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  1. We all tired that but there was no prompt. All 4 of us couldn't get him. Again i still think the capture target should never be allowed to have a jetpack to fix the problem instead of trying to created some work around.
  2. They like to just stay in the air and stay invul and if you somehow kill it it just kneels in the air and you can't get them and it bricks the mission. EASY SOLUTION. NEVER GIVE CAPTURE TARGETS A JETPACK. *Confetti*
  3. I'm annoyed they put no thought into the tenet glaxion and made it another chain beam. i hate the chain beams as they don't make sense at all even with all the crazy stuff in game. They could have given it a cool unique mechanic but they chose something boring so i'm going to stick to my vandal glaxion.
  4. Just another disappointing bouncy beam. Waste of a protentional fun weapon idea wasted.
  5. Yea but the explosion can only come from targets hit by the beam to avoid it getting nerfed into the ground where they nerf the ammo pool into nothing.
  6. Maybe. But i still like the idea of turning frozen enemies into ice grenades and NOT as an augment.
  7. You really let me down with this one. You made it so... boring. A magic bouncy beam? Is that really all you could come up with? That's it? All this time and that's it? Couldn't do a secondary fire called Polar Vortex that fires like a slow swirling cloud? Couldn't do some kinda Arctic Void that can drop a below zero sphere that when enemies walk over it siphons all the heat from their body and can instantly freeze them? Couldn't come up with anything more creative and fun then a Generic Corporate Brand Boring Bouncy Chain Beam? Something with more fun gameplay impact? Is this the future of all beam weapons that get upgraded versions? Boring Bouncy Beams? I guess it was my mistake to hyper myself up over it, trying to keep myself interesting in the game I didn't abandon like a lot of other people did. I'm just really let down because i allowed myself to look forward to something and hyper myself up. Now I know to be pessimistic with everything this game has to offer. Honestly if I keep it and not toss it I'll have to rename it Generic Corporate Brand Boring Bouncy Chain Beam. The GCBBBCB.
  8. Happened during a railjack mission but i suspect this will be an issue more and more. I went to hack a console and i was harpooned so i hit the cypher to auto complete it and it didn't work. So when i went back to try and use it again the console was bricked. I had to abandon the mission. Though you improved the harpoon to be reasonable it seems the harpoon will forever be this games nemesis. I think when you hack a console you should be immune to the harpoon otherwise it bricks your mission.
  9. Oh yea i noticed a weird issue. I'd be in an open hallway and go to use it and it would tell me i don't have a clear line of sight for some reason. No debris no nothing. I have to jump up before i use it.
  10. This has been a growing trend honesty. The easifcation and homogenization of everything. As soon as Hydroid was given a generic armor strip/armor up/power boost omni button I was sure this game is headed for genericsville. I get they want to make the game accessible to more people but it already is with some time and patience. Just a lot of people lack it and they need GO GO GO NOW NOW NOW.
  11. Right now i like the slow levels that cold damage has at the moment and by the sound of there being a stack change is the slow CC part gonna be nerfed in favor of the damage stuff? Cause its one of the few ways to deal with most of the overguard and enemy stuff and if suddenly a lot more things become immune to cold and it just becomes another generic damage increase then CC is slowly dying in this game.
  12. Then I'm surprised they haven't lost their sight to all of the other "blinding" effects in warframe.
  13. Now it just uses a hitscan rifle tracer visual and looks so underwhelming now...
  14. Yet its never there when something causes you fall out of the map and you fall forever into the abyss.
  15. My only issue is if they have to keep making scripts to handles all these checks and balances on things then there is greater chances for failure to happen which tends to happen quite a lot as of late. I had a bug where my operator dashed to a wall and I was suddenly hit with a fade to black and back and i couldn't more or see myself. I was like a fly on a wall and i waited to see if it would resolve itself but after 5 minutes it did not and I had to task manager close the game because i couldn't do it in game. In the labs. Another bug in the labs is i can be running along a hallway and it does another fade out and in as if i fell off a cliff and all my powers are disabled and i get killed because i was held in place by the random reset that had no business being there. In the end they are gonna bloat their own code so much that at some point they won't know how to fix it. They needs to stop their updates to the story at some point and sit down and focus on streamlining things. They need an update dedicated to stream lining the game Gonna use an MMO as an example. You have an ability and an NPC has the same ability. Over time your version of the ability changes and gets overhauled while the enemy you use to fight has the vanilla version. Then through out expansions more enemies get that same ability but in that expac's version. Now you have like several versions of that same ability which bloats the game. What needs to be done is just make them ALL use the same ability and adjust the damage based on level. Now its an ability with a slider and your version is augmented by perks and stuff.
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