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Your perfect Warframe - Which 4 Abilities would you chose?


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6 minutes ago, ghoffman1928 said:

Warframe’s endgame is fashonframe, Octavia is ugly, ergo Octavia is a bad frame

Er, excuse me, MY Octavia is beautiful and fabulous. Just because you're bad at fashionframe, that's no reason to throw shade at your venerable and benevolent goddess maestra.

Who hurt you? Who put this hate in your heart? WHO!? 😞

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6 hours ago, (XB1)SilverSurferGuy said:

Mirages hall of mirrors, umbras radial howl, chromas vex armor, exalted blade all with Umbra as the frame. I broke the rules but it’s more fun like this lol

Nonsense, use exalted blade from normal Excalibur. 


My choices:

Passive: Rift walk - restore energy, and get around easier.

1: Inaros's Dessication- cc and gain personal health

2: Umbra's Radial Howl- blind enemies

3: Nekros's Desecrate- helps with farming and getting needed resources

4: Nidus's Ravenous- heal team and help with damage due to the maggots.

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1. Zephyr's Tail Wind. (because plains of eidolon is just not as enjoyable without it, and I doubt fortuna will be any different)

2. Loki's Invisibility (because it's still one of the strongest defensive tools)

3. Chroma's Vex Armor. (Mad damage, nuff said.)

4. Mesa's Peacemaker. (Mad damage, nuff said.)

That would be my ideal kind of Warframe in the current Patch.

Including past patches I'd take Ash's pre-rework bladestorm over Mesa's Peacemaker.

Edited by TheDoodle
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Limbo: Banish - for stealth

Volt: Speed - well... speed xD also the faster melee attacks on heavier weapons is very nice

Mag: Polarize - shields and armor are very annoying; especially armor.

Nyx: Absorb - defense


Loki: Decoy - extra person :D

Volt: speed - GOTTA GO FAST

Ivara: Prowl - invis bro

Chroma: Effigy - another extra person :D


Ivara: Quiver - dashwire hook for easier fishing

Nidus: Larva - deals with the surrounding grineer

Loki: Switch Teleport - hijack a dargyn

Titania: Razorwing - get to the lake/sea faster


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