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When high MRs leave half way through a PUB mission


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You are supposed to be rewarded for your own contribution and commitment, not the failings or lack of commitment of others. Besides, this could be exploited where high MR's could essentially farm for their low MR friends, which is why it can not be a thing.

Don't call the community toxic for simply arguing against your idea.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

This entire thread has just gone to people saying they would rather their items go into the void and no one have them, as you don't get them, and #*!% everyone else.


Great none toxic community, guys xD 


Ok, I get it, no one wants to share what is not theirs to begin with.

The problem isn't, "I left so if I can't have the stuff then nobody can" it's that you seem to think others leaving merits you getting extra stuff for not doing anything but completing the mission you were already planning to complete. 


This would be like me working at a job with you where we both get paid cash under the table. Halfway through the day I bounce and don't get my money but get to go leave and take care of whatever I left to take care of - do you think the boss says, "Well he left, guess the rest of you get to split his pay"? No, he keeps it and you get what you earned and not a penny more. You do a thing, you get compensation equivalent to the work you put in, you are not entitled to theoretical rewards other people passed on by leaving.


Also, if this WERE a mechanic, I can think of at least 3 or 4 ways right now off the top of my head that it could be exploited for undue gains. Ignoring the fact that getting somebody else's rewards is an undue gain.

Edited by Lannen
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By default I'm a solo player.

Been doing slight pub stuff more often. Kinda. Sorta. Not really.

the only games I jump out of is if... actually I kinda don't jump out of missions I just do my own thing keep the objective in mind and work to complete it but honestly I just completely ignore what my team wants and just do whatever as long as it doesn't hekk up or detriment the objective.

So I probably have had leaches in my few pub game that I don't notice, by virtue/vice of not really caring what my team is doing. Unless they're being really detrimental to the objective.

Edited by TermiteFrame
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Currently MR 16.  I abandoned my group last night in an Interception Sortie within the first round.  The three other teammates had a spread between MR8 - MR18 (not super newbie).  

Mission starts and I go to capture one interception target myself.  Teammates #2 and #3 run to the same interception target and proceed to capture it together.  After that is captured, they refuse to leave it and capture any of the other two, leaving myself to solo capture them (which I easily do, but shouldn't have to).  Teammate #4 is AFK at spawn until after all four points are initially captured.  Teammate #4 then starts bleeding out, still at spawn.  I make a comment in Text chat saying "Whelp, looks like we're three-manning this."  After I say that, Teammate #4 respawns and starts running to the arena, saying in Text chat "Nah, I was just texting someone, chill out."  I don't respond.  

Teammate #4 proceeds to bleed out four more times in the next two minutes, while Teammate #2 also bleeds out two or three times.  All three of them are struggling to keep two interception points captured, while I am solo defending two capture points of my own without problems.  Interception Point #4 goes red and stays red this entire time.  

They start joking around in chat, despite the rough time they are having.  I type "..." and abandon the group.  Might I remind you, this is all in Round 1 of 3 in the interception mission.  If people aren't ready for Sorties, they shouldn't enter Sorties.  Sometimes three people will carry you through one, but in my case, I had three people who needed carries.  I was not in the mood for that.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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40 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

That's no longer a valid reason, seeing as how Limbo's bullet freezing was removed.

You bet your sweet bum it is. It slows down gameplay and is a nuisance as Stasis is constantly reapplied to enemies on the edge of the shrinking bubble.

Not to mention a high range Cata/Stasis doesnt mesh well with certain builds and frames. I need multiple enemies close by and active if im playing Mag for instance. Defence missions are the worst which is funny because thats where Limbo shines.

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hace 49 minutos, (PS4)DicedSevens dijo:

I don't know why but today has been rampant with high MRs just up and leaving a mission when half of it is done. It makes it so that no one else can join. It also usually leads to a domino effect where lower MRs or other players will either leave because they think the high MR did it for a reason or because now the mission will be completed slower. I'm always amazed when a high MR leaves because a certain frame, build, or abilities are being used that they just don't like or don't want to deal with. Instead of communicating that they leave. Don't join PUB and waste everyone else's time. Go to recruiting.


