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Sacrifice: Tenno, you really want this? Fine! Let's do this!


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"Sacrifice" is result of our fixation on Umbra and constant annoyance DE to the point it became a meme. Is quest bad? No. It just feels rush, underdeveloped, and lack resolution.

"Sacrifice" definitely weakest quest in whole trilogy. After finishing both previous quest we get some major changes to way game works, but after final quest in trilogy we only got version of Excalibur, versions of existing mods and massive cliffhanger.

One more thing: wtf DE? who did approve those changes to UI? is it not obvious how bad they are?

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I for one enjoyed the ammount of Lore the quest gave us in relation to the backstory of the Warframe universe, It answered the long standing question of what and where the warframes came from and their deep rooted relationship with the Tenno.


For me Sacrifice has also set us up for the next big part of the warframe storyline, From here the Tenno are ready to "Leave the nest" as it were and become more than the Ballas/Natah proxies we seem to have been tricked into becoming.

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Why does it lack resolution ?

It finally answered the questions on what are warframes. This concludes the beginning trilogy.
Basically what is a Warframe and what is a Tenno.

People have being debating on what warframes truly are since 2013, now this is finally put to rest.
Then we can head to Tau now.

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1 minute ago, Nova73 said:

I for one enjoyed the ammount of Lore the quest gave us in relation to the backstory of the Warframe universe, It answered the long standing question of what and where the warframes came from and their deep rooted relationship with the Tenno.


For me Sacrifice has also set us up for the next big part of the warframe storyline, From here the Tenno are ready to "Leave the nest" as it were and become more than the Ballas/Natah proxies we seem to have been tricked into becoming.

Except it didn't.
Anyone who's been reading the lore entries up until now already knew Warframes were what they are.
This quest only shone light on this particular part of the lore for people who didn't go reading.

It was a nice piece on how the Tenno calm down the feelings of the original Warframes however, and an insight into why this certain Dax was chosen to become a Warframe. (against his will at that)

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39 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Except it didn't.
Anyone who's been reading the lore entries up until now already knew Warframes were what they are.
This quest only shone light on this particular part of the lore for people who didn't go reading.

It was a nice piece on how the Tenno calm down the feelings of the original Warframes however, and an insight into why this certain Dax was chosen to become a Warframe. (against his will at that)


While I was familiar with the hypothesis that Warframes were made of Infested technology, I found no such evidence on my lore exploration. Can you please point me to the exact information that hints at that? I read the entire codex, some of the synthesis entries, as well as Rhino/Ember Primes's entries. Noticed the Helminth interaction with Nidus as well. What am I missing? 

Edited by Tellakey
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2 minutes ago, Tellakey said:


While I was familiar with the hypothesis that Warframes were made of Infested technology, I found no such evidence on my lore exploration. Can you please point me to the exact information that hints at that? I read the entire codex, some of the synthesis entries, as well as Rhino/Ember Primes's entries. Noticed the Helminth interaction with Nidus as well. What am I missing? 

Rhino is a big part of it.
That IS Rhino in that lore passage, well the first Rhino, but obviously Rhino or Rhino Prime does not have a mouth to eat humans with.
It's an early stage of the Warframe transformation which was further detailed out in The Sacrifice Quest.
The Technocyte Virus NEEDS a host, you can't just give it some random flesh and expect it to patch itself into a living thing.

On top of that there have been plenty of bits here and there, like one of the Devs dropping that Mesa wears a blindfold because she enjoys a challenge, which means they have personality. (on top of the already blatant personality traits of the animation sets) The Devs have also skirted around the question of "are Warframes intelligent/sentient?" (not Sentient as in the faction but the concept of sentience) which was where the details of personality and Warframes came from.

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5 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Rhino is a big part of it.
That IS Rhino in that lore passage, well the first Rhino, but obviously Rhino or Rhino Prime does not have a mouth to eat humans with.
It's an early stage of the Warframe transformation which was further detailed out in The Sacrifice Quest.
The Technocyte Virus NEEDS a host, you can't just give it some random flesh and expect it to patch itself into a living thing.

On top of that there have been plenty of bits here and there, like one of the Devs dropping that Mesa wears a blindfold because she enjoys a challenge, which means they have personality. (on top of the already blatant personality traits of the animation sets) The Devs have also skirted around the question of "are Warframes intelligent/sentient?" (not Sentient as in the faction but the concept of sentience) which was where the details of personality and Warframes came from.

Well, this is little evidence. For all you know the Orokin found a way to create intelligent machines with mouths and personalities. 

But, I did some research and found even better evidence, also utilizing the Rhino Prime codex. 

So, basically, the Infested codex tells us that the individual infested acts in an animalistic way. Rhino in the Codex, does that. Second, the mass is said to cooperate and communicate. Fighting infested bosses, this would explain how Lephantis and the Golem can communicate with us, "We are your flesh." Plus, Warframes are immune to the infested. Third, and maybe most smashing, is that every Warframe requires Nano Spores to build. This is a strictly infested material. Then you have tidbits like Nidus' interaction with the helminth and such.

Edited by Tellakey
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On 2018-06-16 at 8:08 AM, Klavinmour said:

Except it didn't.
Anyone who's been reading the lore entries up until now already knew Warframes were what they are.
This quest only shone light on this particular part of the lore for people who didn't go reading.

  • Nothing prior to this point suggested that Warframes were constructed from a single individual, that is all new.
  • Nothing prior to this point talked about the degree of infested tissue vs hard-tech present in a warframe.
  • Nothing prior to this point told us that the infestation was older than the weapons created to fight in the Old War

There was a lot of information here for anyone not headcanoning they way through the lore.

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On 2018-06-16 at 12:08 AM, Klavinmour said:

Except it didn't.
Anyone who's been reading the lore entries up until now already knew Warframes were what they are.

Only in a general sense. Plenty of things were still rather ambiguous:

Were Warframes engineered from scratch or did they come from a leper colony like the Z-kids? Do they have full autonomy that they choose not to use, and if so did they start with it or did they develop it over time? What's the deal with Helminth, is he unique to Nidus?

Quest answered all of these

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