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TennoLive 2018 - Ash Prime Twitch Drop!


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you got to remember that there where many times what they expected watching thus trying to claim it. so the server kind of did this Image result for head exploding meme


it will take them while to straighten things back out and figure out who got it and who didnt im pretty sure the code for the drop looks alot like humpty dumpty at moment and they have other thinks on priorotys right now like finishing up things at tennocon and destressing after the pressure of getting sacrifices out before hand.  give them time we will get it

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Adding my name to the que I guess. I also did not receive Ash prime as of yet. Watched the entire stream, double checked my account is linked. Have previously claimed other prime offers from twitch without issue. 


Loved the stream however. Super excited for the next year of Warframe!

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it's been like a day in here and there is no fix yet or at least news to let us know the progress...and still no Ash Prime...kinda ruin my holiday and my expectation as a new player...i'm make sure to check if my account link to my twitch account or not and watch their streaming from the start till the end...

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I feel bad about posting in this thread now, holy **** so many ungrateful people demanding Ash Prime and calling DE scammers and stuff like that. You people need to chill and give DE some time to fix this.

Edited by Neith7
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I know a lot of people feel the same way... and I know you guys are busy but I swear I did everything... I linked my account, watched the whole thing, and yet no Ash Prime. I have been on my computer all day thinking I would get mine, but sadly not. 😞  Please I like actually beg of you... I keep being underestimated for being an Excalibur.  Btw that livestream was sick!! I'm so impressed how that was just the demo. 😆

Edited by DiamondDillusion
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I'm a dumb dumb ignore me

What about the GuardianCon2018 glyph? Redeemed it yesterday, didn't get it. Tried again today cause I heard it was fixed and still didn't get it. Can't try again because it says I already successfully redeemed it.

Edited by calculusbandit
Made an dumb honest mistake
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