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In-game report feature maybe?


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So this idea came from another thread and naturally comes from other games. That's an automated report feature, to break this down and to state very clearly now:

DISCLAIMER: Numbers used are just there to spitball and what I personally think might be okay, I don't have access to how many reports are done in a day and might appear to be harsh to others but I am a barbarian by name and a barbarian by nature so feel free to take these numbers with a grain of salt or better yet, suggest what you might think is okay. 

This is NOT a kick system just a report system that will help automate and take less of the supports time to deal with actual problem players.

Where you can click the "show info" during a mission on a player I believe there should be a "report" feature.

  • A single to 3 reports should basically do nothing apart from essentially put an invisible "strike" on them and logging that missions progress at the time of report and at completion.

Multiple reports I'd say 15-21 reports over 48 hour period should compile a ticket to be reviewed by a game master. This should protect players who have emergency AFK's like:

  • Cat caught toaster (this one time ... maybe best saved for another thread)
  • Player gets dragged into mission they didn't want to go into so AFKed to be spiteful.
  • Real general accidents or 1 off "I'm in a bad mood" sort of deals (everyone is allowed to have a moment of madness and not get completely victimised because of it, unless it was really bad)

The intent of this system is to go after the players that go out of their way to waste other players time by essentially acting like they are entitled to be a leech. I'll happily admit, I sigh and look at a lot of weapons to level up so I'll be lazy and EV Trin it up in Elite onslaught if none of my friends are online. Barbaric "I GIEF ENERGY U GIEF AFFINITY" sort of attitude. Which btw, if you EV trin in ESO please use corrosive projection, it helps with the Grineer armor to get them to die quicker. Much love thank you.

For those that aren't aware, it's an annoying process of multiple screenshots and then going through web pages to submit a ticket so a lot of players who do go out of their way to leech in missions are roaming around getting away with it. So, what do people think?







Edited by Joe_Barbarian
Not a kick system & Pictures of what i mean.
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///Jumping over here///

I'd have to say that the biggest pitfall for any sort of compiled reporting system one could come up with is with manpower.

I'm not sure what goes on behind the doors with DE and it's moderation, but for the most part we do know that most moderation seems to come from the community (IE chat moderation and the forums with lovelies like Letter13).
Regarding the help desk, it's clearly obvious that is direct support and not some automated bot, but I'd have to question roughly how many people are on hand any given day and with that their respective ticket work loads ranging from the simple, "How do I X" to "Game is borked DE fix please" and everything you could imagine in between.

From a networking admins perspective, we DO have a tiered support system in place for escalated issues requiring certain privileges or judgment calls. It's safe to assume ( though an assumption nonetheless on my part) that DE would have something like this in place already for varying severity of issue... But I bring this up because that would:

A: either require additional hands for a new ticket system
B: Require additional work load for those already handling these judgment calls.

It's really a management and implementation nightmare from either angle. 😞

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I see this as being rather difficult to implement, or at least requiring significant work.

It might be better to, for starters, just refine the in-game report feature, have some more defined categories, have a text box where we can fill in what happened ect.

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Thats why the suggestion is based on "X Player has got X reports for the same reason over X period of time" would create an automated ticket, breaking things down to just a numbers standpoint would show the important information. Lets throw out a wild guess at an example here:

  • Player Average Joe Slacker played Trinity for 4 waves of onslaught only used 5 abilities, dealt 1% damage, killed 5 enemies. That would be a strike added, further strikes will escalate to a ticket.
  • Player Average Bob Tryhard played Ivara in a spy mission only used 6 abilities, dealt 0% damage, killed 0 enemies, hacked an objective terminal. That would a false positive, but the automated system will ignore because met activity threshold.
  • Player Average Bill was in Bob's spy mission, he was the 4th in the group with only 3 objective terminals. Bob wasn't given a chance to do anything useful. That could create a strike. But Bill is an outstanding member of the community so only got reported out of spite so reports never escalate to a ticket

The joy of an automated system is you can create thresholds to what would be consisted an acceptable contribution to the group. 