I would recommend that, because they don't get to keep these, the resources and experience they gained from that mission should be dispersed between everyone currently in the mission. This would help to lower the amount of people who leave the mission after one or more people have dropped out as you would lose all the extra resources. It also allows the few people who stay to not feel completely screwed over if it takes longer, harder enemies, etc.


This is just an opinion though xD feel free to add to it :clem:


Which kind of missions? As far as I know, the only missions that don't let people join once you do something (and the mission isn't over) are the mobile defense, assassination (once you spawn the boss), spy, sabotage (but, come on. It's just finding a console and hack before rush extraction) and maybe hijack (but still being the easiest mission even with the nulli field).

Other than important things to do, I just leave a game when: forgot change to solo in a spy mission and someone trigger the alarm and last less than 5s to fail. Or assassination missions when even when I ask at the start if all people know what to do nobody says nothing and once we reach to the boss they don't know what to do. As an example, I hate so much when I'm protecting one ambulas from being hacked, and even with 3 people supposedly doing the same with the other, this being hacked. I just leave. And the same for Kela and the starting pads. I can understand that you don't know what to do. But if I asked you and you say nothing, it's entirely your fault.

 And I don't know why if someone leaves their resources and exp have to go to the remaining people. They already get exp and loot from the leaver's kills. that just makes no sense.

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You realize that the stuff that is "lost in the Void" wasn't some object on the ground that the person who left grabbed before you could right? So why should you get more stuff if someone leaves, whether they left for IRL reasons or maliciously? And I couldn't agree more with the person who warned against the unintended consequences where by trolls would try and be especially trollish to try and get people to leave so they would get "stuff".

Bad idea IMO.

Also if you want to make a suggestion for the game it's best to post it in Feedback, not GenDisc.

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It's kinda funny you mention that higher MR players leave because they think there's something wrong with the squad, whereas atleast me, as a MR25, leave the squad if I feel as though I'm not contributing enough. For instance, if its a high level defense mission, and I notice I bought a elemental based weapon when the mission debuff is elemental enhancement, I leave so I'm not being dead weight. That said, I leave within the first wave itself, not halfway through; I agree with your concern that leaving halfway slows things down by not having a fourth player and creates a sentiment of something having gone wrong which contributed to that player leaving.

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I do leave if players are unable/unwilling to adapt to the mission profile and end up bleeding out out at a far corner of the map doing nothing that contributes to mission completion.

I'll rez a couple times, then if they cant learn, i have to go. My play time is for me.

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Been trying to wrap my head around this.

All I can say is you should never want to benefit from someone else's loss. Whether they have wronged you or not. That's a terrible view to have on life in general. I'm not saying pity or feel bad or anything to that effect. But you should be able to shrug it off and move on about your day. If it truly bothers you that much to the point of thinking you should be compensated maybe take a break from the game? Take a nap, get a snack, punch your pillow, and come back refreshed. Also realize it takes all kinds in PUB groups. If its truly effecting your mental, maybe do more solo?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

Don't join PUB and waste everyone else's time. Go to recruiting.


I love it how it's always someone in a PUG does something you don't like so it should be on them and not you to go to recruiting chat. 

There are certain situations where telling people to go to recruiting is acceptable..... this is not one of them. 


1 hour ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

II would recommend that, because they don't get to keep these, the resources and experience they gained from that mission should be dispersed between everyone currently in the mission. This would help to lower the amount of people who leave the mission after one or more people have dropped out as you would lose all the extra resources. It also allows the few people who stay to not feel completely screwed over if it takes longer, harder enemies, etc.


...... also kinda really a not super great idea cause I will guarantee it will "encourage" hosts to go out of their way to shape their network traffic. By which I mean right before the mission ends they will temporarily block the IP communications from the members of their group. As Warframe is peer to peer..... resulting in them claiming all of "abandoned" loot. 

Which would just add a potential exploit and additional hassle for DE to track down and deal with. 

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51 minutes ago, Lannen said:

The problem isn't, "I left so if I can't have the stuff then nobody can" it's that you seem to think others leaving merits you getting extra stuff for not doing anything but completing the mission you were already planning to complete. 


