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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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When you proc stealth with Skiajati via finishers or surprise/stealth kills, there's a chance that the audio becomes muffled for the rest of the mission.

When you switch to your Operator the sound is fine, but once you jump back in the audio resumes being muffled.

And just one quick piece of feedback -- also spoiler cut because it relates to something in the quest.


The AI on Umbra needs to be toned down a little in the fights against him; not everyone has maxed-out Focus gains nor maxed-out and Gilded Amps, and watching someone struggle with a Mote Amp and low Operator HP IRL, they were becoming really frustrated with getting Howl'd, then knocked into a corner with Slash Dash/Exalted Blade combos and getting tossed around like a rag doll.

I understand that he needs to be kept intense, but even I had a little trouble getting enough space to actually shoot him without getting stunlocked or knocked back into my frame, and I'm running a real doorbreaker of an Amp with Shwaak/Pencha (shotgun-style, Opticor/beam launcher-style) and am pretty well invested through the Vazarin focus tree.


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MAssive BUG!


In mission, doors don't open for me (not shown on video), according to squad mates i'm idly standing at the starting spot.

Had to mark my location constantly with waypoint marker, and follow squad mates to progress, because doors won't open.

By the time of extracting, game does not sense my position at all, meanwhile i'm standing next to squad mates, as shown on video.


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I'm not entirely sure what causes this but there are HUGE stat differences between Umbra's Exalted Blade in the Simulacrum vs everywhere else. I wish I could provide more detail than that but the images speak for themselves. Also I'm not sure if this happens for vanilla Excal since I don't have him anymore, but I would assume it does.

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/mufLOW8

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6 minutes ago, IonCross said:

Exalted weapons doesn't have the Stalker MODS e.g. Argon Scope, Blood Rush.
Can we please bring back the old way of using exalted weapons. It's useless now to use Range Mods on Artemis' Augment. It's a really big nerf.

This isn't a bug. Acolyte mods never worked on Exalted weapons. As for Ivara I don't know enough about her to comment. Overall though this is a huge buff to exalted frames, the only real downside being that most builds require additional forma.

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Saludos, simplemente excelente esta obra maestra el sacrificio....quiero reportar algo menor con respecto al antialiasing y es que noto igual el  antialiasing TAA con el SMAA, la verdad a mi me encanta el TAA y como luce el juego con el, un efecto medio borroso no se soy raro xD, pero al cambiar entre los dos no hay diferencia, es como si el TAA no funcionara y se ve exactamente igual que el SMAA, por favor una solución y de antemano gracias por su tiempo y dedicación.

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Umbra follows you into Onkko's cave, whereas all other warframes stay outside. Not a big issue, but not sure if intended.

(Would provide an image but imgur doesn't want to accept my upload and it's not hard to verify anyway.)

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Naramon focus school is no longer working. combo counter is degrading instead of building. Very quickly. Can get to 2x or sometimes 2.5, then almost instantly it will drop to 1.5x, then nothing. This using set-ups and mods that would usually hit 3x without breaking sweat and build from there. 

To be clear, it is the Power Spike passive that I am referring to.

Edited by zombiedeadhead
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I've managed to play The Sacrifice with Umbra starting from the time you craft him. After crafting Umbra, I made a new loadout for him duplicating my existing Excal loadout and equipped him but afterwards he was still remaining in my loadout. I don't have a recording of this happening, but I do have a video of Umbra chasing Umbra and both of them screaming at each other whilst I was in operator mode.

Not really sure if just making the loadout was enough to make the bug happen, but it's what I remember.


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Switching to your Operator is super unpredictable when you're a client, you don't carry any of the momentum you normally do and you can drop in unexpected locations with the camera pointed in a random direction.


Works fine as a host though

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The shot combo counter for snipers seems to be bugged as it is acting like before Plains of Eidolon were the combo disappear completely after what seems to be 6s or 10s instead of decaying by a shot every few seconds. the counter still decrements by a shot when missed.

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This is a fairly simple and easy bug

In the simulacrum, if you can manage to trick the umbra AI after using transference into running of the platform it will teleport you back into the frame one it hits the death barrier but since the frame already has fallen past the barrier you will just keep falling.

I have tried in real missions but then it just seems to disappear.

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