Now would it be a nightmare to implement something like this? Hell yeah.
But was the plains of eidolon built in a day?
Was the Tridolons built in a day? 

I believe it is possible to create a system that can filter out a vast majority of false positives and let through the problem players get caught. 

Edited by Joe_Barbarian
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THE biggest issue i have with any online game reporting system is systemic abuse. I've seen it happen wayyy to many times to be comfortable with any community suggestion here.

Knowing how badly the gatekeeping elitist are in this game, i can only see THE very worse happen.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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1 hour ago, LupisV0lk said:

THE biggest issue i have with any online game reporting system is systemic abuse. I've seen it happen wayyy to many times to be comfortable with any community suggestion here.

Knowing how badly the gatekeeping elitist are in this game, i can only see THE very worse happen.

and this is why we aren't getting a proper report system, no mater how much people yell for it. in other games I play, such as Killing Floor 2, there's a vote/kick system and it's complete chaos. take too long to ready up? kick. bring a class someone doesn't like? kick. forget to defend an objective because you were swarmed on the way there? kick. get killed a few times because you're having a bad day? kick.

this would be what happens in Warframe if we had a kick/report system. fail to get enough damage because someone is nuking? report/kick. bring a loadout someone doesn't like? report/kick. keep getting downed because it's one of those days? report/kick. you see where I'm going with this.

all a system like this would do is let everyone be their own little dictator, kicking anyone who doesn't meet their often ridiculous standards. we don't need this, and we never will.

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OP you need to stop the nonsense plain and simple. what youre asking for in all of your posts just isn't happening, period. before you cry and write another vote/kick post with a different title (seems like you are appointed by your clan leader to do this) <> try understanding matchmaking  please I beg of you. 2 use the options for group play. 3 stop reposting these nonsense post.

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There is simply no chance for this to happening and be happy with it , there is no ways to Kick / ban people who AFK (well I do it myself time to time) , for report there would be massive abuse like usual (In anothers games that been released in mobile games I do report every single person that seem not legit maybe I'm reporting daily 20+ people myself alone and no way to know if I was right or not ) 

about kicking (since @ranks21 said you're also requesting about kick feature , this also won't happen for few reason:

-> abuse 

->mastery pride squad 

->not same key kick out

->for fun to Troll you out of your hard earned imagine Host kick you after 120 min survival because he want to have some "fun" or you said some trash to one of squad you know what will happen ^.^'

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5 hours ago, ranks21 said:

OP you need to stop the nonsense plain and simple. what youre asking for in all of your posts just isn't happening, period. before you cry and write another vote/kick post with a different title (seems like you are appointed by your clan leader to do this) <> try understanding matchmaking  please I beg of you. 2 use the options for group play. 3 stop reposting these nonsense post.

None of my posts have been about a vote/kick post. Even this post isn't about vote kicking.

Trying to go for cheap shots there little buddy, while you're hurrdurring making stuff up making you can quote directly where this supposed vote kick comment is hiding. 2. I do use group play but does that mean I cant have an opinion about players like yourself who like to make stuff up as they go along. 3. Dont like my posting then dont read it.

3 hours ago, Piercing_Rounds said:

Implementing this would in turn make the community more toxic. We all know this would be abused for the wrong reasons. Instead of destroying random MM, you could just as easily find people in the chat. Just recruit them yourself. This barely takes any time

How exactly would making the report system easier to interact with making the community more toxic? Please explain


4 hours ago, Chaosdreamer said:

There is simply no chance for this to happening and be happy with it , there is no ways to Kick / ban people who AFK (well I do it myself time to time) , for report there would be massive abuse like usual (In anothers games that been released in mobile games I do report every single person that seem not legit maybe I'm reporting daily 20+ people myself alone and no way to know if I was right or not ) 

about kicking (since @ranks21 said you're also requesting about kick feature , this also won't happen for few reason:

