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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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28 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Kudo's to the people in the thread who are willing to stay constructive on this one.

Its going to be a hard transition but the intended ideal is that a lot of the former glory will return in some form. But before that both systems need to work on the same code so the sacrifice UI will not become a lousy port overall. Because the system would change either way when the new UI is launched. And even for PC that systenm is going to have startup issues.

This is just something Console players generally do not get. Guess I'm just used to sudden changes like this from how PC updates go. Consoles usually get the more or less polished up stuff.

Dont worry, stuff like this generally gets solved with proper feedback.

The way to have something that works for all systems, is to give everyone all the control schemes and giving them the option to use the one that works best for them, it is not achieved by crippling everyone and then saying "there, you're all the same now isn't that lovely". 


It'll take more work on their part, but increase the users enjoyment. Now you take a guess as to whether that'll go better than the current system that got applied of "it'll increase the enjoyment from DE's side and make the users work more". 


That's what console players aren't getting. 

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7 Stages of Grief:
  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...


Are we somewhere between 2 and 3 still? 

Edited by (XB1)Danowat32
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1 minute ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

The issue is that they can't go back. Not without giving up -- likely -- months of unrelated work. That's just not how it works. They can't go back in time and undo their mistakes. They can only move forward. So they need to know what needs to be improved/changed to make things work. They're not being obstinate, just stating their reality.

Thank you for being one of the reasonable ones when it comes to the changes. Suggesting they add the hotkeys back in arsenal is something they can probably do. Rolling back something this big is something they most likely can't. Again, thank you for having a reasonable head here.

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PS4 here:

My two main objections so far are installing mods and selecting relics for Void Fissure missions.

Mods used to allow you to select one then move it into place, now for some reason you have to select the mod and hold down to keep hold of it and drag it into position which seems more cumbersome.

As for void relics previously for a void fissure mission you could move the selection over to the relic you wanted and as you scrolled through it would tell you what each relic contained. Then when you'd found the on you wanted to equip you pressed X once then X to confirm,

The New system requires you to scroll over the relics and press X to select a relic and only then does it tell you what items it could contain. Then to equip the relic you have to press X twice in quick succession (like a a double click) then X again to confirm it.

It seems to have doubled the number of presses required to do the same function that was done with just two presses of the X button.

And yes this update was enough to get me to actually come and post here

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The fishing is more complicated. It says Hold power menu for options, we don't have a power menu on the consoles. So if you want to use lures you need to keep selecting the spear every time you want to throw out a lure, which now seems to disappear occasionally instead of floating on the water, even in areas it worked fine before the update. Give us back the UI we had for the for selecting weapons, frames, etc. Or at least give us the option to switch the between the new and old. Enjoy the game just not the new UI

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I didn’t think Cursor was a good idea to begin with.

but this has slowly changed my opinion. 

Now I KNOW this wasn’t a good idea. Trying to mod my frames and weapons takes forever, trying to rotate my Warframe when equipping attachments is terrible. Going from double clicking or triple clicking what I want to preview on my Warframe then move the cursor over to my Warframe, move it back to the attachments and doing this over and over again until I decided on which one I want. 

Please just revert the changes. This is the worst console update so far.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

I know someone earlier in the thread touched on this and I will try to remember what they said as best i can. Basically, the old UI code was all kinds of crazy and having both UIs running at one time will not be cost effective for DE (most likely the conflicting code will cause tons of bugs as well and we dont want that). So instead of continually pushing for this, we should make suggestions on how to improve the new UI.

You must be trolling because this thread is filled with tons of positive feedback explaining exactly what isn't working properly. It also contains dozens upon dozens of useful suggestions for ways to improve the current build.

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loving it!

