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Elite Sanctuary Onslaugh recent trend


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Hello, I am starting this post because it is becoming really frustrating to do this content for trying to level up Focus, or anything really, lately the new trend is people bringing a lv 30 warframe and 3 or less weapons under 30 to level up, with the goal of leeching exp and getting carried through it by the other players in the group.


I normally  don't check people gear or levels because most content in the game is rather doable with a small group, but Elite Sanctuary can be really hard if too many people aren't helping, and this is just unfair...


Today a guy actually replied telling me they are trying to level fast after I asked why he didn't bring one lv 30 weapon so he can kill something or come with a another warframe to assist, he said nothing. The run before this one, a guy said he wasn't leeching and all he was doing was running around as Ash and climbing things to stay out of range from the enemy, I asked him why he didn't bring one good weapon, his reply was "I can't kill anything here". Well? then...why join? Why not go do the easier normal Sanctuary where he can kill stuff and level like we all did before this content came out... slowly by doing missions and trying to be of some help.


Really! if you don't have a good weapon, go get Trinity (no need for prime) and get her to 30, put some strength and survivability mods on her and help by giving out energy or healing the group. There are other warframes that can be of help without need of Forma, an Equinox on Day form and using his #4 ability with some range and efficiency can CC the enemies and help out party to stay alive.... Octavia can buff, Rhino can CC and buff...I can keep going about useful warframes that can assist the party without having to kill all the enemies in the room, or kill at all, so please stop joining this content with the purpose of hiding and leech affinity from your party, it is not fair to them.


Can we please get a vote kick or a similar system where we can vote to kick a player who is leeching, afk, or not helping at all, majority wins, so if 2 or 3 people say yes, then that person gets removed from the party and they can keep whatever affinity or items they got... but at least they don't stay in the party getting a free ride in levels or free loot. Maybe this will teach a lesson to all the lazy players who just want to take advantage on the higher level to carry them.


Anyway... yeah this is a rant, but I am frustrated and trying to get my focus tree leveled... and tonight in particular it has been every party with people like this... its just annoying.


And to any replies telling me to just leave and start a new mission, I do that, but it is getting worse, to the point where every group has a leecher.

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I understand your frustration, leeching was always a problem and it is getting worse when even experienced players do this and newer players copy this behaviour. Although such behaviour is not fair please keep in mind that this was public lobby, you potentially could avoid this situation by forming a group. Vote kick would be easily abusable, potentially used for trolling, in my opinion it is not best solution to this problem. I think DE could develop report system more to include more categories (like leeching) and automated warnings / bans for players with many reports, it would give them incentive to correct their behaviour if they don't want to get banned.

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Why not go do the easier normal Sanctuary where he can kill stuff and level like we all did before this content came out... slowly by doing missions and trying to be of some help.

To be fair leveling anything especially warframes, especially after formas, sucks the joy, sanity and life itself from you.

The reason why they don't bring something that can help is they're either dumb or have nothing that can help. However I'm not sure what other people have to do with anything as single Saryn (and a couple of other dps) can solo onslaught anyway.

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Yeah, I guess it would be bad if people abused vote kicking people for no reason, though, any mmo I played had such feature and it was rare where someone did it to troll or unfairly because it can be reported as harassment, and so they could be banned for it.


But yes I suppose I will have to resource to using the recruit chat and see if anyone wants to do focus runs... hopefully people read and joins and it stops the frustrating runs for me. 


I think one level 30 weapon and two non 30 is fine, that way people can still do it to level up other weapons while using one to kill stuff, for me it is not doing a lot or having highest damage/kills etc etc (like said before, this content can be done with 2 prepared people just fine), it is just how wrong it is to come in to purposely do nothing to help the group and get  affinity just by running around or hide and move once in a while to avoid the afk timer. 


Who knows, maybe the affinity share is way too leecher friendly, and maybe they should make it so people need to be attacking at least one enemy or interact with your group member in some way as buffing, healing, or something, so they get affinity? >.< no idea, but well.. I will use recruit chat... from now on.


Thank you for the replies.

Edited by Vogue
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You can report leeching if you provide evidence that the user didn't actually help in a minimal way, usually that extent is rather rare, players often go for the straight afk route which is far easier to observe, as for leeching you likely need kill stats if relevant.

It really depends and the proof requires some common sense, are the players leeching or are they just doing things for the 1st time and having trouble? Sometimes players make mistakes in the builds.

This is my own conduct and you are free to follow another, i report and ignore for afk gameplay, i ignore if the payer is intentionally being supbar, just running around, i don't report under those circunstances.

You can however have higher standarts and report when you detect a substantial level of leeching, that is fine.

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6 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Well, DE could restrict ESO to level 30 gear only. It might help.

People leech in more than just ESO. Matchmaking changes would help the whole game, not band-aid one mission. A vote-to-kick system is not ideal in my opinion as it could be abused easily. There is no easy solution as stricter matchmaking requires more waiting around for missions. Recruit chat and clans are your friends. The best thing to do when you encounter a leecher is to make your own team as you can pick and choose who you want in your mission.

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oh I didn't know this could be reported, well I might start doing this if I keep seeing people sitting on tubes or hiding from enemy while not helping the party at all. Or telling me in chat that I a salty and it is ok for them to leech since they want to level up fast....

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20 minutes ago, BezNazwy2506 said:

you potentially could avoid this situation by forming a group

you're right, this might help as well, but I'd rather see an awakened conscience(aka sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior towards others) as trend

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I like you, no idea why, but your words are so true and right. Thanks... 


