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  1. Having spent the last four years of my life investigating the kinds of people who do, I can say with authority: the fact you don't understand means you have a functioning brain plus a healthy moral compass. Please cherish and enjoy your life
  2. That's his point. Claiming that killing enemies is literally effortless and the REAL gameplay is just making your build
  3. It's a real stretch to claim Black Dragons aren't "one of the main dragons" They had to leave black out because they ran out of elements, not because black dragons are wannabe chumps
  4. The thing about Stalker is that he looks exactly like a Tenno Warframe to the real life audience, but every single character in the story can tell from a single blurry glance that he's something distinct and not-Tenno Necra-Loid, the Corpus captain during the Jade quest, and Stalker himself all repeat the same thing: Low Guardians are not Tenno. Something about him is instantly apparent and obvious to them, even if it's never explained to us. Maybe it's a case of asset reuse that DE was never able to fix and Stalker's not actually supposed to look like Excalibur? Maybe there were more users of Transference besides the Tenno? The why is eternally unclear, but the what is made emphatically definite: whatever Stalker is, doesn't count as a Tenno ----- I like your post as a whole but small details rub me up the wrong way. Remember that when Ballas says someone "failed" what he actually means is "didn't immediately surrender all agency and grovel at my boots." He claims the Sentients failed, but they didn't fail at their task. They succeeded with flying colors and terraformed the Tau system. Their only "failure" was not capitulating to the Orokin. Likewise, the pre-Tenno frames only "failed" because they were refusing to follow orders, not because their actual combat effectiveness was lacking. Overall I think your post goes over some good theory crafting but I feel you have the conclusion backwards: the introduction of the Z-Kids was to make the Warframes less autonomous. I look at this part: Your post feels like an argument against itself. You argue that the Warframes WANT to rebel, WANT to attack the Orokin, but would also be completely inert on their own, and that adding the Z-kids allows the Warframes to express any urges at all? No, I think the frames would be autonomous on their own, and the Z-kids are a measure to override their rebellious nature with that of a docile slave. I also think Jade starts the quest with no Z-Kid -- because if she already had one, then your player character wouldn't be able to Transfer inside her. Two people can't Transfer into the same Warframe
  5. I personally remember it only happening once. From 100 to 50, then back to 100 after 6 seconds, with each successive proc just refreshing the 6 second timer At least that's how it worked for players. I don't exactly have an old build to check if it worked that way for enemies
  6. Hema grind has never been good and DE refuses to fix it through sheer spite
  7. One of us is misremembering, because the way I remember Original Viral was "reduce the enemy's max HP and current HP by 50% of the values they were before the viral proc." There were some nuances where refreshing the viral proc could prevent the current HP from going back up to its old value when the procs wore off, but my point is: the way you phrased it implies the viral proc itself would instantly kill the enemy after two tics, which was not the case
  8. Archguns are a very curious case of being overpowered and underpowered at the same time Look at the Imperator: anti-vehicle machine gun, 300 round magazine with virtually zero recoil and a one second reload? Absolutely busted, the normal weapons can only dream of such handling. It was so powerful, and space enemies so weak, that 60% multi shot was all it NEEDED. It was a hammerhead shark gulping down a puddle of minnows Then DE moved Archguns into the main ground combat. The hammerhead shark now has to contend with bigger, nastier sharks
  9. Yeah that's because Ferrite Armor and Alloy Armor no longer even exist
  10. Another thing to keep in mind is that elemental weaknesses got changed Pre-update, flesh was +25% weak to slash damage and +75% weak to viral, on top of the +100% bonus from a viral proc. But now those multipliers are gone for everything except Corrupted. So if you were running pure Viral against Grineer, now the +75% multiplier is just gone and you're doing less damage overall
  11. Something I've noticed is that people on the "lawful" side of the lawful/chaotic spectrum want rule breakers to be punished. When we are in a bad mood we literally fantasize about it Yes, "we," because I'm speaking from experience here. If you're outright leeching in a corner in a squad with me, even if we both agree I could easily solo the mission without you, I'm intentionally letting the Jade Light kill you. You break the rules, you get the punishment But that's one half of the argument so far. The difference between lawful good and lawful stupid is when we look at the other half: how the Jade Light interacts with people who aren't breaking the rules: There is indeed more nuance here. If you have to step away mid-mission for 90 seconds (less than the actual AFK timer) for an emergency, I would be stupid and unreasonable to say no at that point. Call it out in the chat and I will totally cover you Let's take it a step further. Let's say you're not even AFK, what if you're just playing Equinox or Mesa, you don't use Natural Talent or Waltz on your build, and you're stopping to refresh your abilities. That's about 3 seconds where you're stationary... And that's enough time to get hit by Jade Light. Is that good design? To force players to move not just frequently but CONSTANTLY? It doesn't come up in most missions because Jade Eximus are rare, but it can definitely be frustrating in the new Ascension mode where they're about 75% of the enemy spawns
  12. Viral Corrupted shields are weak to viral, Corrupted armor is weak to viral, Corrupted health is weak to viral. Elemental damage is now a flat +50% or -50% damage modifier. No more differences between shields and health, no more differences between Corrupted Grineer and Corrupted Corpus. It's just a flat, uniform +50% for all Corrupted all the time
  13. I'm more than a little surprised Jordan Karris [thank you autocorrect] turned out to be an important figure to anyone in any way. Like, when I first heard the story, I assumed he was on the level of Jack Ruby, as in ultimately just some ordinary guy. Ballas could slip a bundle of cash to Karris and he would shank a b*tch on the down-low -- Warframes and Scoria assassins are more skilled and powerful, but they might leave a paper trail, while nobody is going to trace a slum-dwelling gutter-runner all the way to an Orokin Emperor. And when Karris was finally offered a cushy retirement he decided he was just done, and the legacy of an ant killing a god was better than wallowing away in guilt for the rest of eternity surrounded by clients he hated. But now Karris is some sort of mythical figure the Tenno and Corpus celebrated as an ultimate badass. Unless Parvos is heavily exaggerating for the sake of propaganda, this notion of gleaming warrior Karris really doesn't gel with the impression I got of him all those years ago Also how does Parvos recognize Ordis's voice when Ordis and Jordan sound nothing alike?!
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