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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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il y a 54 minutes, SilentMobius a dit :

That is what DE are doing, previously they had 3 different schemes "PC Mouse", "PC controller" and "Console Controller" each was a mess of exceptions and problems that had to be fixed each time they added new UI elements.

Soon you will get better DPad support (as has already been said) for navigation and assuming enough of you can provide actual feedback on specific control cases I'm sure much of the rest will be streamlined.

But as Steve said over a month ago:




The problem is, Steve Sinclair is not able play videogames nor Warframe! I can remember it was in a Dev Stream where Rebecca give the controller or it was a Keyboard and Steve was trying to do something and finally he gave it back to Rebecca. He is not a videogamer, he is a fake imo. 

 If one person say the UI is good than he will release it. The users from Twitter are positive to the UI and someone said K&M for consoles is a big plus! And Steve said, that's true! Lol... it's a shame! 

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26 minutes ago, (XB1)orange tree god said:

if this is what DE say and then go on to do the update like they have with console something desperately needs to be done with there interior communication 


"Point w/Controller (current is 👎, lots PC use controller)"

so DE knew it was a bad idea there is steve showing evidence of the feedback informing them of that fact, so why has this come through to console? this leads me to not only doubt there designation making skills of the developer but whether or not the even take feedback into account when pushing out an update

you knew it was bad, so why the #*!% did you do it?

Steve is saying that the current (at that point) controller implementation on the PC is bad (and it was) he's not commenting on the controller-pointer that you have now.

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5 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

It's the truth.


It’s also true that the new virtual cursor UI is and has not been optimized on a platform of Warframe made for it (consoles, primarily controller use).

The sad reality is that, yes, it may be hard on the developers but it is also the responsibility of the developers of a game (Warframe) to deliver on a product that is functional, stable, and with ease of use in mind. The virtual cursor UI has failed in this regard and should have been implemented much later with better efficiency to accommodate for controller use.

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This new cursor S#&$ is trash. Give us the option to back..its slow as #*!%. Unresponsive and the fact that your saying, hey get over it this is the new interface is truly trash. Go back please. Am,i gonna have to buy a keyboard and mousepad next cause yall make,this a keyboard and mouse only,game,cause of,the stupid,cursor?  Bad move warframe crew. Bad move

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4 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Steve is saying that the current (at that point) controller implementation on the PC is bad (and it was) he's not commenting on the controller-pointer that you have now.

Yeah, he tweeted a gif of that version in action a couple of days before that, and it’s near identical. The only thing missing is the broken d-pad, as it wasn’t even considered yet.

So, yes, he is commenting on the controller-pointer we have now.

Edited by (PS4)doctor_em-15
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Just now, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:


It’s also true that the new virtual cursor UI is and has not been optimized on a platform of Warframe made for it (consoles, primarily controller use).

The sad reality is that, yes, it may be hard on the developers but it is also the responsibility of the developers of a game (Warframe) to deliver on a product that is functional, stable, and with ease of use in mind. The virtual cursor UI has failed in this regard and should have been implemented much later with better efficiency to accommodate for controller use.

Well that's not going to happen, so you can either engage with specific details for moving forward to improve the current scheme, or not be part of the discussion. Those are your choices.

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Just now, (PS4)doctor_em-15 said:

Yeah, he tweeted a gif of that version in action a couple of days before that, and it’s near identical. The only thing missing is the broken d-pad, as it wasn’t even considered yet.

I know. But the parenthesized comment was in reference to the (then) current PC controller scheme (which did not have a pointer at all but had lots of problems), not on the scheme you have just received.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)JusteKevin said:

Stop being salty about that and just consider the good idea behind that change, the UI is not the problem the problem is that the UI fit with mouse & keyboard so it should appear with M&K that's it, that's the only change needed and your old controller UI will be back for your controller and M&K users will be happy as well.

The idea behing that change was clearly to make the game playable with whatever device you like on whatever platform you like.

PC players are allowed to play with controller so console players should be allowed to play with M&K as well so instead hating on DE for that change just consider a second how smart they're for making that decision, cross-platform is the future of gaming and DE made a step in the future with that, deal with it. 🙂

It's not salty, it's simple. This dosen't work with a F* controller. "oh they the only problem is that S#&$ should appear with K&M" but it don't, is that and there is no way to remove, Good thing that they are thinking in CP, but make a PC UI in a f* console is not. is a terrible idea, and i bet you cannot name a single game that works good this way with a console.

The idea is good, execution is really bad to a point where a lot of people is questionong if they do test this on consoles, because if they do and think that a PC UI in a console is a good thing they are doing drugs.

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4 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Well that's not going to happen, so you can either engage with specific details for moving forward to improve the current scheme, or not be part of the discussion. Those are your choices.

Look, I understand that you're on PC and this is fine for you, but listen for one second. WE ARE ON CONSOLE. We are NOT a master race who can magically use the new UI with no effort. We use controllers for a reason. So yes, we are pissed off. We DO want DE to change it back. We HATE then new Cursor. You fail to realize that cause you are up on your high horse.