I was afraid in posting in the forums about this, most game communities are full of haters and trolls that will jump on anyone who is having a harder time with the game, but the replies have been rather satisfying and helpful, thank you all. 

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14 minutes ago, Voltage said:

People leech in more than just ESO. Matchmaking changes would help the whole game, not band-aid one mission. A vote-to-kick system is not ideal in my opinion as it could be abused easily. There is no easy solution as stricter matchmaking requires more waiting around for missions. Recruit chat and clans are your friends. The best thing to do when you encounter a leecher is to make your own team as you can pick and choose who you want in your mission.

yeah I guess vote kick could be abused too much, as it was said before, and a more complex matchmaking where you can pick what warframes can join, or restrict how many lv 30 weapons they have etc would increase queue times, but this could be optional, maybe, where you can use the fast match queue that we have now, or the more complex one and wait for it if you want to.


I truly don't like the chat in this game, there is way too much spam and constant scrolling, but I have used it to do radiant share relics, so I think I will have to use it for this content if I want to finish my focus tree without pulling my hair out or giving up of pure frustration.



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"haters" and "trolls" are everywhere, maybe you were just happy to post this as none of them was reading it.

About your topic:

I do understand if people use ESO as a good way of leveling up weapons, its understandable and at least they put a warframe level 30 minimum in, but having at least one good weapon with them even if the rest isnt good would truely help (or choosing the right warframe) they should in fact better act some kind of mastery requirement together with this.

Whats also annoying is the part with the people leaving out of nowhere after zone 2(!) already... thinking you "steal their kills" not even knowing about shared affinity...

(If i would have posted this you can bet people would only complain about me, just because its me)

Best thing about trolls and haters, just dont give a damn, who cares about the opinion of some random people in the internet? Let them talk down on you, let them complain, its not important. Its more important that you post things like this so the Devs (DE) sees about the problem specially if more join in and also write down they have the same problem about it.

EDIT: By the way we should maybe upvote this topic a bit more so DE maybe takes notice of this a little faster

Edited by Dark_RRiderr
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1 minute ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

"haters" and "trolls" are everywhere, maybe you were just happy to post this as none of them was reading it.

About your topic:

I do understand if people use ESO as a good way of leveling up weapons, its understandable and at least they put a warframe level 30 minimum in, but having at least one good weapon with them even if the rest isnt good would truely help (or choosing the right warframe) they should in fact better act some kind of mastery requirement together with this.

Whats also annoying is the part with the people leaving out of nowhere after zone 2(!) already... thinking you "steal their kills" not even knowing about shared affinity...

(If i would have posted this you can bet people would only complain about me, just because its me)

Best thing about trolls and haters, just dont give a damn, who cares about the opinion of some random people in the internet? Let them talk down on you, let them complain, its not important. Its more important that you post things like this so the Devs (DE) sees about the problem specially if more join in and also write down they have the same problem about it.

Yeah the quitters at the first 4 rounds is just weird to me, but for those I am fine with just exiting and sometimes I tell the remaining members I am starting again to get a full group. Sometimes we go together as group, other times they leave and I cross my fingers for a good team.


For me it is all about the principle behind it, the leechers, they are the only ones that anger me, and when I leave, I am failing to the other team members that were helping out, but lately I just inform them in chat and hope they don't get too annoyed about it, I simply do not want to help leechers, thats a big NO for me, it has been in every game, and probably will always be. If you want to leech, go with friends that are ok with it... I won't lie and say I never done it, I have, but only in a private group of just friends who wanted to carry me, or understood I was busy with irl stuff and had to afk sometimes.

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31 minutes ago, Voltage said:

People leech in more than just ESO. Matchmaking changes would help the whole game, not band-aid one mission. A vote-to-kick system is not ideal in my opinion as it could be abused easily. There is no easy solution as stricter matchmaking requires more waiting around for missions. Recruit chat and clans are your friends. The best thing to do when you encounter a leecher is to make your own team as you can pick and choose who you want in your mission.

I know and I agree with you. I should have clarified I meant this specific case rather than the whole game in general.

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1 hour ago, Vogue said:

For me it is all about the principle behind it, the leechers, they are the only ones that anger me, and when I leave, I am failing to the other team members that were helping out, but lately I just inform them in chat and hope they don't get too annoyed about it, I simply do not want to help leechers, thats a big NO for me, it has been in every game, and probably will always be. If you want to leech, go with friends that are ok with it... I won't lie and say I never done it, I have, but only in a private group of just friends who wanted to carry me, or understood I was busy with irl stuff and had to afk sometimes.

Well you need to settle down about it.  "Leeching" is an unavoidable part of the game and generally beneficial.  At some point you get the gear and are carrying most anyone you're matched with.  Which is fine because that gear makes the game rather easy and some increased spawns are just what the doctor ordered.

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7 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

Well you need to settle down about it.  "Leeching" is an unavoidable part of the game and generally beneficial.  At some point you get the gear and are carrying most anyone you're matched with.  Which is fine because that gear makes the game rather easy and some increased spawns are just what the doctor ordered.

To me leeching is sitting in a corner doing nothing, or idle in-game and move once in a while to not trigger the afk timer. Being under-geared and try to help while having higher level do most of it isn't leeching to me. And if I were to purposely need to leech something because there is no way I can be of help, I would ask the party members if that is ok and leave if someone isn't happy with the idea.


But well this is me, and I can be a fool for caring and not wanting to take advantage of everyone in the game =/

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