I for is loving the new cursor and was hoping this for a while now. I think some people do not like it because they are not used to pc games, maybe something could've done for a smooth transition. Furthermore, I don't like how we have to hover over warframes then move to right and click "equip" to change a warframe. Can we just double click on the warframe to change the warframe? When hacking are we ever going to get cursor to switch from block to block? Also I think changing the size of cursor would be a great addition and cursor sticking to intractable areas, such as when I'm looking at the star chart and as I hover over planets, it slightly sticks to the planet, like sort of aim assist when you hover over someone's head in a fps. That's all I can think of at the moment, thanks for your hard work!

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Hi, I don't come on here but I've basically been playing two years straight on Xbox One.

Now, the old ui wasn't great. It was very unresponsive and it cater to the console Tenno's lack of ability to do things quickly.

This UI makes that so much worse. Everything now takes an extra step. What we need are SHORT CUTS. What we need is our own menu system and not just a replica of PC.

Things that are normal in console RPGs like quick scrolls and input combinations have never been used. There's even buttons on the controller not being used that could fill this functionality. (I'm not a dev, but I know it's not "just imagine it and it happens!" so I don't want to come off as talking down to you).

I get Destiny did this. I get Destiny was very popular. Destiny had six options on the main menu and the others were basically guff. Destiny did not have multiple frames, weapons, mods, appearances, etc to try and navigate through. Destiny's whole way of working was "Highlight option, click the picture to get what you want, press X to get to another menu while highlighting the picture." It's the Mcdonald's cash register of mouse UI. That's why it works on console.Console players neeeeed efficiency.

You guys have more content and systems at play. You can't do that. At least not while trying to replicate the PC UI.

I'm not saying go back. That's stupid. I'm saying to use a controller. Play some console RPGs and see what they do and why they work. 

Thank you. 

EDIT: Also, I just really don't liek double clicking to equip things? How about [Button] to preview, [button] to equipment, and [trigger] to compare directly against what I have?

Edited by (XB1)shadowjak88
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Looking at what they are planning with the future UI change the cursor makes sense to a degree and at current it does come in handy a bit, however with how it's currently implemented it's more of a liability than helpful. It would've been a smarter move to keep the old system and with a click of the sensor button/menus button(Xbone)/Keyboard button(kb/M) or if not possible via options to enable/disable cursor mode at will. 

As for cursor mode

Moving the cursor over a relic should show what it contains, same goes for Dojo rooms and showing the room layout.

Sometimes the controls will become unresponsive resulting in a need to press a button multiple times or to move the cursor slightly to get it to work. Same goes for the D-pad it can either not respond or jump an option - lol I personally lost a Riven to this.

Keyboard and Mouse

Scrolling on mouse will either jump you to the end/start or some random place inbetween of a selection.

No button mapping let alone free button mapping. Like seriously I plugged in my m/kb went into settings and nothing, not even something to tell me the default layout never mind trying to setup to use mouse and control (rather than keyboard) to play. 


An option to quick post emojis with R3/L3 rather than having to click then open the chat bot would be helpful.

A selection or cursors to chose from would've been fun.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

The way to have something that works for all systems, is to give everyone all the control schemes and giving them the option to use the one that works best for them, it is not achieved by crippling everyone and then saying "there, you're all the same now isn't that lovely". 


It'll take more work on their part, but increase the users enjoyment. Now you take a guess as to whether that'll go better than the current system that got applied of "it'll increase the enjoyment from DE's side and make the users work more". 


That's what console players aren't getting. 

Suggest looking into the new UI that is in the works. Its meant to create a merged system. This is just a step towards that system. Sometimes you cant just slap 2 different codes in and just say "that'll work"

This is NOT a final iteration and was never meant to be.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

Thank you for being one of the reasonable ones when it comes to the changes. Suggesting they add the hotkeys back in arsenal is something they can probably do. Rolling back something this big is something they most likely can't. Again, thank you for having a reasonable head here.

No problem at all, it just means that they can go ahead and "move forward" by figuring out how to add back the old UI/UX and make it so we can toggle it on or off. DUH. Simple. Easy. Make it so. Git 'er dun. 


That work for you? 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)CrimsonPheonix8 said:

loving it!