This would be like me working at a job with you where we both get paid cash under the table. Halfway through the day I bounce and don't get my money but get to go leave and take care of whatever I left to take care of - do you think the boss says, "Well he left, guess the rest of you get to split his pay"? No, he keeps it and you get what you earned and not a penny more. You do a thing, you get compensation equivalent to the work you put in, you are not entitled to theoretical rewards other people passed on by leaving.


Also, if this WERE a mechanic, I can think of at least 3 or 4 ways right now off the top of my head that it could be exploited for undue gains. Ignoring the fact that getting somebody else's rewards is an undue gain.

The job comparison would only work if it was the same system as Warframe where you lose that day's pay if you leave before 8 hours or however long your shift is. You legally get paid that. When you leave half way through a 'shift' in Warframe you keep nothing besides a tiny bit of exp. So the exp can be compared to working 5 hours but only getting paid for 20 minutes (assuming your day is 8 hours)


I'm simply trying to deter others from leaving or feeling like they have to decide between their time or their resources. This isn't always the case however. Everyone might be on the same page of wants and needs and they might not be.

It's not your reward though. If you leave you knowingly give that up to the void, nothingness. It isn't yours. You gave it up. Whether it be to another person or nothing you now don't own any of it.


Edited by (PS4)DicedSevens
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12 minutes ago, Oreades said:


I love it how it's always someone in a PUG does something you don't like so it should be on them and not you to go to recruiting chat. 

There are certain situations where telling people to go to recruiting is acceptable..... this is not one of them. 



...... also kinda really a not super great idea cause I will guarantee it will "encourage" hosts to go out of their way to shape their network traffic. By which I mean right before the mission ends they will temporarily block the IP communications from the members of their group. As Warframe is peer to peer..... resulting in them claiming all of "abandoned" loot. 

Which would just add a potential exploit and additional hassle for DE to track down and deal with. 

That is a great point. Didn't think of that. I know this would probably make DEs jobs harder which is why I posted it in the general conversation and not in any official forum xD 

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41 minutes ago, Zyneris said:

Been trying to wrap my head around this.

All I can say is you should never want to benefit from someone else's loss. Whether they have wronged you or not. That's a terrible view to have on life in general. I'm not saying pity or feel bad or anything to that effect. But you should be able to shrug it off and move on about your day. If it truly bothers you that much to the point of thinking you should be compensated maybe take a break from the game? Take a nap, get a snack, punch your pillow, and come back refreshed. Also realize it takes all kinds in PUB groups. If its truly effecting your mental, maybe do more solo?

I'm only throwing out an idea to stop others from all just leaving.


1 hour ago, (PS4)SageHeed said:

You are supposed to be rewarded for your own contribution and commitment, not the failings or lack of commitment of others. Besides, this could be exploited where high MR's could essentially farm for their low MR friends, which is why it can not be a thing.

Don't call the community toxic for simply arguing against your idea.

You can't argue without a solution of your own or else all you're doing is fueling the fire. I see some constructive criticism here but most of the posts are assuming I'm weak, have no resources, or am lazy/greedy. They are attacking me personally as a player.


My whole topic was to stop people from being deterred on completing missions, new or veteran, because one or two people left. Sorry I phrased it as "high MR". Should have said "player base".


It's toxic if they call me out for assuming then start assuming on what I said up there.

Edited by (PS4)DicedSevens
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

Best comment 2018! 🏆

Just curious but do not many people know that his stasis doesn't freeze bullets anymore or is there another reason for hate here? I can see that ability not allowing others to test their abilities. However that's saying limbo basically can't play besides the peek-a-boo strat. He's an assassin squish xD

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Dude, if someone PM's me wanting to buy something I'm selling for 1-200p, I'm not sorry, this interception mission may be important to you, but it means absolutely nothing to me, especially in the face of plat to be made. Maybe someone showed up at the door. Maybe someone had to go to the bathroom. Maybe they got a phone call. And when you leave you don't get anything beyond direct weapon xp (the blue bar). There are plenty of reasons, don't take it personally. :tongue:

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

Just curious but do not many people know that his stasis doesn't freeze bullets anymore or is there another reason for hate here? I can see that ability not allowing others to test their abilities. However that's saying limbo basically can't play besides the peek-a-boo strat. He's an assassin squish xD

Well, I don't hate it myself, but I still feel it is annoying. It may not freeze the bullets, but it still forces you to be inside the rift to shoot something trapped in stasis, so I don't judge if people still hate it

