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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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16 minutes ago, KokoroWish said:

I guess people don't watch the Dev Streams, because when the UI was shown off on there in a more complete state, it had working D-Pad support. As a PC user I agree that I would have preferred it be up for use now, but I am guessing the Frankenstein's Monster system we're using atm just doesn't support it.

actually, this is pretty brilliant. bring out a completely wrecked UI update, let people *@##$ about how completely broken it is while you entertain people that are shelling out real life money for Tennocon, and then bring out a Ui that is at least not totally crap and people will praise it. that's some straight up Canadian savy there. Add in a couple sooories, and i think you have a winner.

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R...E...M...O...V...E that stupid cursor or make it optional. We have controllers. You have effectively slowed us console players down with the drag and drop mod system, and every other menu. Alot of us have become accustomed to analog controls after all these years. I myself RARELY use the D-Pad as it's unconventional. When my thumb is taken away from movement controls it just ends up as a bigger nuisance. The cursor works extremely well with the starchart. Dont get me wrong, but theres a reason. Its not organized into a nice tight array of squares....RIGHT NEXT TO ONE ANOTHER. The older movement is 10× faster. We AREN'T PC. Stop trying to implement PC aspects into a console UI. 

Edited by (XB1)DarkMaster0127
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It’s painfully obvious that the console tenno are getting the short stick of this ”grand unified UI”. If it’s in any way mandatory to use a floating cursor to browse through menus, apply mods etc. it is not going to work well with a controller.

The shortcut buttons and proper d-pad support are needed for a good UI, there’s no working around that.

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Please bring back the old interface and look or give the option to use the old and not the new, horrible, cursor interface. It is slow and clunky to use now and the colorless button info is hard to look at. I turned the game off because the interface made me that mad and i am not the only one. My friends that play are of the same opinion and also didnt play today due to the interface. In the interest of keeping players, please return the original, awesome (worked amazing) interface.

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)sw1m0nmanard said:

Please bring back the old interface and look or give the option to use the old and not the new, horrible, cursor interface. It is slow and clunky to use now and the colorless button info is hard to look at. I turned the game off because the interface made me that mad and i am not the only one. My friends that play are of the same opinion and also didnt play today due to the interface. In the interest of keeping players, please return the original, awesome (worked amazing) interface.

and add a free one month booster across the board for bringing out this update.


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I wish I wish I wish I had farmed ducats sooner for my upcoming baro spending spree. Doing relics now is a crazy hassle. 1-choosing a relic to see the contents is time consuming. 2-choosing the reward is confusing as hell. I just watched three people miss a gold for a bronze because they thought they had selected it. 3-leaving squads is such a teeny tiny button to hit with a cursory that either moves too slow or too fast for anything. Oh, if this lasts till Tennocon, I am going to really hate you guys. I spent 20 bucks for that special relay access and I'm gonna get my spending spree but I know this UI is going to make me insane in the process.

Another thought: please don't send out my favorite community managers Rebbecca, Megan, and Danielle to feed us bull about this issue. They're amazing and I don't want their good reputation sullied by this nonsense. Hire a new guy, have him play the A******, pay him well, then fire him when the UI is fixed. Trust me. It's better that way.

Edited by (XB1)Mikerophonyx
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I don't like it. Not one bit.

I've played games with a cursor that worked. Normally when you are in a menu with options, using the dpad to quickly switch between will make the cursor disappear until the right stick is used again. By not doing that, it's in the way of the words, and the options menu item gets skipped over. Maybe have the cursor snap to the far left of the menu item...if you must. Also bring back using d-pad to adjust the number on sensitivity settings and such. As it is now, it moves the cursor to the dead middle of the option. Hard to get a specific number. Thirdly, my wife uses inverted y axis, and mining doesn't invert it. Scoped inverts fine, just not the nozam cutter.

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Alright I'm guessing we're going to be keeping this change because DE wants to, so I'm gonna just post a couple of quality of life changes that would make this much more tolerable.

-Bring back the quick command sub menus for Equip/Upgrade/Appearance/Abilities having to select these every single time with the cursor is an absolute pain. Especially if you bump up the cursor speed to a decent rate because the buttons are so small and you just slide right past them with anything other than the incredibly slow default speed.

-Allow us to preview things just by hovering over them. It's awful having to click X on every single item I want to see on my warframe. It works with the color palettes where you can just hover over and it automatically displays on my Warframe, so I don't get why you can't do it with the other items.

I don't think changing to cursor would be a bad thing, but it really was implemented in the worst possible way and is incredibly frustrating to use right now. As someone who only recently got back into the game a couple weeks ago, after not playing for a couple years this was a really bad change to come back to.

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Please make a setting to turn off the cursor!! This is slow and truly annoying. If I wanted everything to function with a mouse I would play the game on a pc. Everything else is great don’t get me wrong. But this cursor function makes it really frustrating. Thank you for your time and help.   

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Mannerless, the lighting issue could be that you have "bloom" activated in the interface settings, I turned mine off and everything that was overexposured became better in my case.

