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About wall grab....


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I suppose abilities is the best place for this.... 

I've been playing this game for a while now... And watching videos showing a wide variety of play styles... One thing I'm not seeing anything of is people using the wall grab. I see people run up walls, sometimes run across walls, seldom grab walls... I was wondering since there are "toggles" for run and sliiiiiiideI was wondering if we could get a toggle for "wall grab" where bullet jumping against a wall or stopping in the middle of a wall run will cause you to just stick to the wall without having to hold the aim button... Especially on controller this is frustrating because you have to run up a wall by holding the the jump button and then you have to hit the aim button assuming you've got the angle right, release the jump button, ove to the analog stick to aim, acquire your targets, fire, do enough damage for this to even be worth while, and then you have to be ready to move again before the wall grab times out. I'd say either make the wall grab a toggled event so you don't have to put thought into entering that state, or else just remove the timer and have wall grab hold until you release the aim button...

Because the way it is right now I am simply not seeing anyone use it. A mechanic that isn't being used has no point in existing.  But maybe it's just me who's seeing absolutely no one using this. Is everyone using this feature tons and tons and I'm just not seeing it anywhere?

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I see a lot of people use it, and I make extensive use of it myself. 

I don't really see how making it toggle would increase how much people use it.  In fact, while I can't speak for anyone else, making it toggle would just stop me from using it entirely rather than encourage me to use it more.

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1 minute ago, xXRampantXx said:

I see a lot of people use it, and I make extensive use of it myself. 

I don't really see how making it toggle would increase how much people use it.  In fact, while I can't speak for anyone else, making it toggle would just stop me from using it entirely rather than encourage me to use it more.

Because having slide/crouch and run be set to toggle on and off in options makes you not run or slide? I'm not saying everyone would use it, I'm just saying it would be a useful option and many other parts of the parkour system can be set to toggle or hold. 

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When do you even wall grab except to do a riven challenge or lua spy though? There's just not enough reason to do a wall grab. They could make you blend in with the wall or something when you wall grab, like how ninja's cover themselves to blend in with a wall or whatever. Totally missing out on giving us a temp stealth mechanic there DE.

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

I don't even know how to wall grab. Sometimes I accidenltly stick to a wall and its awesome though.

Okay, this is how it works currently... If you  approach a wall in mid air, or during a wall run, as long as you are not facing directly at the wall, you can press the "aim" trigger, I'm going to assume "l2" since it says you're on ps4, and this will cause you to grab onto the wall and be able to aim your weapon. It is only for a brief period and then you drop.  It takes a bit to get use to it, but just kinda run sideways along a wall, jump, and press the aim button, once you've got a handle on the physic you can work on more complicated maneuvers. 

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Part of the reason I suggest this is there are various parts of the game where you need to be able to pick your next position such as jumping from wall to wall and that part of the parcour well.... Lets just say that right now nobody has really beaten titan fall in it's high speed obstacle course system... Or, well, there are ties, but warfame is not one of them... Being able to stick to a wall, without "ADS" imitations and quickly acquire your next platform and move to it, would make things somewhat more enjoyable. Long story short most games which involve "sticking to walls" do not require you to hold a button to do it because it by it's nature limits you from doing what the "wall grab" system is there for in the first place.

I suppose I could use "toggle aim" but... That doesn't feel good in most cases for me...

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I think the main problem is map design. Most of the tiles are outdated and build with the old movement set in mind.

However a toggle could work but I have something else in mind. A mechanic similar to the ziplines where you attach your warframe to the wall. You can than move freely without the need of additional imput like jumping or holding the aim button. Maybe 1 key that allows you slide down the walls but anything else should be doable with direction imput and cam angle. You detach with the same key or by performing another movementability like bulletjump or a regular jump.

Edited by Arcira
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2 minutes ago, Arcira said:

I think the main problem is map design. Most of the tiles are outdated and build with the old movement set in mind.

However a toggle could work but I have something else in mind. A mechanic similar to the ziplines where you attach your warframe to the wall. You can than move freely without the need of additional imput like jumping or holding the aim button. Maybe 1 key that allows you slide down the walls but anything else should be doable with direction imput only and cam angle. You detach with the same key or by performing another movementability like bulletjump or a regular jump.

