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How good is Prime Excalibur?

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2 hours ago, MattM01 said:

I feel that people are missing the fact that if it was not for the people who bought the founders pack, you wouldn't be playing Warframe today. The people who bought the founders pack saved D.E. and Warframe.

what about players who supported DE by buying platinum instead of founder access back when it was available? Was their support meaningless to DE? Could the game have lasted this long only with the money obtained from founder program? 

5 hours ago, (PS4)WeeMalk5 said:

Its a bit of shame its only seen as a status symbol. It would be good to see it buffed for those that own it (not me) to make it more of a reminder of a worthwhile investment.

Those should remain as badges, otherwise players would have an actual reason to ask for their return.

Edited by ----Legacy----
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6 hours ago, (PS4)WeeMalk5 said:

Its a bit of shame its only seen as a status symbol. It would be good to see it buffed for those that own it (not me) to make it more of a reminder of a worthwhile investment.

As I said in an earlier post of mine, it is because he's so exclusive, why that would be a very, very bad idea. The moment you make him a must-have upgrade to Excalibur is the moment you unleash an entirely unnecessary S#&$ storm.

They should wait until the release of Excalibur Umbra and then bring Excalibur Prime in line with whatever improved stats Umbra will have over regular old Excalibur. That way the wider audience (us) get Umbra, and Hunter and up Founders get Umbra and an Excalibur Prime buff to bring it in line with Umbra.

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2 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

what about players who supported DE by buying platinum instead of founder access back when it was available? Was their support meaningless to DE? Could the game have lasted this long only with the money obtained from founder program? 

No, of course it was not meaningless, but it was not enough to keep the lights on. The Founders packs literally prevented the company and their dream from going under. To help entice people into purchasing the packs they made the items 1 time exclusives. Exclusives being the the main word here, they will never return. DE will not budge on this.

And no, of course the game could not have lasted this long on the monies earn't from the founder program, they still need to pay their bills every month. 

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18 hours ago, Vilemyre said:

Hope you don't mean because the OP becuase uhh

He's a hunter founder. He has it.

Well, it might be a "give them excalibur prime" thread then. Because some people actually care about others.

I paid the full price for my clanmate's founder pack, because we wanted to have an ear in the Design Council. I felt it would be unfair of me to own something free players could never get, while he had no problem with that.

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1 hour ago, ToaMimrik said:

Well, it might be a "give them excalibur prime" thread then. Because some people actually care about others.

I think that way of thinking that non-founders may have is really wrong.

That just because founders want to keep it exclusive, they are bad people and don't care about others.

But I want to bring up 1 very very important fact:

Founders bought the items with the promise and marketing that they will be exclusive.


That's all the reasoning one needs frankly.

You can't just say "Oh, you bought this item with cash in the past but because I want it too, I am gonna ask for it to be changed to something else. If you disagree with me, you do not care about others."

I mean no offense but that's really all I hear from the non-founders asking for the founders items.

They don't care about the fact that some of us might have had to save up for months or made real life sacrifices to get the money to buy the items because they are exclusive and not because we want another excalibur.

In the past, excalibur prime was really a skin. There was no armor boost and there was no exalted blade either.

You don't see people demanding for him as much back then though because he was simply not worth as much as $50 to $250 going into a game that was frankly speaking subpar.

So, after dealing with all the sacrifices made to get that $50 to $250 ($100 for me) back then which for me (as a student back then and paying in SGD to USD conversion) was a lot and now that the frame and items are worth paying for, hearing people say things like "Oh, we will just pay the same amount as you did for the frame and all is good" or "Oh, we will just give you some cosmetic stuff for it and all is good" doesn't even sound a shred fair to me especially when there are people willing to pay US$1,300 for a founders account last I was told.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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25 minutes ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

I think that way of thinking that non-founders may have is really wrong.

That just because founders want to keep it exclusive, they are bad people and don't care about others.

But I want to bring up 1 very very important fact:

Founders bought the items with the promise and marketing that they will be exclusive.


That's all the reasoning one needs frankly.

You can't just say "Oh, you bought this item with cash in the past but because I want it too, I am gonna ask for it to be changed to something else. If you disagree with me, you do not care about others."

I mean no offense but that's really all I hear from the non-founders asking for the founders items.

That's not what I meant. Allow me to elaborate.

Like I already said, I bought a founder pack for my clanmate instead of myself because I didn't want to feel exclusive. And if I was once again given an offer to purchase any of the founders' items (while keeping them unobtainable by in-game means), I wouldn't do it even now. I'd rather just buy plat whenever I feel like supporting DE.

So I'm not blaming the founders for their items being inaccessible for regular players. This was DE's word and they're keeping their word. I just wanted to point out that some (not all) founders would be okay with their items making a comeback (as proved by a few posts in every Excalibur Prime thread ever), and that a thread vouching for said comeback doesn't necessarily need to be made by a non-founder. Some people care about exclusivity more than about others' in-game opportunities, some are the opposite, and both are entirely reasonable as long as exclusive content isn't crucial to the game. I wasn't trying to insult the former, but rather compliment the latter.

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5 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

what about players who supported DE by buying platinum instead of founder access back when it was available? Was their support meaningless to DE? Could the game have lasted this long only with the money obtained from founder program? 

Well kudos to them but these were pretty nice deals so why buy regular plat. And I'm not sure but I think -75%'s were not a thing back then just yet.


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I personally don't understand what's so great about it. I think the 250 fiats spent on this.. it wasn't about Excalibur prime or the gun or the design counsel or what ever else. I think it was meant to buy power over the community and I think that is a working factor because it would be more valuable than a frame that, lets be honest, really isn't that great. 