Otherwise I agree fully with this post. I asked the question in the big cursor thread above, was this even tested?

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)luvmesomeragers said:

Alright I'm guessing we're going to be keeping this change because DE wants to, so I'm gonna just post a couple of quality of life changes that would make this much more tolerable.

Omg I really hope they will change this, this is game breaking for me... I play everything on console.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Deadwood_Lane said:

Mannerless, the lighting issue could be that you have "bloom" activated in the interface settings, I turned mine off and everything that was overexposured became better in my case.

Otherwise I agree fully with this post. I asked the question in the big cursor thread above, was this even tested?

Whether or not it was I think its pretty clear they knew they getting ahead of themselves when they made that statement about working overtime to bring parts of the d-pad support back in on twitter.  I think at this point its safe to assume that they have some idea of what we don't like based on the fact that the forums and subreddit are inundated with dislike for the UI changes.

Edited by (PS4)ZeroSection
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11 hours ago, (PS4)natedog4400 said:

[DE] Danielle basically said at the start of the stream get used to the cursor cause its staying we are just fixing bugs with the D-Pad

Sadly that attitude will lose them players. As the company that was lauded for listening to their community, the attitude of "Get used to it, we're not going back." is very much the wrong attitude to take. They tried something, they made a mistake and they messed up very badly. This is not the time to double down on their mistake. They need to look at how badly they messed up and realise they need to actually go back. Sometimes you change lanes on the freeway because you think the lane next to you will get you where you're going. then that lane comes to a standstill you have two choices. Admit you screwed up and change back to your previous lane, or double down on your decision and sit there forever. This is one of those times they got it wrong, and need to correct their course, not sit in the new lane.

I'm going to catch up on this thread further before I post more feedback from my nightmarish experience with the new UI.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Amanda_Twinkz said:

The most simple resolve would be to have the option to use the old method of UI. It is very disruptive to the whole console user base vs the amount of pc controller users. However scrolling horizontally or vertically through inventories is a great improvement. Can we find a balance that combines the two old and new UI? 


How is it an improvement? You use the d-pad it stops at the edge of the screen, then you use the right stick, and then the d-pad, and then the right stick etc. and then sometimes with the scrolling the cursor does not line up with the item you have highlighted and you then have to move the cursor to select which you then have to hit twice>

Also, I was in a squad and selected the wrong mission. to back out I couldn't just hit B to cancel it, I had to scroll the damn cursor all the way to the bottom right of the screen over the B before the B would work.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

. Sometimes you change lanes on the freeway because you think the lane next to you will get you where you're going. then that lane comes to a standstill you have two choices. Admit you screwed up and change back to your previous lane, or double down on your decision and sit there forever. This is one of those times they got it wrong, and need to correct their course, not sit in the new lane.




Though much more dangerous, it actually is the better choice if you absolutely need to get there faster. Not sure where they are trying to go so fast, with the most popular, long running FTP game on the interwebs, but....yah.


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11 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

The point of this update was to unify the messy UI codebase which was essentially two UI's, one for controllers and one for mouse and keyboard. There is no way at all that DE are going to go back to a split codebase, this is pure money talking here, it's just not going to happen so I suggest specific feedback to improve what you have, it's not going away.

Then they should force the PC M/KB crowd to use the controller UI. They can use their keyboards to tab around the menus like we do the controller. It would be much easier for them, than forcing console users to use a virtual mouse that doesn't work properly.

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Logging in and playing warframe was a nightmare. I have hopes that they will give us the option to choose between the new and old UI, but based on steve's tweet here it looks like they don't want to do that. I am very, very concerned:


> Our intentions is to unify the controls/UI on all platforms... including comprehensive Mouse/Keyboard on consoles that support it....If we can get this right will help clean up code and reduce control-specific work done on every UI screen in the game.

I don't want to play with a mouse and keyboard. If i wanted that, i would just use a PC. I want to play on my playstation 4. You didn't get it right, its terrible. And your tweet makes me realize you want to get rid of all the console specific controls instead of letting us keep the ones whe have.

So here is a list of everything i think is wrong with the UI menu by menu (i may add to this later, its just what i could think of immediately):


Old: When you pressed start, the menu item "navigation" was preselected and i just had to push x, navigate to a planet and choose a mission. If multiple missions were available, the first one was preselected and i could just press up or down. Super simple.

Now: I have to push x, see the cursor in the middle of nowhere, draaaaag it over to navigation. When selecting a node with multiple missions, i have to draaag the cursor over to select the one i want. Since the zoom in/zoom out is done with right stick, sometimes my stick drifts a bit and can actually zoom me all the way out of the planet making it impossible to select a mission in the first place.

Warframe selection and opening the mod screen


* Changing warframes : Press start, press down once to go to arsenal and select it. Immediately press x again on my current warframe which is preselected, then just change to another one.
* Open warframe modificaiton menu : Press triangle on the warframe
* Changing appearnce of the warframe: Press square on the warframe

Here is a video of me quickly opening the mod screen using the triangle shortcut before the change (it was so much faster before) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJfk1N9Lkvk. You can also see how the selection is by default on "navigation" when i open the menu and  how much faster it is when i don't have to deal with a silly cursor.


