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[PC] Update 23: General Bug Report Megathread


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Using XBOX 360 controller with custom key binding (worked prior to Update 23)
1. General layout does not have priority before Lunaro layout, and they interlinked in such way that any action or option (place marker, sprint, consumable menu etc.) can be overlapped from different layouts. Example: setting Sprint for A Button on General layout and B Button on Lunaro layout will cause character to sprint by pressing both A or B.
2. When entering gamepad settings menu it always shows default key bindings. In order to change even one button user required to manually change all layouts and buttons from the scratch.
3. User unable to clear Buttons (for example as a workaround of interlinked layouts)


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Bug: Syndicate standing available 15,000 at reset.

I am currently MR 22 and usually have 22,000 standing available at reset, not today though. The daily reset seemed to come about 15 minutes late today and several unique issues lead up to this inaccurate standing limit. To start with, I was running Sanctuary Onslaught to farm for Khora and standing when a host bailed, and as known to the forums and players everywhere, the resulting host migration often bugs and causes a loss of all progress. (Unfortunately, [DE]Janno is the only one unable to corroborate these issues per #1277895).

This time the host migration sent me straight to see Cephalon Simarus in person, at the Orcus relay (Mission was launched from my orbiter....odd). I returned to my ship and since I still had focus to grind and the daily reset had not come yet (was late), I started an Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. Made it to wave 3 but the host decided that 2 waves was enough. Great! Another host migration failure is coming. However, this time I successfully migrated straight to Wave 7, with another party and the portal to wave 8 open and counting down. We proceeded to complete up to wave 11 and I was rewarded with only the wave 8 and 10 rewards, not whatever I received from wave 2.

Back at my orbiter, the day has finally reset and gifted me with a daily reward. I then glance to my syndicate standing and see 15,000 remaining. Attempted to look back at my last mission results to see if I somehow carried over exactly 7,000 worth of standing from the mission started the previous day but, alas, the previous mission results were missing from my menu. Of course they were missing. Exited the game and returned later to see if the standing cap had been corrected, but no luck. Still at 15,000 available.

I hope there is enough information included for the issue to be looked into so I can return to the grind. Three unusual outcomes or bugs in just a half hour of play.

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On 2018-06-21 at 8:31 PM, Silentninja703 said:

Enemies are still able to shoot through Mass Vitrify.




I have seen this issue myself. From what I have observed, their bodies are stopped at the wall, but their weapons can extend through the wall and thus shoot from the inside of the glass. Not only can they shoot through the glass in this manner, they can completely bypass the barrier by rolling or jumping off a second floor that meets with the wall and they are suddenly inside. Void defense and Hydron/Helene maps in particular.

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Major bug with transference and umbra:


Almost everytime i use transference with umbra i fall through the map, this happens in any mission, its most likely to do with the fact that umbra is sentient so it somehow messes up transference while hes moving and you are switching back to him so you end up mid moving falling through map because your warframe teleports to you. Its hard to explain but it happens very often just by playing normally.


I think i might have figured a reproduction of this bug, it seems to be a client side issue, where you are in operator mode and you switch back to umbra, it forces you down to the ground if you are up in the skies. Using transference which if you do in the ground and not in air causes you to go through the ground. You can reproduce this constantly as client if you use transference on the ground.



Edited by Aleksi134
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I tested Mesa's Regulator and found something confusing, it does not give the player the damage it should give.

For the first test I used an unmodded Mesa and unmodded Peacemaker, which gives you following total damage: 125.1
Now if you equip Hornet Strike on it, this damage should be multiplied by 3.2, as it is the base damage, resulting in 400,3 total damage.
In reality you only get 235.1 damage instead.
The same thing happens if you use other values of power str on mesa, which should result in even higher numerical values, as the base damage of exalted weapons depends on your power str. You only get an increase of 110 damage from Hornet Strike.

If you test the same thing on Excalibur Umbra for example, the expected value matches the base value, which is based on your powerstrength in all cases, so in Mesa's peacemaker there is a calculation error.

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Click the navigation menu with your tenno, click jupiter, then up, in your profile click to show profile, then close that tab.

Then if u click back from jupiter, the tenno's head will" cut off" 😄


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Bug Related to Cephalon and encrypted journal fragments. Trying to access the audio portion of the fragment on a resolution lower than 1600x900 resolution is impossible. tried it and couldn't access them till I bumped the resolution up

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My W key does not seem to work all the time, I hold it down and I will be running then I will stop,I have to hit w again to run again, sometimes it takes multiple clicks it seems like its worse in eidolon, I've tested my keyboard in other games and it does not happen.

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