). Though this mainly occurs in region chat, it's quite asinine to even see the word itself in any form of discussion be denied and invoke fear into people to use it. This just makes people want to find ways to get around it and find more "clever" approaches, and then more and more of us wonder why anyone would ever go through so much effort.


1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

The biggest thing about Mature people playing a Mature game with other Mature people is they exercise their Maturity by recognizing when and where to use language.

It is. However, Warframe is 18+ why it has censoring of any form when its gameplay and style goes beyond anything we could say to one another in any insult is beyond hilarious. 

1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

Bots have no context, no ability to detect jokes or intent. They find something searched for and then do actions upon finding it.

Which is one (if not the biggest) issue here hinted at by OP. Bots in this situation are utter garbage. I'd rather have an SJW Mod regulating the chat than a bot that will suspend you from every single chat in Warframe for 1 - 2+ weeks for dropping an F Bomb.

1 hour ago, JDxBarracka said:

You agreed on that you won;t use that language  and now you are asking why ppl getting banned for using said language

You're missing the point...


Pretty sure if I, you or anyone else went on with this sort of puns/jokes in region chat (or parts of these forums even) - we would be banned faster than a max speed Volt could finish a level 1 capture mission


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23 minutes ago, CrunchyCloud said:

Yeah. DE is a bit pissy about the whole "trap" thing, apparently it's an insult even though it's used by everybody.

I think it's actually really stupid, memes should not dictate speech.

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8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

Point 1) We seriously are reaching levels of Club Penguin censorship in this game and frankly its bull. It's not just the "chat filter" either, this little system of DE's extends so far as to our own loadouts that are exclusive only for us Tenno to see...yet certain words are banned there too?

No it doesn't. That was not intentional and has been removed. You can call your loadouts whatever you want (at least if you are on PC).

8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

No, please, tell me - why does a game where you literally turn hundreds of thousands of enemies into minced meat with blood and giblets everywhere need a f***ing profanity filter? Have you seen how vile, traumatic and dark this game can become?

You can turn the profanity filter off if you don't want it. I have. Same as you can turn the gore off.

8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

Point 2) folks often come onto forums after saying "F u" or pissing off the CodexBot and get banned for 1 - 2 weeks Globally (Main chat, trade chat, recruit, clan, friend PM's....really? this punishment is "working as intended"?)

Yes. It's bannable by DE rules to say "F u". So when you get banned that is "working as intended" indeed. Just because you or I don't like the punishment, doesn't mean it is not as intended. I don't like getting a speed ticket, but if I get one for driving too fast, it is still as "intended" no matter how much I personally dislike it.

8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

There's a chat filter. Why ban people for saying filtered words that you can choose not to see? In a game rated "M for Mature" no less

Because the developers don't want those words in their chat. It's as simple as that. It is the only reason needed. Since it is THEIR chat and they can ban you for whatever they want to. 

8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

So, the system will allow things like that where other players can see it (it's still on the leaderboards for the old events) yet things like "trap" or "cursing at the bot" don't go? (Don't fall back and say "No one uses 'trap' any other way than in vulgar context - there are literal "Arc Traps" in the game I've commonly seen brought up and people are banned/suspended for even using the word).

You can say trap just fine. I just wrote "arc trap" in chat, and guess what, I was not banned. If someone claims they are banned for just using the word, then they are lying to you.

8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

Final Point / Suggestion)  Let people say whatever they want. Turn profanity filter on by default. Not ban people for using bad words. Bad words appear as “*” in chat for those that have the fiter on (Wow that was hard wasn't it?)


This auto-detection filter system is complete rubbish and the laziest I've ever seen in any online game in over 10+ years.

Nah, it's fine. You act like it's impossible to avoid getting banned from the chat. It's not.

It's not like not getting banned is hard. If tens of thousands of players manage to not get banned every single day without even trying, then you probably can as well.

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7 hours ago, peterc3 said:

The biggest thing about Mature people playing a Mature game with other Mature people is they exercise their Maturity by recognizing when and where to use language.

I just want everyone to read this, and maybe have it as a scrolling banner at the top of Chat at all times.

Yeah it's rated M.  So don't act like a twelve-year-old who just discovered a new naughty word.  Region Chat is, metaphorically, DE's living room that they invited you into.  They have rules that they expect you to follow, but it is their private, not public, space and they have the power to enforce their rules and make you leave.  Being Mature means knowing that there is a time and place for different subjects and tones.

