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Onslaught: I give up


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10 hours ago, Ikusias said:

You are assuming that the random number generator used by DE is working properly...

Tell me, what's the conditional chance to receive ayatan sculptures from sorties 15 times in a row? or 3 epsilus adapter in a row?

Such chances normally would be nearly impossible due to the percentages involved, but here happen - and are aberrations.


If you got 15 ayatans in a row, gratz, that's 300 platinum in the form of a maxed Primed mod towards buying yourself a brand new Khora. You didn't even have to play Onslaught for it.

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37 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

If you got 15 ayatans in a row, gratz, that's 300 platinum in the form of a maxed Primed mod towards buying yourself a brand new Khora. You didn't even have to play Onslaught for it.

2 problems.
1. Someone still has to buy this plat for you. I love how everyone just assumes that plat comes out of thin air and magically deposits itself at one's account.
2. Even with over 4k plat I won't be buying frames. Why? Because this whole game is about getting shiny gear and satisfaction of it. It's like telling a person who complains about bad fishing experience to earn some cash and go and buy fish in a store. It misses the whole damn point of the activity.

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I enjoy Onslaught, but the drop rates for Khora did seem pretty bad. Thought it was just my luck, but it seems others have the same issue too?  I get making some parts harder to get, than others... but at least make her BP easy to get, so we can at least see something in our foundry as encouragement xD

Edited by Maka.Bones
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15 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

2 problems.
1. Someone still has to buy this plat for you. I love how everyone just assumes that plat comes out of thin air and magically deposits itself at one's account.
2. Even with over 4k plat I won't be buying frames. Why? Because this whole game is about getting shiny gear and satisfaction of it. It's like telling a person who complains about bad fishing experience to earn some cash and go and buy fish in a store. It misses the whole damn point of the activity.

I never claimed that plat would come from thin emptiness, so I don't know why you are whining about that.

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How about farming Saryn Chassis twice from Kela De Thame? Or trying to farm Animo Beacons for Excalibur? Then there's the eternal Equinox farm! 

Nidus was fine to farm, after the bugs were worked out with enemies not dropping the Antiserum. 

I am getting annoyed with the new trend of more time needing to be invested to get newer content! 

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54 minutes ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:

How about farming Saryn Chassis twice from Kela De Thame? Or trying to farm Animo Beacons for Excalibur?

Excalibur was east so long as you didnt try to farm him the standard way.

Farming uranus survival and selling the condition overloads is far quicker and more profitable since he only costs 75plat ( think)

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55 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

And in comparison, is Onslaught hard?

Never claimed so, although you need to be more active than just afk it.

22 minutes ago, TeaVice said:

Excalibur was east so long as you didnt try to farm him the standard way.

Farming uranus survival and selling the condition overloads is far quicker and more profitable since he only costs 75plat ( think)

That is indeed true. You can also sell any maxed mod and you'll have enough plat for Excal.

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The problem on consoles right now seems to be mainly the fact that there are not enough enemies spawning. It appears, but I am not entirely sure, that the update to fix this in PC has not been included or only partially. 

It can't be the case that we have more enemies spawning in regular missions than on some of the tile sets in Onslaught. It is abysmal and it does really affect the enjoyment of the mode. 

Playing and watching people play on PC and the impression is more enemies spawn and enemies have lower health than right now on consoles. And that, if memory serves, was part of one of their patches. 

As for rewards and drop chances....this needs to be talked about but it seems that the priority is getting some info from DE about the spawn rates, efficiency degeneration and health levels.

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22 hours ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

Is this the worst game mode to play to farm a frame? I think I know even worse. Remember the farm for Nidus?

15% or whatever on rotation C i got all the parts in a day. Khora is a 5% gamble on C rotation you have to win TWICE.

I'm not even bothering getting the new peculair garbage, ESO is dead to me.

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On 2018-05-19 at 4:42 PM, SpacewalkerX said:

just do 8 zones a day and you will end up with everything eventually

that is not an acceptable solution to a big problem
e.g. I've been putting in about 20 hours a week, of JUST Khora Blueprint farming for about 3 weeks now
that sums up to about 120 zones a week (in groups of 8 ofc)

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Am 20.5.2018 um 12:28 schrieb Wyrmius_Prime:

Yes and we should be happy about the fact that the probability-%'s in Warframe are within whole numbers and not below 1/100. We do not have a single drop that is 1 in thousands like many other online game have. This game is easy as all hell, and if you don't enjoy it, then quit. Nobody is forcing you to play the game. And once again, you can just go earn plat through other methods and buy your frames that way. The game gives you multiple choices, USE THEM.

Well, we do have drop chances below 1%, out of the top of my head, Vengeful Revenant and the Xiphos Fuselage drop below that. Pretty sure there are more but I'm not in a mood to check the drop tables again ;). Noone ever said anything about the game being too hard, quite the contrary it's become so boringly easy that it's just an end of mission screen simulator. You don't really notice gameplay anymore. The thing is that I agree with the notion that all new content is just a ridiculous amount of grind. It's repetetive and can only be done with a certain setup on a certain map, no variety anymore, no earning the stuff while simply playing the game. And buying the things in a game that has no content besides building new stuff is not something I would recommend. Especially since it sends the message to DE that ppl will spend money on this bad design. And as a last point, you're not entitled to tell people accept it or leave. The idea behind this part of the forum is to give feedback and not to offer praise.

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On 2018-05-20 at 7:26 PM, EvilChaosKnight said:

2 problems.
1. Someone still has to buy this plat for you. I love how everyone just assumes that plat comes out of thin air and magically deposits itself at one's account.
2. Even with over 4k plat I won't be buying frames. Why? Because this whole game is about getting shiny gear and satisfaction of it. It's like telling a person who complains about bad fishing experience to earn some cash and go and buy fish in a store. It misses the whole damn point of the activity.

All my votes.

Side-tracking a problem isn't tackling or solving the problem itself.

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