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Well after trying the UI system out for a while, reading this thread, and watching the QnA stream I can safely say I’m still not happy with it. However, I CAN understand why they did it. They want to explore a whole new UI and a cursor is going to be a part of it I assume. After the QnA it’s very obvious that they knew this was going to explode in their face. PC controller players told them it was badly optimized and I would like to assume that DE is smart enough to know that console players like controllers. My problem is they didn’t really do a good job of preempting that. Removing the hot keys was obviously a terrible idea and I think leaving them in, even temporarily, would have saved a lot as would upping the default cursor speed. I love this game but I really don’t know if this UI change is going to be for the better, ESPECIALLY on console because in my opinion trying to tweak and fix a cursor is wasted effort because controllers just don’t handle cursor control systems well. I understand wanting to streamline your development process but if you’re going to have your game on console and PC it’s your responsibility to make sure it controls well on both. Otherwise you shouldn’t be surprised on being called out on it. I think the main problem is they took out too many developed streamlined Legacy UI elements and didn’t replace them adequately. While the end product may be good it doesn’t empower confidence when the in between stage is handled so poorly. I know that a full roll back is completely out of the question but some quality of life hotfixes will really help you in the short term. Change can be good but you can’t make a UI slower and less optimized and expect a warm reception. All I can say is I hope the new system will be worth it.

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More things I don't like:

1. You have to click on every appearance item to preview it now

2. You can't rotate the frame unless you move the cursor off the menu list of appearance items

3. Sometimes it takes 3, 4, and 5 clicks to select when choosing a different frame

4. Please make "Remove All" require like 3 clicks

Edited by (XB1)ilovewhiskeyx
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1 minute ago, SilentMobius said:

I know. But the parenthesized comment was in reference to the (then) current PC controller scheme (which did not have a pointer at all but had lots of problems), not on the scheme you have just received.

Okay, fair enough. If that is the case then I retract my previous statement.

I will say though that from the first Twitter announcement of this new system, I and others were there saying it wouldn’t work and a virtual cursor was a terrible idea, specifically referring to Destiny and No Man’s Sky, which manage to be difficult to use even with UIs specifically designed for virtual cursors, not tiny ones designed for PC

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There is no way this was tested by someone who plays exclusively on console with a controller. 1200+ hours of gameplay  (I know others have more), this is the first time I have been angry. It’s more than a mistake, it’s a total and complete disconnect with the console player.  This is how you lose hardcore players. You make them angry, they download or play something else and don’t always come back.  Did someone at DE try modding a weapon, dismantling mods, doing a long trading session in the already awful trade chat?  Can u tell me that it is honestly faster? Spoiler: it isn’t. Double “clicking” relics, the D-pad literally skips over things while in Arsenal, trying to change things in settings. Try to set the cursor scroll speed to exactly 213. Then compare that to old system. Also about 8 other things posted in previous comments. Wtf DE. I’m going to go download the destiny 2 expansions I paid for (in preorder) but never played.

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The new UI aesthetic changes are fine. The cursor is a neat addition. I'm all for trying new things...


Can we please have the option to choose between the old & new UI controls? Or make a hybrid of both? Like with the archwing controls.

Using the arsenal is a massive chore now that each face button no longer has specific binds. Not to mention the various menus that now have an extra X-press involved.

And why does using the trackpad not control the cursor? How was that overlooked?


Edited by (PS4)Solo_Wing1
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13 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Yeah but ZOS produce content a a pitiful rate for ESO compared to DE and you have to pay for the base game and expansions.

If the controller change and UI updates weren't a requirement for The Sacrifice and Venus then I'll bet DE would take a little longer.

Remember PC users are used to these jarring changes. I'll bet, in a week or so you'll probably have dpad nav support and some button mappings and it will be perfectly usable. In the meantime, I suggest feeding bad specific pain points rather than calling for something that won't happen (a rollback or a point-by-point replication of the previous state) Both Steve and Megan have said this is not getting a "switch" or reverted, this is it.

Worth bearing in mind that was said before the universal outpouring of strong dislike for it. 

DE would be foolish not to listen to feedback when it's as adamant and unanimous as this is, regardless of what they have said in the past. 

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I can deal with the cursor but a iask at least return the quick buttons like square for appearance and triangle for upgrading and can we just NOT have drag and drop modding that is my big issue right now and the only thing I hate. I appreciate the effort and experimentation but as is this is making things worse.

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8 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Well that's not going to happen, so you can either engage with specific details for moving forward to improve the current scheme, or not be part of the discussion. Those are your choices.

Unfortunately, I have already engaged with specific details on what is detrimental with the present system with my feedback. How the DEvelopers plan to address these issues in improving console Warframe players through a UI haul of the system with the Virtual Cursor in mind and syncronizing with console/controller versatility/shortcuts form factor is the present discussion.

I’m already involved in this as a console player. Your binary choices of whether to be a part of this or not is irrelevant, and should not be my ultimatum in being a part of the storm that has been cast on us.

My feedback for reference:


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Repost from the other thread:

I've got my hands on the update and I'm concerned about some UI items that are not working as intended (on PS4 at least).

In the arsenal the D-pad is not responsive, or wildly inconsistent. If you just press right/left while checking out the mods on a warframe it is VERY obviously not working as intended. In general, D-pad controls have substantially slowed down and even with 200% cursor speed menu navigation feels quite sluggish.

Chat has been mostly improved, and I really like this part of the update. We seem to be unable to click on seeded options in tabs without using the cursor, despite being able to highlight these options using D-pad only (close tab, invite, etc). A near identical menu is used for changing between matchmaking types (solo, public, etc), but here it seems to work fine.

I ask that you take pity on us console peasants and address these issues with the quickness typically reserved for Nova using max range wormhole to cross the Plains of Eidolon.

Finally I have two QoL changes I would like to request. First, when we are fashion framing we now have to move a cursor over to the frame every time we want the right stick to adopt rotation functionality. This cursor movement is a strange additional step that was never required before and it irks me a lot more than it probably should. Second, slider bars are now only adjustable with the the cursor. This is an arduous task for us console plebs who are doing our best to make the new UI work for us by cranking the cursor speed to 200%+. Please let the D-pad function here.

Thank you so much if you read any amount of this rant. I appreciate it whole-heartedly and I hope my feedback helps.

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