There is zero reason to talk about your sexuality in region chat, so those "I said I was gay and got banned!" posts are dumb, and while the AGGP situation is unfortunate, there's still no reason to use his full title, as the acronym is enough of an identifier.  "Trap" is an insulting slur because, for a start, its usage implies that all slightly-unmasculine males are inherently deceitful and malicious, and hey what do you know you AREN'T banned for saying it unless you use it in an insulting way or make an incredibly-specific-to-the-point-of-never-appearing-naturally statement.

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1 hour ago, Vox_Preliator said:

I just want everyone to read this, and maybe have it as a scrolling banner at the top of Chat at all times.

Yeah it's rated M.  So don't act like a twelve-year-old who just discovered a new naughty word.  Region Chat is, metaphorically, DE's living room that they invited you into.  They have rules that they expect you to follow, but it is their private, not public, space and they have the power to enforce their rules and make you leave.  Being Mature means knowing that there is a time and place for different subjects and tones.

There is zero reason to talk about your sexuality in region chat, so those "I said I was gay and got banned!" posts are dumb, and while the AGGP situation is unfortunate, there's still no reason to use his full title, as the acronym is enough of an identifier.  "Trap" is an insulting slur because, for a start, its usage implies that all slightly-unmasculine males are inherently deceitful and malicious, and hey what do you know you AREN'T banned for saying it unless you use it in an insulting way or make an incredibly-specific-to-the-point-of-never-appearing-naturally statement.

But what if someone is gay and wants to announce it?

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24 minutes ago, Soki01 said:

ye gods somone was trying to have some banter!? ban them

You can banter on here. Not in game. You should know why this is by now if you just think about it. Or have any iota of political awareness. 

But you do not. 

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38 minutes ago, Spaloon said:

But what if someone is gay and wants to announce it?

Like was stated above, there is no reason to announce or discuss your sexuality in Region chat. It serves no purpose, gives no benefit outside of saying to the world "Look at me, I want to be noticed!"

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4 hours ago, rune_me said:

Yes. It's bannable by DE rules to say "F u". So when you get banned that is "working as intended" indeed. Just because you or I don't like the punishment, doesn't mean it is not as intended. I don't like getting a speed ticket, but if I get one for driving too fast, it is still as "intended" no matter how much I personally dislike it.


DE's Half-Ass Bot - Will ban under any circumstance no matter how extreme, no matter the context, no matter the manner nor discussion tone. You can and will be chat suspended for 1 - 2+ weeks indefinitely and are restricted from chats globally in every region in WF and cannot talk to friends, squadmates, you are restricted from trading, from recruiting, from asking for invites, from attempting to get invited or take any part socially in Warframe (and being social in WF is critical for success in it if you want to cover all grounds in different chats).

A Speeding Ticket - Assuming all debt is paid off immediately. This only affects your driving record and will not suspend your license, car insurance rates may rise slightly, but you are not suspended indefinitely in all forms of driving and cut off from all means of transportation. The ticket will remain on your record but will still allow you to drive. (Need I go on about how it's even more likely you can contest a ticket to overturn it in court vs. the ZenDesk system for WF social issues?)

4 hours ago, rune_me said:

Because the developers don't want those words in their chat. It's as simple as that. It is the only reason needed. Since it is THEIR chat and they can ban you for whatever they want to. 

While this is unfortunately true, they can also ban each and everyone's account at any time they please simply if they don't like someone (though just because they Can doesn't simply mean they Should. Social-wise the point you've stated is highly contradictory and conflictive with their M Rating and them being the only company to have ever operated online speak in this fashion with such hostility. This method can only backfire on DE more and more over time.

4 hours ago, rune_me said:

You can say trap just fine. I just wrote "arc trap" in chat, and guess what, I was not banned. If someone claims they are banned for just using the word, then they are lying to you.

Of course. Though you presume too much. we weren't on the same chat at the same time now were we? This isn't comparable as it was another time (some months ago) this occurred on around 3 separate occasions. Because of how "kindly" mods regulate the chat. Users texts were deleted and they were thrown out. I'm not so keen on trying it myself anytime soon, nor even opening Region Chat for any case unless Google happens to be down.

4 hours ago, rune_me said:

Nah, it's fine. You act like it's impossible to avoid getting banned from the chat. It's not.

It's not like not getting banned is hard. If tens of thousands of players manage to not get banned every single day without even trying, then you probably can as well.


 - Warframe, the only R rated game where cursing in another language gets you banned from chat

 - Users kicked if mods (or god forbid the bot again) think a word is used in "harsh" context - eg. trap, gay (AGGP ring any bells?), homo (using it in a short form for homo sapiens), F-bombs, hurting a robots' feelings, the list goes on...