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17 minutes ago, Hyohakusha said:

Dude, if someone PM's me wanting to buy something I'm selling for 1-200p, I'm not sorry, this interception mission may be important to you, but it means absolutely nothing to me, especially in the face of plat to be made. Maybe someone showed up at the door. Maybe someone had to go to the bathroom. Maybe they got a phone call. And when you leave you don't get anything beyond direct weapon xp (the blue bar). There are plenty of reasons, don't take it personally. :tongue:

Oh I understand that 😉 . I don't fully blame anyone and never said they must be leaving for malicious reasons. If life hits you, I get it. If you're priorities are different, I get it. If for some reason you can't type 'gtg' in chat, I get it. Power goes out, internet cuts out, someone at the door etc. It doesn't stop it from usually being a domino effect and making another one or two or everyone just leave. I know that is a personal choice to leave a mission yourself, and you could probably complete it on your own unless you're leeching. However I've been playing for 2 years and most users, over that span of time, have felt like their time is worth less. Just say "gtg" unless, again, you can't. It's like league, if you leave a match you're on a 5 or so minute timer. If you leave more than 3 times in a row then you get a heavier sentence. If you're internet is bad or a situation is happening where you cant control it then you should be wise enough to recognize maybe public gameplay, whether with friends or randos, is probably not a good idea.


It's like those with bad connections being hosts and dragging everyone else's connection down. It annoys people, your option is to leave or put up with it, but we have no say in who is host. Like we have no say in who you are PUBed with. There are solutions but it still makes people feel like their time is wasted, or less valuable.


There are so many situations in both parties sides that it's hard to speak of all of them at once xD 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)D00M INCARNATE said:

Sounds like a great way to power level someone.

Yup I see the massive flaw in that xD


Maybe it should be like league where if you leave, by clicking abandon, in a PUB match then you are on a 5 minute timer before being able to go anywhere in the starchart. Maybe a number of occurrences within a time limit will allow such a punishment as the first one I stated sounds harsh xD

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

Yup I see the massive flaw in that xD


Maybe it should be like league where if you leave, by clicking abandon, in a PUB match then you are on a 5 minute timer before being able to go anywhere in the starchart. Maybe a number of occurrences within a time limit will allow such a punishment as the first one I stated sounds harsh xD

So because the team I matchmade with isn't contributing so I don't want to play with them I need to wait 5 minutes? Yeah, no.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

So because the team I matchmade with isn't contributing so I don't want to play with them I need to wait 5 minutes? Yeah, no.

You shouldn't end up in 3 squads within an hour that you have to leave. If someone is trolling then you can report and leave. If someone is spamming text then you can ignore. I did state that the first suggestion I made was a little harsh. Maybe 3 matches abandoned within half an hour? That's a lot of abandoned matches within a short amount of time.


I do understand that you do need to leave sometimes though and you shouldn't be punished for justified abandonment.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

You shouldn't end up in 3 squads within an hour that you have to leave. If someone is trolling then you can report and leave. If someone is spamming text then you can ignore. I did state that the first suggestion I made was a little harsh. Maybe 3 matches abandoned within half an hour? That's a lot of abandoned matches within a short amount of time.


I do understand that you do need to leave sometimes though and you shouldn't be punished for justified abandonment.

If it's basically impossible to abandon 3 missions in half an hour anyway why should DE waste their time implementing the system? It's just a bad idea man, sorry it's a no go no matter what kind of "punishment" you offer from my point of view.

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Just now, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

If it's basically impossible to abandon 3 missions in half an hour anyway why should DE waste their time implementing the system? It's just a bad idea man, sorry it's a no go no matter what kind of "punishment" you offer from my point of view.

Then give me a suggestions? I'm not arguing you. I'm trying to work with you on a good outcome for everyone.


I didn't say it was impossible. I can do it right now within 5 minutes if I intentionally focus on it. If you leave 3 within half an hour either your situation isn't allowing you to play consistently or you're being too picky where you need to go to recruiting and find either higher levels, better gear sets, etc. Or somehow you've hit the grand slam of trolls in which case ignore and report is there and doing everyone a favor by reporting them is good.

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