I for is loving the new cursor and was hoping this for a while now. I think some people do not like it because they are not used to pc games, maybe something could've done for a smooth transition. Furthermore, I don't like how we have to hover over warframes then move to right and click "equip" to change a warframe. Can we just double click on the warframe to change the warframe? When hacking are we ever going to get cursor to switch from block to block? Also I think changing the size of cursor would be a great addition and cursor sticking to intractable areas, such as when I'm looking at the star chart and as I hover over planets, it slightly sticks to the planet, like sort of aim assist when you hover over someone's head in a fps. That's all I can think of at the moment, thanks for your hard work!

Mouse and Keyboard player?

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

You must be trolling because this thread is filled with tons of positive feedback explaining exactly what isn't working properly. It also contains dozens upon dozens of useful suggestions for ways to improve the current build.

It's also full of people saying (paraphrased) "hate it, revert it". Which are the people I imagine "Shad0w Rabbit" are referring to.

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The gist of this reply to the topic is:

For consoles, this is highly unnecessary, and has slowed menu navigation down exponentially. We are not pc, the joystick is a horrible substitute for a mouse. I understand some things take time to get acclimated to, but this, no matter how used to it we become, is still the slower option. As I have seen in other posts here, or on social media, one solution would be to make the "virtual cursor" an option. Have a toggle option in the game options menu to use the "classic" menu navigation/manipulation or the new "virtual cursor."  Even using the D-pad is erroneous in its movements/selections. Don't understand why button shortcuts were removed entirely, as well.

Also, the Arcane selection is not functioning properly. "Selecting" the arcane to equip doesn't happen as it should. Either have to mash the select button for it to take, or back out of menu and try again, then more button mashing. (No, my controller is fine, it's not that.) The upgrade arcane option isn't even registering actions taken.

I have loved Warframe for several years now, and lately it seems all these changes as such have deterred me from playing. The old saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here dramatically. I'm not quite understanding the logic on why a console version of a game would be modified to be so much like a pc game (menu/navigation wise). It's illogical.

Please, if anything, I request again to give us an option for the virtual cursor.  This would be the simplest solution to please all console players.  Thank you for your time.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

Mouse and Keyboard player?

No I use controller, I used to play on pc and played warframe pc. I really liked how the game played on pc and wanted that implemented on consoles. I know its a mess right, but I believe when DE polishes this it'll feel really good, the game was originally built for pc after all. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

No problem at all, it just means that they can go ahead and "move forward" by figuring out how to add back the old UI/UX and make it so we can toggle it on or off. DUH. Simple. Easy. Make it so. Git 'er dun. 


That work for you? 

That is not an option at this point. The only thing people can really do is offer how to improve it by adding hot keys in certain areas. No, reverting it back is not a helpful suggestion because you are not working within the current system. Try suggesting something you would like to see like make it easier to access the relics and upgrade them. Something constructive instead of the ad nauseam of "revert it back". This is will be my only reply to you since it sounds like you are a troll due to the tone in your writing, and I will not waste my time with you any further.

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2 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Suggest looking into the new UI that is in the works. Its meant to create a merged system. This is just a step towards that system. Sometimes you cant just slap 2 different codes in and just say "that'll work"

This is NOT a final iteration and was never meant to be.

Suggest looking at other programs that are developed for multiple systems as opposed to something which doesn't yet actually exist. 😉

If you can accept the fact that the code we have will take work to get running properly, you should be able to accept that "slapping code together" would also take work and that neither would be a "quick and easy" solution. 

The difference is, one way ends up with different users on different systems being forced to try and fit a "one size fits all" which seldom ever works, and the other one is where they accept that the systems are different and build that into the code so that you as a end user can have a painless experience in which you can enjoy the game. 



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21 hours ago, Faulcun said:

oh..... well then by all means! Throw tantrums in the forums instead!


 Only tantrums actually work. Remember damage 2.5 or multishot draining ammo, to name a few instances off the top of my head. Constructive criticism is much easier to ignore compared to a raging crowd.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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