 - The Pepe Meme (along with many others aside from everyone's over-saturated favorite; the doge)

 - Simple, civil disputes between users (Such as how 1 user disputed another advertising their Twitch gameplay channel in region, can you guess which user was suspended for 3+ days? No profanity, vulgarity nor harsh tone or "overly-witty" sarcasm was used.)

So yes, it can be hard to avoid getting banned. Especially for newer users ill-experienced to these strict regulations that differ completely from any other online game I've seen. And I highly doubt "Tens of thousands" of players talk in region so often every single day.

...has it never occurred why so many people naturally have region chat switched off?



To sum up - I can understand there are younger Tenno out there, but this has to be the "softest" M rated game I've played. Obviously, I've enjoyed it but to go to these lengths just to take all life out of how people often express themselves every day, non-offensively, non-violently and with no intention of hate?

That is laughable and pathetic for any social setting.

Please remember - this is a game where people are slaughtered, blood, gore, guts are shown, children die, blood-curdling stories and elements of events you'd see in something of an F.E.A.R. game even in some moments. And turning off the gore setting will Not cancel out animations of breaking necks, cutting throats, violently mauling someone or gruesomely torturing enemies for fun in traps while listening to them scream in agony or pain.

God forbid a user so puritanical they look into the backstory of this game, connect the dots and see just how dark it really becomes.




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When can this get locked and the ban time can be increased? Clearly OP and some commenters don't understand the issue at hand. 

Also, those that are using the crutch "this is a rated M game" needs to understand that the ESRB doesn't rate online interactions, and being on a violent video game isn't an excuse to be big A holes online.

Enough said. C'mon mods, close this one already. 

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22 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

DE's Half-Ass Bot - Will ban under any circumstance no matter how extreme, no matter the context, no matter tha manner nor discussion tone. You can and will be chat suspended for 1 - 2+ weeks indefinitely and are restricted from chats globally in every region in WF and cannot talk to friends, squad mates, you are restricted from trading, from recruiting, from asking for invites, from attempting to get invited or take any part socially in Warframe (and being social in WF is critical for success in it if you want to cover all grounds in different chats).

A Speeding Ticket - Assuming all debt is paid off immediately. This only affects your driving record and will not suspend your license, car insurance rates may rise slightly, but you are not suspended indefintely in all forms of driving and cut off from all means of transportation. The ticket will remain on your record but will still allow you to drive. (Need I go on about how it's even more likely you can contest a ticket to overturn it in court vs. the ZenDesk system for WF social issues?)

A speeding ticket is also without context. The law is equal to everyone. It doesn't matter if you are late to your friends wedding, that doesn't give you the right to speed and endanger other people's lives.

And of course it can suspend your license. At least where I live, we have a 3 strikes and you loose your license law. Some offenses gives more than one strike. If you drive fast enough, you will loose your license the first time you get busted. If you are just a bit over speed limit, then you'll just get a fine and no strikes. Very comparable to bans that can vary in lenght depending on how severe.

25 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

While this is unfortunately true, they can also ban each and everyone's account at any time they please simply if they don't like someone. But social-wise the point you've stated is highly contradictory and conflictive with their M Rating and them being the only company to have ever operated online speak in this fashion with such hostility. This method can only backfire on DE more and more over time.

It's great. We are mature, so we get rid of all the immature 4chan'ers. Why would it backfire, when this is exactly what we want?

27 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

Of course. Though we weren't on the same chat at the same time now were we? This isn't comparable as it was another time (~2-3 months ago) this occurred on around 3 separate occasions. Because of how "kindly" mods regulate the chat. Users texts were deleted and they were thrown out. I'm not so keen on trying it myself anytime soon, nor even opening Region Chat ever again.

There is no problem with saying the word trap. There never has been. This has been well documented. You have to structure the sentence in a very specific way to invoke the kick. What do you know, the bot actually do know context. Who would have thought.

28 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

 -Warframe, the only R rated game where cursing in another language gets you banned from chat

- Simple, civil disputes between users (Such as how 1 user disputed another advertising their Twitch gameplay channel in region, can you guess which user was suspended for 3+ days? No profanity, vulgarity nor harsh tone or "overly-witty" sarcasm was used.)

Nonsense. I curse all the time in chat. When I die, when I get unlucky rewards. Never have I gotten banned for it. The only thing that happens is, that people who have their obcenity filter on will not be able to see the word. That is all. You are allowed to curse all you want.