That's the only reason people thought this was a good deal and didn't ask for more. They already had more through popularity power. I can see through the "support the devs" narrative because we all do that. Some of us.. i'm not going to mention names, have spent over 300 dollars on warframe so far. So let me rephrase the OP's question. 

How good is popularity power? It's really good. It can move mountains.. well until people get sick of it.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 


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8 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

what about players who supported DE by buying platinum instead of founder access back when it was available? Was their support meaningless to DE? Could the game have lasted this long only with the money obtained from founder program? 

Those should remain as badges, otherwise players would have an actual reason to ask for their return.

At the time no. It was explained in a few interviews by the founder of D.E. and I think Rebecca explained it as well too. Now that Warframe is on its feet it doesn't have to have a founders pack.

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On 2018-06-02 at 1:31 AM, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

You get:

(a) 25 more armor which equates to about 30 more HP after everything;

(b) Energy from Void Orbs like every other Prime out there; and

(c) A void key stucked to the face of an otherwise regular excalibur.


But most importantly, you get called a "special snowflake" and/or other names by some (not all) of the non-founders if you use the founders items you paid for and/or inform them that it is no longer available as and when they come up with a post demanding for it.

Seriously, very very annoying.

It's like buying a Rolls Royce which was sold/marketed to you as only having X number of units in the world 5 years ago. Then, some chap comes in and demands the car manufacturer to mass-produce it like Toyota and call you names for buying it.

Great frame to own.


I’m sorry.  I’m on console and have great respect for Founders who took the leap because I know the numbers and it was a risk that usually results in money lost.

I can’t even meet one of you in-game.

But it would be neat to meet a game enthusiast who once took a chance that made the Warframe Universe a reality for those of us who enjoy the experience.

A deep bow from my Tenno.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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1 hour ago, CupcakesMoo said:

How good is popularity power?

In 2013-2014 founders were as "special" as someone who buys prime access today. When I bought mine, I felt like almost literally placing a bet on DE's success and Warframes potential.

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34 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

There is nothing 'great' about it, but if it wasn't for us founders you wouldn't be here on the forums today....

Which is vastly irrelevant. I wish I could show you how vastly irrelevant but you would have to be here and join in one of my sermons. Life is a very long road with many branching paths. Miss, or avoid one path, you will certainly come to another where you make the choice all over again. If these deified founders you speak of with a matter of fact, sage like tone, did not pay hundreds of dollars to fund the game it would change my path. 

I could simply keep playing the games I had, and never know of warframe. Or another game would have crossed my path. Or perhaps I would add an extra hour a day to exercise and meditation to make up for theoretical "gaming time". You could say that.. it is irrelevant in real time existence. Something would have happened either way regardless if we noticed. 

The same can (and actively does) apply to you. We wouldn't be having this discussion today and it wouldn't matter in the grand scale of the universe. 

tl;dr Not my bloody problem. 

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I asked because there seemed to be some implied greatness that I did not recognize. Because Excalibur is not really that great. My second frame was loki and I thought loki was leagues better than excalibur. Now why would I think that? I ask this to everyone here. 

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There's nothing great about the frame or even founders for that matter.

The only "great" thing people like to bring up on is the exclusivity and that's all.

The sad thing is that so many games have pre-purchase packs, early adopters packs or founders packs that are made for cash grab, unlike DE which really needed the money to avoid bankruptcy and people are ok with thost, but come to warframe and suddenly it is like the biggest sin on earth.

The fact that founders pack sales saved the game shouldn't really be the main reason not to bring it back. It should be the fact that the whole pack was sold as exclusive and no self-respecting gamer should be buying stuff from a game developer that changes something you bought into something worse just because it may give them more money or just to pacify the masses.

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Answer this truthfully, how many of you that don't have Excal Prime would actually play with him for more than a week after you got him? Hell, I have two excaliburs that are collecting dust. I know it's annoying, because I'm a completionist, too, but I can't see any real reason that would make it fair to release him to everyone. I'm on PS4, you can join me and take it out on Grineer.

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I think overall it'd be a good thing if he was buffed to be inline with how other primes are compared to their unprimmed variants.


With Umbra set to be released at some point, Excal prime definitely needs to love in order to maintain a level of respect for founders and not just completely replace their reward for ensuring Warframe could exist as it does today. 

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2 hours ago, The_Lunatic_ said:

I think overall it'd be a good thing if he was buffed to be inline with how other primes are compared to their unprimmed variants.


With Umbra set to be released at some point, Excal prime definitely needs to love in order to maintain a level of respect for founders and not just completely replace their reward for ensuring Warframe could exist as it does today. 

If it follows the china build for the cosmetic order umbra is going to likely replace prime anyway because god forbid anyone use prime when they can just stick the void key head on umbra and have his godly gold and loincloth.

People have complained prime excal doesn't have much in terms of visuals comapred to other primes. Plus his racing stripes are a little eh.

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8 hours ago, The_Lunatic_ said:

I think overall it'd be a good thing if he was buffed to be inline with how other primes are compared to their unprimmed variants.


With Umbra set to be released at some point, Excal prime definitely needs to love in order to maintain a level of respect for founders and not just completely replace their reward for ensuring Warframe could exist as it does today. 

After Umbra is released, sure. Before, no.

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On 2018-06-03 at 1:46 PM, ----Legacy---- said:

what about players who supported DE by buying platinum instead of founder access back when it was available? Was their support meaningless to DE? Could the game have lasted this long only with the money obtained from founder program? 

You didn't support enough.

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