I actually like that.... Or maybe a trigger for that mechanic so that it allows you to freely jump between platforms (such as lua spy missions c.c) or on round surfaces like pillars you could just run round and round in circles then jump to the next..... I could really get behind something like that....  Adding more acrabatics to the game can only be a good thing, especially with frames like Ivara who's whole thing is avoiding being in the line of fire...

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7 часов назад, (PS4)Echo_X сказал:

A mechanic that isn't being used has no point in existing

You are on console. 

Warframe were made for PC.     And its.....mechanics are not very well suited for controllers. 

I use Keyboard + mouse....And have NO issues sticking to walls.  Its very comfy.


5 часов назад, Arcira сказал:

However a toggle could work but I have something else in mind. A mechanic similar to the ziplines where you attach your warframe to the wall. You can than move freely without the need of additional imput like jumping or holding the aim button. Maybe 1 key that allows you slide down the walls but anything else should be doable with direction imput and cam angle. You detach with the same key or by performing another movementability like bulletjump or a regular jump.

That would really work.

You Aim near wall = stick to it.    Then you need to press "jump" to detach.      Because "context action" button is very busy already.

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16 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

...mechanics are not very well suited for controllers. 

Objection: I use a 360 wired controller as, from my experience, parkour flows better with a Controller at one's disposal than trying to keyboard dance.

Regarding wall-latch, OP's proposal to add a toggle for it is within the realms of reason, and DE did say they were working on resurrecting Parkour 1.0's wall-run animation*.

*I'd like DE to keep the wall-hop as a 'walk', and tapping/holding the 'sprint' key should turn it into the faster-paced wall-run so long as one has a vertical surface to do so.

On that note, there isn't that many tilesets which make decent opportunities to employ the full parkour mobility arsenal, but personally I find that Orokin Tower/Derelict tilesets, or Lua's, are much more open to vertical combat scenarios. I often use wall-latch to give me a moment to plot how to move next or to get out of range of my own AOE weapons, or otherwise.

Those who want it to last longer have mods and even a Warframe (Loki) which make it so.

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Zephyr main here, I use it all the time in the main tile sets. It's incredibly useful with her because of her low-gravity that allows me to keep off the floor and away from enemies, even recharging the hold just by jumping over to the next wall with the hang-time.

But you're right, I don't see nearly enough people using it effectively. More on PC than on console, even with the ones I do see.

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i really think needs little changes in settings. for one. if you aim guild into wall (aiming in mid air ), your frame should wall grip. but it don't. i use wall grab rarely and random do all the steps to it with small reward when i can pull zephyr out and use her passive plus hold her 1. but a toggle to wall grab will be nice touch unless they do little touch up on it. hope it does tho. like to see more people to use it....trying to do spy mission that has tiles and must use wall grab drove me nuts do to have hard it seems to me do it.

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On 2018-05-28 at 3:23 AM, Koldraxon-732 said:

Objection: I use a 360 wired controller as, from my experience, parkour flows better with a Controller at one's disposal than trying to keyboard dance.

Regarding wall-latch, OP's proposal to add a toggle for it is within the realms of reason, and DE did say they were working on resurrecting Parkour 1.0's wall-run animation*.

*I'd like DE to keep the wall-hop as a 'walk', and tapping/holding the 'sprint' key should turn it into the faster-paced wall-run so long as one has a vertical surface to do so.

On that note, there isn't that many tilesets which make decent opportunities to employ the full parkour mobility arsenal, but personally I find that Orokin Tower/Derelict tilesets, or Lua's, are much more open to vertical combat scenarios. I often use wall-latch to give me a moment to plot how to move next or to get out of range of my own AOE weapons, or otherwise.

Those who want it to last longer have mods and even a Warframe (Loki) which make it so.

i agree. i'm better with controller on parkour.

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6 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

not that id use it much outside of that lua spy vault, but id like to see an option for a "sticky wall latch" where if you aimglide into a wall you automatically transition to a wall latch without having to release and repress the aim button.

if it happens, i hope its option and not a mod. if its mod then its not wroth it really.

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