31 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

 - Users kicked if mods (or god forbid the bot again) think a word is used in "harsh" context - eg. trap, gay (AGGP ring any bells?), homo (using it in a short form for homo sapiens), F-bombs, hurting a robots' feelings, the list goes on...

Of course. That's what mods are for. They're doing their job. And doing it well, apparently. I applaud them.

32 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

To sum up - I can understand there are younger Tenno out there, but this has to be the "softest" M rated game I've played. Obviously, I've enjoyed it but to go to these lengths just to take all life out of how people often express themselves every day, non-offensively, non-violently and with no intention of hate?

Again, they do not go to great lengths at all. We are talking about a very small handful of people who apparently lacks common sense. Meanwhile we are tens of thousands of players who don't get banned. And we are not trying not to get banned, we are not trying to be super polite to everyone, we are not doing anything other than what we would normally do in an online community, including other M rated games, and somehow we manage to not get banned. Why is that, I wonder? 

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26 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

When can this get locked and the ban time can be increased? Clearly OP and some commenters don't understand the issue at hand. 

Also, those that are using the crutch "this is a rated M game" needs to understand that the ESRB doesn't rate online interactions, and being on a violent video game isn't an excuse to be big A holes online.

Enough said. C'mon mods, close this one already. 

How was I suppose to know saying "[frame] is a trap" is taboo?

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4 minutes ago, Spaloon said:

How was I suppose to know saying "[frame] is a trap" is taboo?

Don't be silly. Your sexism is unwarranted and unwanted. If you don't know what you are saying maybe you need some training.

PS. Maybe lurk moar. 

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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

somehow we manage to not get banned. Why is that, I wonder? 


I wonder too...


1 hour ago, rune_me said:

There is no problem with saying the word trap. There never has been. This has been well documented. You have to structure the sentence in a very specific way to invoke the kick. What do you know, the bot actually do know context. Who would have thought.

I'm sure the community that's spoken out even more than I have hastily against these issues would love to see these "Well documented" sources then. This also doesn't address why I've seen people blatantly kicked/suspended (even for a short and long time) for it then. And...no...no the bot doesn't know the context. That would require an AI far sophisticated above even what DE is likely willing to put in time and effort for, if it could do that, then we wouldn't need so many moderators

1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Nonsense. I curse all the time in chat. When I die, when I get unlucky rewards. Never have I gotten banned for it. The only thing that happens is, that people who have their obcenity filter on will not be able to see the word. That is all. You are allowed to curse all you want.

Once more - cursing in another language, or cursing when "certain mods" are present and don't like the tone of it, even if not directed towards anyone. I can advocate myself here in being banned some time ago (albeit only for a couple of days), for dropping an F-bomb because of some items Baro brought one day. (Do keep in mind, this is in region chat, not any regular WF squad or clan chat)

1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Again, they do not go to great lengths at all.

You're right. It's why they can, and will, and have suspended users for even the slightest of offenses (not all the time of course, but more than I'd like to recall and tally up). It doesn't take much skill to right click and suspend a user for an entire week and disable social life in WF entirely. But somehow cutting a user off from all talk is an acceptable punishment to you...and even more interestingly, somehow ties into getting a speeding ticket (Once again, you can still find transportation even if your license is dead - in WF? Once your chat license is dead, you are alone and abandoned for however long the mod/bot desires).



DE's good with the games, but Very Poor with social enforcement.

You've looked past many problems brought up so far, would claim all moderators, all bots and DE themselves are "in the right" based on your own personal experiences, and even go so far as to assume anyone in the wrong must be a "4channer", basing general assumptions on all situations and giving no real  counterpoints aside from the idea "They're in charge - they must know what's best so they deserve praise. Anyone else to say otherwise just don't understand how well they're doing their job." 

Sorry, but your logic is just too petty - even for me.

No vulgar profanity or cursing in DE's good Christian servers. Clearly Unacceptable.


1 hour ago, rune_me said:

this is exactly what we want

Maybe it's what you want, the rest of us? Not so much.


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2 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

I'm sure the community that's spoken out even more than I have hastily against these issues would love to see these "Well documented" sources then. This also doesn't address why I've seen people blatantly kicked/suspended (even for a short and long time) for it then. And...no...no the bot doesn't know the context. That would require an AI far sophisticated above even what DE is likely willing to put in time and effort for, if it could do that, then we wouldn't need so many moderators

Nope. You can say trap all you want. You can't say "X is a so-and-so" You can freely say Arc Trap. If you feel you have to share your opinions about a certain frame using that word, you'll get banned, because the bot easily differentiates between different phrases and sentence structures. You are not getting banned for using the word "trap", you are getting banned for using it in a derogatory context. The people you've seen were banned for the same reason. If they had just written the word "trap" or, say "Arc Trap" they would not have been suspended.