-> abuse 

->mastery pride squad 

->not same key kick out

->for fun to Troll you out of your hard earned imagine Host kick you after 120 min survival because he want to have some "fun" or you said some trash to one of squad you know what will happen ^.^'

I never said I requested a kick feature that airhead came in here saying I was out of his own delusions.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

and this is why we aren't getting a proper report system, no mater how much people yell for it. in other games I play, such as Killing Floor 2, there's a vote/kick system and it's complete chaos. take too long to ready up? kick. bring a class someone doesn't like? kick. forget to defend an objective because you were swarmed on the way there? kick. get killed a few times because you're having a bad day? kick.

this would be what happens in Warframe if we had a kick/report system. fail to get enough damage because someone is nuking? report/kick. bring a loadout someone doesn't like? report/kick. keep getting downed because it's one of those days? report/kick. you see where I'm going with this.

all a system like this would do is let everyone be their own little dictator, kicking anyone who doesn't meet their often ridiculous standards. we don't need this, and we never will.

Another post that automatically assumes "Oh he wants to change the report feature he must mean kick system when he didnt say anything about a kick system" Please stop assuming that every post is a kick system it's getting silly.

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it is worth noting that it is currently easier to report people for forum posts than it is to report people for genuine toxic behavior.

The report feature does need to be either refined or streamlined if for no other reason than to allow people with physical disabilities the ability to do so more easily when necessary.

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So yeah. This happened today.
It's seriously a problem when a player just openly states they are there to leach affinity and not even contribute. (was leveling his Kohm before he could "be of use")
FYI, Even though he was Nekros he was often 200 Meters away dying constantly and not supporting us with desiccate.



Yes they were reported via the support system, but still, this shouldn't be as constant of an issue as it is currently.

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Imagine , giving THAT power to players. They will instantly go into report-frenzy mode and report anyone who doesn't fit their " ideal teammate " category.

Limbo for example , many people will insta-report the poor guy just being a troll in their eyes.

I'm fine with its not being automated report system. Let Support deal with it.

Perfectly explained ;

On 2018-08-04 at 2:22 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

this would be what happens in Warframe if we had a kick/report system. fail to get enough damage because someone is nuking? report. bring a loadout someone doesn't like? report. keep getting downed because it's one of those days? report. you see where I'm going with this.

all a system like this would do is let everyone be their own little dictator, kicking reporting anyone who doesn't meet their often ridiculous standards. we don't need this, and we never will.

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11 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

Imagine , giving THAT power to players. They will instantly go into report-frenzy mode and report anyone who doesn't fit their " ideal teammate " category.

Limbo for example , many people will insta-report the poor guy just being a troll in their eyes.

I'm fine with its not being automated report system. Let Support deal with it.

Perfectly explained ;

At this point I just want it to be made more obvious that this type of activity is not allowed and actually punishable. In nearly 4 years playing the game it's become a problem more so than ever and it seems to be based around players thinking this is okay if only annoying to others.
If we're talking about lower level stuff, it's no sweat to me at all as a player may just simply not be able to catch up and if anything I'm more than okay with that for new players. But, when it comes to something like Onslaught or Kuva survival it's just not acceptable to act this way and expect it to be okay.

I think prevention would be worth way more than a cure in this case but something could be done to streamline the system, not necessarily an auto report feature that could potentially be abused but something as it's getting out of hand and way more common than anyone would like to see. 

OP did suggest a sort of cumulative ticket system with a threshold that once reached could then go over to support for review rather than auto kicking or removing the player.

Edited by RetroNomad
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The very first change I'd make to that would be putting report player at the very very VERY bottom of the loadout screen. 

Cause you can not imagine the number of times I've either hit Profile when I wanted to leave a game or left a group when I was actually trying to check my profile. Because it's a number that is substantially larger than you would probably guess 😛


When it comes to the reporting an AFK/Leeching player it really needs to send truncated game telemetry data every single time. 

Maybe not every single submission will trigger a review but that telemetry data will make it ezpz to determine if the player in question is actually a leech or if the person submitting is attempting to abuse the system, 

Edited by Oreades
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