* Changing warframes : Press, draaaag the cursor over to arsenal, then i have to draaag the cursor to my warframe which is not preselected. Then i have to go drag the mouse over to a tiny little box that i have to very precisely select to choose "equip" (and the d pad doesn't even work for that). Pressing X on the big box that shows my warframe does absolutely nothing by the way.
* Open warframe modificaiton menu : Same as changing warframes but now we have to select a tiny modificaiton box. Traingle shortcut is now disabled.
* Open warframe appearnce : Same as changing warframes but now we have to select a tiny modificaiton box with the cursor. Square shortcut is now disabled.

Image of what its like now : 1bjroo64r7211.jpg

Weapon and warframe modification:

Old : Select a mod and use the arrow keys to select a new mod and replace the old one. Only one hand is required to navigate the menus using the D-PAD.

Now : You need 2 hands to select your mod, need to select with left joystick and scroll with right joystick. Its like a precision aiming minigame. Oh and you have to drag and drop the mods instead of just selecting the one to replace and the old one. Much more effort is required than beofre. Its very difficult, slow and unituitive.


Beofre : you can navigate between chat tabs using R1 and L1. Pressing X immediately opens the contextual menu to invite someone or close the window. You can use the d pad to move up and down in this window to select invite or close. When you scroll up, the chat stops so you can actually read what you wanted to.

Now : Pressing X with a chat window selected does NOTHING. You need to mooove your cursor over to that specific chat widnow, then open the specific interaction window with R3, then precisely select the person's name to open the contextual window to invite them or close the chat. Once you have done this, using the d-pad to select close or invite doesn't work any more, you have to use the cursor to select the liiiiitle thing on your screen. If you missed and selected close all instead of invite? Too bad for you, that chat window with a guy who offered you 400 plat for your lato vandal set is now gone forever unless you are lucky enough for him to write to you. If that happens, hopefully you will be able to select the correct option this time using precision cursor aiming or you might close the window accidentally again... Oh by the way if you scroll up now the chat will just keep automatically scrolling down so you have to dynamically move your right stick while trying to read to keep the window still...

Riven selection with [riven mod]

Before : You could just use the d-pad to selct the riven you wanted.

Now : You have to use the right stick to navigate the menu and the left stick to precision aim at the riven you want to select. If you press right on the d-pad to go to the next mod to the right of what is displayed, the game doesn't care. You need to move that right stick or you will not be able to select anything to the right of what is currently visible.

Fast travel

Before : The first location was preselected, use the d-pad to select a different one.

Now : Nothing is preselcted, draaag your cursor over to that menu. If you try to use the d-pad it will not select the items in order even once the cursor is on the menu. For example in cetus, if you put your cursor on one of the options with a long name and press "down", it will select the next option with a long name instead of the next option contextually in the menu. FOr example, it will skip "hok" and go right to the next guy with a long name. Press up again to go back to hok.... Its comically bad if we didn't actually have to deal with it.


Literally everything takes at least twice as long to do now and the game is not nearly as fun as it was before. Everytime i use the cursor i feel frustrated and angry. I really, really wish we had the option to get our old controls back and not use this cursor mode with controllers. I think we will have to make a LOT of noise if this is important to us though as DE seems determined to offer a "unified UI" on consoles and PC (taking only controls that are convenient for pc but terrible for console).

I would like to include before and after images and videos in this thread. If you can contribute something like that, please add them in the comments. If you have other specific feedback about the various menus and how your experience has changed before and after this UI change, please contribute that too.

I would also like to encourage everyone to post their thoughts in the official (PC tagged) virtual cursor feedback thread haere : https://forums.warframe.com/topic/956857-update-22200-virtual-cursor-feedback-megathread-share-videos-where-possible/

They didn't bother to make a console specific one (yet?). I know many of you are PC players and this won't affect you but i would like to thank you for your support.


Edited by (PS4)RedKain243
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I'm sorry DE.. But this.. This sucks.. I hate it.. If I wanted to navigate my menus like I had a mouse, and drag and drop, and double click to change things.. I would go download Warframe on my PC, and start over.. But I don't want to do that. Trying to use the PC UI set ups on the console, just doesn't work, and that's what it feels like you tried to do here.. and it works poorly. Would really prefer the old system over this new thing any day of the week

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Just now, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

Then they should force the PC M/KB crowd to use the controller UI. They can use their keyboards to tab around the menus like we do the controller. It would be much easier for them, than forcing console users to use a virtual mouse that doesn't work properly.

They did a lot of that circa U14, most of the UI design then was for console benefit,this is the flip side, other games have made this scheme work and DE needed a systemic clean slate for their new UI work. This is what we have now as as Megan said we can only go forward from here. Going back is not an option.

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