You can claim this all you want, but it is simply not true. You can easily test it just by trying to write trap in chat.

8 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

Once more - cursing in another language, or cursing when "certain mods" are present and don't like the tone of it, even if not directed towards anyone. I can advocate myself here in being banned some time ago (albeit only for a couple of days), for dropping an F-bomb because of some items Baro brought one day. (Do keep in mind, this is in region chat, not any regular WF squad or clan chat)

I can curse in other languages as well. I doubt the bot even knows my language. Don't see what "other languages" has to do with anything. Also the bot don't care if you are in private chat, team chat or region chat, it monitors them all I'm pretty sure.

11 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

Lol, sorry, but that logic is just too petty - even for me.

Don't get what you mean by that? It's the only logic that matters. 

Or to put it differently: what else would you do, but say "they're in charge"? If you did manage to convince me that I am so wrong and you are so right, then what? Do you think I can change the chatbot? Do you think I have access to it's filters? Do you think I can unban you or I have some special hotline to DE so I can call them and convince them to let you off the hook? Do you think any of us here does? 

So enlighten me, what is it we are all supposed to do about this terrible chatbot that (apparently) is banning everyone left and right?

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I have never heard of t**p as a slur or slander,  but then agaun, I am from Scotland. 


Personally, I dont know what is worse, those typing silly remarks that lead to chat bans, the chat bot, or whomever is responsable for the programming. 



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5 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I can curse in other languages as well. I doubt the bot even knows my language. Don't see what "other languages" has to do with anything. Also the bot don't care if you are in private chat, team chat or region chat, it monitors them all I'm pretty sure.

I've cursed in russian and after about 5 minutes or so I got suspended.

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2 minutes ago, Spaloon said:

I've cursed in russian and after about 5 minutes or so I got suspended.

You typed "blyaaaat".

I think you were suspended more for meming in chat than simply being vulgar.

9 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Also the bot don't care if you are in private chat, team chat or region chat, it monitors them all I'm pretty sure.

Private chats and squad chats are fine, iirc clan chats are moderated by members.

But yeah, you can say anything you want over pm/in squad.

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19 minutes ago, rune_me said:

It's the only logic that matters. 

Which you seem to be severely lacking. Missing many of the points, skipping details, jumping to conclusions and dangerously over-generalizing the problem at hand.

Your arguments have been circular (petitio principii) more precisely than much else I've seen thus far. This isn't how "logic" works.

This is how innocent people in the chat get suspended.

This is how this entire conversation began - and will begin again in the future.

In your perfect little world these problems may not exist, in mine and (literally) thousands of others, they do, and have persisted far too long, to the point where DE even wanted to censor our own titles for our gear. They shouldn't have Had to "remedy" this in the first place.

I've stated this position far, loud and clear as much as I can. If you can't see the clarity of context and the suggestions I've made to try and remedy the issues (rather than just leaving it in DE's hands - which has proven ineffective to too large of degree), then we are at an impasse.


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10 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

Which you seem to be severely lacking. Missing many of the points, skipping details, jumping to conclusions and dangerously over-generalizing the problem at hand.

Lol. It's a chat in a video game. It's hardly dangerous, so no need to bold that word.

10 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

In your perfect little world these problems may not exist, in mine and (literally) thousands of others, they do, and have persisted far too long, to the point where DE even wanted to censor our own titles for our gear. They shouldn't have Had to "remedy" this in the first place.

I've stated this position far, loud and clear as much as I can. If you can't see the clarity of context and the suggestions I've made to try and remedy the issues (rather than just leaving it in DE's hands - which has proven ineffective to too large of degree), then we are at an impasse.

You still didn't answer my simple question. What is it you expect us to do about it, since you keep bringing it up? Why do you complain to us? What is it you expect of me, or anyone here reading it, since none of us can help you (which is why mods usually close these threads when they pop up)?

We are all aware that there's a small segment of players who are not happy with the chatbot. How could we not be, when they keep making threads about it. DE is well aware as well. You have, as you said stated your position "loud and clear". So has many others, here, and probably also to support. The fact that the chatbot has not been changed, and nothing has been done to "remedy" the problem, should also suggest loud and clear to you, that the developers of the game has absolutely no desire to remedy or change the way it is currently working. And that really is the end of that, because there is nothing more any of us can do about it.

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